RWBY: Path of Blood

49 Chapter 42: Apathy V.S. Empathy Part 2

Once upon a time there was a little girl, She had Four dolls...

And she treated them as her own.

The dolls were her treasures...

Each treasure had a different shape.

She treated her treasures with great care...

One treasure symbolizes family...

Another symbolized ignorance...

Another symbolized the strength of the group...

But one treasure symbolized something quite unique above all else...


The girl loved her dolls, That's why she deeply missed them when they had to run from the Grimm.

The girl had only her dolls in mind...

For her dolls didn't judge her or ostracize her...

The people that surrounded her didn't get her...

They told her she's a freak, a monster...

She asked herself, was she so different?

She doesn't look different...

She only wanted to speak the truth, She only wanted them to know more.

Spreading knowledge is fun, she told herself...

She tried teaching people...about the joy of learning, to advance society...

But the people didn't listen, she was called a witch, a demon...

They kept saying she was possessed.

They beat her, threw rocks at her, they spot Everytime she passed by...

But her dolls were there so she tightly held on, they were the only ones who could understand her...

So when the Grimm came knocking at the village, everyone blamed the cursed child...

Why is it my fault!? she said...

Why do you blame it on me!? she said

Weren't you the one's who cut the forest too much and drove the Grimm here!? she said


She screamed into the void as she was pushed away by everyone she knew, left there to be cannon fodder...

She watched their house burn as her parents were tied to a post, to be slaughtered by the Grimm.

Helpless and Broken, she tried to fight back...

But, she was a mere little girl unable to fight back.

She was stabbed by their enormous claws.

Her body was thrown aside, surprisingly the Grimm ignored her...

She laughed, for not even the Grimm wanted her...

Not even death gave a damn...

She looked up at the sky, And gazed at the absurd chaos of the world.

Isolation has become her best defense, but it proves a paltry shield against life's brute enmity...

They circled around her, As if they were waiting for someone's orders.

Perhaps she's going insane, perhaps none of this is real.

A very long nightmare that went on for days...

when she wakes up her dolls will be by her side once more.

As she laid on her own pool of blood,Death Circling her...

The girl let out her feelings for the first time...

Even if it was only little, even just a tiny bit, she wanted to clear away that sadness, that painful loneliness.

The young girl let out her tears like a dam, the tears she could not shed before...

The scream of sorrow that she was unable to let out before, She screamed towards the heavens.

For what reason did this helpless looking girl have to be forced to receive such unhappiness?

Without ever being given something everyone had, having to suffer, Having to build up only painful feelings like a tall pile of curses...

I don't want to die!!! The girl bellowed, but the God she believed in didn't answer.

Rain was falling...

As if pierced by the raindrops, her battered body was soaked with an indescribable loneliness.

Why was this world made to be relentless against the weak?

Why was the world like this?

Those who let out their tears in sorrow, only ever had sorrow.

Those who held anger with nowhere to let it out, could only fall into a never ending despair.

She stared at the ashes of her village, No one left in sight, the whole village was burnt to crisp.

She had nothing left, but she asked herself...

Did she have anything to begin with?


Her dolls...

They were the only thing that mattered...

Nothing else does...

Her dolls were the best, for they wouldn't disobey her.

They would love her, and only her...

Then as she was about to breath her last,.a voice spoke to her...

"Come with me... I can grant you what you wish for the most."

That was sloth...

That was How Aergia came into being.

The 'Sinner' of Sloth.

This was why their Mistress created them...

"This is why we were born... remember that"

One told Two back when they were just created...

Two Held The Symbol of Hate...

*Clash!!* Two was brought back from her stupor by Pyrrha's relentless strikes.

Two was on the defensive, unlike Pyrrha she doesn't have any aura, so her super human strength was based on the Grimm Genes inside her.

She couldn't form a physical manifestation though...

She could only stimulate the genes to activate, akin to a demonic possession.

Because Hatred isn't shown outwards you hide it on the inside...

She doesn't know if this was on purpose or not.

But she knows her mistress doesn't commit any mistakes.

"Pyrrha Nikos... you are a worthy opponent, never have I met a match in this life besides my siblings...

In my 8 years of being alive... I truly enjoyed battling with you...

In another life, if I was a human, and if I had a soul... if I was given a chance to be born once more...

I would have loved to be friends with you, but I have my orders, and I cannot disobey...

So my only choice is a battle, so I'll etch into your mind...

Which is superior and which is inferior."

Pyrrha frowned and replied, "No we could try hard! we could strive and forge anew! Haruki did that, that means you could do the same!! Equals!! we'll treat you like equals!!"

Two laughed for the first time in her life, "Equality is only an illusion, human beings are partial creatures. I believe that if we do away with all of the pretentious facade in the world, we would find a dark area hidden inside humans that likes death and discrimination."

Pyrrha refuted, "That can't be the only way!"

Two shook her head, "Pyrrha Nikos, the true meaning of life is hatred!"

You're wrong!!! pyrrha refuted...

"The more you try to hide it, the more that darkness grows..."

You're wrong!!

Two was amused by Pyrrhas poor attempt to convince her.

Two regained enough stamina as once more she leapt up charging at Pyrrha.

But facing Pyrrha head on was quite tricky her skills were superb, so instead of charging in like a Goliath, Two chose to activate a different Gene. One that is nimble and swift.

Wielding her sword, two started her lightning fast advance. Appearing like a golden bolt of lightning, She contested with Pyrrha head on.

They clashed at absurd speeds. In a flash Two's sword had pierced through the wind and came stabbing at her.

But Pyrrha clashed with her blades head on!


They were both sent flying...

In what seemed like an instant, as soon as the two of them landed, once more they came charging towards each other.

*Clang Clang Clang!!!*

Under the support of her aura, Their blades clashed with unrelenting force...

Sending shockwaves to their surroundings.

They two once more was sent flying back, but Pyrrha lowered her center of gravity slightly.

She threw her shield at the center of the field, Two was wary, but she didn't understand what Pyrrha was doing.

She imitated the way Haruki sheathed his blade to strike at an opportune time.

He called this Iaido....

she lengthened her blade a little, Her form was similar to a samurai about to draw her sword...

She steadied her breathing and observed Her opponent closely.

Two was jittery, bit she didn't try to attack carelessly...

Because as of now Pyrrha had only one opening and it was in front, it felt like a trap...

Like a snake eyeing it's next meal...

Two's agitation got the better of her as she charged towards her opponent.

She leapt upwards as she sent pyrrha downwards slash, Two activated her Goliath Gene to slam down on Pyrrha.

As her blade was about to reach, Pyrrha moved slightly to the left, just enough to not get hit.

Then a dazzling red flash passed through her...

A beautiful red arc, a silhouette of Pyrrhas blade, cut Two's blade in pieces...

Pyrrha then punched Two one last time in her face.

They were both exhausted, so they lied down on the ground.

*Pant pant...* "How's that for my resolution you bastard?!!"

Pyrrha said as she tried to catch her breath...

Two laughed, *Pant pant*Not bad... This is my loss...

I now finally understand the difference between, wishes and dreams...

It's the resolution..."

Her dream of being free unfettered under the beautiful blue sky...

But sadly as she and Pyrrha were battling, She felt two of her sisters die...

She no longer has the wish of freedom, she just wants to join her sisters...

Two slowly stood up, with her last strength she picked up Pyrrha's blade...

"What!? you want more!?" Pyrrha screamed.

Two smiled, "Hehehehe, I now understand why that man fell for you... Also I'm sorry... that I have to do this...

but in the end I couldn't escape my fate as a puppet for her... because I still love her, with all my heart...

I don't deserve to symbolize Hate, it's not the only emotion I have...

I did my best to hide it.

But in the end I'm still flawed in her eyes, because I'm more human than any doll...

I hope you can forgive me...

For what I'm about to do..."

Two pointed her blade towards her own heart.

Pyrrha tried to stop her, but she was so exhausted...

She can't move a muscle.

"Don't do this!! there has to be another way!! please don't!!!

Don't do this...."

Her protests remain unheard.

Two gave Pyrrha the most beautiful yet lonely smile she could...


Two plunged Pyrrha's blade straight through her heart.

Her blood slowly flowed towards the ground, as she lay beneath the pool of her own blood.

Two said, *Kahaaakk!!! You're lucky... without hurting anyone, and without being hurt yourself.... *Cough cough*


Being able to walk the path you've decided on...

Hehehehe, I'm truly.... truly envious of..."

Humans are creatures that display their emotions like fools.

In both joy and anger, they'll equally move about.

Humans are simple creatures that are like fools.

While sinking in the depths of despair, thinking that there might be someone that might save them, they die with an imaginary hope in their hearts.

So this is death...

So scary so...


So cold...

Two lay there motionlessly, as if her strings were suddenly cut...

Pyrrha mourned silently, She couldn't even utter a single word.

She looked up at the sky, With tears in her eyes...

To try to live... was it such an inhuman thing!?

The people she has stumbled upon, in one way or another has done evil deeds...

But they were only trying to survive.

There wasn't a single strand of Pyrrhas being that felt she has won...

She felt empty, they both fought for their ideals, both were prepared to sacrifice for their beliefs....

From one minute to the next, she can't stop the tears...

Who knew that she had so many tears...

Suddenly as she was crying, Two's body suddenly glowed...

A dazzling radiance, she probably wanted to tell everyone that she would go out in a bang...

Pyrrha tried to summon her shield, to block the explosion but it was too powerful.

She closed her eyes expecting the worst but then, a huge block of ice appeared in front of her. And a white glyph appeared beneath her pulling her towards the caster.


Pyrrha looked up to discern the one who saved her, but she was unfamiliar with her savior.

She looked like Weiss but older...

"Hello, my name is Winter Schnee... it's a pleasure to meet a genius like yourself Miss Pyrrha Nikos..."

She extended her hand, and Pyrrha did the same...

Suddenly a large group of Grimm appeared from a distance, "Hang tight Miss Nikos... I'll come back soon."

Winter dashed towards the Grimm.

Pyrrha watched everything in a daze, She was still processing what has happened.

Winter looked at the crater of the explosion.

and thought to herself, 'Well she's probably affected by what happened huh?'

Sigh... Haruki you bastard! Womanizer!! Now we're even!!

She cursed Haruki as she escorted Pyrrha away from the vicinity.

She looked towards where Haruki and Neo were battling...

Be safe you bastard, if you die... I'll go there and kill you!!!

The final curtains was about to fall...

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