Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1798: : Tianjun 2 heavy days

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1798

"Have you heard?"

"Ye Xiaohu replaced the prince in the northern capital, and actually won the battle of the 100 battles. Now, our Helanzong is the central immortal kingdom, and the top 100 gates."

"We are extremely weak in the Northern Territory, and there has been no strong sect in recent years. But this time, our Helan Zong was selected for the 100 consecutive rankings twice. Although the previous ranking was not good, it also means that our Helan Zong has strength and resources, and I believe it will be better in the future. "

"Herzong is better, then our future status will be higher."

"All this is brought to us by Ye Xiaohu. Without Ye Xiaohu, we would not have enjoyed such resources. After all, Prince Lone Wolf, regardless of the lives and deaths of our ordinary disciples."

When the elders wished Ye Xiaohu defeated the Blood Gate and other immortal gates, he said that he had obtained this hundred battles and immediately won the appreciation of all people. Xiaohu is very enamoured.

Even a lot of fairies, already red luan hearts, began to fantasize that Ye Xiaohu came back and took the initiative to date Ye Xiaohu.

The same thing, Ye Xiaohu and Er Lengzi and others will naturally know.

So the two of them wake up from the retreat.

"My God, Brother Xiaohu has created another miracle."

I saw Er Lengzi staring blankly at the sky. Although he didn't go to the scene in person, he also learned from Liu Guanyue's words how fierce the competition for the battles of the hundred battles was.

After all, this is a fairyland, and I don't know how many stars and fairy gates compete.

That wasn't Heranzong's internal game.

I saw Er Lengzi stood up with a headache, and then said to Long: "Brother Xiaohu's talent is so outstanding, and he still works so hard, even without fear of hardship, to go forward desperately. Compared with him, some of us are too comfortable. . "


Long Yi approved Er Lengzi, and then turned to ask Liu Guanyue and others: "We can't continue this way, so Brother Liu Guanyue, do you know if there are any places nearby that are full of opportunities? It is best to let our cultivation practice, you can In a short period of time, a place of rapid improvement. "


After Liu Guanyue thought for a while, he frowned tightly and said: "But most opportunities are often accompanied by danger, especially like this, the opportunity to quickly improve the practice, so I do not recommend the two of you to go, after all The two of you have just entered the immortal gate, and the cultivation is not very superb, and the immortal method is not very skilled. "

"You can rest assured that we have our own characteristics and will not die easily."

"Yes, Brother Liu Guanyue, please tell us!"

Long Yi and Er Lengzi looked at Liu Guanyue intently. After all, they had worked hard all along the way. How could they die suddenly?

Under their eyes' attention, Liu Guanyue could not help sighing, "Well, since the two of you must find such a place, then go to the East Lake Forbidden Land."


Gao Qingquan, on the side, heard Liu Guanyue's words, and couldn't help but say anxiously on the spot: "Can't go to that place, that place is too dangerous. Even if the legendary level of the Tianjun level enters, it will be nine deaths, even a lot of falls, absolutely not Fairy of the Xuanxian level, where you can enter at will. "

"So dangerous?"

"It's still a forbidden place, does it mean that no one has surveyed?"

"No one has seen it, then there will be a lot of resources inside, which is a good thing for us."

"Just go to this place."

Long Yi and Er Leng Zi didn't worry about the danger at all, so when they listened to Liu Guanyue's introduction, they went back and immediately packed their bags.

Looking at Erzongzi and Long in a hurry, Gao Qingquan couldn't help worrying: "The forbidden land is too dangerous, Brother Liu Guanyue, you shouldn't tell them."

"I know, but if I didn't tell them, wouldn't they look elsewhere?"

Liu Guanyue looked helpless and explained: "And let them go to this place, which is also a little easier to control, and Ye Xiaohu will be easy to find when he returns."

"Still Liu Guanyue you think clearly."

The Gao Qingquan brothers nodded suddenly when they heard Liu Guanyue's words, and then walked back to the aisle: "A genius like them can take such an adventure. People like us can still practice step by step."

"you are right."

Liu Guanyue agreed with the Gao brothers, and then said: "Let's go back to practice!"


Extreme Northern Fairyland.

North capital.

The main residence of the domain, where the guests live.

A group of Helanzong disciples came out of their room and glanced at the surrounding scenery with emotion.

"The scenery in this place is so much prettier than our Herzongzong. It is surrounded by immortality and makes people linger."

"Yeah! Living in such a place is undoubtedly very good for people like us, only the main government is not a place where we can come at will ~ ~ Today we can come and live in this place It is also a blessing for Brother Ye Xiaohu. "

"Yes, just because Brother Ye Xiaohu won the token of the Hundred Contests, so we can practice in this place, and the progress is fast and fast."

"Speaking of Brother Ye Xiaohu, it has been closed for a while, and we have to go immediately to the place where the Hundred Cases are held.

The disciples of Helanzong gathered together to discuss Ye Xiaohu's affairs.

Even Elder Li Xianfeng, who was chatting with the domain owner, was worried.

Under such circumstances, the owner of the nearby North Pole Fairy could not help but frown: "Use it, I will arrange someone now to wake him up?"

"No need to."

Li Xianfeng pondered for a moment, then said firmly: "After all, there is still a day of buffer time, and I believe Ye Xiaohu is a punctual person."


The master of the extremely northern fairy field sighed, and then communicated with Elder Li Xianfeng about the Helanzong.

After all, after the return of He Lanzong this time, no matter what ranking Ye Xiaohu achieved, it would become a relatively powerful immortal gate in the territory of the extremely northern immortal territory.

Therefore, as the local person in charge, the landlord of the extremely northern fairy land has reason to have a good relationship with Helanzong.

Li Xianfeng naturally understands this, so he knows everything and tells everything.

When the two people communicated to the most critical moment, a huge energy wave erupted inside the remains of the ancient heaven within the northern capital.

Aware of this, Li Xianfeng couldn't help but say with a happy face: "Someone is breaking through the realm of Tianjun."

(End of this chapter)

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