RWBY: Path of Blood

48 Chapter 41: Apathy V.S. Empathy part 1

Emerald and Cinder was resting, Mercury and Qrow sat at the airship where they came from.

"So? are you ready to answer now? How are you here Merc? I thought you were at Vacuo?"

Mercury shrugged his shoulders, "Raven took me to this guy."

He said as he pointed at Qrow.

Cinder was shocked, "I'm surprised Raven took you with her and helped us."

Mercury crossed his arms together, "I'm sure by now... Haruki has told you two about our group?"

Qrow listened In and said, "What group?"

He was suspicious, if it was a hostile group... he seriously doubted if their collaboration with Haruki was beneficial.

"Well tell me..." Qrow said.

Mercury sighed and looked him in the eye.

"The anti-salem group."

Qrow narrowed his eyes, and looked away. "That better be..."

He leaned on the plane as they waited for it to escort other civilians that were stuck in the large town/resort.

Emerald looked at the terrified citizens as they ran towards the other airships.

"I wonder how many casualties were there when we fought with those two..."

Cinder patted her head, "Relax... surprisingly no one was there in our battle, it's as if it was pre-planned and the people were not there."

Qrow looked at the Carnage from the other places, 'Damn... Salem was never this open when she attacks...'

He sighed as he walked outside to intercept the approaching Grimm.

Emerald leaned her head towards Cinders shoulders, Cinder did the same... she was also very tired.

They both got some shut eye, worriedly thinking about the others if they were safe.


*Bang Bang Bang!!!*

Pyrrha blocked the bullets coming her way, Dodging left and right.

"Two! why don't you come here and fight fair!!"

Two emotionlessly raised her hands, and the Atlas Boots stopped moving.

"Why? I thought you were miss Pyrrha Nikos... the goddess of victory..."

Pyrrha glared at Two, She activated her semblance.

The Atlas Robots shook, their heads were slowly twisting, Two looked behind her, she was surprised by pyrrhas semblance.

As she was about to attack Pyrrha the atlas boots suddenly exploded one by one.

"Interesting... You are quite the monster miss Nikos."

Pyrrha then said, "Yeah...keep telling yourself that..."

She threw her shield towards Two, She tried to deflect it, But Pyrrha kept the pressure by slashing towards her multiple times.

She recalled her shield to trip two with her shield.

Two back flipped backwards, as she dodged the shield that was coming towards her back.

Two can't help but be interested in Pyrrha, it was as if she could feel some omen from her that was different from most people.

She never expected Pyrrha to have the same opinion of her, Pyrrha viewed her as an equal.

She was the perfect opponent for two, perhaps she was the opportunity that she has been waiting for all along...

It has been a long time since anyone has looked at her like that.

A look from Hunter to prey, from opponent to opponent, This feeling...

The feeling of Fighting intent brushing towards her skin...

Although they were just starting at each other, the battle has already begun...

The strength of your mental fortitude is tantamount in this kind of moment.

The two were in a position, where at any given moment they could attack.

While their gazes, as serene as lake, crossed each other.

When both of their fighting intent reached the same level, the took action at the same instant.

With Both at them charging at each other at astonishing speeds.

Not using any fancy moves, the most simplistic of techniques were used.

Their blades clashed, Pyrrha's shield was buried in the ground.

She only used the blade.

Without dancing or circling around they collided with each other...

Pyrrha was quite confident with her own strength, However Two's strength bore down on her like a mountain.


She was sent flying towards the ruined room.

Pyrrha was surprised for that tall and lanky frame was carrying so much strength.

Two's eyes were glowing red, looking down on Pyrrha, as if saying...

'Is this all you got?'

Pyrrha responded with a smile and clenched her fist. Utilizing a different style, she changed her sword into a spear, she charged towards Two.

Two stood still waiting for her approach, then suddenly she stepped back to avoid the stab of her spear.

Then a golden arc flew towards pyrrha's direction. Pyrrha immediately backflipped to avoid the incoming slash.

However, in an instant Two was already in the air, preparing to skewer her into the ground.

Pyrrha parried her strike and sent a kick towards her stomach.

A dull thud rang out.

Two was struck, she staggered backwards.

Pyrrha took this chance and threw her spear towards her direction.

Two Tried to deflect it, but once again it spun at ridiculous speeds.

So she parried it but her arms were numb from the impact.

The spear embedded on the ground.

As two gained her footing back, Pyrrha was already charging at her.

She nailed her fist into Two's face, Two was slammed towards the spear.

Pyrrha continued to barrage Two with her punches.

Then did a roundhouse kick to send her flying away.

She jumped at her spear to propel her towards Two, She retrieved her shield as she jumped.

Two crossed her arms to guard from the impact, but Pyrrha used her semblance to stop her.

Two suddenly came to a halt in the air, It was her sword and her armor... Pyrrha used it as a medium to stop two.

But before Two could process this Pyrrha was already in front of her.

She bashed her shield towards Two.


Two was embedded deep into the ground, in the middle of the crater where she was slammed.

Two stood up, She cracked her knuckles and stretched her back.

She wiped the blood that was dripping from her nose.

She stared at the blood, Surprisingly, Suddenly she felt something...

She smiled, but it was an awkward one, Her eyes were cold, and yet her mouth was tilted slightly upwards.

Her eyes turned crimson, Although she was stronger...

She was toyed around like a punching bag.


In an instant Two appeared in front of Pyrrha, She sent a dozen or more kicks at Pyrrha, her speed was insane.

Yet, Pyrrha could see all of this... it's as if her kicks we're moving out of her way.

She stepped back to get some distance, but once more she stopped from her tracks.

Pyrrhas fist was already in front of her before she could even notice.


A loud thud echoed as Two fell to the ground once more.

She couldn't explain what she was feeling.

Or why she felt anything at all.

Was she happy?



What is she feeling, it endlessly frustrated her...

And yet she doesn't even realize her own frustration.

She was glaring at Pyrrha.

Pyrrha ushered her to come at her.

Two picked up her weapon, And charged towards Pyrrha once more.

Pyrrha asked once more, "Where is that child?"

Two shrugged her shoulders, "Who knows, it was a one-time thing..."

Pyrrha frowned, "What do you mean!?"

She kicked two in the stomach, two tumbled on the ground.

It slowly became a one-sided fight.

Two spoke as she was struggling to get up.

"That kid... after we gave her the money...

She went away... I don't know what happened next, we only knew about her as one of our informants told us about a young assassin.

But she wasn't that strong, she just used her childish looks to gain sympathy from her prey, and then she moved to strike."

Pyrrha's expression darkened, "There's no way a child could do that! you people probably hypnotized her!!"

Two gripped her blade as she spoke, "And there it is!! there's that condescending attitude...

'There's no way anyone could do that! I believe in the goodness in people except from bad guys like you!!' or such...

Those are the words of someone who has only lived a life full of happiness!!

Pyrrha screamed, "Why then!? why still use her!? That's just wrong!!"

Two increased the strength from her strikes, "This is why I hate peace mongering people like you...

You fucks make me sick...

Self satisfied people like you look down on others and speak erroneously..."

Pyrrha parried her strikes, "In what way am I wrong?!"

Two finally found an opening and struck Pyrrha square in the face, staggering her backwards.

Then she spoke in a very flat tone.

"That you're under the impression that what she's doing is evil...

Is it wrong to try and survive!?

You look down on her, but looking back... the man named KAZAMA HARUKI is also a criminal, A killer!!

What the fuck is the difference between them!?

You're love for him!?

Then you're kindness is only at a superficial level then!?

She tries so hard to survive, and yet you look down on her!?

How fucking ironic..."

Pyrrha was looking down, and gripped her sword and shield.

Two continued, "You think this world is so fucking soft that everyone can live equally? Happily? what kind of place do you live in!?

She's a child with nobody to rely on... if you think that everyone that passed by would simply show sympathy... extend a helping hand...

Then you're dumber than a bag of bricks...

That's why she has to stain her hands with blood...


Pyrrha was silent, she couldn't refute what Two said.

Two didn't understand why she was so agitated...

It's probably their difference in ideals...

She would never understand the concept of morality.

She tilted her head, Why was morality so important to humans.

Why is she so irked when Pyrrha spoke those flowery lines.

It was Hate...

Two continued, "Holding to such Petty ideals will just end in you suffering for it...

Fighting to protect someone, Fighting for what's right...

It's a nice and lofty ideal, it's got a nice ring to it...

But it does feel cruel when that "Something" is one's own survival..."

Two slowly walked towards Pyrrha, both of them clashed once more.

They exchanged blades, without speaking a word.

Two was relentless and cold with her strikes.

Pyrrha was methodical and Vigorous with hers.

They were completely the opposite of one another...

And that is an irreconcilable fact.

Two broke the stalemate by putting distance between Pyrrha and herself.

Then Two's eyes glowed once more, then as if a shadow of A Goliath Grimm appeared behind her.

Pyrrha was shocked, "W-what are you??"

Two tilted her head, "A homunculus, a living puppet, which sole exists for my lady Aergia...

Well Homunculi like us will never gain recognition from our own creator...

To her were just pond scum...

We can put up a nice facade and work hard, but the truth is we'll never be like ordinary people.

Because from the moment we were created, we were vastly different from humans.

But if we put our life on the line and do more dangerous missions, we could get her praises...

Even though it's all lies...

With each passing day, we abandon our pride and self worth...

Just to get some fucking praise from our God!!"

Two screamed towards the sky but not for herself but for all of her homunculi sisters,

"All we want is a place in this oppressive world...

A livable place at the edge of the nightmares, even for people like us."

Two rammed Pyrrha, and as Pyrrha blocked her she was flung away.

Her aura took a lot of damage from that unexpected strike.

Pyrrha pushed herself to stand up, she wanted to stand up.

Because if she fell now, all she fought for, everything she has ever believed in will be for naught.

This wasn't just a battle of skill and technique, it's a battle where they both bet their beliefs on the line.

Neither one side giving in...

They have staked their entire existence in this fight.

One represented empathy, the other Complete Apathy.

Both wanted a peaceful life, and acceptance...

Yet neither will yeild their own ideals.

Pyrrha Inhaled deeply, And then exhaled....

"I won't deny or refute your ideals...

But with my fists, with my shield and sword!

I will show you that my will is stronger!!"

Two Showed a once in a lifetime grin, it was a grin so wide, that for the first time in her life she was excited, A battle that was worthy to put her life on the line.

"Then come at me! I will show you the difference between us!!"

The charged at each other, Gripping their blades...

Their battle was about to be concluded.

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