

With Baym arriving at the moment, we were taking our last break.

You're taking a break a little off the street to keep you from being seen escorted by travelers, pedestrians, and adventurers.

I didn't think there were many people at first glance who could tell, but I was taking a break a little far away from saying there would never be.

(That's not really all)

I'm on perimeter alert. I turned to the carriage escorting my gaze. It was raided and the surface is in terrible condition, but it would be usable if repaired.

Nearby, the horses of the Holy Knights, who have raided, are taking a break with the raiders' equipment on board.

From within the treasure balls, there is a fourth generation.

"I'll keep the horse somewhere, so it's expensive. Besides, when you sell your gear poorly, information flows from it. Store it for a while, I guess. '

I agree. You can do that if you care too much, but you can't be alarmed considering if they come to Baim obsessively.

I have a sixth generation voice.

"Most of all, I can find out as much as I want. Never to be known, etc. Now, before you go into Baim - '


Before the end of the sixth generation, I heard screams.

It's a woman's voice. When me and Eva ran out on the lookout, there was a man there who had previously lost consciousness due to injuries he had helped.

He had a knife in his hand, talking to himself with a bump.

"... aura... aura..."

You were on the lookout, there was a witch nearby, frightened and buttcaked. Behind it, Mr. Aura stood up.

"Hey, why, you."

He had an incredible look and apparently didn't understand the situation.

(I guess fatigue peaks with unfamiliar travel. Whoa, I need this situation now. -)

We're not the only ones who rushed.

Mr Selma and Mr Gastone also came and tried to let Mr Aura escape.

"What are you doing! Get out of here!

When Mr. Selma grabbed Mr. Aura's arm and rocked, he was recovering from the confusion. But...


When the man jumped at Mr. Aura, the witch stepped forward. A man threw it with force, and Mr. Gastone stepped out in front of Mr. Selma.


It looked like a knife pierced my abdomen.

When I jumped out, I grabbed a man's arm and threw down a knife with something like blood on it and held him to the ground.

Men are as manipulated.

"Auraaaa!! Auraaaa!!"

and so on and so on. Skills of interfering and manipulating the spirit. Same or similar skills the third generation has… he was manipulated by that skill.

"Grow up!

When he seized the rambling man, Eva rushed over to Mr. Gastone. Clara was also rushing over and lending a hand to the witch who was falling.

Aria and May are on guard.

Mr. Selma rushed over to Mr. Gastone and held his hand.


"SE, Dear Selma... you're safe"

I was out of breath, and when Selma answered, "Everyone is safe except you," she seemed happy.

Mr. Aura slowly walked over to Mr. Gastone.

Mr. Gastone looks forced and smiling.

"Hey, why are you sheltering me? I'm not a candidate for the Virgin anymore."

Then, Mr. Gastone.

"I'm sorry I got involved. But I'm glad you're safe..."

When Mr. Selma held Mr. Gastone's chest, something like blood was pouring out of it.

Mr. Gastone's clothes stain red.

Mr. Selma put Mr. Gastone to bed beside him and put his hands together. Everyone gathered around her, and when she wept, Aura fell from her knees on the spot.

I tie up a rambling man and stand up and say when I pass out.

"... take a longer break. The body will help us bury it."

Selma did.

"Thank you"

Then, with Mr. Aura sitting on the ground.

"What... it must be your mistake! Because you won't protect me! That's not why Grand Cleric Gastone lost his life! If you get a request, save it with your life! What, what..."

I was heartbroken when I saw Aura crying.

- Thelma was in the carriage with Aura.

Thelma is forward in the direction of travel and to the right. Aura was sitting on the left.

The Lyells were preparing to bury for Gastone and Thelma was in the carriage to calm Aura down.

"Aura, don't blame yourself"

When Thelma said so, Aura was pouring tears.

"Because... because..."

If you try Aura, surely Gastone is a high priest who tried to use himself. However, it is also true that Gastone took care of Aura.

Even for Thelma, she was formerly just the daughter of a merchant.

Aura was born in the house of a poor knight and lost her closeness and was deposited in the temple.

From those two, it's the puppets of the Virgin and other high priests. In that, Gastone served me wholeheartedly.

No, maybe just to protect Zain, but neither Thelma nor Aura could hate Gastone.

"I guess I could protect you and Gastone was the one who wanted it. I was laughing."

Aura is.

"If only those guys were decent! That way Gastone will!

The day I became a candidate for the Virgin.

Aura had been told by Gastone to call it off. To make it clear that from now on, we are obedient.

That's all, Gastone was seriously trying to serve Aura.

"Aura, it's not like Lord Lyell and the others are out of hand. Lord Lyell felt this could happen. He also suggested that we stay as close as possible. Tell me I can't do that."

Yes, Lyell was offering to keep the injured themselves. Now that I think about it, I guess I decided it was possible at that point.

"Then I should have said it firmly! They..."


When Thelma shouted, Aura reacted her body in a vicious manner and shut up.

"... sorry. But I knew it would happen."


Thelma lay her eyes down and told her pale. Thelma, part of the robe stained red in the carriage, hands together on her knees.

"Sooner or later, when you're after your life. That's why I ran away. I thought you were unlikely. But they aimed at you first. We're supposed to be the only ones."

Aura looked at Selma with a hazy look.

"... if you let me go, Thelma and the others"

Thelma stays down.

"We won't be able to do anything alone. Running away comes to kill me. I can't believe I'm targeting you first."

Thelma said that from the bottom of her heart.

It was Aura who was at the top of the list.

Holy Knights - No, what Zain fears was Aura.

Aura is.

"Then Gastone because of me..."

Thelma is.

"This is what happened eventually. It's too late or too soon, that's all."

Aura holds her head with both hands and grips her hair. Because she seemed irritated, Thelma took Aura's hand and looked at her face with a serious look.

"Aura, you'll live quietly when you go to Baim, won't you?

"Dear Selma?

"I'm going to try to scratch my feet with the rest of them. Fortunately, Lord Lyell has a story to tell. I don't know how far I can go, but I'll make sure Zain's eyes turn to me."

The words of Thelma with determination. Nor is this a lie.

Aura shook her face to the side.

"Let's get out of here! Even Master Selma will die. If that happens, I will lose my benefactor again..."

At the end of Aura's gaze as she polled and cried out, a red-dyed robe was in sight.

You thought of where Thelma would die, he had a blue look on his face.

(Even if you slapped your hatred, you've become a candidate for the Virgin in line with our expectations. She's a really sweet kid)

Rapidly, he made her compete with the current Virgin Remiss as an opposing horse. If I had time, I might have won.

However, Selma knew that she had become a candidate for the Virgin in her own right.

"Aura, you make up your mind about the rest of your life."

"Wow, me."

"That's right. You make the decision. If you want to live quietly in Baym, me and you are the others in red since you entered Baym. I'll ask Lord Lyell to arrange for me to be able to live in Baim. But don't get involved with us again. That's for you."

"I don't like it. I don't like that!

Aura grabbed Selma with both hands and Selma held Aura.

"You can run away. If you choose to fight, it is a harsh road waiting for you… me and Gastone want your happiness"

Aura looked up and saw Thelma. With his bright red eyes, he kept his mouth shut. He seems to be putting up with crying.

"I... don't like to leave. I don't want to lose my family anymore. Mother......"

Thelma gently stroked Aura's head.

"I told you not to call me my mother... since you were little, you've been a sweetheart"

Thelma laughs bitterly. Given the age difference with Aura, it certainly could have been even my mother and daughter.

In fact, Lyell's mother and I only have a slight age difference.

Thelma smiles when she gently releases the sweet Aura from herself.

"We will arrive in Baim by the end of the day. Aura, choose. It's your life."

Aura leaned down once, and wiped her tears and raised her face.

"I will fight, too. As a candidate for the Virgin, we fight as those involved. So don't leave me"

Thelma has a serious look.

"Is that all right with you? No regrets? There's some happiness you can't grasp without living quietly."

Aura's expression is serious.

I guess I've already made up my mind.

Thelma nods and tells Aura to get out of the carriage.

"... you must have finished your work already. Aura, come down and wash your face. You can't make Gastone look like that. Plus, we need to let everyone know we're determined."

Aura nodded and opened the carriage door and went outside.

Thelma watching from behind was trying to smile at Aura's back like that. With the kind of grin of being a true mother.


"... Huh?

Aura hardened her cheeks when she went outside.

The carriage had two doors.

In front of the door on the left, we clapped in front of Mr. Aura who came down.

Join me, Aria, and Clara, Eva, and May, all of us.

Others, the witches who followed me, the people involved.

Besides, the man who had been rumbling around until earlier was also smiling and applauding.

Mr. Gastone, too, seemed happy.

"Dear Aura, you've finally made up your mind"

When I saw him crying, some of the people involved were even weeping.

But the person - Mr. Aura - was hardened as if he had seen something incredible in front of us.

As Mr. Selma came down from behind, Mr. Aura grabbed Mr. Selma.

"You tricked me!

"Rude. I'm not fooling you! In fact, if it's true that he was injured and unconscious, it's also true that he was disturbed by his spirit. Lord Lyell has put an end to the interference. Besides, you were really the one who was after me... because it was Aura. Besides, there's still a good chance that I or Gastone will die. I was also anxious to bring you around unprepared as it is. Besides, if you don't do this, you won't tell the truth for a reason. How long do you think we've been dating?

Mr. Selma was turning her gaze to a rampaging man. The man was shy of his head.

I hear voices coming through the treasure balls. Third generation.

'My skills are amazing, right? Anyway, if it's possible to interfere with the spirit, it's possible to dismiss it. "

In a third generation skill, he undone an injured man who had been a human trap.

And they acted, and the blood was borrowed from Monica's spare time toolbox, which was loaded on the porter.

(Tell the injured man the circumstances, tell him that his people are dead and make him sad... and let him participate in the act as he is. That was tough for you, too)

After consulting the third generation, I opted for such a means….

With the fifth generation laughing.

"You have bad personality all the way to your skills. It worked this time."

The third and fifth generations were laughing like intimidating each other.

Seventh generation to me.

"Well, Lyell... it's time to seed"

I was told to step forward and tell Mr. Aura.

"To make Mr. Aura serious, I made the play. By the way, when I said no, I was only going to go into Baym ahead of Mr. Gastone while he was silently praying in front of a fake grave he'd made without even showing up at the door on the right. But they showed me your resolve! We're going to do everything we can to help!

When I said it with a laugh, Mr. Aura smiled at me, too.

I deliberately told him to be angry, to turn his grievances on me.

I have trouble even if this is for Mr Selma or Mr Gastone.

From now on, we absolutely need the cooperation of Mr Aura, Mr Selma and Mr Gastone.

"So long as I was dancing on your palm," he said? I thought it was unreliable, but it's starting to look kind of reliable. Mr. Adventurer. "

With a smile, me and Mr. Aura laugh at each other, but the other shook up his fist and punched it into my body.

It was an insult to the girl's fist, but she apparently misjudged it. My body moves smoothly and my undisturbed fists plunge into my abdomen.


A shock came to his gut, exhaling and kneeling to the ground.

(Tell me I'm the mastermind, and I thought I'd come flat-handed, like, for a body with a goo...)

With a twist on my hips, I was forced to make a smile after a brilliant blow.

"Mi, that was a brilliant body"

Then Mr. Aura looked down at me with a smile on her face, thumbs down.

"Fine. I'll join you in your plan, too. You fooled me beautifully. Plus, if we can get this far, we're going to have a little expectation."

From within the treasure ball, a fourth generation of voices sounded.

"That fist on this angle...... reminds me of my wife"

The sixth generation.

'Looks like you're ready. Well, now I have all the cards I want. Lyell, you're starting to have fun.'

(... I'm more painful than that)

When I'm pointing my best made laugh at Mr. Aura, Aria next door with Bosoli.

"Lyell, you work too hard..."

Apparently, you pitied me.

Eva is.

"I guess this scene is cut. I want to make it a touching scene."

To make it a song, I was taking notes. Clara heard about it.

"The record should be well taken. Those decisions confuse later scholars."

"I don't know. I want you to listen to the song. You don't need the extra truth. Guests don't like it."

"That's your decision. I don't think you can decide on your own. Because that's what elves do, a lot of scholars fight over folk music and other research."

Apparently, I can't forgive Eva for cutting this scene. If you say it sounds like Clara, it seems. We were taking notes from each other, bumping opinions.

May, look at us.

"Humans are troublesome."

That's what he said. But so am I.

(I think so too)

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