RWBY: Path of Blood

47 Chapter 40: Strongest Mother and Daughter Combo Part 2

They were supposed to be the perfection of Aergia's research.

Aergia wanted to test the Genetic limits of creatures, if she could make a Hybrid, The perfect being taking the best parts of every race...

And yet, She still failed in the end, she did so many tests, until she was left with only four Homunculus left...

One was more Grimm than faunus, an amalgamation of power, yet Everytime she transform... she loses a part of herself...

Yet another failure....

Two was more human than anything but her emotions don't show as if a broken puppet destined to obey what she's told...

Another failure...

Three was almost complete, But She could only manifest The exoskeletons of the Grimm...

Another failure...

But Four... Four was different, She has reached the perfect balance, She can freely turn into the more feral parts of each...

And yet Aergia still wasn't satisfied...

She continued to ask herself, is this the limits of her research? Then it dawned on her...

She noticed the one thing her creations lack... no matter how much she changed them, or upgraded them...

They still won't have it.

Artificial will still be a poor imitation in the end...

What they lack,

Was soul...

So she threw away all her Hard work...

So she could research the essence of soul...


Four and three were standing side-by-side, glaring at both Cinder and Emerald.

Four Has already transformed into Her feral and amalgamated form, Three's body suddenly was covered in bone like armor...

It looked eerily like Grimm...

Three Held Her spear up high, She roared... *Roaaaaaaaarrr!!!!*

Her normal melodious voice was gone it was replaced by a more feral tone...

Her eyes glowed red, She threw away the last bits of her humanity, she knew her enemies this time are not easily beat.

So this time both of them would go against the two with full force...

Emerald and Cinder Dashed away from each other, Three went after emerald. Akin to a wolf chasing a lamb.

Four Stomped on the ground creating craters as she chased after Cinder.

Emerald stopped at a fair distance from three.

Suddenly A dozen Emerald were surrounding three, As she aimed her Twin pistols at Three.

Three didn't know which was real, Her feral nature kept telling her to just attack them all...

So she did, But as she attacks them one by one... The real emerald kept switching places with the fakes.

It was as if infinite bullets shot at her, raining down on her from every angle.

She gave no room or leeway for Three to dodge, She was able to unleash high-speed firing capabilities to her absolute limits.

Emerald danced around like an unfettered goddess, as her figure drifted about appearing here and there.

Her bullets continued to pour like a flood...

Even Though Three's armor is slowly cracking, She still didn't relent from attacking with her spear savagely.

Then suddenly everything went quiet, The downpour of bullets stopped.

Thinking that this was her chance she immediately threw her spear towards her direction.

Swish* emeralds image slowly blurred as she appeared behind Three.

She used her dual Kamas to wound her at the back.

Three had a gash on her back, The spikes on her back were broken and she was wounded.

She quickly turned around to claw at emerald.

Emerald quickly slid down and wrapped the chains of Threes left arm.

She ran up to the rooftops of the broken buildings. as she dragged three.

Three pulled back on the chains, so emerald Dashed towards Threes direction as she spun her dual Kamas severing her arm.

"Gaaaarrrghhhh!!!! You bitch!!!" She held her Arm as blood slowly poured down from her severed limb.

Three was at a disadvantage she thought emerald was weak at close range, So she jumped Back down towards her Spear.

She slowly picked it up, "Don't think you've won just because you cut my fucking arm off!!"

She roared at Emerald.

Emerald covered her ears, "Ugh! I would literally pay you to shut up!!"

She stood on the roof slowly spinning her dual kamas around, waiting for Three to come and attack.

Three slowly breathed, trying to calm her feral nature...

She killed her emotions, The only thing left on her mind was Her prey and she is the huntress...

She went to a Sprinting position, she leaned forward.


She ran up towards the wall, jumping from platform to platform, she finally reached emerald.

She sent a kick towards her, Emerald immediately deflect her kick.

Her arms went numb from the brute strength of three's attacks.

But as she was sent backwards, a Spear went stabbing towards her.

She moved her head aside to dodge the incoming attack.

She rolled backwards and jumped towards another roof to gain some distance.

She saw Three confidently smirking towards her direction. She was calm her former agitation was gone...

Emerald relied on three's feral rage to predict her attacks...

But now it's gone, and her aura is almost depleted from using her semblance too much.

The longer she keeps this up the faster she will lose.

Three cracked her fingers as she slowly walked towards the edge of the roof...

"*Whew...* you two are quite the duo... but what are you gonna do when you're not together?"

Emerald just sent her tongue out taunting Three.


Four and Cinder were exchanging blows, Cinder wielded her two blades as she blocked and struck towards Four...

Four was increasing the intensity of her blows.

Four was grinning, "No illusions this time... just you and me..."

Cinder was nauseous, but she kept the pressure on Four.

'Shit, She's faster than she usually is...this fucking monster!'

Cinder thought to herself.

Four removed her gauntlets it turned into the sword and shield again. She looked like a Grimm that was holding weapons.

"Let me give you the honor of dying by my hands!!"

Four shouted towards her, But Cinder just laughed....

"Tell me four... are your fur as hard as steel?"

Four tilted her head towards her question.

"Huh? they're not only as hard as steel they are steel..."

Cinder smirked, "I see...well then it's time to end this!!"

She dashed towards Four, clutching her blades preparing to strike.

Four readied her stance, waiting for cinder to land her strikes.

But she moved past Four much to her surprise, Cinder ran towards emeralds direction.

Four was pissed and gave chase, as she was chasing her, Cinder detonated some glass shards in the area.

She tried to slow Four down.


Back to emerald, She was parrying most of three's attacks.

Three was calm and relentless, Her moves were random and had no style, but it was giving emerald a harder time.

It makes her unpredictable that's why emerald couldn't counter attack.

Three suddenly disappeared in front of emerald and appeared above her, Smashing her foot down.

Emerald dodged towards the side, but the impact and shockwave of the kick was quite powerful. So she was sent flying towards Cinders Direction.

She Used that moment to run towards Cinder, She propelled her self, She tumbled on to the roof, she kept rolling until she got her footing and ran.

Three gave chase, She moved on all fours.

At the distance she saw Cinder running towards her direction, While four chased her.

She smirked, and she raised her hand for a high five.


After the high five Emerald used her semblance, So she could confuse both Three and Four.

Four was chasing Cinder, As she clawed towards Cinder Her silhouette suddenly disappeared and Was replaced by Three.

She attacked Three and Crashed towards her.


"Ow! Watch where you're fucking going you muscle head!"

As Four was about to rebuke her, A red magic circle appeared beneath the two of them.

They covered themselves thinking that it would be exploding.

But, It wasn't...

It was Cinders and Haruki's Original magic, She modeled it while being inspired by Corvus's magic.

If a maiden could use dust freely, then She could use dust as a medium. She was already using the maidens power like that.

So she practiced with Haruki, using his <<Absolute Domain>>

She Used red dust to create a Magic circle to form her unique magic.

Blazing Torrent Prison...

Countless Magic pillars made of glass appeared beneath Three and Four's feet.

Four and three were cautiously looking around, not making any careless moves.

"Shit! what is this!?" Four roared.

But Before three could speak, Emerald Shot at them.

A dazzling radiance suddenly erupted from the magic pillars, countless bullets of emerald converged towards it.

Her bullets were covered in flames as they bounced back and forth, Ricocheting on every surface.

The bullets ignited as they pierced through Three and Four, a lot of holes formed on their mangled flesh.

Emeralds eyes widened at the sight, She was surprised that Cinders Magic was that strong.

She looked at Cinders Direction, She just winked at her.

Emerald wasn't aware of the firepower...

The radiance of the pillars slowly dimmed as Cinders Aura was slowly draining.

Then she ended it with a giant flame explosion.


beyond the smoke and embers of the explosion, Four stood there, on her last legs glaring at Cinder. Her body had countless holes yet she was still standing. Her flesh torn and burnt, yet she was there.

"You fucking bitch!!! I will kill you all!!!"

Cinder laughed, "Alright since you survived my onslaught... I will give you a freebie...

Which of these three Flame tornadoes are real?"

She snapped her fingers and three flame tornadoes appeared.

Four opened her eyes wide and laughed madly, "I see... so this is the power of a maiden huh? Hahahahahahahha!!! not bad... not bad at all!!"

But it was all a bluff, cinder has no more strength left, so Emerald used the last of her Aura to use a hallucination on Four...

Emerald used her speed to sever Fours head.

"Trick question... none of them are..."

The two dropped to the ground, they barely could stand anymore. They have exhausted their auras...

"Whew, They're quite strong..."

Cinder said as she leaned towards emeralds back.

Emerald closed her eyes, and nodded along.

Suddenly a voice from the rubble emanated...

*Cough cough* "I hope you two haven't forgotten me..."

They both looked towards the source of the voice, It was three... lying down, her body battered and broken.

She was looking up at the sky, with a smile...

"I never realized how beautiful the sky could be...

You know...

I always wanted to be human, all of us did...

But she told us, we don't have a soul...

We were only puppets to achieve her goals, I overheard her say those.

She only created us so she could experiment on merging humans, Grimm and faunus...

I only wanted to be like a human...

Was that too much to ask!!!

Who the fuck do you think you are!!

Just because we're artificial doesn't make our desires any less real than any of you!!!"

Tears slowly formed on Three's eyes.

"We tried so hard to act like a perfect doll for her amusement...

And yet we're still treated like dirt!"

*Cough cough!!*

Blood frothed on Three's mouth... she slammed her hands towards the ground, it's as if she's throwing a childish tantrum.

"Then I realized why mistress didn't want us to be fully human...

The Desire, the lust for power, the corruption...

Humans are very flawed.


She didn't want a flawed creation.

She strives for perfection,

We never expected to be treated as equals, we just wanted recognition...

From her!!

Everytime we would fail, we were beaten by our mistress...

Afterwards she would always cry and apologize...

Ironically the only time we could feel at ease was when our mistress was apologizing to us...

Because we instinctively understood to reject our mother would be to reject ourselves..."

She looked towards Cinder and Emerald silently listening to her story.

"Could you..*cough cough* Give me the honor of dying by your hands?"

Cinder moved towards her staggeringly, She looked at Three, choking on her own blood...

She plunged her blades towards Three's heart.

Three smiled, She was relieved not because she was free from the endless pain...

But because she couldn't disappoint Aergia anymore.

What she was sad about...

Was that in the end...

She couldn't gain the love she wanted from her mother...


"To want to be loved... is it such an unforgivable thing??"

She grinned as her life drained away from her... as she tried to self destruct her Core that Aergia installed in their heart.

"But that doesn't mean I have given up!!! Hahahahaha I will take you with me!!!"

Cinder opened her eyes wide as Three glowed, as if she was going to explode.


A large pillar of fire soared through the skies.

Cinder and emerald opened their eyes, As they were encased in an Ice barrier.

Cinder was taken by a silhouette. When she looked behind her she saw Raven looking down on her.

"This all you got? And here I thought you're the next fall maiden..."

Raven spoke to her.

Cinder was surprised, But sadly her surprise came to an end as a lot of Grimm surrounded them.

Then another two silhouettes appeared kicking the grim around, and the other slicing them.

"Merc!! and the old dude from Beacon!!"

Emerald screamed.

"I'm not that old!" Qrow replied.

"How are you here?"

Cinder asked Raven.

"I am temporarily collaborating with him, for we share a common goal."

She said as she sliced all the Grimm in the area.

Qrow overheard as he looked at Ravens direction.

'I see, that brat truly is working with her...'

Cinder and Emerald then we're escorted somewhere safe, by Mercury and Qrow.

Raven opened a portal, "Tell him that he owes me."

She disappeared as quickly as she arrived.

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