Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1799: : Nantian Dojo

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This time, this place broke through.

And it still breaks through the Tianjun Double Heaven, then Li Xianfeng does not have to think about it, he knows who is breaking through.

So he went directly to the sky, and after a while, he came to the ground of breakthrough.

"Sure enough, it must be Ye Xiaohu in terms of breath."

Standing above the ancient ruins of the ancient heaven, Li Xianfeng gazed quietly in front of him, and could not help revealing a smug look: "I was originally worried that Ye Xiaohu had no gains this time, but he never thought that he was still lucky. , Looking for a huge receipt, directly broke through a small realm. "

Reaches the level of Heavenly King, so it is undoubtedly very difficult for a fairy to want to break through a small realm.

At least most of the fairy, there is no way to do this.

For example, the master of the Helan Sect, he enjoys so many resources of the Helan Sect, so many years of hard work ... Realm is still progressing slowly.

But Ye Xiaohu is different. He is so lucky that he can always create records that ordinary people can't create.

"Originally, I was more worried about Ye Xiaohu, and once again lost to the top 100 qualifying matches, but I never thought that he actually broke through again."

Immediately following Li Xianfeng ’s master Nanshan, who came to Lixianfeng, he reached out and stroked his beard. He was obviously satisfied with Ye Xiaohu ’s result and said: “Do n’t waste the old man ’s opinion and promise him to enter the ancient ruins of the ancient court to practice. . "

The ruins of the ancient heaven are very precious resources in any place.

Even in Beidu, not everyone can enter at will.

Because of this, when Ye Xiaohu proposed to enter the ancient Tianting site, he was blocked by many officials from Beidu. But Nan Shanchuan directly agreed to Ye Xiaohu's request, and personally escorted him in to prevent others from obstructing.

Now Ye Xiaohu has lived up to his expectations, and actually did it.

Breaking through a small realm, it does not seem to be particularly insured.

But as a person coming from Nanshanchuan, he knew very well that this could at least allow Ye Xiaohu to impact the first 60 battles of the 100 Zong battles.

Is even playing well, and if you are lucky, you may enter the top 50.

The first fifty!

That was the result of the creation of the Jibei Xianyu since it was never established.

If Ye Xiaohu can do this, it is undoubtedly a great thing for the extremely northern fairyland, so Nanshanchuan is in a good mood.

Saw him turn around and told his subordinates to say: "Go, tell everyone, the officials who are on duty today will double their salaries."

Hearing Nanshanchuan's words, his subordinates could not help but brighten his eyes.

Double salaries, it is also a huge temptation for them.

After all, their salary is limited. Without foreign workers, it is too difficult to get more resources.

So he nodded immediately and turned around to arrange.

Nanshanchuan knew the other party's thoughts, but did not stop the other party. Instead, he asked Li Xianfeng around him: "How long do you think Ye Xiaohu can get out of the border?"

"Judging from the law of fairy vibration around, it is estimated that it should not be very long."

I saw Li Xianfeng thought hard for a while and then explained to Nan Shanchuan: "The fairy law practiced by Ye Xiaohu is not the traditional fairy law of our Helan Sect, so I can only perceive it from the gas field, he has reached the most At the peak moment, as long as you reach the top, you will definitely be able to complete the challenge. "

"That's great."

Nanshanchuan grinned. After all, he was not very familiar with Ye Xiaohu, so he wanted to ask Li Xianfeng. Hearing Li Xianfeng's introduction now, he has some confidence in his heart.

Just like that, they continued to stand outside and wait, their eyes full of expectation.

It was at this time that a huge muffled sound suddenly broke out in the ancient Tianting site, followed by a deafening roar.

"what's the situation?"

"It seems that something unexpected happened, it seems that it came from the ancient heavenly court, I am afraid that Ye Xiaohu's breakthrough has encountered obstacles."

"No? Brother Ye Xiaohu's talent is against the sky, and he is very cautious. If he does not reach the breakthrough level, then his personality will definitely not break through at this time."

"Then what happened to him, shall we go in and take a look?"

Sister Ximen and Zhang Yiman and others looked at each other, and they noticed a sense of uneasiness from each other's eyes.

At this time, the Nanshan River standing at the front of the crowd could not help but walk forward and said: "No, I have to go in and look at him, but I represent the best seedling in the extreme north of the fairyland, absolutely not There will be any accidents, otherwise we will be at the bottom of the extremely northern fairyland again. "

"Master Domain, please wait for a while."

Seeing things in the Nanshan River, Li Xianfeng rushed past and stopped him and said: "Please give Ye Xiaohu more trust, he will never have any accidents."

"But ..."

"Trust him, he will be able to pass this level, because he is a genius."

"OK then!"

Nanshanchuan and Li Xianfeng glanced at each other, and he found that although Li Xianfeng was irritable and restless, he was still very calm and did not panic like himself.

So Nanshanchuan calmed down a little bit, because he knew very well that Helanzong could not lose a genius like Ye Xiaohu.

Otherwise, even if they lost a lot of princes and Ye Xiaohu in succession, even if they participated in a hundred battles and received a lot of resource rewards, it would be difficult to support the future of Xianmen, and even unable to protect those resource rewards.

Just when Nan Shanchuan and Li Xianfeng stood quietly in the same place, and their hearts were very disturbed, some changes had taken place in the ancient Tianting site.

In the change, a person walked slowly out of it, and his whole body was ragged, obviously he suffered a lot of injuries, and even had blood on his body.

But he was still very firm, and a slight line of the corner of his mouth released a sweet, confident smile.

Looking at this scene, Li Xianfeng couldn't help laughing: "Xiaohu, I know you won't have any accidents, you can survive."

There is no doubt that this person who has just come out is naturally Ye Xiaohu who has been practicing in the ancient Tianting site.

It's just that he encountered a lot of obstacles in the most critical moment of cultivation.

So Ye Xiaohu gave up the past calm, natural breakthrough method, but chose the tyrannical, rapid breakthrough method, so it would cause the air pressure of the previous fairy gas to be unstable, so that people outside could notice that something was wrong.

But who is Ye Xiaohu?

It was a ruthless man who lived from the ancient heaven to the present, so he noticed the problem at a glance and made corresponding adjustments.

Under Ye Xiaohu's adjustment, the problems that had been exposed were fixed by him one by one.

After Ye Xiaohu repeated scrubbing, he finally solved all the shortcomings, let himself successfully break through the small realm, and reached the level of the coveted Tianjun.

This realm is replaced by the past, that is Ye Xiaohu's dream realm.

Because Ye Xiaohu was working in the Heavenly Court at that time, most of the fairy realm, that is, the realm of this level, was almost the same as himself.

The people who were higher than Ye Xiaohu's current state at that time were Sun Dasheng, Laojun, Jade Emperor Laoer ... and so on.

"I encountered some small obstacles, but I have solved them one by one."

Ye Xiaohu punched directly, and then released a shock wave, which directly touched a small mountain peak not far away on the spot: "My current body, without any damage, feels particularly good, just like eating Like some violent potions, the whole body is full of power. "

"Okay, just do it without damage."

Nanshanchuan's own eyes glanced at Ye Xiaohu, and he found that Ye Xiaohu's body did not have any obvious damage.

So Nan Shanchuan nodded with satisfaction, then turned back to Li Xianfeng and said: "Elder Li, you Helan Sect really picked a good seedling. In the future development of our extremely northern fairy land, Guizong Gate must help. "


Li Xianfeng quickly responded to the goodwill of Nanshanchuan, and then expressed his position: "Our extremely northern fairyland, whether it is past, present, or future, is the master of Nanshanchuan territory.

"it is good."

Nanshanchuan nodded with satisfaction, and then said to Ye Xiaohu: "Your body is all impurities, temperament is obviously a little ruined, so go back and wash for a while, we will talk later.


Ye Xiaohu responded to Nanshanchuan for a while, then walked to He Lanzong's lineup, and went to his own residence with Zhang Yiman and others.

Immediately after the help of the servant of the main lord's house, Ye Xiaohu simply washed his body.

After confirming that there was no problem, Ye Xiaohu came out with satisfaction, and under the guidance of the maid, came to the hall to celebrate Ye Xiaohu's exit.

"The place of this hundred battles has been determined. It is different from the place of the last competition. This time it was changed to Nantian Dojo."

"That place is very wide, not only convenient for holding hundreds of battles, but also many convenient places."

"So I will open the passage to Nantian Dojo later and let you go directly. But after counting the time, after you have gone, there should be no time for the game, so I suggest that you do not go to the inn to live, you can follow The Zongmen had a good relationship and met each other for a while to see if they could form an alliance. "

"Although I don't know the specific format, but I also know that one more friend in this world is always better than one enemy."

When Ye Xiaohu arrived, Nanshanchuan was instructing Li Xianfeng a little bit.

Before Ye Xiaohu was shutting down, then Nanshanchuan would not open his mouth.

Now that Ye Xiaohu has passed the customs clearance, then there are certain things that Nanshanchuan must naturally explain clearly so as not to pull down anything and cause any bad effects.

"Yes, the old man will do it according to your order."

Li Xianfeng nodded, but then frowned, "But our Helan Sect has been developing in the extremely northern fairy territory, and its influence in other fairy territories is not very large, so we take the initiative to contact those sect gates, I am afraid Those Sects will not promise to communicate with us or even unite? "

Li Xianfeng also has some helplessness, because the extremely northern fairyland is a fairyland established later, so in the entire central fairyland, it is a poor and remote place.

Helanzong is currently the only pillar in the extremely northern fairyland. Naturally, it is also a pillar that cannot be installed on the table.

If it were not for the Central Immortals to allocate all of the Hundred Battles of the Hundred Battles to all the Immortal Territories, then this time is hard to say, but the last Hundred Battles, Heranzong is definitely not qualified to participate.

"You are right, I have considered this point before. Fortunately, the place where the Hundred Battles are held this time is Nantian Daochang."

Nanshanchuan clearly knew this, so he laughed slightly: "And my Nanshanchuan came from the Nanjia of Nantian Fairyland, so after you reach the place of Nantian Daochang, you can find the residence of our Nanjia, and Explain the origin to them, then they will definitely arrange it for you. "

After the voice fell, Nanshanchuan directly escaped a token.

The front of the token is engraved with a full sense of "South".

On the back of the token, the words Shanchuan are engraved.

After Li Xianfeng took the token, Nan Shanchuan couldn't help but smile: "When the time comes, if you encounter obstacles, as long as you take out this token, I believe someone will help you solve it."

"Thank you Master."

In a sense, Helanzong represents the extremely northern fairyland, representing the Nanshan River himself, so everyone is a group of grasshoppers bundled together ~ ~.

So Nanshanchuan would do this, Li Xianfeng was not surprised, so after receiving the token, he returned to his seat.

Seeing this scene, the Nanshan River was satisfied with Ye Xiaohu, who had just arrived at the scene: "Your talent is good, and you can certainly become the pillar of my extremely northern fairyland with time. But you should not be arrogant, after all, outsiders There are people outside of the sky, so after reaching Nantian Dojo, you must be careful and careful not to provoke any strong enemies. After all, there are so many strong people in that place, who really has to be shameless, and if you have a black hand in the dark, we can hardly notice. "

Ye Xiaohu nodded, because he has always been adhering to the concept of entering the water without violating the river.

As long as you don't come to provoke me, then I will naturally not provoke you.

But if you provoke me, then I will not be polite.

But this point, Ye Xiaohu will naturally not elaborate with Nanshanchuan, because that will only cause the unpleasantness of Nanshanchuan, after all, Nanshanchuan is also a kind reminder.

In this way, the guests and the host exchanged happily for a while, until the time was almost running, so Nan Shanchuan called and snapped his fingers, and immediately a staff member walked in front of Ye Xiaohu and others and invited them to leave.

So Ye Xiaohu and others bid farewell to Nanshan River, followed the staff, came to a black hole transfer station, and stepped into the transfer to the Nantian Dojo.

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