
[]/(n, vs) pageant/

"... what have you done to me?"

In front of the sighing baldoor, I'm with Osoz.

"Was it bad?

Baldoor's work room is smaller than mine. I know there's a lot of stuff around, but I guess my office was special from the beginning. I talked to Mr. Alette about the pageant, and when he also spoke to Baldoor, he was stunned.

"No, excuse me. When it comes to the fringe proposed by Master Lyell, you can't refuse. So, was your opponent the deputy captain of Rolphis? As things stand, the Landbergs are the Walt jury knights. I don't think we're gonna catch each other?

"Huh? You're not turning me down?

When I was surprised, I heard a laugh from inside the treasure ball. The third generation tells me.

'Neither is my time, but it's equivalent to saying no to the friendship my master gave me. Like the Walt family, family training for generations will take into account the fact that they may be with their foster parents. In my case, the second generation came looking for me, so I'm glad to hear it.'

The seventh generation says the same thing.

'That's a good reason to say no. But it's also weird that you don't have someone you like at this age. Lyell, listen to me.'

I followed the instructions of the seventh generation and asked Baldoor.

"You have no other opponent? Like who you like?

Baldoor's gaze moved a little, but when he looks at me, he opens his mouth like he gave up.

"Master Lyell was under house arrest, wasn't he? Even if you know it in knowledge, is that the place? Someone I liked, too. However, the opponent is the daughter of a village who stopped by in a thief's crusade. You can't marry a boulder."

Baldoor told me that it was pointless in front of free love and other connections between houses to aristocratic marriages. Nowem was my fiancée in my case, but Baldoor apparently has a different identity.

"What are you going to do?

"I'm going to take it. Indeed, as things stand, we cannot underestimate the problem of Rolphis. If Rolphis leaves the Union, for example, sanctions will be needed. Other countries are anxious if you do too much additions and subtractions by mistake. Too much effort will cause dissatisfaction. It will vary from country to country, because it is a problem that cannot be left alone."

Yes. If Rolphis leaves, there is also the possibility of imposing sanctions. If other countries are not convinced, we cannot leave them alone.

Worst of all, we also have to think about destroying it inside the Union before we consign it with Bansaim. But what do other countries think of that? I won't lose. That's all I have right now. But winning is just a victory on the spot.

I didn't want to hold a weird bomb, refraining from fighting Bansaim.

"... bad. Yes, it was. It was a darker time as an adventurer, so you forgot about your aristocracy."

"I was wondering if I had a choice. Except for knowing it in knowledge and experiencing it. However, my condition is that you consider accepting me as a samurai because I have my hands after the bandit's crusade. At the very least, you need to acknowledge the relationship."

Seventh generation in a slightly lower voice.

'You're probably taking care of it. I mean, you're doing what you do. I wish Lyell could afford this much.'

Then the third generation says in the seventh generation.

"Seventh generation is too big, so you don't crusade thieves or anything directly, do you? Even so, does it feel like the ministerial corps is consolidating itself around you? Because it is common for villages that have been crusaded by thieves to entertain their best daughter. If you have as much territory as Baldoor, there's got to be quite a few stories like this... but if you're listening, is it an individual?

I questioned the third generation.

"Individual? Or all the women you've ever had a relationship with?

Baldoer has looked at me with a zit eye.

"... Dear Ryer, don't think that everyone surrounds a lot of women like Ryer. It's an individual. individuals. Thank you for your help when you did your thief crusade a few years ago. I was in a great panic later, too, just because of my knowledge. I'm just trying not to stay in the village or anything else after that."

The third generation is in a serious voice.

'It would be annoying if I put that on the other side, too. If you thank me for taking down the thief, I feel rejected. Well, Bardot, I know you want to get through this for yourself.'

Are you obsessed because you're the first woman? I didn't really get it. Baldoor exhales.

"Well, I have feelings, and I've been dating ever since. I want to see how much trouble you have. So, I'm sorry… if I die, if you have some rewards for that daughter as well"

... suddenly it's a nasty story. However, in front of the baldoor with a serious expression, there was an atmosphere where I couldn't even tell a joke, so I decided to just see where they were.

- Alette was drooling in the waiting room.

"... I should have had something other than knightly clothes. Why didn't you get me a dress, my idiot!

It is the knight who guided us through the castle that sees such an arrette. I mean, I'm frightened, I comfort myself as I look at Alette.

"Lord Baldoor doesn't have that much clothing either. This way, get in and stay put. At the very least, if you're in good shape, it's fine. Besides, it was decided suddenly."

Then the new American knights anxiously asked such a knight.

"Um, are you sure? Our original role is to..."

The knight shakes his head to the side.

"I know. But you guys... can anyone marry the vice president for missing this chance? A man's hand is precious. Most of them are married, even if they're looking for someone to match their character. If you miss this chance, it's even dangerous now."

Originally, the purpose of the Arets was to improve the status of Rolphis in the pre-construction era. But in fact, Her Royal Highness Princess Anneline and I were sent in to attach Lyell's engagement.

Because if we do not, we will have less say in the Union of Four. The other three countries have something to do with Lyell, but Rolphis is the only one... Besides, we can't even Rolphis like leaving the Union now.

Because the moment you fall out, your surroundings will be full of enemy countries.

The knight looks up at the ceiling, then at Aret.

"Lieutenant, do you have the marriage papers?

Alette looked up, nodding.

"Huh? Oh, I have?

The new American knights around him were brilliant. The knight, with his gaze around such new American knights.

"See? This is who I am. I don't have a chance anymore. Her Royal Highness is still young. But the deputy commander... he's a good man, because there are places like this... as a knight of Rolphis, I'd rather go on talking about the marriage between Lord Lyell and Her Royal Highness than this story. But as an individual, I want to support the Deputy Head of Mission. And..."


Alette was simulating with the bumps. It looked like he was trying to prepare the answers to the times in advance if he was tempted by the pageant.

"If they asked me what I was doing for the holidays, I wouldn't have worked out my body and drank and slept at night. I was pissed off later. Then we're talking cute knitting and family stuff here - no! I learned to knit and never did it! If this happens, you can properly delude yourself into loving flowers..."

Too desperate, the male knights around him were donning.

"- And, yes. This story isn't bad either. You're a candidate for a big town that's going to be highly competitive now, aren't you? I'm a jury knight now, but if Lord Lyell triumphs, he'll be given a great lord to count. Or as a court nobleman, I'm pretty sure he's close. Rolphis, it's not a bad country, is it?

Only superficial work can succeed, yes the knights explained to the new American knights -.

Hours later.

Each was ready, and the pageant began in the form of me and Mr. Ludmila facing each other with a round table prepared for the courtyard in the royal castle, and Baldoor and Mr. Aretto of the Fate facing each other.

There are some escorts around, but the minimum you need.

And only the female knights, that's the situation. Monica is getting me ready for tea or something, but Mr. Alette is nervous and has no hands at all.

After a few minutes without anyone opening their mouth, Mr. Ludmila put the cup down. Kathari and ceramic cups make noise. It was so quiet that it sounded beautiful.

But it was Mr. Allette who upset that equilibrium.

"Oh, that! Your hobbies!

Then Baldoor looks calm.

"A little horseback riding. Others have their hands on paintings and instruments, but not enough to be good at it. And may I ask you one thing?


Two people close in age, but I'm terribly nervous about Mr. Alette. I feel like I'm about to slip my mouth. With the third generation excited.

"I wonder if you'll give me some marriage papers here. If you've already filled in your name, you'd be surprised, too, Bardot. '

The seventh generation appreciated Baldoor's calmness.

'You don't know what you think on the inside. But...... this spare time, I guess because I still know a woman. Lyell, think seriously about it, too. Big battles are close too. It's good to know a woman. "

... I can't think of putting my hands on a woman with two people in the treasure ball. I mean, I'm a little shocked to find out Baldoor isn't from our side. I thought it would be fun to talk to Damian and Maxim......

Baldoor elbowed to his desk and looked at Mr. Allette with a serious look in his hand.

"I understand this marriage is very important. It's just that my parents have a small territory, even though they say they have a city. Associate Baron family size. And it's a jury. Because it is a trail of lord nobility, if you marry, you will be married to my parents. Besides, I'm a lord nobleman. Even if I only loved you, I could reach out to other women."

I'm talking about getting entertainment from the village I helped. I helped the village in the same way at Baim, but that kind of glossy story never came out. Is this the difference in customs?

"Wow, I'm from what I call a court aristocrat in Bansaim. There's a lot to talk about..."

"Then I'm in trouble."

Baldoor's voice got a little stronger. The expression was serious in itself.

"My parents, the Landberg family, have sworn allegiance to the Walt family since they became jury knights. A house I've served for six generations now. I hope to do the same."

Mr. Alette is also in desperate condition.

"Well, I understand that. You have experience in action with me! Or I'm ready..."

Baldo nodded.

"To the extent that. She said she was only in the position of deputy director while she was a woman. So you understand what I'm saying? There are other things a woman can do. Besides, I can't give top priority to Rolphis. Besides, some women are already related. I can't get married because of my low status. I intend to welcome you to the mansion as a samurai. If that's all right, I'll welcome you as my rightful wife."

Mr. Alette doesn't have to think...

"Wow, okay! The samurai are unexpected, but I hear a lot of stories about that. If you miss this chance, I'll have..."

- I agree.

"Huh? It's okay!

I thought I was absolutely reluctant, but I even admitted to accepting a samurai - a mistress.

"One or two of the samurai, you can't get married anymore if you're angry because you've got your hands on them! This one's serious, shut up! I was thinking that there would be worse conditions... in fact, I've been told a few times..."

I feel like I can't cut anything. As for Mr. Ludmila.

"If you're a lord nobleman, that's about it. Sometimes if you go out to war, you die. Surrounding a few women in the sense of leaving a heir is a good story to hear. Well, there's a lot of failures."

When I saw Mr. Allett, Mr. Allett was trying to get the paperwork out of his nostalgia. I'll take the paperwork. Why is this man in such a hurry to fail?

"Or give it back! But there are still spares."

"Don, I'm pulling, so stop it. Later, I will prepare it properly. Look, give me the spare papers too. Hurry up!"

"No, because... you have to fill it in quickly!

"I realize it's weirder to carry it with you all the time! I'm worried about your behavior!

Mr. Ludmila turned to the paperwork I have. And I distorted my expression a little.

"You, are you carrying something like this? I'm gonna pull a man off a boulder."

I think Mr. Ludmila would pull quite a bit if he was a normal man, too. With that in mind, Baldoor took the paperwork from me.

"Excuse me. So much so...... that's a little different from what Bansaim wrote. Shall I write to Rolphis?"

When he said that and took out the pen, Baldoor wrote his name on the paperwork with Mr. Alette's name on it.

Seventh generation says.

"You're the kind who doesn't move unexpectedly."

The third generation seems a little boring.

'Ha, that's something. I'm glad it works, but you want another wave.'

I'm looking at Baldoor.

"Hey, why don't you worry a little bit more? It's me. Mr. Allette... I grew so tense that I couldn't get my hands on it."

Mr. Alette stood up and grabbed my shoulder.

"Will you please stay out of my way of happiness! Please!

Seeing Alette pleading desperately, I left Alette a little while sitting in the chair. Mr Ludmila seems a little sorry.

"Lord Baldoor was after Carthaphs as well... well, this will make Rolphis a little more adult too"

Baldoor stops the pen, looking at my face...

"... Lord Lyell, look in the mirror"

- That's what I said.

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