
Worse than Zain.

Arriving in Baym, I was on my own visiting the Alliance for a debrief.

I took a shower and drowned sweat and mud when I headed to the bathroom in my guild to sell off demonic materials, demonic stones, etc.

I take a warm, momentum free shower, and when I tighten my mind, I aim to receive the guild.

Mr Tanya would have been preferable if possible, but an experienced official would have been good without him. I hadn't really thought about whose row I would be in at Baym, but today I checked to see who was at the counter before lining up for the row.

Around, rumors were heard today.

"You heard, a good number of mercenaries are on Zane's side."

"Zain has long allowed looting. Rumor has it that Rolphis is a strong princess."

I thought you said, "I'm not interested.

"I hear you're turning to Alette's guy, the powerful mercenary regiment."

"The knights are in trouble."

Adventurers laughing.

Thinking about Mr. Alette, I don't feel good about it. But you can't expect that much fellowship from an adventurer.

Besides, the parties Mr. Alette usually hangs out with are more labyrinth-resistant adventurers than mercenaries.

When it comes to the battlefield, it must be different on its own.

From within the treasure balls, there was a sixth generation of voices.

"Are you gathering manpower? If you're not back yet, it's convenient. Lyell, do you want to make contact? Of course, I'll lay low about Aura and the others. '

As things stand, I don't know how Mr. Allette will react.

From the Rolphis side, it's a troublesome country to attack with claims.

When I grabbed the treasure ball, the line that was lined up moved out.

"... fewer people than usual"

Looking around and thinking about it, different adventurers were talking.

"Hey, the guys from the South Branch called me out, what are you guys gonna do?

"Mercenaries gather people on an ad hoc basis? You're getting real."

"You're in Zayn's favor, aren't you? If that's the case, Zain would join us."

"Idiot. Then Rolphis owes you money. But he'll hire a mercenary regiment. Good treatment is gonna be Rolphis, so wait till then."

I heard a seventh generation. with angry pregnant voices.

"This is why adventurers can't be trusted!

When I sighed lightly, I felt signs that the war was approaching.

When my turn came around at the reception, I sat in my chair and handed Mr. Tanya the paperwork.

As usual. When I gave the guild card to Tanya, who received the paperwork, we went through the process and talked about a few things.

"Is it stable and evaluated [B]? After all, Lyell, you guys are excellent. With that said, it looks like you bought that haunted mansion, are you okay?

When I heard about the haunted mansion, I snapped my neck.

"You just got back and you don't know it," Tanya said, pointing her sympathetic gaze at me.

At the end of the process, I opened my mouth as I received my papers and guild card.

Mr. Tanya, there's actually something I'd like to talk to you about.

A serious look, and hearing my voice, changed Mr. Tanya's expression from a smile to something serious.

"... sounds creepy here. Fine. It is also the staff's job to support good adventurers. Could you wait upstairs because I'm changing reception?"

As I nodded, Mr. Tanya spoke to the official who was checking the paperwork behind the reception.

"[Rhue], please stay here. 'Cause I've got business to run."

"Oh, hey, senior!

A rookie guild clerk was in a hurry because he stood up hastily, or because the paperwork fell to the floor. I'm off the line and heading upstairs.

I didn't say where to wait upstairs, but soon Mr. Tanya came up.

Walking, and atmosphere... Maybe Tanya was an adventurer before too.

He told me to go into one of the conference rooms upstairs, and I went in as I was told.

(When you came to Baym, since you took the course)

With that in mind, Mr. Tanya sat in front of me when I sat in the right chair. I'm going to smile at you, but the vibe is sharp somewhere.

"Well, you called it in, so I guess that's a pretty good story. If you're confessing, please stop. Because I'm at work."

"Is it okay if I'm out of work? … just kidding."

When I apologized to Tanya, who smiled but sharpened her gaze, I cut out the story.

"I have a consultation. Mr. Allett's still in Baym, isn't he?

"... I can't say"

When Mr. Tanya said that, I nodded. Nothing. I can go see him, and that's not the problem.

I grabbed the treasure ball.

"On my way home from accomplishing my request, I actually helped people. I personally took on the request for an escort, so I'm not likely to be able to request an Alliance for a while"

Mr. Tanya put his elbows on his desk and put his hands together as he looked at my face. In front of my face. Take your hand in a position that hides around your mouth.

"...... I took a personal request, it's also an adventurer's freedom. Ma, it's true you wanted it through your guild. I personally want you to achieve this successfully and take the Alliance's request. I'm hoping... Well, is that it?

You called it in to this extent? I can't see those atmospheres in my mouth, but Tanya, who would be smiling, showed them with attitude.

I laugh bitterly.

Mr. Tanya's gaze moved a little, so I apologized.

"Excuse me. This is the real deal. I've been having a little trouble."


I say with a smile as I look at Mr. Tanya.

"I helped the great priest of Zain, and the former Virgin, and then the former Virgin candidate who rivaled the current Virgin. The request is to" get the design back into the hands of the person who should. "I'm not enough hands on my own. So why don't you go talk to him?

Mr. Tanya had her cheeks pulled on my smile. I hid my mouth with my combined hands, but the movement of my cheeks made me understand the sole.

And Tanya, who releases her assembled hands and sets her elbows off from the desk to correct her posture, has sighed and looked at my face.

"You're out of hand for me to be. I'm glad you didn't tell the receptionist that you deserved to call. Just..."


Mr. Tanya is pale.

"The Alliance will not help on either side. It would be Zayn, but it would be Rolphis, but if the Alliance gets a request, we'll just deal with it. There can be no such thing as cooperating on either side. You shouldn't have too much room for this story, Lyell."

After hearing Tanya's opinion, there is a fifth generation within the treasure ball.

'I mean, the guild wants to make money while they both contend. It's also the capital of merchants. "

The capital of merchants and adventurers - that's Baym. There are many merchants who make money because there is war, and when it comes to war, supplies can be sold to fly too.

The Alliance will not like it the other way around, such as loading one of them to finish. Anyway, it's a city dominated by merchants.

Nor do I think the Alliance can defy the merchants. No, the guild itself could not be said to be a merchant dealing with demonic stones.


"I was relieved to hear that. I mean, he said the guild was fair."

"... I know you don't mean it, but that's the thing."

You thought I was being sarcastic, Mr. Tanya tried to get up. But I'm gonna have to speak to Tanya and wait.

"We're not done yet."

"Is that a silence?

Tell him to stop, but he won't report it. Anyway, I'm holding the spark of war.

I'm not talking about Mithril.

The spark I hold is something I can't ignore for Zayn, who makes a claim and wages war.

"No. I won't shut you up. I just thought the guild was fair and good."

From within the treasure ball, I heard a happy third generation voice.

'True, it was fair and good, wasn't it? It doesn't have to be fair!

I also had a fourth generation voice.

"When it comes to gathering manpower, you have to rely on your guild."

I told Tanya.

"I will make a request by name. I'd like to make a request for [Crate Benini] 's party."

Mr. Tanya seemed to understand what I was thinking, holding his forehead with his left hand and looking at me abominably.

"Also, should I say it's the right material... that's his favorite request."

"That's right."

When I went down to the first floor with Tanya, I proceeded to make a request.

- "Tanya” was reporting about Lyell in her boss's room.

My boss was listening to Tanya's report as he handled the job.

"Right. Did you pick up the former Virgin? I'm not impressed with picking up anything, but you're picking up the big guy again."

My boss is laughing, but Tanya is not laughing.

"Do you want to report to HQ?

Then, the boss snapped his neck.

"Why not? There's nothing you can do without a war. Instead, the war might expand depending on how it moves. Whoa, and then I have to report it? Yeah, let's just tell him. I know you won't do anything."

Tanya's boss waited for the ink to dry when he finished writing the papers.

He kept his body behind his chair and was exhaling for a long time.

"Huh, you don't have any less work to do today. I'm busy."

Tanya - it was Tanya's sweeper name.

If Lyell had been ordered to kidnap, or kill, the former Virgins he was securing, it would have moved immediately.

But my boss wasn't.

"I didn't ask you to protect me. You're offering to cooperate... you want to come? Well, if it's a request, we'll handle it properly."

He didn't seem interested. Instead, he doesn't seem to think it has any significant impact.

"May I? If it is not in the interest of the Alliance"

"I don't think so. Besides, even the South Branch, which has mercenaries, usually gets a lot of requests. Besides, Zane and Rolphis aren't the only places you can make money. The mercenaries are already moving. The skirmishes are likely to start early on at the border. You're selling supplies too. Some of them seem to have made money selling the precious metals they've been saving. Damn, what the adventurer is doing"

My boss's guy doesn't seem to like adventurers doing things like merchants.

(The Albanos? I heard you discovered iron in the labyrinth that had become a rare metal before)

My boss told Tanya that there was no major problem as a whole.

"Tanya, we're from the East Branch. The interests of the Alliance are important too, but let's see more underfoot. Our guild is going to get flat on request if the adventurers don't come back early. I can't send an adventurer if I find a labyrinth. It doesn't taste good, does it? Besides, the Alliance only earns Demon Stones."

My boss was sighing when I didn't make much demon stone in the war.

Tanya relieved herself that she apparently didn't have to take action against the Lyells.

The boss.

"I'd rather sell you a favor. I want to end the war quickly. If you don't, the other branches will tell you you're not working again."

Before her joking boss, Tanya finished her report and tried to leave the room. But they stopped me.

"Tanya, if you can sell grace, sell it. Good adventurers don't want to let go. To the extent that there is no disadvantage to the Alliance,"

When she saw her boss try, Tanya left the room.

(Are you trying me?

He went back to Tanya and felt that way outside the room...

In the mansion Nowem and the others searched for, I received a report from Mr. Launo, the informant.

He doesn't have a mustache, and he doesn't drink, so he looks like someone else.

"Well, this is the Zane situation we've been looking into."

When I looked through the report, I nodded.

(Much like Mr Gastone and Mr Selma's reports.)

I just proved Mr. Rauno's skill, and I made my next request.

"I'll read the report later slowly. And here's our next request."

"... next time? Are you telling Miranda what's going on with Rolphis?

Rolphis, you have more bombs than I imagined, and I'm reluctant to use them. In a nutshell, terrible.

Worse than Zain.

It's so bad that I'm also convinced that Mr. Allette is in a difficult physical condition. Impossible.

"No, we need you to gather information in Selva next."

"Selva? I don't think you have the most movement? It's a tranquillity. Well, if you say it's too creepy, it's creepy."

Mr. Launo seems to think it suspicious, too.

There was a fourth generation of voices from within the treasure balls.

'Rolphis is actually just one princess, isn't he? I have a prince who is engaged to that child, and I don't know why she won't even try to help...... Besides, when it comes to Gastone, the current Virgin is from Selva, isn't she? Now you have all the faces of the participants in this one!

I heard the fifth generation.

'Rolphis and Zain, and Selva... I wonder what you're thinking. As far as I'm concerned, I'd like to deduce the Selva mastermind theory. "

With the seventh generation laughing.

'No, no, it's also possible that the Virgin of Zain is working on Selva'

Six generations.

"Maybe it's a selfie from both countries. slap Rolphis and pull him up, Selva could go into the country and take over pretending to go straight into relief '

The third generation.

'Eh, then don't do anything. Send in your fiancée's prince and you're done. As far as I'm concerned, the guild mastermind theory sounds interesting. All the wars around here had guilds in the back!

In the third generation of serious voices, the historical contemporaries.

"Hahaha, that's nice"

"Well, you'll do enough to turn your hands around in the back because you'll make money"

'Fifth generation, that's a merchant. The Alliance will be different again'

'It's the same thing, though. He's a merchant who deals with demon stones. But, well...'

The opinions of the historical principals converge.

I want to agree with you on that point.

A third generation spoke for the voices of all hearts.

Only the princess of Rolphis doesn't have a mastermind theory.

When I sigh, Mr. Launo looks at my face.

"What's up? Though I don't think it's more headache content than Rolphis?

"No, because the comparison is too low. Because Zain is a strange enough country."

When I say that, the third generation laughs.

"Lyell is an idiot. There is no decent country in this world. Everybody's crazy somewhere. '

When I heard that, the historical masters were laughing.

(It really hurts my head...)

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