Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1800: : Young Master of the South

Nantian Dojo.

It is said that this place used to be the site of Nantianmen in the ancient heaven, but Nantianmen disappeared directly into Immortal Realm after the destruction of the ancient heaven, leaving only a blank dojo.

So after the Central Immortal Kingdom seized the dojo, it rebuilt it, and finally formed the Nantian dojo today.

There are countless martial arts and forces within the Nantian Daochang.

But among these forces, Nanjia is undoubtedly one of the more important forces.

On the one hand, the people of the Nan family are the ruthless people who followed the Central Immortal Emperor's confidantes and follow the Central Immortal Emperor all the way.

On the one hand, the younger generations of the Nan family often have relatively good seedlings, which can continue the incense of the Nan family and make the Nan family flourish.

Because of this, everyone must give Nanjia a face, even if it is the most powerful official **** in the Central Immortal Kingdom, or Da Zong Men.

Even the domain owner of the Southern Celestial Realm, the first thing he took office was not to sort out his powers and responsibilities. Instead, he came directly to the Nanjia to visit and seek a way to manage the Southern Celestial Realm, so as not to make any mistakes, or to contact the Nanjia The conflict occurred, which shows the status of Nanjia in the Southern Celestial Realm.

At this moment, a warm dinner was taking place in the Nanjia mansion.

Because the head of the Nanjia family has its own responsibilities, in most cases, it is basically at home all year round. Therefore, this banquet of the Nan family was presided over by Nan Shanyun, the young master of the Nan family.

"What's the matter with this Nanshan cloud, he called us to hold this dinner, why didn't he show up, but let us wait hard in this place?"

"I don't know, but this Nanshan cloud has always been a dude, so it's understandable what strange things he did."

"Although that is the case, Nan Shanyun's talent is still good. If he cultivates seriously, it is estimated that his future achievements will not be much weaker than ours."

"Wasting time, if we knew that Nanshan Yun wouldn't come to see us, we might as well choose a practice room directly and practice for a while to prepare for the coming hundred battles."

"Huh, today's Nanjia is no longer the Nanjia in its heyday, we are just giving face to the older generation. When we grow up in the future, there are a few people who will give Nanjia face, then just Maybe. "

"Wang Changlong, be careful."

Nanshan Yun held this banquet. As a result, everyone was present, but Nanshan Yun did not come out to meet each other, which made everyone in the mood uncomfortable.

These people are the arrogants of the various ancestors of the Central Immortal Kingdom. They have outstanding talents one by one, and they are going to participate in this hundred battles, so they are very busy.

But because of the relationship between their family and Nanjia, they came to Nanjia after they came to Nantian Dojo.

Originally, they thought it would be okay to see each other like this. Which Cheng Nan thought that Yunshan had to organize this **** dinner, wasting their time.

Just when they complained one by one, they suddenly heard footsteps.

Immediately after they saw a group of people, surrounded by a man with a face like crown jade, but not very old, he walked in from outside.

Is just a quick glance, and the fairies around are staring at their eyes, and their hearts are throbbing.

Although they have seen many male gods, those male gods are not at the same level as Nanshan Yun.

"Master Nanshan Yun, you are here."

"Master Nanshan Yun, the old man looks at you with a ruddy look, it seems that she has been doing well in recent days."

"Master Nanshan Yun, I don't know if you have summoned us all this time, but what are the important things to negotiate?"

"Master Nanshan Yun, if you have any difficulties, although you can tell us to do it, we will help you handle it beautifully."

This group of immortals can live to the present, of course, they are all people who talk to people and talk to people.

At this moment, they didn't have the look of complaining at first.

Under such circumstances, Nanshan Yun smiled faintly: "Everyone sit down first!"

Nanshan Yun reached out and greeted each other, and then motioned for everyone to sit down.

Many forces closely related to the Nan family, after being ordered by Nan Shanyun, immediately returned to the seats they had been arranged at the beginning and sat down on the spot.

Noisy for a time, after all, the number of people is relatively large.

But when he noticed Nanshan Cloud in this scene, he groaned slightly dissatisfiedly, obviously he felt some noise on the scene.

But he didn't show it. When everyone was seated, Nanshan Yun smiled slightly: "I believe you must be very curious, why would I call you all in this timeline for a feast?"


"Also please Master Nanshan Yun's famous quote."

Everyone lit up, and then took the initiative to ask.

Under such circumstances, Nanshan Yun first raised the wine glass in his hand, and took the initiative to salute everyone who was present, and simply gestured.

Those who were seated below would naturally not refuse the goodwill of Nanshan Yun, so they responded one after another.

With such a glass of fairy wine in his stomach, Nanshan Yun continued: "Actually, Nanshan Yun is determined to be a prodigal son all his life. Every day at home, he spends his life at home. When he is okay, he goes out to find two chicks and live a happy life. Satisfied. As for what demons, what fight for power, what fights openly and secretly ... But there is an unpredictable situation, not long ago, I just received a message from my father, he hopes that I represent Nanjia, representing the battle of the Southern Celestial Realm in this hundred battles . "

Hearing Nan Shanyun's words, everyone's pupils contracted.

Then I thought in my mind, what exactly does Nanshan Yun's words mean.

In fact, the Nan family is in the realm of the Southern Celestial Realm, which is actually the first major gate.

Even if they do not participate in this hundred battles, they can also rely on the status and influence of Nanjia to obtain huge resources.

Therefore, the Nanjias rarely participated in the previous hundred battles.

But this time is different from the past, the Nanjia family actually took the initiative to let Nanshan Cloud participate in the war, which made the face of the immortal gate that was about to represent the Southern Celestial Realm stand out very embarrassed.

At the same time, they were also thinking, did they offend the Nanjia heads, so the Nanjia heads would cancel their quota for the war?

"Of course, my father also knows that we are not so good for you."

Just as everyone was thinking, Nan Shanyun continued to say: "So our father and son negotiated for a while, and finally decided to do so, let the ancient Huaxian Gate, which originally represented our Nantian Immortal Territory, join our southern home, and follow Our Nan family fights together. After the hundred battles are over, I will decide what kind of rewards to give you based on your performance.


Hearing the description of Nanshan Yun, the people of Ancient Huaxianmen were surprised.

They were keenly aware that things might become even worse.

This is no longer a matter of dissatisfaction with the Nanjia heads, but a particular dissatisfaction. It may even be a signal to devour their ancient Chinese immortal gate.

For a time, Gu Huaxianmen's face was very ugly, and he did not answer this question positively, while sweat continued to flow down the forehead.

"This one……"

The representative of Guhuaxianmen, an elder with a goatee, said with sweat on his face: "Master Nanshan Yun, is it that our ancient Huaxianmen did something wrong, so I offended Nanjia and asked you to show me Next, our ancient Chinese immortal gate will surely be reformed. "

"Where did Elder You say, how could Guizongmen offend my Nanjia for no reason? What's more, you have represented our Nanjia, the signature sect that is about to participate in the Battle of the Hundred Cases, how can our Nanjia dare to ask you Guhua Xianmen? "

Nanshan Yanpi looked at each other with a smile: "And this time, my father really asked me to do it, so I don't know the specific reason."


Elder You of the ancient Chinese immortal gate, facing the words of Nanshan Yun, suddenly did not know what to do.

But the young man who always sat beside him couldn't help it at this moment.

I saw him sneer and stood up on the spot, said: "Master Nanshan Yun, although your proposal is good, our ancient Huaxianmen is also willing to support, but this hundred battles may be related to the future of the major fairy fields. There must be no sloppy. So I advise the young master to say something, or not to participate, so as not to cause any damage, this is not necessary to try. "

"Oh, is the hundred battles so cruel?"

Hearing this person's words, Nan Shanyun couldn't help but smile slightly, and stared at the other person with a bright eyes: "If I remember correctly, are you called Wang Changlong?"

"Not bad."

I saw the young man of the ancient Huaxianmen, and said to his chest: "It is just below."

"Very good."

Nanshan Yun snorted: "So how do I take part in this hundred battles in your opinion?"


Wang Changlong thought for a moment and frowned, "Only if you have enough strength can you participate in the Hundred Battles. There is no other way."


Nanshan Yun nodded and did not oppose the other party's ideas.

Saw him get up from the seat, and stepped to the middle of the banquet venue and said: "I remember, you Wang Changlong is also in the battle list of the ancient Chinese immortal gate this time, participating in the hundred battles?"

"Not bad."

Wang Changlong proudly said: "The son is not talented, barely inside the ancient Chinese immortal gate, can be ranked the highest number."

When Wang Changlong stood up and refuted the Nanshan cloud, the elders of the ancient Huaxianmen knew that things were going to be bad.

But he wanted to stop it, too late.

Because Nan Shanyun had stared straight at him, and came to them.

Under such circumstances, Elder You can only close his eyes and ignore Wang Changlong.

At this time, Nan Shanyun grinned and said, "Since this is the case, how dare you fight me?"

Nanshan Cloud challenged Wang Changlong, which was unimaginable.

But now it has really happened. Faced with such a situation, the people of Guhua Xianmen are very gloomy, but the other Xianmen disciples are dissatisfied with the mood of gloating.

Although everyone is a fairyland person, but they are also in a competitive relationship, so they are also not happy about what happened to the ancient Huaxianmen.

"What dare not?"

Wang Changlong didn't fear Nanshan Cloud, but he snorted and came to Nanshan Cloud: "Since Master Nanshan Cloud wants to try his skill, then he will definitely perform well in the next time."

"Very good."

Nanshan Yunpi looked at each other with a smile and flicked his finger gently: "Come on, don't say that the son didn't give you a chance, now you can attack me first, otherwise I will wait for my shot When you do n’t have any chance to perform. "

"Asshole, dare to underestimate me?"

Couldn't help hearing the other party's words, Wang Changlong couldn't help but look black, and said furiously: "Since this is the case, then you have to pay for what you just said."

Wang Changlong at this moment has been completely irritated by Nanshan Rock.

Then Wang Changlong roared, and an immortal method directly killed Nanshan Cloud.

"Good to come."

Seeing Wang Changlong's attack, Nanshan Yun did not have any slight fear, but was very calm.

Didn't see any extra movements, so he stood there, waiting for Wang Changlong's attack.


Said that sooner or later, Wang Changlong's attack was quickly struck Nan Shanyun under the lightning and thunder.

Only heard a muffled sound, and Nanshan Yun did not have any damage. Instead, he beat Wang Changlong to the exit for four or five meters, and then Nanshan Yun stepped forward step by step: "Are you just like that."


Hearing Nanshan Yun's sarcasm, Wang Changlong on the opposite face couldn't help but blushed: "Don't think I don't know, it's impossible to eat me with your cultivation, you must be on your body, wearing something advanced Divine armor, so I can protect my body from being injured by me, thus bounce me out, which is not a hero. "

"Oh, it seems that you are not convinced, but this is no problem, then I will take off the Shenjia and confront you."

Nanshan Yun smiled faintly, and then took off his own **** armor, earning his own storage Xianbao said: "I just ate you a move ~ ~ Now you also eat me a move."

Immediately after Nanshan Yunhun went up and down, bathed in blood, and grabbed Wang Changlong with a paw.

Seeing this scene, Wang Changlong looked pale.

Even the elders who were not far away from him were trembling all over. Obviously they felt something was wrong with today's situation.

Nanshanyun, the former prodigal son, was completely different from the rumors.

But it was right to think about it again, after all, I have never seen Nanshan Yun shot.

Just as their minds developed, Nanshan Yun's iron palm had already directly hit Wang Changlong.


Without any hindrance, he penetrated Wang Changlong's body on the spot, and then Nan Shanyun lined up next to Wang Changlong: "Really when I don't know, did you just insult me ​​in the back?

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