Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 734 65. Alert! alarm! Intrusion alert!

buzz buzz

Near noon, the expedition, composed mostly of gnomes, crossed the unique frost-covered ridge of Tiragarde Sound in five planes.

The cacophony of goblin gyroplanes echoed in the sky above Vanishing Glacier, making Blake's head hurt.

His head hurt not only because of the unique operating noise of the goblin gyroplane, but also because of the constant complaints from the little dwarf Kelsey who was driving the gyroplane in front of him.

It is full of disdain for the crude creations of goblin engineering and fancy praise of gnome engineering.

But the problem is that Black, who is wearing a flight helmet, flips the magic eyeball on his shoulder and looks at the small dwarf jet glider next to him. The flying noise of that thing is no less than that of the goblin gyroplane.

Moreover, there is billowing black smoke behind the butt, which looks very unenvironmentally friendly at first glance.

This is the reality proof that the elder brother should not laugh at the second brother.

No matter whether it is goblin engineering or dwarf engineering, no excellent aircraft has been developed at this stage. Although the design ideas of the two are completely different, in Blake's view, they both have a long way to go.


I heard that the aircraft used by the mechanical gnomes to carry supplies are electric!

Blake interrupted Kelsey's verbal attack on the Goblin Gyrocopter and shouted loudly from high in the sky:

Since you are both dwarfs, I guess there isn't much difference in intelligence. When will you be able to develop that kind of silent and efficient aircraft?

Uh, well, this still needs some time.

Kelsey immediately became silent.

The little dwarf pushed up his engineering goggles and said with an embarrassed look:

The project has been approved and is being studied with the participation of the smartest mechanics in Gnomeregan. Maybe there will be good news soon.

Project establishment? I think the folder has just been created.

Blake complained under his breath.

He looked down from this high altitude. The frost-covered mountains below had been crossed. From here, he could see the large grassland under the snow-capped mountains of Kenings Camp and the knights roaming above.

Looking further to the northwest, you can even faintly see the tall military passage wall standing in front of Jiewei Ridge.

That city wall-like building is called Dailin's Gate.

It is said that after the end of the Orc War, it was funded and established by local maritime merchants. On the one hand, it was to strengthen the defense of the Guard Ridge, which is the junction with the Drustvar Mountains.

On the other hand, he also used this spectacle method to flatter the admiral. I heard that a coastal defense fortress in Stormsong Valley has also been renamed as Dailin Fortress.

I have to say, they did a good job.

I don’t know if Dailin likes it or not, but at least the Kul Tiras fleet likes it.

They believed that this kind of military facilities built for victory were both practical and commemorative to show off their military exploits, and were real virtuous policies, so they quickly formed a local trend.

The bards of Port Boralus even began to write poetry about the wall.

Down below! Just ahead, have you seen it? The mountain col under the glacier is next to the big hot spring area. Land down!

Black's magic eyeballs are blessed with eagle eyes, and his eyesight is very good.

He quickly discovered the iconic terrain while cruising at high altitude. At his call, the aircraft formation in the sky changed direction and lowered the high ground towards that place.

Hey, why is the water so dark?

Kelsey Steelshine, who was driving a gyrocopter and wearing mechanical goggles, adjusted the focus of her glasses. She hovered in the air for several weeks and discovered something abnormal below.

She exclaimed:

Why does the lake water feel weird? It's so viscous. Wait, that's oil! It's crude oil!

Yeah, crude oil lake.

Blake said in a languid tone:

“A few years ago, goblins tried to come here to extract oil, but they were rejected by the officials.

The locals all know that there is crude oil in that lake, but as you have seen the terrain here, it is difficult to transport it out, so it has been left idle here.

Speaking of which, if there was really a city of mechanical gnomes here, then this lake must have been their energy source.

Well, this guess is very reasonable! We need further observation.

Kelsey nodded.

As an engineering technician, she knew that crude oil was a necessity for many engineering machines. Although the dwarves rarely used it, the goblins regarded it as a strategic resource.

And such a large oil lake in front of us is indeed enough to support the daily operation of a small mechanical city.

Land! Land!

Master Craftsman Oversbach on the other side was even more excited. While taking pictures with the gnomes' mechanical cameras on the plane, he yelled for the expedition members to land.

All the gnomes were very excited.

They seemed to have smelled the rusty smell emanating from the large metal garbage dump.

They felt this was a good start.

Blake jumped down first, and the Watcher's cloak behind him folded into wings in the air, carrying him to glide in the air and fall all the way towards the big hot spring area.

Nearly ten minutes later, when the gnomes were getting ready to head towards the mechanical ruins, Blake came over with a group of guys waiting in the hot spring area.

Hey, a bunch of cute little dwarfs.

Little Xingxing, who was sitting in front of the magic carpet and controlling the direction, opened her eyes wide and looked at the heavily armed dwarf expedition team in front of her. She shouted:

I like dwarfs the most. Many members of our blue dragon like to turn into dwarfs when we go out for a walk. This will show our intelligence!

After all, in human society, dwarfs have always been symbols of wisdom.

Dwarfs are also a symbol of weakness in human society. They are really suitable for you, my stupid little star. Okay, let's not talk about this anymore, Fenna, just lead the way.

Blake sneered at Little Star, and then gestured to Fenner, who was wearing a hunting suit.

The idiot warrior snorted and took out from her waist the map she had drawn when she came here to explore the past few times. In the past period of time, she had been here twice in the name of hunting and relaxing according to Blake's request.

She is very familiar with this place.

Little Gianna behind the magic carpet was introducing Mr. Black's identity to her younger brother in a low voice.

Of course it's beautified.

Mr. Black is a master assassin with noble character. He has helped my mentor and me several times, saved many people, and defeated terrible enemies.

At the same time he was also a learned man.

He knows many secrets. There are no secrets in this world in his eyes. You must respect him as you respect a scholar.

Jaina tried her best to beautify the pirate's image.

As a result, Blake turned around and said to Tanred in a gentle tone:

Believe what your sister says, little prince. I am indeed as perfect as she described. If you want to treat me as a trustworthy big brother, you will do whatever I ask you to do.

For example, I want you to jump into the oil lake next to you.

Haha, I won't do that, don't be afraid.

Of course, you can't believe everything the mages say. For example, she didn't tell you that in addition to being a master assassin, I am also a great pirate.

But I believe that you, who is so cute, will not tell this news to everyone you meet, right?


Before Tanred could react in confusion, little Gianna screamed angrily:

I'm trying to protect you!

If that idiot Tanred lets slip, you'll be hunted by the entire Kul Tiran navy! They will not appreciate the beauty of your soul like I do.

I am not a fool!

Tanred immediately retorted.

But neither Gianna nor Black ignored him.

It's okay, I'm not afraid.

Blake waved his hand and pulled the little star beside him, who was tilting his head and making faces at Fenna.

He said:

I am a loyal human servant of His Highness Little Star, the great Terminator of Worlds and the savior of Azeroth! If your soldiers want to capture me, they must first pass His Highness Little Star.

Are you right?

My noble highness.

Hmph, that's a good title. I like the tone of your voice very much. Remember to speak like this in the future.

Little Star nodded with satisfaction, stood in front of Black with her hands on her hips, coughed twice, and said to Tanred:

Listen carefully, Your Highness, little princess. If you dare to reveal the identity of my human servant, I will use a terrifying dragon language magic to truly turn you into a 'little princess'.

I still have many beautiful dresses for you to wear.

The evil blue dragon added in a threatening tone:

You can ask your sister, who is a mage, to see if I can do it.

Hey, you're not allowed to scare him.

Fenner waved her fist and hit Little Star on the head, causing the blue dragon princess to scream. The eldest sister of the Proudmoore family glanced back at Tanred.

she says:

Tanred is a very smart boy, he knows what to do. Walk around, don't stay here, I found some very interesting things when I came here last time.

I just happened to take you to have a look.

Follow me, this garbage dump looks dirty, but if you go the right way, there is really something hidden inside. Also, don't touch those electric coils with your hands, they will occasionally release lightning

Don't ask me how I know.

After saying that, the eldest sister immediately led the way, and the dwarfs, armed with all kinds of strange instruments, followed her.

Little Star put away the magic carpet and followed Blake like a follower, shaking her beautiful hair and asking questions.

Jaina and Tanred also advanced on foot, with Seiangosa at the end as the team's rear defense. The Steam Knight held the rune sword of the Green Dragon Legion in one hand and a draconian shield in the other.

Always be ready to stop possible dangers for His Highness Little Star.

But with the level of force of this group of people, even if something does come out, they will definitely not be able to do anything about it.

Everyone followed Fenner into the garbage dump, surrounded by hills of strange metal scraps, as well as the weathered remains of some buildings. Those ruins were covered with vines, and they looked like they had been abandoned for a long time.

At least it is calculated in hundreds of years, or even thousands of years.

The dwarfs were observing the various things piled on the metal garbage pile all the way.

Especially those gears of different sizes. Fortunately, the dwarf engineers will carefully extract a complete sample of each type and put it into the boxes they carry with them.

The dwarfs were discussing fiercely and chattering very noisily.

Prince Tanred wanted to go over and listen, but all he heard were some unfamiliar engineering terms, which made him quickly lose interest.

He turned his attention back to Blake, who was talking to Little Star.

He was very curious, what was going on with this man wearing a tall hat and a weird eyepatch? Why do his two sisters and the blue dragon ladies protect him and trust him so much?

Also, how could he, a pirate, dare to set foot on the land of Kul Tiras?

Isn't he afraid of being pursued by the navy?

Is this person so brave?

I am very courageous, little prince. It is not a good habit to speak ill of others in your heart.

Just as Tanred was thinking about these issues, a sinister voice suddenly sounded in his ears, like a phantom voice, which made the little prince suddenly nervous.

Looking left and right, he also grasped the short-barreled firegun at his waist.

Blake! You are not allowed to use mind magic to bully him!

Little Gianna stood in front of Tanred, who still didn't understand what was going on, and screamed to Blake:

He's still a kid!

You are a child too.

The words with Nasrezim's tone also sounded in Jaina's ears, and Black said with a little helplessness:

It's just that you learned to control your mind from old Merry. It's more difficult for me to hear what's in your heart. Don't be so nervous, little Gianna, I'm just saying hello to your brother.

You didn't tell him about your brother, did you?

This little fool doesn't seem to be the type to keep secrets.


Jaina replied briefly, then turned to Tanred who was touching his ears with a curious look on his face and said:

Don't play with him, he is a bad person and will lead you astray.

Look! I found this in the trash last time! How about it? It's very strange, isn't it?

Fenner in front also reached the end of the mechanical garbage heap where she last penetrated, and took out a weird thing with only half of it left in the hole covered by leaves.

That looked like a cheetah.

But the whole body is made of black metal.

The metal plates that make up its body have long since decayed and weathered, but complex coils and some unknown engineering modules can still be seen from inside the broken mechanical body.

The eyes of the Metal Leopard are very strange, made entirely of exquisite agate gemstones.

It also has a movable iron jaw, decorated with rasp-like teeth, and claws made of metal blades like daggers that make people's scalp numb.

What's strange about the group is that there is a launcher similar to the muzzle of a gun at its throat.

Put it down!

When Overback saw this thing, he let out a scream.

Fenner, who was so frightened to show off her trophy, let go of her hand, and the half of the metal leopard was smashed to the ground. The dwarfs screamed and pounced on her, like perverts who have seen a beautiful woman.

A group of people gathered around the wreckage, chattering and taking out various types of wrenches and rolling up their sleeves, apparently preparing to dismantle this apparently advanced thing on the spot.

Hey guys!

Blake rushed forward, pushing away the dwarfs who had activated Research Frenzy one by one, and kicked the broken metal leopard aside. He shouted:

We are here to look for traces of the Mechanognome, not for you to pick up rags! You can dismantle it anytime you want. Now, hurry up and find clues, okay?

We have three princesses and a little prince here!

You rude dwarfs, are you planning to let these 'big men' spend the night in the garbage dump with you?

So, act quickly, okay?

Get moving!

Guys, use your smart brains and give in quickly.


Before Blake could finish his words, some kind of piercing alarm sound suddenly sounded in the entire dead garbage pile.

The shocked dwarfs trembled.

The pirate suddenly turned around.

The magic eyeball on his shoulder flew out and circled at high altitude, and he saw that the waste coil in the northeastern part of the garbage dump began to wrap around dazzling arcs, as if a certain device had been activated.

Where's Kelsey? Who saw Kelsey? Where did she go?

Overback then screamed.

They thought they had lost their compatriot, but a few seconds later, the agile Kelsey jumped out from the other side of the garbage pile, holding a cut cable in her hand.

The little dwarf with putty on his face said to the people in front of him in an awkward tone:

Well, guys, I just connected two wires I found in the trash together, and then, I seem to have activated something amazing.

There's an attack! Get down quickly!

Seani yelled.

Like the most qualified bodyguard, she rushed over and pressed the confused little Xingxing to the ground, using her body to protect the screaming little Xingxing.

Blake also reacted quickly. When he disappeared and reappeared, he had already picked up Jaina and Tanred one by one and threw them towards Finna.

He did a handsome watcher somersault on the spot, and used a standard upside-down golden hook to accurately kick back the two round objects shot from the side.

Boom, boom

There were two loud explosions and fire exploded.

Amidst the screams of the cowardly dwarfs, Blake glanced over there. Several swift figures were rushing out of the flames and rushing towards this side.


These unreliable dwarfs never disappoint when it comes to survival!

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