Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 735 66. Old Ghani declared this place to be a garbage holy land! Garbage man is ecstatic!


Two scarlet laser beams grazed the pirate's body and shot out, hitting the rusty garbage pile at the back. While sparking, it burned the air and created a burning smell.

Blake took out the soul-stringed longbow from his backpack and escaped into the shadows while rolling.

He saw lasers flying all over the sky, as well as small missiles ejected from the mouths of the mechanical beasts. In the light of the explosion, dwarf agent Kelsey was setting up a sniper rifle and taking aim.

Next to it, there was an ape-like courageous robot thrown out by Overspark while it was making a weird, gorilla-like howl.

What a sudden change in painting style!

It's like jumping from the magical background of Azeroth to a steampunk mechanical world. In other words, this garbage dump full of rusted metal scraps is also full of punk colors.

I can only lament that things related to dwarfs or goblins will never develop according to the normal script.


Blake, who was in the shadow, was temporarily freed from the optical lock of several mechanical beasts that rushed out of the garbage in front.

He drew his bow and shot an arrow as fast as lightning. The void spikes wrapped in shadow magic pierced the forehead of the black mechanical leopard at the front, but it completely failed to stop this guy from continuing to pounce.

The pirate shook his head and fired a second arrow while evading and counterattacking lightly.

The two-hit kill effect is activated.

The second void spike flew out and completely blew off the mechanical leopard's head.

This failed attack made the pirates immediately realize that simple puncture was not effective for these heavily armored mechanical creations, so they carried the long bow of the spirit string behind their backs and drew out the double-barreled shotguns on their chests.

He flashed in the shadows to the side of a mechanical wolf that was attacking little Jaina with a sonic gun in its iron jaw, and pulled the trigger at a completely close distance.

The destructive power of warheads made of source steel is astonishing.

Driven by the kinetic energy of the gunpowder explosion, the solid warhead rotated and shattered the rusty mechanical wolf's head, but the headless guy was still trying to pounce.

And under the broken shell, a creepy red light lit up.

Get out of the way! This thing can explode!

Kelsey Steelspark, who was attacking the mechanical beast with a sniper rifle, waved her hand and asked little Jaina to come to her.

The little mage was not afraid of the battle. He first threw a ring of frost in the direction of the mechanical wolf, fixed it in the ice, and then ran out with Tan Ruitan.

A few seconds later, a loud bang exploded on the spot, lifting a small part of a large garbage dump.

The blown mechanical gears were flying all over the sky, causing secondary impact damage on the spot. Fortunately, Seianni and Fenner held heavy shields to protect the people around them, so no more serious losses were caused.

Each of these mechanical beasts is in disrepair, and they run with sparks and lightning. Their movements are slow and their attack patterns are single. They are no threat to a battle master like Black.

But their characteristics of not being afraid of slashing and piercing, coupled with their little temper that would explode if they disagreed, really caused a little trouble for others.

Mainly because this was the first time for everyone, including Jaina, to see such a mobile and flexible mechanical creature.

You must know that even in the dwarf's mechanical city of Gnomeregan, similar mechanical beasts are still in the initial design stage, and there is no finished product at all.

This thing is different from orcs.

They basically do not have weaknesses and fatal wounds in the conventional sense.

Eat my big fireball!

The gray-faced little Xingxing pushed the weeds from his hair, jumped up, and roared at the particularly large black rusty mechanical leopard standing on the garbage pile in front of him, throwing a huge fireball.

But the mechanical cat that was as big as two people just howled twice and opened a shield-shaped energy matrix in front of it due to the energy activated by the coil on the garbage dump.

It completely absorbed Little Star's fireball technique and continued to roar unscathed, leaving the blue dragon stunned.

What the hell is this!

She yelled angrily.

Blake, who was in the shadow next to him, shook his head and jumped over. While the matrix in front of the big mechanical cat remained activated, he grabbed the legendary sword and shaved the mechanical cat's head.

In the crackling explosion, the head of the mechanical leopard was completely cut off.

The bomb inside lit up red and was about to self-destruct, but the pirate quickly stabbed it into the body with a long sword and gently picked it up, sending the shining module flying out and exploding into a ball of fireworks at high altitude.

At this point, all the mechanical beasts that rushed out from the depths of the garbage dump have been killed.

Oversback and a group of dwarf craftsmen also found the device that had been accidentally activated by Kelsey Steelspark and physically disconnected it again, allowing the large garbage dump to return to its previous calm.

Hey, so you've been letting me wander around in such a dangerous place?

Finna Golden Sword, who was still carrying the legendary shield, ran over and shouted in a bad tone to Blake who was squatting on the ground observing the mechanical beast with its head cut off:

You don't even think about it, what if I accidentally get eaten by these mechanical monsters?

Believe me, as long as you are a warrior, you are absolutely safe.

Blake said without raising his head:

I'm sure you wouldn't just connect two wires in a garbage dump in your spare time. That's a job that only professional engineering technicians can do.

That is an impossible problem for most warriors.

All things considered, it's very safe for you to wander around here.

I think you're insulting my intelligence.

Fenner said angrily:

Maybe I suddenly got inspiration and did something stupid like that dwarf? I have an elf archmage mother, and I am very smart.


Blake glanced up at her suspiciously and said:

You can go to Kelsey's place and see with your own eyes how difficult it is to connect the two wires accurately. I really don't mean to look down on your IQ.

Because I probably can't do it either.

But I really don’t think you can trigger this level of trap just by being lucky or unlucky.

Just go, I'm afraid of you!

Fenna snorted, turned around and walked towards the chattering dwarfs. A few minutes later, she came back expressionlessly, gritted her teeth and said to Blake:

Okay, I'll count you as passing this time.

Good news! Everyone!

While Blake was talking to the idiot warrior, the bald craftsman Oversbach grabbed the inner core of a mechanical beast and screamed to the others in excitement:

Look at this! I found inscriptions on this thing that are suspected of being a mechanical gnome. We have an 87.4% probability of confirming that this is the former laboratory of the mechanical gnome!

Our archaeological exploration has achieved staged success.

Next, we only need to find their laboratory subjects to figure out where those mechanical gnomes have gone.

Kelsey, your reckless behavior almost caused us serious damage.

But you accidentally activated the remaining defense system underground in this laboratory, which shows that even though it has been abandoned for so long, part of this laboratory is still functioning.

This is simply a miracle!

So, where is the lab subject?

Little Xingxing kicked the remains of the mechanical leopard that was still dancing with electric sparks, and asked with her hands on her hips:

There are rubbish dumps all around here. You little dwarf won't ask us to help you dig out rubbish, right? You are so brave!

No, no, no, great blue dragon, we have no such plan.

The extremely clever master craftsman shook his head, raised a finger, and said proudly:

We dwarfs always use our brains and wisdom to solve problems. We can determine the location of the energy room through the cable Kelsey just activated, and then use it to locate the coordinates of the remaining laboratory.

It must be somewhere underground.

When we apply for a ground-drilling excavator from Gnomeregan, we can easily dig through the ground and find the ancient crystallization of technology.

How long do you plan to complete this?

Blake asked with squinting eyes.

Overback thought for a while and gave a definite time:

The early calculation and positioning, plus the later excavation, may take a month or two. We have studied the mechanical gnome for hundreds of years, and now we have finally made a definite discovery. We can afford to wait for this time.

But I can't wait! One or two months? The day lilies are already cold! Get out of the way. Since it's a problem in the magical world, let's use magic to solve it!

The stinky pirate immediately rejected this very dwarf-like plan.

In full view of everyone, he took out a small wooden sculpture from his bag. As Jaina watched with wide eyes, Black placed the wooden sculpture on the metal garbage pile at hand.

After chanting for a few seconds, fluffy smoke exploded on the spot.

The brightly colored God of the Slenderjaw Dragon walked cheerfully and emerged from the smoke with a sinister look on his face.

It was about to say hello to Blake who summoned it, but it caught sight of Blake's surroundings, causing Old Garni's tail dotted with broken bones to straighten.

Ah, look at this disorder!

All kinds of useless things that have lost their value are stacked together in a chaotic way, full of the chaotic beauty of natural selection.

They exude a sheen of decadence and uselessness.

After being forgotten by the world, he quietly waited here for the end to come, without causing trouble to anyone.

They have no connection with this busy and vulgar world, and they will not be seen or remembered by any troublesome people.

Their very existence is the truest embodiment of the word harmless.

This is the most natural garbage dump.

This is the sacred church of old Garni.

It is the only place where old Gani can feel warm in this cold and cruel world.

Well, although the material that makes up this garbage dump is different from what Old Garni has seen before, it is a unique metal scrap, but the garbage dump is a garbage dump.

The difference in appearance cannot change its simple interior.

As soon as Old Garni came here, he immediately fell in love with it.


The good-for-nothing Loa let out a loud cry. It looked at Black and said in a glib and exaggerated tone:

My dear Great Scavenger, have you found a 'palace' specifically for Old Garni? Are you going to use this uncultivated land as a tribute to Old Garni?

You are so considerate.

Yes, yes, this is exactly the tribute I want to give you as a thank you for providing convenience to my fleet.

Blake saw the joy in Old Garni's eyes, rolled his eyes, followed the donkey downhill, opened his arms, and transferred the ownership of this garbage heap to Old Garni like a treasure.

Generous as a local lord.

But considering that Black does have the right to inherit the entire Kul Tiras, from a legal perspective, it is not a big problem for him to send away a large garbage dump without an owner.

My dear old Garni, while you are accepting your gift, I would also like you to do me a small favor.

Blake coughed and said to the God of the Garbage Pile in front of him, who had already begun to rummage through the large mechanical garbage pile with his two thick and powerful legs:

I know that somewhere in this big garbage dump, there is a place of 'order' that you will never like, full of order, mechanical wisdom, and dangerous power.

What's there is an absolutely intolerable blemish on your disorderly heap.

In addition to dedicating this unique garbage dump to you, I am here to help you take those things away from here. Please help me find it.

This shouldn't be difficult for you.

Of course, all garbage dumps are my domain, and it's easiest to find some bad stuff in my domain.

Old Garni held a half-broken silver-gray gear in his flexible claws. He seemed to want to use this thing as a decoration on his body, and winked at Blake.

In the smoke beside it, a large group of Microraptor phantoms jumped out quickly, chattering and noisily searching around the entire garbage dump.

Soon, Old Garni made a discovery.

It exclaimed, as if it smelled the most evil smell, pinched its nose with its flexible paws, and said to Blake in a strange voice:

Ah, my great scavenger, you are still as wise as ever. Indeed, under this new territory of mine, there is an evil device still running.

It seems to be a link in the system of this garbage dump, which has been submerged in time for too long.

It is eager to be discovered by groups with certain characteristics

There it is!

Under the cover of a pile of gears at the end of the southeast, there is a secret passage leading to the mechanical secret room, but it must have a certain amount of weird knowledge to open it.

Go, go, take away those steel things full of rational brilliance!

That's something useful, that's something that doesn't belong on the trash heap.

Leaving it behind will only bring disaster upon me.

Under Old Garni's urging, Black nodded, turned back and made an OK gesture to the stunned dwarfs, and said:

You rude little men, why don't you quickly thank Lord Garni? You have embarrassed me in front of my old friends, you bastards.

Forget it, Blake.

Old Gani is quite generous.

It looked at the dwarfs and their engineering instruments, with disdain shining in its cunning eyes. It put its paws on Blake's shoulders and persuaded:

Don't get along with these arrogant little guys who are proud of their talents. They are not the same as us. Once you find what they want, let them leave as soon as possible.

These noisy little guys who only cause trouble are not welcome in my dump.

Well, there are so many scrap metals here. As long as they are polished a little and tied with cloth strips, they can become the best weapons for lowly people to defend themselves. Moreover, such weapons are inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

Blessed are Dazar'alor and the abjects of the world.

This is all thanks to you, my friend Blake, you are truly gifted in this area.

Do you really not want to consider becoming my great scavenger?

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