Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1140: : Take me to find them

"Xiaohu, you shouldn't be like this."

When Slick left, Eslan walked to Ye Xiaohu and said: "Those people are gangsters who have eaten grapes and don't spit them. If you let them perceive the benefits, then they will rush like crazy Then we will lose more. "

"Relax, I know."

Ye Xiaohu sneered: "Since ancient China, there has been a sentence of courtesy before soldiers. If you really give them a face and they don't want it, then I don't mind letting them accept my anger."


Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s words, Eslan could n’t help but sigh: “Forget it, I ca n’t tell you. But if Slick really completed what you explained, if so many shares are divided, it is estimated that it must be with Huaxia Headquarters. Players, relying on my Eisland Manor alone ca n’t eat it. ”

"Relax, there is no problem with this."

Ye Xiaohu nodded and said cautiously: "I have already planned this point."

"Just know what you have in mind."

Eslan was relieved, and then exchanged some other content with Ye Xiaohu.

For example, members of this council, as well as management, and other hidden forces.

When Eslan introduced Ye Xiaohu, there was naturally a group of people staring at Ye Xiaohu.

I saw one of the young western men. After listening to the introduction of Sleek, he directly led a group of people and walked towards Ye Xiaohu: "Are you the Chinese person in Sleek's mouth?"

"you are?"

Ye Xiaohu frowned: "Is this related to an outsider?"

"Not before, but now."

Western young men only saw a confident face: "Now I tell you, if you want to investigate anything through our channel, then you should give me the benefit of the card, otherwise you will not want to get through our channel. The news you need. "

Ye Xiaohu saw Islan and nodded when he saw Islan.

So Ye Xiaohu turned around again, looking at Slick who followed Mo Baka: "Mr. Slick, does this mean that our previous commitment has been completely cancelled?"


Slick sighed helplessly: "My rights in Parliament are not as good as Mr. Moka, so the benefits of this time will be given to Mr. Moka."

Hearing Slick, Mo took pride in himself.

But just when he was proud, Ye Xiaohu said slightly: "Although Slick gave up, it's a pity that I don't know you Moka, and I don't like the tone of your speech, so our cooperation was cancelled. "


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Mo had some incredible beliefs.

You have to know that he is not the first card in the organization, but also one of the largest members of the organization, so basically no one can refuse to do anything with the card.

But today was rejected by Ye Xiaohu, and there was no room for refusing to go back to the source, which made Mo Jiaka irritated: "Boy, you know what you say, it is for you and the Ace behind you. Lan Manor, how much trouble it caused? "


Ye Xiaohu said disdainfully: "Offend you one, I don't think it is a big trouble, because I can crush you with one finger every minute."

How dare you look down upon me?

After hearing the words of Ye Xiaohu, Mo couldn't help but get angry.

Since he awakened his power, when has he been looked down upon so much?

So Mo roared the card and greeted the bodyguards on the left and right: "What are you still doing, let me beat him hard."

Hearing Mo Jiaka's instructions, he brought those men to the rush.

However, these people are either just awakening abilities or some relatively weak garbage, otherwise they will not choose to be bodyguards.

"Fuck me all."

I saw Ye Xiaohu burst into a scream and came directly to sweep the thousand troops.

The bodyguards in front of him were swept away by Ye Xiaohu.


Seeing this scene, Mo Jiaka couldn't help but take a breath. "The person you dare to hit me will not have your living space from now on."

"To shut up."

Ye Xiaohu said coldly: "Don't you only have time to speak?"

"Okay, a Chinese man. I admit, you surprised me a little, but that's just it."

Mo snorted Ka, then covered with a layer of steel, and then he stomped his feet and flew directly to Ye Xiaohu, and the steel fist hit Ye Xiaohu hard.


Seeing this scene, Slick reminded in good faith: "Quickly persuade your friend, if Mo can't control the card, then you will definitely meet the blood, and your friend is estimated to be dead."

Hearing Slick, Eslan was slightly worried.

But she didn't speak immediately because she knew that Ye Xiaohu must do his judgment and decision.

"That Chinese is about to die."

"Yes, if Mo Ka broke out with all his strength, that Chinese man is definitely not his opponent ~ ~ Mo Ka is a deciding genius of our parliament, and even hope to match those masters who come out of the secret."

"I didn't come here today. Not only did I see Mo Ka Ka, but I also saw such a real showdown. I now only hope that the Chinese people will stick to it for a while, let's appreciate Mo Ka Ka Fighting power. "

Everyone has been singing Ye Xiaohu, because they have never seen Ye Xiaohu, how can they know Ye Xiaohu's fighting power?

Just as Eslan vomited them, Ye Xiaohu, who was standing still without moving, finally made a new move.

The action is simple.

It's just a finger flick.

When the people of Islan saw Ye Xiaohu's action, they all felt unbelievable.

But when they saw Ye Xiaohu lightly flick, just hitting Mo Jiaka's fist, they couldn't help but be stunned.

If it were only so, then it was nothing.

The scene that really made them unbelievable was when Ye Xiaohu's finger flew over Mo Jiaka's fist. Mo Muka was like a kite with a broken thread, flying towards him at an uncontrollable speed.


Almost in a blink of an eye, he was bombed and flew out of the villa, there was no way to see the figure, and his life and death were unknown.

After solving the Mo card, Ye Xiaohu turned and walked towards Slick step by step.

Seeing this scene, Slick, who saw Ye Xiaohu's terrifying combat power, couldn't help but tremble: "What are you doing?"

"I want to see your president."

Ye Xiaohu snorted coldly, then said to Slick: "Take me to find them, then I will let you go, otherwise you will go and bury Burka."

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