Shut-in Magician

289 Carriage flights

Last time I was cautious because I had Coors on board and it was my first route.

On top of having experience this time round and round, Ferres was flying at an interesting rate, partly because Siu was the only one on board.

I'm getting strength day by day and I'm not tired of flying around like this. You can take a nap if you have time, but there's a place where you can stay all night.

For the cat-type rider, he had strength and his magic seemed to grow well.

We arrived on the ground about the middle of the morning.

The Rietos adventurers were out hunting for the Warcraft, and only defensive squads remained in the camp.

And there were some workers and slaves who helped yesterday, but they are supposed to take the carriage back to the King's Capital.

"You didn't have to put it in the wrong place. Good."

"Thank you for yesterday"

Everyone has gratefully thanked me. They said yesterday was still like a dream, and they understood their situation again at dawn of the night. He also said the adventurers were surprised when it was a miracle that there was life.

"I will never forget the royal grace I received for my help"

"I'm sorry I couldn't thank you enough."

and so on, so I stopped, and it lit up and waved.

Sorol came too and asked me worried about Luca after I lowered my head.

"It's okay. The Brad family I take care of told me they wanted to know what was going on and pick it up. Everybody's a good guy, and I'm not obsessed with being a half. Because I'm going to have you work as a domestic servant one day, but for now, I'm going to have you stay childish. I want to do my job in the future."


Even though I wasn't my own child, I was relieved with heartfelt joy.

Other faces were happy to know Luca would not have to be enslaved.

When he handed over his luggage to the defensive man and got his receipt stamp, Xiu was to return to the King's Capital again.

but I was a little concerned and asked.

"Were there any court magicians there?

Then, my complexion became cloudy.

"... it's not weird to arrive anymore, but it's not yet"


"When you came out, didn't the horseman fly like that?

Siu became troubled by his gaze. Exploring all directions didn't catch on.


"Right. What the hell are you thinking..."

"As soon as I got back yesterday, I also reported to the Guild Leader, so I was in a hurry because I was fighting for a moment and didn't move as a national level, so I was supposed to be talking."

"Yes, even the guild knows about it."

"Latricia is weird, even though the country was moving right when Steyburn took the lead"

"Oh, well, are you a Steyburn person?... you mean the incident that happened near Lowal"

The defenseman thought in, and, uh, sighed.

"No way. I have to move at a time like this in order not to have" The Tragedy of Satterfest "again."

"What do you mean, maybe I put it the other way about this one?

"... Satirical, you are"

The man smiled bitterly, then waved in panic.

"No, I can't think of anything bad. It's the adventurers who assume the worst, but I don't want to think about the national level."

I laughed ridiculously and slapped him on the shoulder saying I could go home now to Siu.

That's what bothered him, and Siu stepped up his omnidirectional exploration to explore the area as he rode Ferres back to King's Capital.

I didn't feel anything like a horseman, and I just found a large warcraft found in the mountains near Iceberg a little closer to the street.

It doesn't look like he's coming straight, but I've never been over there to be careful. The presence was pinned and stored on a brain map.

Returning to the Adventurer's Guild in Wangdu before noon, Yuri, the merchant's guild broker, had arrived.

"Ah, Mr. Siu, you're back."

"Yes. Um?

"I've been waiting for you. Sounds like a big deal. I can't believe they even drove out a kid adventurer like you."


The nerves that call it grandeur here are amazing. The eyes of the Adventurer Alliance staff were gleaming.

"So, what are you up to?

"Oh, that's the thing. Oops, I'm here. I'm here."

With Adoral came Siu's first-sighted official.

"It's Cole, I'm usually negotiating, so I've never seen you before."

Although I said so to Siu and greeted him with ease, his gaze sharpened when he stood in front of Yuri.

What can I do for you?

"Ha. Don't be such a pain in the ass. As a matter of fact, the product that you patented and developed is in the prototype stage, but it can be produced in large quantities. Trying to offer that to this crusade. The vendor offered to offer it free of charge if that's what happened, so it's up to me to come and introduce you like this. It didn't seem particularly problematic when it came to the prototype stage."

"You mean it's finally just right to try the product on site"

I answer with a bitter face.

As for Siu, I didn't know how to pinch my mouth and it grated.

Even Cole would have trouble complaining in front of Siu, who developed it. You think about it and you talk about it, so Yuri is strong.

"... what kind of stuff?

To Cole, who asked the question, Yuri laughed with a small smile. I thought my personality was a sadistic person, but I shut up wisely. I don't need an extra word from someone like this.

This is it. Go ahead, General Adoral.

Give me the furnace and explain how to use it. I broke the bag and felt how it would warm up in front of me after a while, and Adoral and Cole were surprised.

And on the spot, a decision was made when I put him in the next haul.

Instant summary judgment seems natural as a length.

Siu didn't have time, so he reported on the spot.

"I heard from the defensive squad that the court magician hasn't arrived yet. I came on my way home to explore, but there wasn't even any sign of it. And I think the big warcraft I told you about last night is slightly changing course here."

"Oh no..."

Yuri raised one eyebrow.

"The court magician hasn't answered yet?

"Oh. I've asked you many times, but you never give me an answer. I said it was urgent and I'm filing a request."

"Is this an urgent request?"

"Even if we hang up, they'll let us through. As usual. I use all other handouts, but the court magicians don't move."

"It's also in the king's ear, isn't it?

"I control the rush of the great aristocrats, so now it's like a handful."

"That's the usual"

Yuri had a look of contempt, and Adoral was snorting bitterly.

"... the defensive squad seemed to think that the Royal Palace might be willing to take this noise the other way and consolidate its defense, that is, cage it within"


"It must be possible. He seems familiar with the idea of something noble for the sake of the common people."

Yuri replied disgustingly.

"But the prerequisite is to defeat the Warcraft, which is supposed to be near the streets. Otherwise, that's what causes the big breeding"

Cole's gaze got worse.

"Sometimes it's about big warcraft. You're not going to wake me up outside with a warcraft stampede or a human stampede in the King's City."

"That's the worst scenario."

"If this happens, is there only a direct trial?"

Adoral exhaled a great deal. The face had a neighborhood, and I could see that I was quite tired.

Siu quickly took the potion out of his pocket.

"Go ahead."

"... you always seem to offer it this way"

"That's for the Director General to drink. You're turning it all around to adventurers, right?


"Drink in front of me"

Yuri was grinning slightly next door, and Cole had a pompous face, but Siu looked up at Adorall without taking his gaze off.

He ended up losing his roots and drinks me up all the time.

"... wow, this is"

"The chief of the scene is the one who shouldn't be tired, though an adventurer interacting with his life shouldn't be tired"

"... um"

"Good luck with the warcraft in the streets and what happens to the Wang Du depends on General Manager Adoral."

When I said that and I bowed my head, Yuri blew out like I couldn't stand it, and I could make a funny picture of Cole tapping it.

Adoral squeezed his expression and took the two of them. I guess we're going to negotiate the royal palace against them.

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