Shut-in Magician

290 Herd Crusade

We went back to the mansion for lunch, played a little with Luca, and then headed back to the Adventurers Guild.

Luca also seems to know that this is a tough time, and now she has waved "Good luck" from herself.

He also spoke lightly to Susa and Roland, so they all looked worried and dropped me off.

When you receive your luggage again at the Adventurer Guild, you fly on the Ferres.

There were more people at that time as well, and now he called his name and dropped me off.

"Ferrefang, come on. Yikes!

"Sweet, Ferres."

"Be careful, Sioux."

It was backup with a wild voice. Ferres turned out to be a cheeky face. Though it was ruined because my tail was swung hugely.

When we arrived at the camp, Rieto and the others were returning.

I told him a story with the guild chief because it was just fine, and that I couldn't feel any sign of a court magician. Of course, it's about the Great Warcraft.

Rieto looked sinister and looked up to heaven.

"I've confirmed the Nixlps herd, but there are more crowds to crusade that one. Not to mention some small-scale flocks of rock pigs that don't break people. I was counting on the court magician, so you're in trouble."

"... Mr. Rieto, but is it difficult?

"They're smart. They're targeting the blind spot exactly. There's no way to get rid of them unless they're exhausted. The best way to do that is through man-made tactics."

I put my arms together and got an idea face.

Siu also thought a little and opened his mouth.

"For example, what if it disperses? What about individual destruction?"

"A herd of about ten could handle it... any thoughts?

I saw Siu's complexion and got a serious look.

"... there is. Uh, right."

On the spot, a number of magic items were removed from the magic bag.

"So far, I'm the only one who can. From the sky, use this Disposable Bomb. It's not powerful because it's for stopping, but it can be dispersed."

"What's this?

"It's a super viscous gel. I can't move when I wear it. Um, have you ever seen a bug trapped in a slime?

"Oh, oh, that's... no way?

"That's right. It's pretty hard to stick around as well. For once, there is a release solution for when humans take it."

"... what the hell did I make"

"And here's the Four Corners Junction. This is also made of gel, so you can easily install it by dropping it from above."

The colour of everyone's eyes has changed gradually.

"There's also a Firewall, so I'll give it to anyone who gets attacked by fire. You can burn it all you want."


"And if you're alone, you can put them on, so if you use a flame or a thunderbolt from above when defeating the leader,"

"Well, don't be able to hunt where it's scattered."

"I also have a weapon called a mass projectile, so I can take it with me for about fifty."


"You can also hunt around, such as rock pigs. In order, start with a hundred. Next, then are you okay with the surrounding Warcraft?

Rieto and Gianni looked seriously at Siu.


He clapped his shoulders because he had a frightening tone.

"I'm highly combative because I have a horseman. Conversely, the Rietos who can fight without a horseman are even more amazing, and there's something wrong with this country where adventurers can't have a horseman."

"... Well, again, maybe so"

"I've been able to do this forever."

"You're surrounding the horseman, but don't even use it. Like a court magician who hasn't come yet! It can't be."


"You, were you angry? I haven't noticed because I haven't changed my complexion at all."

Sort of got slapped on the shoulder.

"So let's defeat the Warcraft with the people here and blow that reward at best!

"Whoa, that's good"

"It's an adventurous idea. Ha ha."

I laughed and lost my strength from everyone's shoulders. Of course, so was Siu, who was angry.

We all had a meeting and headed to the holding area with demon props and a pocket furnace for each of them.

Siu was a dispersed clerk from overhead and also a liaison clerk.

When I said I could use communication magic, it was incorporated that I could do that. I meant to be an aid, but I was definitely put on a crusade.

First, they headed for a hundred herds, but the Nixlps, stopped at the gel, were not even opponents of third- or fourth-level adventurers.

I'll stab the stops one after the other, so it feels good enough. I didn't think the sword was as cuttable as that.

It sounds like a lie to me when I think of all the trouble I put into dropping Hiems Grandelps' neck.

The idea of defeating the leader from above was also unnecessary. Because we surrounded ourselves fully in the junction.

When a woman named Domenica shot out with ice magic the moment she left the junction, everyone cheered warily.

Then it was cleaned up unexpectedly quickly, and another flock of 250 were headed this way, so it was to be wiped out once and for all.

The number is high, but it can be stopped, so it could be stopped by flow work.

Along the way, I took Gianni on board and defeated the leader, but even that could be finished with no problems at all. The lightning strike magic I saw up close was so awesome that I thought it was totally flattering that they lifted Siu.

"I didn't think it would be easier to attack from above the horseman. Ferres, thank God it's heavy."

That's what I said and I was gently stroking Ferres.

The sun just went down without being able to annihilate it, so I decided to pull it up once.

"The sweep could start tomorrow. It's dangerous to move in the dark, and there's cold."

"Even so, thanks to this furnace, it was completely different."

"It's amazing. Me, something that made my back pain easier."

"Back pain, dude."

They all smiled, although they looked tired.

"I've never lost my neck so much in a day. My arm hurts."

"Ha! That's right. I was at the butcher's, so I'm used to it."

"Though you'd be an axe in the first place. You remember my arm."


The defensive squad was cooking dinner and behaving to everyone, but Siu said no.


"I'm going to hunt a little rock hog like this. This time I'll leave you killed to get paid by the royal palace. I don't think it's gonna undead, okay?

"Oh, this land will be fine. But you're going now? Even tomorrow."

"I'm starting school tomorrow. After a little hunting, I'll stay back. Don't worry, I'll call you when it's over."

Luca is waiting at the mansion, and by the end of the day I hopped on to Ferres there to talk.


"I'll take care of the sweep from tomorrow! Good luck."

I waved and flew away.

In the darkening forest, thinking later, the Warcraft went with a mass projectile.

The method of compressing or taking only the demonic nucleus could also be found out when it was dismantled, so I chose a mass projectile as the quickest way to defeat it.

I was able to make some mistakes in an hour or so, so I headed straight to Wang Du.

Communications were put in on the way.

Rieto and the others didn't have any comm magic owners and no magic props, so they didn't reply, but I knew it arrived because it was a sensory metastasis.

As it was, I reached Wang Du while transferring and cheating just a little along the way.

I showed my face to the Adventurer Guild and it meant that I had searched for Adoral but had not yet returned from the Royal Palace.

For that reason, he explained the situation to Luland and asked him to make sure he caught the reward from the Royal Palace.

I was surprised to hear that I had almost finished crusading the Warcraft, Luland, but he was happy to acknowledge what the Sioux were up to.

Let's blow him off at best, Norinori.

However, I also told him that the sweep would take some time, as some warcraft still fell apart and fled.

I also didn't forget to sigh long ahead because I still can't get my hands on the maintenance of the streets that caused the avalanche.

Back at the mansion, Luca waited for me without sleeping.

So are the Susas.

Say good luck, Luca has run and hugged me.

"I'm sorry, take it easy"


I shook my neck sideways many times, but I knew Luca was crying. I guess I was scared to remember my father. Maybe I was anxious to see what I would do if I died to Siu.

I stroked your head so many times that you did something pathetic.

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