Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1138: : Participate in a reception

"I'm begging you something."

Ye Xiaohu took the initiative to step forward and came with a big hug with Eslan.

Immediately after, Ye Xiaohu and Aslan walked into the office together.

I saw that after Yislan screen retreated, Ye Xiaohu briefly introduced what he encountered, and then said: "Now my parents are missing, so I want to find them through Eslan. Direction. "

"Xiaohu, although I really want to help you, but Europe is big and big, and small and small, but it is very difficult to find one or two people in such a big place."

After listening to Ye Xiaohu's introduction, Eslan thought about it and concluded: "If you can delay some time, then maybe I can try it."

"No, no further delay."

The thing about Er Leng Zi at that time was that Ye Xiaohu didn't notice it for a while, and was arrested and taken to Kunlun Realm.

So Ye Xiaohu must not allow the Er Leng Zi thing to happen in front of him again.

And one more day, his parents will be more dangerous, which is not acceptable to Ye Xiaohu.

So after hearing Islan ’s words, Ye Xiaohu said directly: "Actually, I have basically locked two places, but I ca n’t determine which one it is. If I risk it now If it ’s too easy, it ’s easy to beat the snake and let them move again, and I wo n’t be able to find their trail. ”

Originally, Ye Xiaohu put his own soul on those werewolves who had fled.

But those werewolves have been killed not long ago.

Ye Xiaohu didn't know whether it was the werewolf's opponent, or their own.

In short, that place is no longer usable.

And the personality of the Isatan group, if there are any problems, they will leave cautiously, instead of continuing to wait for Ye Xiaohu to come to the door.


Hearing that Ye Xiaohu had locked two addresses, Eslan said a little differently: "Let's just listen, let me see if I can find some helpers."

"One on the east bank of the Rhine and one in the Maple Valley."

Ye Xiaohu briefly introduced the clues from his investigation to Eslan: "My parents must be in one of these two places."

"Is it all in the middle?"

After listening to Ye Xiaohu's words, Eslan said to Ye Xiaohu: "Xiaohu, my own ability is estimated to be out of reach, so I need to ask for some assistance to do it."

Ye Xiaohu nodded, knowing that Eslan couldn't do it himself.

So Ye Xiaohu looked at Eslan quietly, and after thinking about it for a while, Eslan replied: "But I met a person not long ago and joined him in an organization. I met some mysterious people, and they happen to have some influence in the middle. I think I can try to help you search for your destination through them. "

"Is there any difficulty?"

Ye Xiaohu knew that Eslan had said so, there must be something to say, so Ye Xiaohu actively asked: "If anything is difficult, you can tell me Eslan."

"There are indeed some embarrassing points."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's inquiry, Eslan smiled bitterly: "You also know that I got the attention of Ye family products in the manor. So if we want to ask them for help, it will be given They have some advantages to move their hearts. "

"I know."

Ye Xiaohu thought for a while, then said to Eslan: "In this way, you can discuss with them and tell them that the second generation of our Yejia products can be given to them first. After they have enough demand, they will face the market. roll out."

This is Ye Xiaohu's great sincerity, because he knows how important the second-generation Ye family's products are for a cultivator.

If there is a group of cultivators behind Aislan, they can feel Ye Xiaohu's sincerity.

"I'm calling to ask now."

Aslan heard Ye Xiaohu's words, he immediately took out his phone and dialed a familiar number.

Immediately after the two people were on the phone, using English to communicate for a while, Eslan put down the phone in his hand and said to Ye Xiaohu: "Xiaohu, they invited you to a dinner party to decide this matter."


Ye Xiaohu glanced at the time, there were two or three hours left.

So Ye Xiaohu stretched a lazy waist and said to Eslan: "I will deal with the estate first to make sure that the second generation of the Ye family's products can be grown smoothly. You will come to me after the time is up. "

"it is good."

After Eslan heard Ye Xiaohu's words, she also went to explain the things about the manor. After all, she would leave Ye Xiaohu later.

So when Aslan explained the department's supervisor, Ye Xiaohu had left the office and went straight to the place where the formation was originally arranged.

With the first time, then the second time came calmly.

So Ye Xiaohu directly found the destination, and used his own means to change the formation of this place, and increase the heaven and earth aura.

At the same time, Ye Xiaohu changed the terrain again, trying to let the heaven and earth aura in the formation move towards the route he specified.

In this way, Eisland ’s estate can grow its leafy vegetables according to its own regulations.

After all, the first and second generations have different values ​​and can adapt to different needs.

After confirming that there was no problem with the terrain, Ye Xiaohu found Yao Dazhuang again, and asked him for some second-generation Yejiacai seeds, and then planted a batch of them himself.

After planting ~ ~ Ye Xiaohu personally observed the growth of Yejiacai.

Results The second-generation Yejiacai grew at a rapid rate under the planting of Ye Xiaohu, and was completely different from the previous whispers.

After confirming that there is no problem, Ye Xiaohu contentedly ordered Yao Dazhuang, where and what kind of Yejia second-generation products were planted.

After Ye Xiaohu's order was completed, time passed quickly.

So Ye Xiaohu glanced at the sky, and he explained the rest of the work to Yao Dazhuang and asked him to take his staff to complete it.

Then he found Eslan by himself, and after finishing the appearance briefly, Ye Xiaohu followed Eslan directly to the place where the reception was today.

However, for the first time to participate in the Western opportunity, Ye Xiaohu felt very curious, so he kept looking around.

As a result, when Ye Xiaohu saw the person coming, he couldn't help but have some stunned eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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