
Fourth Faction

I was supposed to make major policy changes.

(Damn, if the princess of Rolphis hadn't been too harsh, she'd have won on Rolphis side like this)

I found a misrill in the labyrinth, Rolphis.

I said the goddess gave it to me, Zain.

This is the beginning of this war, which is superficial.

But here comes a third country - a country called the Kingdom of Selva.

Looking at some information.

The prince of Selva was engaged to the princess of Rolphis - one daughter.

The present Virgin of Zain is the daughter of a former nobleman of Selva.

A third country that has something to do with both and has not shown any movement in the face of this war is Selva.

Nowem and the others bought it and were preparing for our acceptance of the mansion's own room.

I sat in a chair and headed to my desk, talking to the voice of a treasure ball.

"How can we deal with these three countries if there is a suspicious country?"

I heard a sixth generation voice in my voice from a jewel I put on my desk.

"Don't worry. Luckily, you have many handbills in your hand. Former Virgin, former Grand Cleric, Knight of Rolphis...... and former Virgin Candidate. Considering the information gathered, we can figure out where we're going."

It seemed like a difficult question to me where to take this war settlement.

Then, feeling the signs, I took the treasure ball and closed my mouth when I put it around my neck.

The third generation of voices.

"Oh, you're here fast."

I heard footsteps and came closer step by step. As I sat in my chair and looked out at the door, I could hear a little rambling knocking in the room.

"Go ahead."

With that said, the door opened rampantly.

It was Shannon, who was out of breath, who came into the room. Open your mouth to me, disturbing your breath with Zeher.

At first, you didn't have as much voice as you thought, after only a few moments.

"Lyell... your customer is here."

Look at Shannon's tired face, I smile.

"Oh, yeah. I mean, this mansion is big."

When I stood up laughing, Shannon resented me and looked at me as the lack of exercise was getting rid of somewhat.

"Then just sell it off! I'm scared and I can't help it, but nobody's gonna tell me to sell it! They say haunted mansions or something!

We bought the famous haunted mansion in Baim, but a few days passed since we came to the mansion. But nothing unusual has happened.

I'm sure there was just a tail on the rumor.

Nowem's story suggests that there are stores in the basement that could be the reason for the rumors.

"Still, Mr. Alette's moving fast, too."

I left the room with Shannon. I felt Shannon's distance was strangely close, but this was because I was afraid to be alone in the mansion.

There is a sixth generation when they are closer than usual and find it difficult to walk.

"Lyell, hold his hand"

I got my hands on Shannon because I thought I was better than walking at weird distances.

A little distressed Shannon, but I've been holding hands. The two of us walk down the hall to the room where the guests are coming.

Shannon came up with a lot of ideas.

"You must be scared, because I held your hand!

Because that's what I'm going to say.

"Yes, yes, thank you"

When I replied carelessly, Shannon complained about something bumpy. Listening to it, I thought about how my conversation with Mr. Allette would go.

(Well, I wonder what Rolphis will do)

I was worried about the future as I walked down the hallway with the sun slipping through my window.

Mansion reception.

I was sitting on the couch, pinching the table, and I was facing Mr. Alette.

Mr. Alette's diagonal back had a deputy standing in a good position, and behind my diagonal, Monica stood ready for tea.

I wonder why the maid is standing behind me.

(You're absolutely wrong about this guy.)

Even though I was unhappy with Monica, I tried to cut Mr. Allette out. But it was Mr. Allette who opened his mouth first.

"I hear you hired a crate. Are you going to take part in this war?

I nodded at Mr. Alette as he glanced down for tea.

"I know you on this side. I'll give you a little favor. But on the enemy side, you can't forgive me on the battlefield."

Calming Mr. Alette, but there was something sharp about the atmosphere.

"I will participate. And speaking of which faction... well, I'm thinking of joining the Fourth Faction myself"

Mr. Allett's cup stopped and his gaze turned to me. I'll keep explaining.

"I picked up a big package on my way home from the request. I was asked personally, but then it seems better to join as a fourth faction than to belong somewhere else."

Smiling, Mr. Alette has a serious look.

"Us and Zain... it's a matter of two countries?

Yes. That's what I thought at first. But the third faction also seemed to be waiting for Rolphis to weaken or shred behind them.


"Let's skip the details. At first I also thought about joining in the Rolphis faction. But that made me anxious. Her Royal Highness... I don't know what to say, but it's awful again."

- That said, the deputy's expression sharpened.

Mr. Alette said he had the deputy under his control.

"... I hear some strange rumors, but my Royal Highness is a beautiful and wise person. I am also heartbroken by this war. He said if I could avert the war, I'd give him a misrill or something. For the sake of the people, it's not worth the fortune."

The king and queen of Rolphis are dead, and His Royal Highness is his only daughter.

Other royalties, because they are small countries, have branches, but their successors were His Royal Highness the Princess. But I'm not in charge of the queen.

Subtle country.

That's Rolphis now.

Mr. Allett's been checking with me on the third camp.

"So, Lyell, you seem to think there's a third faction, but where does it come out? I'd really like to hear it. I hear you use an informer to gather quite a bit of information."

Alette had information that I was gathering information.

Indeed, it is collected without shaping.

"... I think the third faction is Selva. To some extent, when Rolphis comes out exhausted. I haven't even figured out if that's the last thing I'm gonna do to stab a stop, or if I'm gonna come and help you graciously."

Mr. Alette sighed.

When the deputy tried to say something, he made his left hand crack and stopped speaking. Look at me, drink up the cup of tea that was left, and I open my mouth.

As Monica moves to prepare a replacement.

"That's right. Selva is also moving. But we need to do something before Selva moves. Looks like you've done a lot of research, but if you stick too much in your neck, you're gonna lose your life."

Words that could be taken as threats, but I kept talking about sitting back deep on the couch with my shoulders up and down.

"I need to ask you a few favors. I'm here to see Her Royal Highness the Princess of Rolphis. I'd like you to meet three of Zayn's former Virgin Selma, and former Grand Cleric Gastone, and finally Aura, who was a candidate for the Virgin."

To my words, Mr. Allette looked surprised.

"You're Zain's moderate. Big pick up... so much so that I picked up something terrible again. You can thank us a lot if you leave it with us."

I shook my head to the side.

"Because I've already taken the request. Besides, they've been hiding for a while."

"What are you gonna do with the interview? I'm guessing you'll cooperate with us, won't you?

I snorted at Mr. Allette's words.

"You want Rolphis to win. Besides, Zain should be in pain. I want to slap Selva at the end."

Mr. Alette had a strange look on her face.

"... I appreciate that, Lyell, but what's your purpose? Do you even want to start a mercenary regiment? It seems more likely to fail than to succeed."

I smiled at Mr. Allette.

"I'll win. Preparation for that is this visit. I will work with Rolphis to bring this war to a victory. The victorious side is two countries."

"Two countries?

When Mr. Allette said that, I smiled.

"So, what do you do? Is it possible to see us and Her Royal Highness?

What about Alette, who looks difficult?

"I just make a report. I'm not in a position to make a decision. Perhaps an order will come to us to secure it at all costs."

Look at Mr. Alette laughing invincibly, I say.

"At that time, it just moves on Zane's side"

When Mr. Alette and the others left the mansion, I was preparing for the next one.

There is plenty of space in the hall on the ground floor, where the formation ceremony is supposed to take place.

As he hurried through the hall to make it look good, he served a table and arranged drinks and dishes.

Nowem, Monica prepare the dishes one after the other, Miranda and Aria, and Clara line them up.

Mae tries to get her hands on the dish, so Shannon was watching.

That's how Eva is.

"You just have to sing it lightly, right?

"That's right. I like guys who feel better."

I was in the hall, teaching Eva what to sing. Ask Eva to sing to cheer up the place.

"... I hate that it's not fate, but if you can sing it, okay? How many?

Eva seems a little unhappy, but she looks at the number of tables in the hall and asks me that.

"Oh, you didn't teach Eva. They went to buy it out, and I got costumes for them."

In a hurry to get ready, I told Eva.

"Coming are the Crates and the dreamy adventurers who tend to participate in this story. I also know Mr. Crate. Some people are called small parties, former knights of some country. On a scale, maybe a hundred."

Gather as much as you can, and as things stand, this was the limit.

"... Hundreds of people gathered? So you're selling a fight to Zain without even helping Rolphis? Even if you break a great army with an oligarchy, that's all you're gonna fight for?

I smile.

"Don't worry, there's some support, so less than half of us can fight. I can't even get my gear in time, and this time it'll be about thirty people."

Eva looked at me and gave me a dongled look. Anyway, the enemy is a great army called 10,000. Forty or so, including us.

I also know what it's like to make a fool of yourself.

"So, it's okay. Trust me. I won't force you to do this."

With that said, Eva sighed lightly.

"I want you to say that there with a confident look, like a little while ago. I won't object because I've decided to follow you. Besides, if you succeed, you're sure to be the hero Tan. I already told you, don't die until you confess. I'm looking forward to it."

At the end of the day, I told Eva to make fun of me, and I blushed and lost my sight.

And then Mr. Selma and Mr. Aura came to us.

He is wearing a costume handmade by Monica and the atmosphere is out. The two of them were shy of costumes that looked white and even dressed like they were sticking to their skin.

Mr. Aura.

"Hey, what's that maid thinking! You know, clothes with these body lines out there... Plus, I'm gonna look at our clothes and I'm gonna put my ass on!

Monica said something to Thelma and Aura - and when she saw the witches.

"You're a witch, but you're wearing Sister clothes... you're wrong"

On the spot, I said, "You're wrong." That's how Monica made the costume for her and the high priest, Mr. Gastone, and this was flashy.

Mr. Selma is also ashamed.

"This is embarrassing on boulders, so nothing to weave feathers on top?

Look at Mr. Selma with a mojimoji, Eva is.

"It's nothing good. Skin exposure is low. I'll wear more exposed clothes."

Eva's costumes for the stage are often radical. I mean, we had it all, though few, and it was all radical.

With Mr. Aura upset.

"It's not the image of the Virgin! That maid, look at my breasts and laugh with her nose!

Seeing Aura hide her little chest with her right arm, I saw the arms and head ornaments. What Monica has prepared for me is great workmanship as well.

I bought some ornament and Monica finished it but it feels good.

"No, Monica's busy too, and I don't have time anymore, so I can't. Besides, Mr. Gastone is kind of satisfied."

We turned our gaze to Mr. Gastone, who was confirming progress in the hall.

I was wearing a given costume and this one was male so I had no exposure but it was a little flashy. The hat was elongated and large, and the clothes were loose. I look satisfied with the costumes of the great white and blue clerics.

He said he was more comfortable than what he usually used.

(Don't Monica be too omnipotent. Now if you're done improving your porter, don't get ready for this one. After that, we need to rush the Zane side of the plant)

Hurry up and party...... As the formation ceremony was ready, I got confirmation from Mr. Selma.

"Oh, I'll change the story, but make sure you do the example thing"

Mr. Selma looks at me and nods.

"That's for sure. In the first place, if you've won with all this soldiers, it's a good enough reason to let them serve you. Or are you really going to join the war with about fifty people? I'm an amateur, but like the story, I find it hard to break a great army with an oligarchy."

Mr. Aura stared at me.

"You have experience in war?

You're hitting me out of suspicious gaze, and dissatisfaction with being dressed in a costume you don't like.

I only grabbed the jewel once.

"Well, quite. I mean, nothing. I don't fight 10,000 troops. I'm not going to fight on the main battlefield."

When I heard that, Mr. Aura and Mr. Selma gave me a surprised look.

Only Eva.

"Hey, that's not exciting for a song."

I felt sorry for him.

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