Shut-in Magician

Half of the 288 and the Beast Nation

Returning to the mansion, everyone gathered with a worried face because he had told them in advance that he might be staying.

He was even more worried about the situation of the little child in Siu's arms.

"Of course, I'll take care of it here"

Siu asked in dismay, as Roland, the family order, said with his chest stretched.

"Is that okay? I brought them here on my own. What do you think I'm saying?"

"I'm fine. Young people are not bound by such small things, and if you want a working child, you're left with the discretion to just hire them."

"... thank you, Mr. Roland"

"No. Besides, it might be good for this kid to pick it up here."


When I tilted my neck, my housekeeper Rico told me in a whisper.

"They hate the half of the beast man in this country."


"Because they say it's not pure, either from the people or from the beasts"

"... but there's nothing discriminatory about it in school."

"You don't seem to say it against a pure race. I wonder, too."

"Yeah, it is"

But a young man named Milt was half. But since it's a dog and a wolf half, is that the point?

Though not sure, I reassured him that the people at the mansion were favorable and good.

Luca decided to sleep with him in Siu's bed because he would be scared that he was just someone he didn't know when he woke up.

I also reported to Kaspar after dinner, but as Roland said, nothing in particular.

"Fine. Leave it to Roland. Why don't you let him go to school, too?

And well, it was a light one.

Dan said he wanted to hear more about the situation and told him to talk and listen.

He was just as pitiful as the Rolands were.

The next morning I was waiting for Luca to wake up and work on this, whether in the room or not, but she woke up pretty early.

Maybe I fell asleep last night without even having dinner, so I'm hungry.

"Good morning. Shall we have breakfast?"

"... siu?

"That's right. Something wrong with your body?

"Yeah.... good morning"

I guess I've been thinking about where this place is. And until yesterday, I don't think I realized it was a dream. Though his face was sadly cloudy, he tried to smile at Siu.

"You don't have to. Come."

"... yeah"

When invited by hand, Luca reached out and hugged him.

When I hugged my warm little body, my shoulder area twitched and wet. He seemed to be crying without raising his voice.

I did that for a while, and I stroked my back and rocked it, and there was this cute noise of guh-guh.

For some reason, Ferres jumped up and was flirting. And I gazed at my stomach. Did you just ring from here? He thinks so. I know the noise sounds because sometimes I get obsessed with playing until my stomach rings rarely.

"Nah, nah!

Speaking of which, he may be hungry, and he has complained, so Siu asked Ferres to come too, holding Luca, who seemed embarrassed.

"Let's have breakfast"


Wow and I followed along as happy as a child. Seeing that, Luca was laughing hehe and little too.

Luca was adored by everyone in the bribery room.

Though at first I was frightened by the maids dressed beautifully, it seemed as though I realized that I didn't have to be frightened here while they were tearing me apart.

Still not saying one of my best, so Roland was hiding in tears and whining that he was healthy.

When we had a nourishing soft meal, Xiu talked to Luca with a gaze.

"I'm taking care of the people in the mansion. They're all so sweet and good, we can take care of Luca together."

"... okay?

"Fine. So, from now on, I'm going to go through those formalities because I want to pick up Luca. A lot of other people are on their way to the avalanche, but once or twice, we have to transport supplies."


"That's right. In the meantime, Luca is so tired, she can't take him. I want you to rest here."

"... yeah"

It was a very small nod. I know I really miss you so much, but I know I'm desperately patient, and I'm starting to feel sorry for you.

But this is also a step towards independence.

"Will you wait?


"Well, Susa, let me take care of your sister"

"Me, me, I can do my thing."

"When your body feels better. Not now."

"... me, me"

"Now Luca's job is to take a break. If I can't, I'll be worse off. Then you won't be able to work."

"Oh, really?

"That's right. Luca's job is, first of all, to rest. When it's healed and well, now it's time to study."

He looked like he wasn't sure, but Luca nodded seriously.

I know how important work is. I guess I've been watching my father and the people around me working.

When Siu forgives Luca, he asks Susa for the rest.

Susa seemed happy to take care of her, of course.

"Master Siu was lonely because he couldn't handle it at all. Nice to meet you, Luca!

Luca was blushing shyly as she greeted the beautiful woman with a smile on her face.

Face to face with the Adventurer Guild, Ruland introduced me to a man named Skye who was waiting for me and was in charge of negotiations.

"In the course of yesterday, I found out that the father of that child had a slave trader named Chelso-Moncalvo. He seemed to have used it in the form of a loan if he asked for a job. I'm going to be in charge of picking up the kids."


Sciu laughed slightly tenderly as Siu carefully bowed his head.

"Safe, I plan to look for a foster home once I've picked it up, maybe?

"Ah, yes. I came to the conclusion that if I told this story at the Brad family I was looking after, given Luca's condition, it would be better to take it away at the Brad family than at a foster home. We also want him to go to school if he wants, and we'd love to pick him up. Luca is used to me and my maids."

"Really? You need to go to the interview again, but it's going to be just the shape. I'm sorry to bother you so much about the kids in our country, thank you very much."

So it was left to him to negotiate with the slave traders.

On the spot, he was asked to carry the goods and went to the loading yard.

Taurus waited for me, but I was bitterly laughed at because it didn't take that much effort to put it in the magic bag and it was over in no time.

"It's convenient, but be careful. I'd be scared if they found out I had something that expensive."

"Yes, but you didn't have to worry so much about King Lowal's capital."

"Really? I'm going to travel that way next time, but I wonder if I can get it. Auctions are expensive."

"... shall I introduce you? Someone I know needs to talk to, but they'll sell it."


"Instead, it's a policy not to sell to weird people. Even if you threaten, it's a system you'll never get because the seller and the maker are different."

"Don't threaten me"

"Haha. No, he doesn't want to sell it to the nasty, because it seems like a creed. Probably, I'm sure you'll be fine. If you tell me when you go to Wangdu again, I'll write you a letter of introduction."


I've suddenly bowed my head in reverence.

The two of us laughed afterwards, but I guess the magic bag will be precious by then. Especially in this country, as with horsebacks, they say that such items are bought up by the humans at the top.

Even Steyburn's rarity was unusual, but if you're an adventurer, those who had it were also flirty.

"Latricia has the Seeker School of Magic, and I imagined a more dreamy country when I heard she was a magical power, but she has a lot of inner feelings."

"Well. It's a pitiful story. Nevertheless, people in the upper echelons are everywhere alike."

"... speaking of which, an elf woman I know said. Nobles are the same everywhere! You suck!"

"Ha! That's not true."

Taurus was sympathetically hammering that an elf woman would be feeling particularly bad.

Then we discussed our next loading schedule and left the spot behind. As usual, I crossed Ferres when he told me I could fly from in front of the guild because it was a state of emergency, but for some reason there were more spectators. Everyone's face was excited, and Ferres, who was noticed and twisted, was both funny and hard to laugh at.

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