Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1137: : Manor problem

After determining the approximate direction, Ye Xiaohu walked into Eslan's manor.

As a result, he walked into the manor and did not take a few steps.

Ye Xiaohu saw a group of foreigners rush out and surrounded Ye Xiaohu inside.

"Hua Xia, or other Asians?"

"What are you doing, why did you suddenly break into our manor?"

"You didn't see a sign outside, stating that no stranger should enter?"

"Go out quickly, otherwise don't blame us for being rude to you."

Although he speaks English, Ye Xiaohu can clearly distinguish it, and there is no violation.


Ye Xiaohu just wanted to explain, and it was at this time that a Chinese person appeared in Ye Xiaohu's sight.

So Ye Xiaohu closed his mouth and waited for a while, the Chinese man could not help but exclaimed: "Boss, why are you here?"

"My parents have something wrong, so I came to Europe to deal with it for a while and take a look at how the manor is doing."

Ye Xiaohu knew this person because he was one of the members who transferred to the European branch to help Eisland.

Later, after other people returned to China, he did not follow the team back, because he knew a woman who belonged to him in the manor.

When Ye Xiaohu saw this person, he immediately asked, "Yao Dazhuang, what about Miss Eslan?"

"Miss Islan is in the office."

Yao Dazhuang smiled generously and then said to Ye Xiaohu: "Boss, you are looking for Miss Eslan, then I will take you."


Yao Dazhuang smiled, and then took the initiative to leave Ye Xiaohu.

As a result, just a few steps away, those Western men refused to give in.

This made Yao Dazhuang's face black, so he repeated it in English: "Give up, this is our big boss, Mr. Ye Xiaohu. Can't you stop him from understanding from now on?"

Hearing Yao Dazhuang's instructions, those Western men took a step back, obviously Yao Dazhuang still had a certain position in their hearts.

After they gave way to some channels, Ye Xiaohu immediately followed Yao Dazhuang and left.

I saw the two of them and walked forward a little bit.

While walking, Yao Dazhuang briefed Ye Xiaohu.

"Boss, look at the vegetable plantation over there, it has grown to a very large scale, enough to supply the needs of the entire western upper society."

"However, in terms of medicinal materials, it is pre-chilled in the West. After all, most people in this place believe in Western medicine, so there is not that much demand for what they really want."

"However, the demand for poultry and livestock has surprised us. Especially for some special foods, the local customization rate is very high, and even we have some shortages."

"The market share of fish, tea, fruits ... is also gradually increasing."

Hearing Yao Dazhuang's introduction, Ye Xiaohu had an in-depth understanding of Aislan Manor and nodded, agreeing with Aislan's management ability.

However, after Yao Dazhuang's introduction was completed, Ye Xiaohu still asked: "There are some new varieties recently. After other merchants launched the market, hasn't it caused any impact on the Western market?"

"Boss, do you know the news?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Yao Dazhuang couldn't help but slightly surprised: "Does this happen in China?"

"It does."

Ye Xiaohu nodded and did not deny the matter.

"That's too bad."

Yao Dazhuang shook his head involuntarily, followed by the report: "Like the boss you said, since this summer, a lot of competitors have indeed appeared. However, the West is no less than the East, once the good foundation is laid, the impact can still bear And Miss Islan is really capable. After discovering that something is wrong, she immediately launched the contacts in her hands to block the matter. Most of the businesses that now threaten our estate have already All of them were ended by Miss Eslan. Only some local businesses have been competing with us, but the impact is not great. "

"It's fine without influence."

Hearing Yao Dazhuang's words, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but shine.

Originally, Ye Xiaohu was looking for Islan, just to borrow Islan's familiarity with the western environment to help Ye Xiaohu determine the location of his parents.

But when Ye Xiaohu listened to Yao Dazhuang's words, Ye Xiaohu was surprised to find that behind Eslan, there seemed to be some secrets that Ye Xiaohu did not know.

The secret behind Aislan may allow Ye Xiaohu to find his parents more easily.

"The boss, although the current competitiveness is not very big, but Miss Eslan is still very worried about the market share, so she has been thinking recently and wants a whole new solution."

Yao Dazhuang smiled bitterly: "So recently, Miss Eslan's appearance is estimated to be a little scary."

"Don't I give you the solution?"

Ye Xiaohu curiously said: "Isn't I let people transport the seeds of the second-generation Yejia products through the air channel?"

"Transportation is transportation, but after the seeds are planted, they do not grow as fast as the first generation of Yejia products, so it takes a period of time."

Yao Dazhuang said embarrassedly: "But within this cycle, we must find a way to stabilize."

Yao Dazhuang didn't dare to lie in front of himself, so after thinking about it, Ye Xiaohu quickly understood the key to the matter.

Heaven and Earth Aura.

The world of Yejia Farm is vigorous, so there is no problem in planting the second generation of Yejiacai.

However, inside Aislan's farm, Reiki can only plant Yejia's first-generation products. As for the second-generation products, there are some shortcomings.

Under such circumstances, the growth of the second-generation Ye family products will be slow ~ ~ After understanding the key to the matter, Ye Xiaohu nodded involuntarily, indicating that he understood: "This matter will be later Help you solve it yourself. "

"Boss, you shot, then it would be great."

Although Yao Dazhuang only followed Ye Xiaohu for a year, he still felt very confident in Ye Xiaohu's supernatural powers.

So after hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Yao Dazhuang left and smiled happily.

"Yao Dazhuang, what are you laughing at?"

Nacheng wanted Yao Dazhuang's laughter, but it attracted a person's attention.

Immediately under the attention of Ye Xiaohu, Eslan came out of the office.

Originally, she wanted to relax, and discussed with Yao Dazhuang about the subsequent planting, but when she saw Ye Xiaohu, she couldn't help but be surprised: "Xiaohu, why are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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