Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1797: : Good news and dash

at the same time.

Within Herranzong.

Sect Master Helan, who was in retreat, suddenly felt that someone was calling himself.

So he stopped retreating and came out of the retreat.

I saw that he looked up and found that he was his own confidant, so Ning asked, "I wish Elder, why are you calling me out in a hurry?"

For the Helan Sect Master, his biggest thing now is to work hard. As for other things, it is enough to leave it to others to handle.

Which Cheng wanted to hear the suzerain's inquiry, the elder who wished the elder with a look of joy: "Sect Master, we just received a good news."

"Good news?"

Sovereign Helan was a little stunned, because there hadn't been any major events in his memory recently.

Without a war against any sect, how could there be such good things as a good news?

Just when Sect Master Helan planned to ask carefully, he suddenly thought of a thing, and could not help but look at the eyes: "Is it a matter of a hundred battles?"

"Yes, it's a matter of a hundred battles."

Hearing the Sect Master asking himself, the elder Zhu laughed aloud: "Just now, Brother Li Xianfeng told me that Ye Xiaohu had successfully led the disciples of Zongmen, and won the Lao Tzu's hundred battles, and got me. The appreciation of the masters of the extremely northern immortal domain entered the ruins of the ancient heaven, and I believe that after coming out, I will definitely be able to go to a higher level. "


Sect Master Helan glanced at his confidants and found that the other party's expression was very calm, and did not seem to be lying at all.

This made the Helan Sect Master laugh out loud.

Then slap **** the table next to it, wanting to vent the joy in my heart.

But he slapped it in the palm, but let his breath stay for a while.

Immediately afterwards, a force surged from the heart of Sect Master Helan, and caused some confusion in the immortal power within him, and impacted the surrounding meridians.

Under such circumstances, Sovereign Helan hastily exercised the restraint of immortals and wants to change this.

As a result, he found that his body could not be changed.


After a few seconds, he could not suppress the tumbling of the body's qi and blood. Sect Master Helan directly spurted a blood of blood and his face became pale.

He noticed the Sect Master Helan in front of him, his breath was not stable enough, and he spurted blood.

Elder Zhu, who was always standing beside him, couldn't help but panic. He rushed over to help Sect Master Helan, and asked with concern: "Sect Master, what's wrong with you?"

"The old problem, a bad internal injury for many years, just a moment of excitement and no control, caused him to relapse."

Sovereign Helan Zong smiled slightly, and the atmosphere of the scene was simply dispelled. Then he looked to the elder Zhu in front of him: "We Helan Zong got the quota of one hundred battles and became the new central centenary. Zong, this is undoubtedly a big thing for our Helan Sect, so you will publish the matter later, and you must know this good news for all the disciples, let those disciples understand that choosing our Helan Sect is nothing. The problem is full of expectations. "

Enter a hundred cases.

Whether it is the first or the penultimate, then you will get the resource tilt.

It's just that the first case, the resources obtained are inclined, far above the penultimate.

But in the extremely northern fairyland, such a remote place of green hills, as long as a certain amount of resources is obtained, then it is a very satisfactory result.


Elder Zhu quickly nodded and said: "The subordinates will surely publicize this matter so that everyone of Heranzong can feel the joy of joining Heranzong."


Sect Master Helan did not doubt, and he wished the elders the ability to do things.

So when he heard Elder Zhu ’s words, he immediately frowned and thought for a while, and then said again: “In addition, you send a message to Li Xianfeng, telling him that Ye Xiaohu is doing well. But the battle in the extremely northern fairy field is far from It ca n’t be compared with the real Hundred-Zong Battle. On top of the Hundred-Zong Battle, there are too many arrogances, they got more resources and practiced earlier, so it ’s not that Ye Xiaohu can contend. You let him tell Ye Xiaohu Fight, do n’t fight in waves, and you must come back alive at any price. "

"no problem."

Elder Zhu nodded and said: "I believe that Ye Xiaohu is not a reckless person, otherwise he cannot grow up step by step and overthrow the Prince's rule."

"Hope! But none of the arrogance in the Hundreds of Battles is stronger than the prince.

Hearing Sect Master Helan's name, he couldn't help but sighed slightly, and then added: "By the way, I sent my Helan Sect's mountain guardian past, must save his life."


"Send it, Ye Xiaohu is the future of our Helanzong, and there must be no loss."

"Subordinates understand."


Sect Master Helan gave a command and wished the elder to immediately turn away with a bite.

Because he knew what the patriarch commanded, he must not delay.

But after he left ~ ~ Sect Master Helan did not immediately go back to retreat to practice, but instead stretched out his hand and rubbed his front chest: "Damn, the breath in the body began to riot again, this time. I have destroyed a lot of meridians in my body. If I continue to do so, within three to five years, I am afraid I will die of Huang Quan. "

If the words of Sovereign Helan spread the word, then there will be a storm.

After all, Helan Sect is not very old, and generally does not die at will.

But only Helan Sect Master knew that his body had reached the verge of collapse, so he frowned and thought for a moment: "Can't wait any longer. After this time Ye Xiaohu came back, he must find a way to seize his body, only Only in this way can I survive, otherwise once my body breaks down, even if my soul can still survive, even if I do not go backwards, it is difficult to go further. "

The body is the capital of an immortal. If you give up your roots and specialize in the law of the soul, then you are practicing from scratch. This is not a good thing for the Helan Sect Master.

Thinking about this, Sect Master Helan immediately snapped his fingers.

Immediately following the two masked men, they came directly to Sect Master Helan and said, "Sect Master, what do you command?"

"What have I prepared for you, how is it prepared?"

"It's ready."

"Bring it."

Sovereign Helan nodded with satisfaction, and then reached for something.

The two masked men who appeared suddenly did not hesitate to hand over what they had prepared, so Sect Master Helan took the thing and turned away: "Ye Xiaohu reminded me to exit after returning. People, do n’t bother me with anything, retreat alchemy. "Please use the latest domain name to read books on this site

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