Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 736 67. Even a small man can have great destruction

“Today is destined to be a day that will be remembered in history!

Future history will record that today, the clever master craftsman Overspark and his brave companions found a mechanical miracle that could change the world in the remote areas of the ocean country!

On the gear garbage pile above the mechanical dwarf laboratory designated by Old Garni, the extremely clever master craftsman, the great inventor Oversbach, was shouting his manifesto enthusiastically.

He made it very ritualistic.

The most amazing thing is that a group of dwarf engineers are also very considerate.

These nervous little men stood cooperatively under the rubbish pile, listening to their expedition leader's speech with expectations mixed with respect.

Ahem! I am honored to be able to preside over this excavation of valuable mechanical knowledge. This is of great significance to me, and it will become the most memorable day in the rest of my life.

Oversback's eloquence was pretty good, and he planned to say a few more words to boost his morale, but as soon as he started speaking, a rusty pinion was thrown from behind, hitting the dwarf's goggles.

Are you done going crazy? Come to work as soon as you are done, you bastards! That laboratory won't jump out on its own.

Blake stood behind him with his hands on his hips, pointing angrily at the garbage pile at his feet and said:

Use your ingenuity and clear this place quickly. If we finish early, we can still go to Kenings Camp for a hot meal and maybe a hot spring bath.

I don't want to miss any relaxation.

Come on, come on, my grumpy human friend.

Overspark and the dwarfs were so excited that they didn't care about Blake's rudeness. They quickly ran over and started cleaning the mechanical gears that were piled up on a hill at their feet.

Black sent his loyal servant Annihilator Zuramat, a taciturn fat blue man, to help clean up. The shadow element honestly grabbed the heavy gear and threw it outward.

But soon, the dwarfs used their intelligence and wisdom to teach the unlearned warlock mentor a lesson.

Get out of the way! Get out of the way, this thing is very dangerous when it's working.

Overback directed the dwarf engineers to quickly take out various parts from the boxes they carried and assemble a strange-looking device.

With the help of Kelsey Steelshine, the cable of this instrument was connected to the power supply running underground in the garbage dump.

The great inventor himself waved the wrench and shouted to the curious humans and blue dragons surrounding him:

It's okay if you want to watch the fun here, but you must make sure that all metal objects on your body are removed! Especially if you have nipple rings, lip rings and other decorations, the farther away you are. good.

I don't want to pay you for medical expenses and mental damages.

The dwarf shouted a warning.

Blake glanced at the thing and immediately pushed it away obediently.

But there are always bold ones. For example, Fenna, a warrior, didn't care. She stood carelessly next to the dwarfs' instruments, curiously watching Overback manipulate the thing.

Power on!

The master craftsman cheered and shouted.

Kelsey in the back was chewing raspberry gum, grabbing two cables and clamping them together with an adapter. The underground current was drawn up, and the large red engineering magnet standing in place immediately began to buzz. operation.

With a clicking sound, the small gear on the gear garbage pile that was aligned with the magnet was captured by the invisible magnetic force, whizzing towards the magnet, and then the faster metal gear was also pulled.

The scene was like an invisible giant moving the large garbage pile with his own hands.

In less than a minute, a quarter of the height of the garbage pile was cut off, and a new garbage mountain was formed on the side of the magnet. Well, there was also a stupid soldier stuck in it who couldn't climb out.

She was almost completely buried by the flying gears.

Fortunately she was a warrior, otherwise the weight of these gears would have crushed her to death.

Hey! Come and help! Stop laughing! Blake! Little Star! Come and get me out!

As a warrior, Fenner is filled with all kinds of weapons. Not to mention the double axes of the Northern Lords on her waist. There are four daggers hidden in her riding boots, and throwing knives hidden in her gauntlets. She also has a hunting suit. The cloak is decorated with various metal pieces.

That beautiful magic power belt is made of metal.

It can be said that her whole body was wrapped in steel, and she was very close to the magnet. As soon as the dwarfs turned on the machine, Fenna was firmly pressed in place by the magnetic force emitted by the big magnet.

All kinds of metal gears flew over, making her play dodgeball with difficulty while being overwhelmed. She could only rely on her newly promoted legendary physique and reflexes to jump up and down on the ground.

After the dwarfs finished cleaning up the gear garbage pile, Fenna's whole body was stuck in place by various gears, with only an elf head exposed, which looked both funny and pitiful.

Just like a certain monkey suppressed under Wuzhi Mountain.

You don't believe in science! This is science's punishment for disrespecting you.

Blake walked over slowly, squatted down, touched his sister's hairy head, and said to her while Fenner was yelling:

You finally saw the power of science today, you reckless elf warrior. Sure enough, this is the fate of warriors. As they become more and more capable of fighting, they also become more and more stupid.



The stinky pirate picked up the dwarf mechanical camera in his hand, struck a pose, and clicked to record Fenner's angry roar.

He shook the camera and said to Fenner who stared at him fiercely:

You attended the mage academy on Sunstrider in Quel'Thalas, right? Well, you didn't learn anything there at all. I can use this photo as proof to pay you for their tuition. Come back again.”

Stop talking sarcastically, Blake, and get my sister out.

When Jaina saw Fenner's embarrassment, although her relationship with the warrior was still a little awkward, she felt distressed and worried and ran over with Tanred to help.

She also glared at Blake with a threatening look on her face.

It seems to be saying, if you don't help, I will sue you to my brother!

The pirate shrugged, glanced at the mechanical dwarf laboratory next to him that had revealed its entrance, snapped his fingers, summoned his powerful demons, and asked them to help take Fenna out of the gear.

Wow, the most original, reliable and classic mechanical encryption. I like it. These mechanical dwarves know how to do it at first glance!

When the pirates rescued Fenna, the dwarfs had already rushed to the front of the laboratory. Because it had been buried underground for so many years, the entrance to the laboratory was extremely well preserved.

A metal door with a rotary lock protected the entrance to the laboratory. Oversbach was already gearing up to crack this fully mechanized rotary lock with the help of two dwarfs.

He stepped on the shoulders of the two dwarf assistants so that he could reach the lock, and then yelled and directed several other craftsmen to prepare various door-breaking tools.

Kelsey Steelspark took out something like a stethoscope and stuck it in the corner of the mechanical door to help Overspark crack the mechanical encryption.

Their actions may seem completely incomprehensible to others, but their coordination with each other is exquisite.

Turn left, three o'clock direction, turn three scales. I just heard the first lock being locked. Slow down! Slow down a little more, okay, keep turning!

Kelsey's nice girly voice gave prompts from time to time, and Overspark also licked his lips and used the most precise movements to rotate the steering wheel-like lock.

Those little guys are noisy but trustworthy in their profession

Well, trustworthy most of the time.

A few minutes later, with the noise of rotating gears and Oversbach's cheers and screams, the mechanical lock blocking the entrance door burst open in front of him.

The two staggered gears rotated left and right and retracted into the wall next to them, making way for a path to the interior of the laboratory.

The pirate's grip loosened.

A smile appeared on his face, a smile that both Fenner and Little Star were familiar with. It was Blake's iconic harvest moment smile.

At this moment, both the warrior and the blue dragon were sure that Blake, a cunning fellow, must have known what was in this laboratory for a long time!

This evil-minded guy definitely brought these dwarfs here just for the things in the laboratory.

Now the dwarfs opened the door for him and worked for him in vain, but all the gains were his alone.

Wow, this is really the disgusting classic style of pirates.

Hurry, hurry! This will be the greatest discovery of this century. Let us take a look at the great technology of the mechanical gnomes and bask in the glory of this technology!

Oversbach's excitement was palpable.

He roared and rushed in with a group of equally excited dwarfs, and Blake followed slowly.

After passing through the long and narrow tunnel, they came to an underground facility that was still in operation. They were faced with a slowly rotating large turbine wrapped with blue arcs, which was restrained in a container by iron railings.

There are coil electrodes and some removed cables placed around the laboratory. On the desk next to it, there are some scattered design drawings.

It seems that this place must have been evacuated suddenly, and there is no trace of these blueprints being packed away.

Look at these blueprints! I can't understand at least half of the operating principles in them, but the half I can understand is enough to solve at least seven scientific research problems in the Gnomeregan laboratory!

This is a mechanic’s paradise!

Kelsey Steelshine flipped open the goggles in front of her eyes, held the engineering design drawings in her hands and looked at them repeatedly, her big eyes full of joy. Behind her, the excited dwarfs didn't need anyone's direction and had already begun to connect the cables to the motors.

Oversback rubbed his hands and walked to a slowly rotating gear-shaped facility in the center of the laboratory.

That thing exudes a blue light.

On the table in front of it, there was a strange cube.

It is red in color, with many light beams extending from the six corners. It seems to be composed of light beams. There are also light spots that are constantly beating in it. It looks very mysterious and has a sci-fi feel.

This thing must be great.

The great inventor stretched out his hand to touch the cube with a desire, but before he touched the cube, a cold thing pressed against the back of his head.

Overback knew what it was.

He let out a scream and raised his hands in submission.

No! Don't shoot!

This scream alarmed everyone in the laboratory.

Kelsey Steelspark turned around and saw Black holding a double-barreled shotgun against the great inventor's head, while the pirate was reaching out to pick up the red cube that was very important at first glance.

Blake! What are you doing?

The dwarf agent scolded.

But before she could take out her gun, there was a noise in the tunnel outside the laboratory. Under the stunned gaze of a group of dwarfs, the black-clothed warlock Kanrisad rushed in with his apprentice and a group of demons.

With a wave of his staff, the demons rushed forward and disarmed all the dwarfs.

This scene shocked everyone.

The Proudmoore siblings were also dumbfounded, but Finna and Little Star, who were familiar with pirate styles, didn't take it seriously. They had already guessed that Black would do this.

Although this scene may misunderstand you, I am indeed saving you, my dwarf friends. Your neurotic style of acting faster than thinking will cause us trouble.

Especially in a secret room with a killing machine.

Blake put down the gun and tossed the red cube up and down.

He said:

Don't rush to insult me. You will definitely thank me later. Take them out! Right at the door.

At the pirate's order, the dwarfs were taken out of the laboratory and forced to stand by the tunnel. Overback was also brought there by Black holding his collar in one hand.

Go activate it!

Blake threw the red cube in his hand to a smarter succubus in the laboratory and gave the order.

The succubus let out an ambiguous laugh, stepped forward holding the cube in its left paw, and pushed the red joystick downwards in front of the rotating machine.


Amidst the harsh sound of electricity surges, a weird holographic projection appeared on the rotating mechanical gears. It was a guy very similar in size to a dwarf.

But every part of its body is made of machinery.

Even the back of the brain is replaced by a rotating gear instead of a flesh-and-blood brain.

Its eyes are simply two big light bulbs.

Brothers and sisters of the dwarf! The fact that you are here means that you have deciphered the signal I left! Welcome to the great moment of promotion!

The guy shouted in an enthusiastic but slightly modulated electronic voice:

For a long time, all creatures in Azeroth have been tortured by the curse of flesh and blood. The evil ancient gods used their power to reduce us, who were originally noble, to inferior creatures!

But I have developed the great ‘Return to Origin’ technology!

We will return to the original form forged by the Titans, the most perfect form! Come, right here on Mechagon, we will reclaim our Titan mission and become great again.

bring it on!

Come forward and accept the selection of the Eye of Invention!

As the guy's sharp and crazy voice fell, the red cube held by the succubus was suddenly activated, and rays of light shot down from the lamp above, shining on every demon within the laboratory.

These violent guys did not understand the principles of these lights, but in the next moment, a cold mechanical sound sounded from the Eye of Invention in the succubus' hand:

Incompatible specimen detected. Flesh and blood purification process initiated.


There was a loud noise like an electric surge, and under the stunned gaze of everyone at the entrance of the laboratory, the dozen or so demons in the laboratory seemed to have been deleted.

Their bodies were ignited and melted within a second.

In the end, it turned into smoke and dust flying all over the sky, leaving not even a trace of bones.

Do you understand now?

In the dead silence, Blake put the shotgun back into the gun bag, patted the round-eyed Oversback's head at his feet, and said:

I am indeed saving you.

But didn't that guy say that all qualified beings can receive 'promotion'?

The great inventor stammered:

Maybe, maybe we can, too.

Oh? Do you think you are the 'lucky one' in King Mechagon's prophecy?

The pirate shrugged, pushed Overback into the laboratory, pointed at the Eye of Invention that fell to the ground in front of him, and said in a playful tone:

Then try it and see if you are the kind of 'Chosen One' recognized by the mechanical gnomes. Hey, be careful. If you fail, you will also be 'purified'.

I don't think your flesh and blood is more powerful than the devil.

Good luck to you, my wise and confident friend.

If you are lucky enough to survive, remember to treat us to a meal.

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