The captured Gattleshard was on the bed in the special holding cell of the Toucagla police station.

The room that becomes a special holding cell is a place to keep people who can't be locked up in a normal holding cell... for example, people who can bend an iron lattice with their bare hands or be kicked through an iron door...

In this case, Gattleshard was thrown into the special detention room not only because of his strength, but also because he was vigilant about [who he was].

For the time being, it has been treated to the extent that it will take down one's life, and it is hung with the magic of "Healing Promotion (Regenerate)", but even if it is hung with double ankle shackles, triple hand shackles, and even the magical chanting is sealed, it cannot escape even by roping. Gattleshard was lying still like a corpse on the ceiling.

- Did you do your part? Did you manage to do it...?

Gattleshard had been waking up and rubbing his head.

How many minutes have passed since then? No, maybe a few hours have passed.

Even if the operation didn't proceed as planned, you should have done your part to achieve the ultimate goal. But did it happen? Tracy, who took on the most dangerous role herself, is safe.

Now I can only pray. Gattleshard was looking for someone to pray to.

- What should I pray for? I have forsaken my vows to my father. So, the Evil God? No, I didn't dare become a Dark Elf. I just want my brothers and sisters to.....

The face of my father, mother, brother, and now my late best friend came to my mind without knowing who I was praying to.

However, within a short time, Gattleshard noticed something unusual.

The special holding room is equipped with a simple mechanism to block magic power, and I can't even feel the signs of people outside. However, there was some kind of magic smell in such a room... when the magic was exercised, the magic power as an aftermath wave was drifted.

"...? What? What happened..."

Somewhere, somewhere nearby, someone is using magic. It's also a powerful thing.

Strange to think, the thick door of the special detention room suddenly fell apart like a cake that could be cut off with a knife.

There he is!

An Oriental girl with a giant sword like a crimson jewel was standing there.

Gattleshard knows her, of course.

Hoa, the venerable girl who was given the role of "the daughter of a millionaire's mistress".....

That is, René, the "Princess of Roses in Prison", who is possessed and manipulated by her.

"Princess...!? Why are you in such a place...?"

"Of course, to help."

While Gattleshard was astonished, Hoa (René) approached unwaveringly and waved his sword.

The shackles that had been fitted were instantly broken and rolled under the bed.

Gattleshard rose to his feet as though his body was still unscathed.

"Princess, what's the plan...?" Was the operation a success? I can't do my part, like this.... "

"Evelis and Tracy are on the run.

... I just got here and haven't grasped everything.

But no matter what happens to the operation, those two will be fine. And if you two are okay, it's not a loss. "

Looking at Gator Shard, Hoa (René) lights up her fingertips.

"I'm sorry."


The flesh and bones were stupid.

Gatleshard's body is kneaded around and blocks the wound.

It's the magic of healing. It's also a great way to consume a lot of magic power. Sweat blew out, but Gattleshard gnawed his teeth and endured a rough cure.

"The princess herself... is very grateful."

Stand up? [Aiming Diversion] is hanging here both inwardly and outwardly, but I left a guide marker (beacon) outside, so I'll run away with the transfer.

Unwittingly grabbing his extended hand, Gattleshard feared that it was rude and disrespectful.

Then, I was surprised that the hand was too small and soft. This hand belongs only to the girl who became a vessel, but Renée only prepared her daughter of her age as a vessel. The hand of the real Rene would be similar.

By the time of the tragedy, it was brittle and powerful.

How did a man like her end up in battle?

Then... she reached out to Gatleshard, who was only one of the pawns, to save herself in the battle.

Gattleshard was trembling and numb.

"... I'm glad you're okay. If there was a sacrifice, I thought it was you."


The figure of Hoa (René), who smiles like a devout saint and is happy that Gator Shard is safe, is in a driftwood.

"Princess, is there something... different?"

Gator Shard was dumbfounded, and for a moment Hoa (René) had a stunned face.

Then, for some reason, she smiled with a giggle.

"I'm a little evil right now." I think I'll be back in half a day. "


"It's just like anemia."

"... haa"

At dawn, late-night cane events decorated the morning newspaper with all the national newspapers published in the Farayya Republic.

A concealed property of the Whizdom Chamber of Commerce, hidden in the basement of a cane.

Someone who stole it.

The rest of the curse and the statement of commission. And the warning of the next crime.....

Everything was a world-class event that surprised people all over the country who read newspapers while drinking coffee before going to work.

Two police officers on a business trip to the city of Cucumber captured a suspicious elf carrying out a demolition operation on an underground magic conductor, which was immediately recaptured.

I escorted him to the Toucagla police station and detained him, but all the people in the station disappeared while they slept under magic or something.

At the time of the first report, it had not been analyzed what it meant, but at least the police officers bitterly felt that they had lost the clues leading to the criminal group (provisional).

"That gold coin was the most valuable because it sneaked into that place." At least for the Whizdom Chamber of Commerce and the Nightmare Syndicate.....

However, when my presence became public and I wanted to move somewhere, I had to resort to the temple forces. Such cursed pollution can only be countered by the priest of the table. "

Then the Whizdom Chamber of Commerce will have to offer that gold coin as compensation for selling the city too expensively.

In the hotel room, Madria was sitting in bed eating a pile of lunch sandwiches.

There was a bandage wrapped around her thigh, but the wound was already magically blocked. All I have to do is eat to get back on my feet.

At the desk next to it, Steve, summoned by Madria, piles up newspapers and cuts out only the story of last night's incident.

Steve was putting his thoughts together as he mechanically moved his hand.

I thought there was a snake, and I poked, and it felt like a dragon was crawling out.

"Yes, that gold is no longer 'taken by the government or stolen by the gold thief'."

Meanwhile, the Nightmare Syndicate can argue that the Whizdom Chamber of Commerce is right... oh, it's just a trick question, but that it has lost the means to pay for it. The gold coins are no longer available.

Then they will decisively dismantle and seize the assets of the Whizdom Chamber of Commerce, but since the business itself was more legal than the original, it is difficult to stop it from our side. "

In response to Steve's advice about all the hidden property in the basement, the Whizdom Chamber followed suit and prepared for the gold thief.

Steve didn't even know what they were going to do, but in the Biological Weapons Workshop, which was hidden underground, he prevented the seizure of gold by embedding it in plant monsters to promote cultivation.

Whether the bullshit action of tearing apart produced coincidental results or whether there were wise men in the Whizdom Chamber of Commerce was anyway.

However, the gold thieves returned with an unexpected souvenir.

I put a terrible curse on the gold.

What will this bring?

Not only did the existence of the gold coin become obvious, but the gold coin could not be moved easily.

This is no longer concealed property. The "Crystal Eyes" report is tomorrow, but the government has already grasped the content....

Steve saw the future of the gold being taken over by the government.... but if they don't steal it.

Meanwhile, the Nightmare Syndicate can argue that the Wizdom Chamber no longer has the ability to pay properly. Because it would be impossible for the Whizdom Chamber of Commerce to provide the same amount of gold coins separately.

So they can go and collect real estate, businesses, and the personal property of executives. You will not break benevolence, and the trust of the Nightmare Syndicate, a dark merchant, will not be damaged.

"In any case, the executives of the Chamber of Commerce were willing to create hidden property and fly high." When the Nightmare Syndicate takes the asset, it doesn't change much. ”

“... not that there are no problems, but more importantly, I don't think that's the problem to be addressed.”

Steve chose his words carefully.

The gold thief's mouth is sensitive to the Nightmare Syndicate. That was creepy.

An evil curse unusable to ordinary people.

and the remaining fresh blood roses.....

Steve certainly knows what this means, even if he hasn't been to the topical opera.

"More importantly, the" Princess of Roses "....."

"Why did you come to this place from the end of the east?"

“One thing's for sure: we're not here to promote the opera.”

Steve reflected after saying it wasn't a very good joke.

The suspicious elves disappeared.

However, its owner, the self-proclaimed millionaire's mistress, is still on the top floor of the Touda Royal Hotel.

who she was in the first place and what she was thinking right now.....

Steve didn't even think of exploring the boulder on his own. We must await the Agency's policy decision and support.

Anyway, if it was the monster that was aiming for that large amount of gold, I couldn't give it away any more.

We should collect the undue consideration for the sale of the cane from the Whizdom Chamber of Commerce and return it to the treasury to feed the citizens.

Excuse me!

A voice came from outside the room and the door was knocked on.

As Steve interrupted his work and left, a policeman stood in the hallway.

"Lieutenant Dudlvik, Lieutenant Crockford.

This is the chief speaking to you. "

Thank you very much.

Madria gently called out from the back of the room to the young policeman, who looked nervous.

Regardless of what the opponent might be, it was the failure of the Cane Grass Station that led to the recapture (and immediate release) of the suspect who was being held in custody, and he was stunned in that regard.

I was a little sorry for the young police officer who was pushed against the poor and used as a liaison.

"This kind of thing arrived at the station, so I brought you a copy."

The folded parchment was a copy of the text by magic.

Steve takes it all the way to Madria, opens the parchment, and peers into it.

"The opera" Princess of Roses in Prison "was refused performance at the Seven Constellations Theatre, owned by the Whizdom Chamber of Commerce. We protest against this unjust decision."

At the end of the sentence, the figure of a rose.

In this text, which is a copy, it is a rose with black ink, but I could imagine that it was probably originally painted with blood.

…………… what about you?

"Was it an opera promotion?"

Although the content of the message was understandable, they were often absent from the context of what was happening.

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