
Deputy Head of Rolphis

- Rufence.

With Lyell, the Allied headquarters was set up and destroyed by the great army of demons. It was Alette Bayer, a messenger from Rolphis, who was visiting such a country.

Even assuming a coalition of four nations, Carthafus, Jumpeau, Fanbaille...... he was also in shape to meet Lyell, the coalition alliance lord who moved a number of nations.

Bob-cut's blonde hair, stretched to her shoulders, couldn't even be cut these days. Alette was delighted to be able to do a day of non-billing on the grounds of getting herself ready.

It's actually Lyell who pushed me so hard that I think so...

Alette, who entered the royal castle of Rufence, had new men with her. Previously, my men were promoted to lead the team.

Rolphis is also understaffed, but the reason for this visit also relates to the area.

Going through the gate into the garden, the Royal Castle itself was being remodeled as a base for Lyell, not as a first aid repair.

From afar you can hear the knights training.

A new American knight, Alette's deputy, looks at that.

"Are you the knight of Bansaim? Training is sweet, too. If you're a knight of Rolphis, then..."

I said that, so Allette glanced at me. Because Rolphis was a small country, he used to make training tough to sharpen knights. But regardless of the slight disadvantage from the same number, I understood that it would be difficult for Aret to beat more than twice as many troops.

"You're exposing your stupidity. Know that the fact that we have this many is already a threat. I know you're proud of the rigorous training you've been given, but don't insult them."

Into the castle, Alette tightened her loose feelings because her men were relieved that the conductor was sometimes a knight of Rolphis.

Alette with the young knights in their late teens, but the shortage of manpower was serious from the beginning. These are the new American knights before they went out to Baym and found out the world, and I feel really good about them.

The guide's knight sighs, too.

"Vice Commander Alette, it's tough, too. Then you guys, at least the majority of the knights and soldiers here now, are the ones who have gone through tens of thousands of wars over and over. Don't make me mad at you for saying something so weird."

Alette was also a little anxious to see the knights of the new America shut their mouths and make it look awkward. But when I went inside the royal castle, I kept my mind tight...

I lay down on the couch in the office, and I was reading the papers and listening to Monica's report.

In North Baim they seek Nowem and Clara for reconstruction. But Clara, who was asked, showed difficulty and came here to apply for a budget and arrange for craftsmen for the practical use of the Porter unit.

Nowem, along with the wizard, had rebuilt several villages in Rufence and was not on this occasion.

Aria, both Miranda's names have been deposited with Mr. Maxim for every unit, where he leads his own troops.

Eva is also busy meeting with the elves, and as far as Mae goes, it's more like Mr. Marina is taking Mae because of her body size... well, the two of us were doing a demonic exorcism in the realm.

And the reason I'm lying on the couch even though I'm at work right now...

"But is it the clerk's office that calls and meets? Well, should I think I don't have to give a tough greeting or something in the reception room?

Because Ludmila, Queen of Carthaphs, came to visit me. No, I was calling to be precise.

And now I have Mr. Ludmila on my knee pillow.

Monica looks at me like that.

"Isn't it the first time a chicken bastard has called the Queen of the Great Powers to knee pillow cravings, etc? You're a real chicken bastard because you're not going any further than that. But I think that's a good place!

With my thumb sticking out happily, my face got a little hotter when I saw the soft feeling on the back of my head than the paperwork and the two big swells in my sight.

The seventh generation is with Bosoli.

'... good view'

The third generation seems a little envious.

"I'm a butt jerk, so knee pillows are better...... ha, I envy you"

What to do...... without Mr. Mireia, the conversations in the treasure balls are always leaning towards nasty conversations between men.

"... don't say that. Honestly, I only threatened to call someone from Zain, Galleria, Russowerth, so I asked them to come out. What happened to Clara?

Monica said it would be a serious look.

"You're still refusing. Because Clara and Adele are not compatible. In response to Adele, who wants to keep her budget down, Clara basically wants to faithfully reproduce her knowledge of books and such. Well, I think they're both the same lack of applicability."

Are the two of them really okay with automatons saying they're lacking applicability, etc? If you think so, Mr. Ludmila will defend Clara.

"Clara is knowledgeable. It also has knowledge in all areas. Is architecture and civil engineering one of them? Then Baym, who's rebuilding, needs the talent. Ignoring some inconvenience, right? That's why I want to pull out a guy named Adele."

I look up at Mr. Ludmila.

"That's surprising. I didn't think I'd turn to Clara's defense."

Then Mr. Ludmila laughs couscous.

"Really? But I really admire Clara. She's capable."

Monica, however, opposes Clara's entry into the North Bame.

"You do need it as it stands. However, Professor Damian has shown no interest in improving Porter, making it more difficult to establish a transport unit by Porter. It wouldn't be a good idea to get Clara out of there as a whole."

Mr. Ludmila narrowed his eyes just a little.

"Porter Squad? I came around a few times here too...... hey ryel, why don't you sell that info to me? No, you want me to give it up. When the number of carriages is reduced, horses can be used for other things. As far as I'm concerned, can you explain this visit to the people below?

I don't mind giving it to you. I mean, I was gonna give it to you anyway.

"Fine. It's just not finished, so it's just a promise. Send a few wizards. No, why don't we teach the knights of Carthaphs over here and let them take it home?

There were knights from various countries, and some came to find out what they were building in South Baym's workshop.

Some are moving in the interests of their own country, and it is surfacing that the coalition is not a single rock today.

"Oh, my God, that's boring. If it looks like it, were you going to give it to me from the beginning? Well, that's fine."

When Mr. Ludmila says so, I tell Monica.

"Clara is in position as is. However, when the porters are finished and there are people out there who can move them, I'll send them to Baym. Until then, tell Mr. Adele I'll send additional personnel. Clara has... the South Baym craftsmen are beyond their limits. Make a request to the coalition of four countries."

Then, Mr. Ludmila.

"No, would you give me a moment? Why don't we take that request in Carthaphs? There are artisans here, too. Plus, I can afford it. There's a transport problem, but you can't say that now, can you?

I somehow understood Mr. Ludmila's thoughts. I want Porter's technology, but more than that, I guess I want a little basement for future technological developments.

Within the Union, there has been a stronger movement for the benefit of our own country.

This is likely to cause the coalition to collapse first if Ceres is not defeated within the early hours.


I have used it several times, but it was built quite widely and luxuriously to see if it was a spectacle of the former royal castle.

Did you make it to favor you when negotiating with various things, or if you make it brilliantly and your opponent shrivels at all - and so on? Or simply because you can't lick it?

Monica and Mr. Ludmila, and even a knight, the escort of Carthaphs, were in the room.

Right in front of me was Mr. Allette and the knights of Rolphis across the big table, right in front of me.

While Mr. Alette cares about Mr. Ludmila.

Lord Lyell, I've been telling you about the paperwork.

I nod and tell Mr. Allette to wear fancy clothes for a visit.

"It's also coming up in reports from the Valkyries. about Rolphis' position inside the coalition."

Mr. Alette had a serious look.

"A lot of people are really anxious to hear from you because you're not used to it. Anyway, as things stand, Rolphis certainly has a low contribution to make. Admittedly, there's a reason for that. But compared to the other three countries, we believe that we have made an unusual contribution to Lord Lyell."

Zayn, Galleria, Russowerth... the only reason the three countries are cooperating with me is because they saved the country. There have been rumors with Thelma and Aura in Zayn for a long time. Galleria, Russowerth has officially declared her acceptance of Mr Gracia and Mr Eliza.

In other words, if you try three countries, you have a marital relationship with me. Zayn, too, Mr. Selma - is that enough?

"I know. So, nothing in particular from me..."

"Then I'm in trouble! It also has Rolphis status within the Union of Four Nations. Obviously, it's the only thing that seems to be cold treating Rolphis."

I'm looking at Mr. Allette.

"You think that's what people are saying?

I might as well have Mr. Rauno look into it, but Mr. Rauno is also very busy because he is now asking for more internal investigations than his enemies.

Intelligence is also understaffed.

"The matter of Selva, indeed, the national territory has spread. I appreciate it this time too. But many people in the country have doubts about any further cooperation."

Then Mr. Ludmila laughed out.

"It's a funny story. Now there is no reason why we can leave the Union of Four. Everything around Rolphis is in Lyell's hands. I get an answer as soon as I think about it. If you leave now, you will turn all the surrounding countries against your enemies. Lyell isn't sweet enough to keep his enemies inside and fight Bansaim. If so..."

Mr. Alette does not change his expression, but the faces of the knights around him were emotional on the table. Anger, agitation, that kind of emotion.

I control Mr. Ludmila with my hands.

"We appreciate Rolphis' cooperation. If domestic circumstances are tough, accept future cooperation at the very least. And I promise you that we will never treat the Union of Four or Rolphis cold."

Mr. Allette moved his eyebrows just a little bit.

"So bye!

Mr. Ludmila opens his mouth.

"- You don't have Rolphis' position, do you? What you want is an engagement between Lyell and Her Royal Highness, right? But don't forget. I'm not the only one. There is also the Princess of Fanbaille. And the women who have supported Lyell since the beginning. You understand it's not easy to eat in here, right?

You came here to intimidate me, but I didn't know it was this far - Alette and the others had a bitter look. I'm sure you tried to push Her Royal Highness against me. It's impossible for me, a boulder, to accept someone that Nowem refused. Or I don't want any more. The third generation can still go! And so on, but I think I'm way over the limit.

From within the treasure balls, a seventh generation of voices was heard.

"There is no reciprocal relationship between countries. It's impossible to equalize everything from time immemorial. But it's not funny to have problems here '

The third generation was also in agreement.

'That's right. It's not funny, is it? I mean, in Lyell's case, there's home training, but from the Rolphis side, don't bring home training to problems between countries! I'd feel like it. But it's troublesome, isn't it? Even if you betray and suppress, it's also a question of how you treat them afterwards. Even if it's too extreme, yeah.... Oh, I've come up with a good thing'

Definitely not a good thing. That's all I know, too.

In the reception room, the voices of Mr. Ludmila and Mr. Aretto were gradually becoming louder.

"When the continent says it's going to move big, are you guys going to flirt and negotiate even in disobedience? Or a plea? You can betray me if you want to. I'll send out 30,000 soldiers soon. You don't have to get paid."

"Imitate like a threat because you're a big country. You seem to have forgotten that we're working together earlier than you. Come out later and take only the delicious part, is what the great powers do!

Carthafus, and the knights of Rolphis were also tingling.

I say in such a reception, apologizing in my heart.

"Okay. Marriage is more important than it used to be. However, as things stand, it is impossible for me and Her Royal Highness to marry. You're in a position where I can't be my son-in-law. The throne of Rolphis cannot be vacated."

Then Mr. Alette wrinkled between his brows.

"But if you were born a prince or a princess..."

"So shall we proceed with the marriage between Heavy Town? Why don't we make a pageant first, Mr. Allette?

"... it's me."

I didn't miss the look on Mr. Allette's face - more than the glow in his eyes. I think.

I'm sorry, Baldoor. It's not me. Two people in the treasure ball......

'All right, now it's okay to get the marriages out of Rolphis!

'Keep it up Baldoor, four-country coalition… let's especially get the Rolphis faction pulling in. Whoa, Lyell...... make sure Baldoor gets paid properly at a later date'

... I suck. I sold my men.

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