Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1139: : All great people

On my day, that was the president.

There are also leaders of the s country and a series of senior leaders.

In addition to this love, there are some merchants with a high reputation in the society, as well as some people with status.

These people Ye Xiaohu had only seen on TV in the past, but at this moment they appeared in front of themselves. I have to say that this made Ye Xiaohu slightly surprised.

"Huh, there are actually fluctuations in vitality."

I saw Ye Xiaohu took a closer look, but found something different.

These people who could only be seen on TV in the past, Ye Xiaohu, were all cultivators.

Of course, practitioners in the West are also called abilities.

But this is nothing special, because they are the same kind of people as Ye Xiaohu.

"Sure enough, the world has changed a lot. I didn't expect to attract so many masters hidden in the dark."

When Ye Xiaohu sighed, Eslan naturally noticed his expression.

So Eslan walked to Ye Xiaohu and explained to Ye Xiaohu: "For those of us who want to protect ourselves, not to be deprived of their own interests, for power, for money ... In short, there are different reasons for each Next, we gathered together and formed a huge team. "

Ye Xiaohu nodded, he understood the meaning of Eisland's words.

After all, these people have been in high positions for a long time. As a result, after the resurgence of the heaven and earth aura, some martial arts that could not come out in the past want to stand up and **** their interests, their territory ... they naturally cannot sit still.

So under the tandem of some interested people, they came together a little bit and twisted into a rope, which also formed a group today.

It is a pity that the internal of this group is also not harmonious, it can be said that it is a group of rabble.

Once they are concerned about problems with their own interests, it is estimated that they have collapsed long ago and will not continue to condense together.

While Ye Xiaohu was emotional, a Western man seemed to see Ye Xiaohu and Eslan.

So he put down his companion, walked to Ye Xiaohu and Eslan with a glass of wine, and then said: "Miss Eslan, you are more beautiful now."

"Thank you for your compliment, but I have always been beautiful."

Eslan responded lightly, and then she said to the western man: "Slick, I asked you about things on the phone before. I don't know how you think about it?"

"Come on my thing?"

Slick froze a little, then looked back at Ye Xiaohu, and could not help but smile slightly: "Is this the thing of the Oriental?"


Eslan nodded and said, "He is my partner, so please help him."

"Why should I help him?"

Shrek shook his head, and then he said again: "Aslan, you know, the place he is looking for, but the site of the Satan group. That is a group of fierce and vicious organizations. We will not take the initiative until the last resort. Those who commit evil with them. "


Eslan also wanted to persuade, but was interrupted by Slick: "Islan, I advise you, you better not help him. Otherwise, when the Satan team kills the door, he can pat the **** to escape Returning to China, you and I can only be abandoned by him, and by then Satan will be utterly stern. "


Seeing that Slick had no intention of helping at all, Eslan couldn't help but anxiously said: "Don't your family want the products of Eslan Estate?"

"Are you threatening me?"

"Yes, Mr. Slick."

"For this Chinese?"


"You are crazy."

Shrek shook his head, apparently he had miscalculated the always shrewd Aislan, and actually offended him for Ye Xiaohu.

So he thought for a while, and then said again: "I can give it a try, but if I succeed, then we must increase the supply of the Eslan Manor product of our Sleek family by half."

"You are too greedy. Slick."

When Naicheng wanted to hear Slick, Eslan said furiously: "Don't forget, even if I only provided a part of it, you now have to increase by half, which is a bit too much."


Shrek shook his head and then said to Eslan: "I don't feel too much at all, after all, I have to take the risk of offending the Satan group for you."


Slicker's words made Eslan a little hesitant.

After all, this is related to the resource allocation of the entire manor, but also to the relationship between Eisland and the members of other organizations.

After all, the things of the Eisland Manor are of great significance to the major members of the organization, which is why the organization will absorb him into the organization.

When Eislan struggled and didn't know how to make the decision, Ye Xiaohu next to him noticed Eisland's embarrassment, so he took the initiative to resolve Eisland's words: "I can represent Eisland and promise your request. The premise is that you help me find my parents. Otherwise, let alone increase the share by half. If you count the share you have, I will confiscate it all. "

"Hua Xia, are you talking?"

Slick's eyes lit up, and the whole person looked forward to saying: "Don't count what you said, then Eslan will break the contract."

"Relax, I have absolute control over Eslan Estate."

Ye Xiaohu said confidently: "What's more, everything planted in Aislan Manor is from the hands of Ye Xiaohu. So as long as I want, then I can continue to provide you with a variety of products from China Resources."


"No falsehood."

Ye Xiaohu's words ~ ~ surprised the whole person of Slick.

Originally he thought it was Eslan's own business, but the big deal was that Eslan was looking for Huaxia.

But he never imagined that Ye Xiaohu was actually the big boss behind Eslan Manor.

So Slick glanced at Ye Xiaohu, then glanced at Eslan, and nodded cautiously, "I'm closing the deal. I'm going to mobilize the members of the council now. I hope you won't break the contract, or I won't be in the past. Also use all your power to destroy your Eslan Manor. "

"Relax, I Ye Xiaohu never fooled people."

Ye Xiaohu said sincerely: "The premise is that you are sincere."

"Relax, I'm definitely a sincere person."

Slick patted his chest, then gave Ye Xiaohu a look, then turned away and said: "So Mr. Ye and Ms. Eslan, you are waiting in this place for a while, waiting for me and the people in the council After the communication is over, I will come back to give you news. "

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