

- The eastern branch of Baym served as the headquarters of the Adventurer's Guild.

Most importantly, Adele is renting a conference room to rebuild Baym and so on, almost every day at work staying in.

Being in an environment where you can work was also a major factor because the guild has both money and water and accommodation. At the same time, the reason for not using luxury accommodation was because of its functionality as a workplace, but also because of the way it handled daily visitors.

Adele was sitting on a leather sofa, pinching a low table and talking to a former guild executive. The opponent is the North Branch - formerly an executive who partitioned the adventurers of harbor relations.

"The port has been managed so far by Baim! What does it mean to take it unilaterally!

While Adele made a thin neighborhood under her eyes, she kept conscious by drinking the bitter tea poured into the cup.

(Please really go home now. I'm busy here... I don't have any more of your seats left)

Baym fell. When that happened, the upper management retreated as soon as possible. For this reason, feelings inside Baym suck with the impression manipulations of the Lyells. In fact, the East Branch, which we make our headquarters, came in under false names.

Behind the couch, Maxim refrains, and besides that, a few female knights refrain. I owe it from the Union of Four Nations, but I also refrained from the Valkyries and Adele was relieved.

"… as you already understand, Baym will not recognize you at the earliest opportunity. That's why you came here for a meeting under false names, isn't it?

Adele watched the other person's expression distort remorsefully. It was a waste of time, rather than an inability to afford to be concerned.

What Lyell wanted was guild know-how, with enormous power - the executives of the guild who were exercising it were unnecessary.

"... I would ask for the acceptance of some merchants who have come to cooperate in the development of Baym, and of the executives of the Alliance. South Bame is fine. It's not like this is a handful either. You'd need information about the labyrinth Baym's been managing, wouldn't you?

They also expect the Adeles to crave know-how, and have offered to offer management know-how. But Adele drinks tea that doesn't seem to interest her.

"Fine. Materials are already held up. I was in South Bame. I've got a party here that specializes in labyrinths. Besides, the Adventurer Guild is under national control. The coalition of four countries is already moving forward in that direction. Jumpers on the Carthaphs will also shift slowly in that direction. Fanbaille shares this opinion."

"What does that have to do with this!

Adele drank her tea, so she put the cup on the table.

"I do. Clearly, you don't need to. - No, I'm in the way."

The executives got up. My hair is messy and my clothes are a little dirty. I can see that he escaped and was not able to live a decent life. I guess coming to Baym was pretty much hunted down too.

"No way, you tried to take our money in the harbor..."

Adele doesn't change her expression.

"Right. We needed a reward for this collaboration, so we hit our hands with your property. A lot of people seem to have been squeezed out for accepting the harbor and setting up shops."

"Oh, you guys are"

Here, Adele seeded her opponent.

"Everything carried the way I wanted, nothing like that. But you've moved as you think on Mr. Lyell's palm. I've already used it. Just..."

Says Adele as she sees her opponent about to regret it.

"- If you're selling me management know-how, pay me quite a reward. If you could just tell me that you would accept it in conjunction with the expulsion from Baym... you don't have to be rude."

The surrounding female knights pull out their swords. And Maxim put up a spear, too.

"Bullshit, bullshit -"

Adele stood up.

"Aren't you the ones who banished us first? And a few executives other than you took the money and left Baym. If you don't give us useful information early, we'll only pay you well."

The man, who was a former executive, was squeezing his own hair with both hands and leaning down. Regrettably, but also thinking that if you sell the know-how you have at this stage, you will get the funds -.

- Tanya had come to drop off her boss, who had become a former executive.

My boss decided to move to the country with his family, along with a group leaving Baim in the same way. Tanya was the only one who came to drop me off.

My boss was laughing as usual.

"That's discipline. You didn't have to drop me off or anything. You know what we're being treated like in Baym, right?

Tanya leans down.

"I also owe you for picking me up. Besides, you stayed in Baym until the end..."

My boss was laughing powerlessly.

"I don't have a choice. So I was able to pull out the condition that Baym's - no, the city of North Baym, even in exile. I'm not sure I can live very far or in an exotic country, so I'm glad I did."

Tanya had a serious look when she looked up. Make a fist grip, and suggest it to your boss.

"Given our abilities, we need it for the future baim. Ask Mr. Adele..."

"- Put it on. Already, she's practically Baym's ruler proxy. Besides, even if I were there, the Alliance officials would rely on me. In my way, I could go back to my original guild. Fundamentally, what I and they are aiming for is different. So sooner or later, it creates a crack.... and I'm tired. I organized a pioneering group with my rewards. I'm going to spend some time with the non-billies, so I was wondering if you'd excuse me, Tanya."

Tanya is Tanya's other name. The name of the sweeper. It was using Tanya's name, not Tanya's, that pushed her boss against her unpleasant job.

"... excuse me"

"I'm sorry. But I can't stay here. Besides, rural life isn't bad either. I mean, can we really rebuild North Baym... Tanya is tougher"

When they laughed lightly at each other, they split straight at Baim's gate -.

"... what?

I think I made a dumb voice.

In the office in Rufence's castle, I was shocked to hear Nowem's report of his arrival from Beim.

"No, so it's about the samurai. As it stands, Shannon is the only one who can be called Lady Lyell's samurai. It's just more than saying I'll take care of you..."

It feels like I'm taking better care of you. I'm starting to be able to do a lot of things on my own on a boulder, but Shannon is basically not for combat.

Follow Monica, Nowem, or Miranda to help. I can't use it even if I had a demon eye. It's a bummer. I'm also surprised that such Shannon was my samurai frame...

"No, Monica, Valkyries, she's better than a bad samurai."

Then Nowem's tender smile suddenly frightened me.

"Then I'm in trouble! Dear Ryer, please understand that we are understaffed even as things stand. Monica and Valkyries have a job to do. What a samurai can do must be left to the samurai. Plus... the samurai's push is starting. I've got a couple of stories coming to me through Eva, too."

"Oh, I didn't hear that."

Then, as the third generation admired something from within the treasure ball.

"In my day, you were a samurai, a talented girl, a daughter of a village celebrity. I have kept it for several years because it feels like educating me. Well, I've had my daughter in the house who lost her worker in the war. '

The seventh generation seemed intrigued by the third generation's opinion.

"Because of the different size of the territory, in my time you hired a samurai who would work even if there was an aspect of education. The minister's daughter and others had made him work at the Walt family for several years, and that had become a bridesmaid training. But... given Lyell's aspirational position, it's you. '

"That's it. Not a concubine candidate in the name of a samurai or a concubine's aide? Wow, I've read that in a book. That's pretty dreary. '

The third generation seemed to have some fun even though it sounded unpleasant. The same goes for the seventh generation.

'Women like that hand story, so you had a bunch of those out there in books for women. From a man's point of view, it's just not funny...... yes, does Lyell have such a dreary backyard'

No, I don't want to hold it. As far as I'm concerned, I want to refuse that.

"Oh, you can feel like a helper, can't you? Well, what's it like to be a candidate for a samurai?

Nowem remains a serious expression.

"As things stand, you can't say you've won or lost, so you're limited. Being a daughter of nobility, the eldest and second daughters are also desirable from the Carthaphs to the Earls and so forth. The family of elves, also the hunter, a performer - named for taking care of Mr. Eva. Dwarf, Norm is also talking to me. As things stand, Lady Lyell is not discriminating against subraces, and we think she wants to use this as an opportunity to improve her status or to maintain the status quo."

Even though he was being chased by anti-van seim measures, he had at some point brought in problems from those on his side.

"... it's definitely not a faction or anything? I don't like frivolous factional fights."

Then the third generation laughed.

"Even a small village can have factions, right? Humans, if there's three of us, we can have factions, so give it up. I need to get that under control. I mean, we've talked about that before!

The seventh generation was the same.

'Well, you can really do it. It's often done unintentionally. It's just, Lyell... don't get everyone together just in the treasure balls anymore. We were also punished with the arrows before us. Or I will absolutely refuse in the future!... Again, my wife is better off alone. Yeah.'

I'm glad I was alone. Yet I'm not the only one who's spoken out a lot and increased it to snowman ceremonies!... should be.

Nowem smiles.

"Give it up. I also intend to be as attentive to anything that would be a burden to Master Lyell as I can. It's not just the samurai..."


"... factions are also being formed throughout the army. Lord Maxim offers his allegiance to Mr. Adele, and it will be Lord Baldoor, and Lord Blower, who is pledging allegiance purely to Lord Lyell. However, Lord Blower is being taken up by the Bansaim soldiers, otherwise a structure like Lord Baldoor is being developed."

"What, Baldoor did that to you?

With a third generation frightened voice.

"Well, well, well! We need an opposing horse, so we approached you, Baldoor, near Lyell's side. Bardot, I thought you didn't want it either.

While Nowem looked at me.

"And there's a little problem with Rolphis inside the coalition of four countries."

"Do you still have it!?"

"Within the coalition of four nations, Rolphis is the only one who has not put out a woman close to Master Lyell. Thanks to this, we also have a low contribution and low morale within the Union of Four Nations. We are surrounded by countries on this side, so I don't think we can leave..."

What is it? Why can you rub it with weird things when you're busy? I thought so. I wouldn't be bad, and I don't think I'm actually wrong. But did the seventh generation notice how I was?

"Hmm, Lyell. If it gets bigger, the problem with this hand will really come up. Give it up."

"Okay. I'll figure it out.... is that it? You think we're understaffed in all sorts of places?

Nowem nodded with a smile. That smile is so cute that I decided to forgive it.

"Yes. That's an honest story...... we don't have enough people to keep the continent even if we win. The number of soldiers is becoming fairly consistent, but there are still physical limits to Monica's ability to take care of Ryer in addition to backward support."

Why do we need to worry so much if we haven't even won yet? A little more, I want those in war to focus their consciousness.

- Clara was looking at the mass-produced porter she took from Banseim.

Wizards. They also gather the lower-ranking and teach the magic of the Golem. The mass-produced porter for practice was really just made without a horse in a carriage.

Simple and durable. However, it is a specification that requires skill from the user.

Similar sitting on the crate, Damien, who was watching how it was doing, was stretching. I'm collecting data on the Valkyries, and I guess I did it all night again for that analysis.

Back in South Baim, Clara was developing talent to move porters. I pulled Damien out for advice.

But who is he?

"- You can't. I can't use this without improving the Golem. It's a short period of time, and I guess we should rebuild it and make it easier to manipulate?

Clara returned the deviated glasses to their original position.


"If you know what I mean, don't ask. You've gained quite a bit of experience manipulating the porter, and I'm guessing you had talent from the beginning? So I can manipulate the porter now. When it comes to the porter, isn't it possible to operate more than me?

Damian, who completed the magic of the Golem, told me, and Clara was delighted. But that fact sticks to a reality that's not happy for Clara.

"... that is, to make it usable, rebuild the golem itself to make it easier to manipulate," he said?

Damien is rubbed on the shoulder by the number three automaton who takes care of herself.

"I mean, it's badly made. Let's make a ton of them, I mean... feel like I made them make them in a hurry? Wouldn't it break if you put too much luggage on it, too?

Clara sees the Porter of Bansaim who recovered it because of it. Unlike our own porters, we had difficulty attaching ourselves to the way we were asked to function alone.

"... what shall we do? I was delighted that Adele was able to reinforce the rear forces without an extra budget."

Damian looks at Clara.

"Ahhh, who is it?

No. 3 teaches Damien with a smile.

"This is the woman representing Lord Lyell in North Baim, my lord"

"That's her! May's on the money, isn't it? I mean, it's unusual for you to call it off."

When I heard Clara calling Adele away, Damien seemed to find it rare.

"I don't like Adele. Ha, if I applied for an extra budget or something, would I go through with it?

To Clara like that, Damian smiled.

"Isn't it impossible to have money? 'Cause so is Grandpa Latata, but he's pretty busy with South Bame craftsmen and stuff. I don't think I can hold you back."

Clara is right in the face.

"... is that guy really good at home affairs relations?

I'm not here. I complained about Adele. Damien leaning his neck, too.

"What is it? Aren't you good at money relations? That pink-haired..."

"This is Mr. Liane."

I was advised number three, but Damien kept talking about if he wasn't interested -.

"Yes, I think he was better."

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