"Stellwed City", the commercial capital of the Republic of Farayya.

In the heart of the mega-city where many chambers of commerce are located, there was also the head office of the Whizdom Chamber of Commerce.

Stopping on the road in front of the main store was a black, high-speed carriage with a beautiful streamlined design.

It was Jaree Wisdom that came down from there. He's the current president of the Whizdom Chamber of Commerce.

Jarrah is a human male in his late thirties.

He's stylish and has the vibe of a phantom actor.

She always wears a suit that looks like a brand new hanging suit and has a refreshing look that makes her smile and yellow cheers fly.

“Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce! A word about the alleged misrepresentation of the public takeover of the cane!”

Have you consulted with the former chairman of the business?

"Rumors of a deal with the Nightmare Syndicate..."

Between the road and the building, along the short way, there was a group of people with notebooks and audio recording items.

Then, he pushed toward the carriage as he stepped out of the carriage.

"Make way! Make way!"

The guards build walls, scratch reporters, and make roads.

Jarrett walked slowly and looked back at the automatic revolving door at the entrance, spreading his hand to the eagle.

"Ladies and gentlemen... I am aware that there is a lot of news about the Chamber at present.

In this regard, we will make further announcements from the Chamber of Commerce in the near future and promise to provide a place for explanations.

For today, I'm sorry. "

Unilaterally throwing words, Jarrell ignored everything and walked through the door.

And they shall bid farewell unto the gate of their own castle.

"Good morning, Chairman."

When they entered the lobby, all the people present hung their heads together, and the elderly secretary, who was trusting, came up to them.

At that time, Jarrah had already been wiped out from his mind about the humble people.

"I know what I'm going to do today." Do you have anything to report? ”

“Especially since yesterday morning, the press reports related to the Chamber of Commerce have been compiled in this scrap.”

"Let's go through the eyes."

Jarrah frowns as she turns over the scrapbook and checks the headlines.

"What is this?"

Of course, most of it involves cane gluten. After that, it was about the "Princess of Roses in Prison".

In that regard, Jarrah also predicted that it would be said to be true.

But other than that, there was something strange.

The headlines of the inferior Mass Newspaper (tabloid), including "Wizdom Chamber executives, secret lust party" and "Devil's Wizdom Labor Child Worried Dad Lost Both Arms and One Leg", are fanatic headlines.

It's an ugly scandal that was supposed to have been put out a few years ago. That's a lot, a lot.

Moreover, most of the incidents were not very noisy. Neither the person who remembers nor the reporter who follows up on the case thought that there were no more, but there was even a recent interview with the "victim".

There was some variation in which case the article was written, but a completely different newspaper wrote the same article about the same case.

That's right, it's like.....

With regard to the Whizdom Chamber of Commerce, it seems that those who recorded everything systematically copied it completely and scattered it in the press all at once.

It was natural to think that it was strange.

A press attack clearly aimed at scratching the face of the Whizdom Chamber of Commerce.

But I don't know why anyone would do such an imitation right now.

Jarley thought of his father's face for a moment. He is powerful enough to know more about the Chamber of Commerce than anyone.

My father's predecessor is undoubtedly a merchant who deserves to be inscribed in the history of the Republic. As the noble son of the later Wizdom Chamber of Commerce, Jarrett has been attracting attention since his student days, helping him to look good.

Under his father's patronage, Jarrah has been excellent at his work and has been entrusted with several important tasks under his father. However, in terms of business, it was possible to demonstrate the strength of my father, and eventually my father's affirmation was born.

Jarrah was not as good as his father, so it was a problem that there were people who did not recognize Jarrah as a successor and stood by his side.

Due to his father's health concerns, he inherited the position of chairman of the chamber of commerce, but the confrontation that had temporarily become a fire because of the harmonious atmosphere displayed by Jarrah was reigniting within the chamber of commerce over the cane.

My father was even more violent in bringing a case of potatoes into the Crystal Eyes. For a moment, Jarrah thought it was odd to do anything.

But I immediately denied my thoughts. He still thinks of the Whizdom Chamber of Commerce as his own. I will not hurt that name. "

It was only a matter of judgment on the part of Jarrah, so I guess he did it that way.

So, who is it?

Who is going to attack the Wizdom Chamber of Commerce, which will soon be folded?

"... even a rat bites a bear caught in a trap."

Order the spokesman's office to gather information. Something is happening. There will be as many reporters as you can listen to. "


Many reporters think that it is their job to bite others, but some have good intuition.

If you hit someone who's friendly, you'll hear about what's going on in the press.

I felt creepy, but all I could think was that the little scandal that had silenced me before had been dug up.

Jarrah decided that it would be best to order the gathering and analysis of information.

More importantly, it was a big job to prepare for the night, secretly folding up the Chamber of Commerce and only the executives escaped. I don't have time for troubles.

Anyway, we have to deal with the underground events of the vultures. I was able to prevent the theft of the gold, but it was essentially taken.

The Nightmare Syndicate was beginning to collect the property that had been transferred to a different name to ease the eyes of the law. Neither God nor the police are frightened of the Jarrah, but not so frightening as to turn the Nightmare Syndicate against them. The relaxed and comfortable life I ran away from is about to disappear into a dream.

But Jarrah wasn't desperate.

― ― Soon, it was a shoplifting ceremony. No matter what unforeseen circumstances might arise, it would all end forever.

For the time being, it jumps high around the Eastern Coastal States.

And there were already five ways in Jarrah's head to make a plan that would take the local undeveloped people into fraudulent business and start up again from there.

The rest of us, Jarrah thinks, can do whatever they want.

Trade unions and the like, if the Chamber of Commerce were to go bankrupt, they would definitely stick nails in paying salaries and severance payments, but what could they do? After flirting with some of the executives and setting up a split operation, the labor union was skeletonized by internal route conflicts.

There are many disasters and unexpected accidents in this world.... the [magic accumulator (hotspot)] I found in the cane was a fake, and the gold coin was targeted was an accident.

But everything else was just as Jarrett wanted it to be. You can make as much money as you want, and if you do, you can become a king without a crown. While low-educated workers sell their lives in exchange for modest wages, they earn gold that they cannot spend.

Even if he lost the chamber, Jarrah knew and believed that his life would only move to the next chapter.

Shadows. Detectives. Sinister...

People imagine such words as sneaky, sabotage, and assassination of dignitaries.

However, what is really important is that you purchase and handle information rather than cut it. In the extreme, there are good spies who don't even raise a rope.

One of many homes in the metropolis of Sterwed City.

The apartment type is not expensive or cheap.

There was a large amount of paperwork stacked on Gattleshard's table.

This is information gathered via the Nightmare Syndicate about a past scandal at the Whizdom Chamber of Commerce. Gattleshard edited and associated this case by case, making it a "story" that could be immediately published in the newspaper.

The temporarily captured Gator Shard was rescued by Hoa (René) 's hand, but it can no longer be used as a "Jasmine's Providence" if the face of the police official is broken.

So he left the cane and was given another job.

Lurking in a corner of the metropolis, he wrote an ugly article about the Whizdom Chamber of Commerce and scattered it.

"... if I wrote it, it would be like a report."

Juju, juju, juju.

You can re-burn your old ugly stories. I mean, I was crushed by a major press outlet, and most of my citizens didn't know about it.

If the story is correct, the full-time reporter will decorate the text and make it interesting. "

The call sign (Kohler) pinned to the board on the wall speaks in Everliss's voice.

Magically copy articles that summarize information and send them anonymously to all major newspapers and magazine editors.

Of course, most people would be suspicious if they were sent this kind of thing "Now use it".

However, some newspapers are willing to do anything to attract readers' interest. This is especially true of the Mass Newspaper (tabloid). It was still a good way to do my own additional interviews and back coverings, and there were some newspapers that published most of Gattleshard's articles as they were written.

"Because there are many victims of big stories and they can't hide them, they are known to the public."

By contrast, it's easy to crush a victim when he's an individual. The victim herself, her family and at best the individual reporter moves. Even if the story is small, the news is quickly consumed and forgotten.... but not for now. "

"This workmanship... what effect does it have?"

That's to set the stage.

In the meantime, Gattleshard knew that Everis was interested.

'Think of yourself as a playwright. Guests are all citizens.

In order to maximize climax, we need to quietly scorch and not bore customers. "

Everliss labelled it 'theatrical crime'.

The idea is far too genius. No, I should call it devilish.

In Gattleshard's case, when I was told the plan, I felt terrified before I was impressed.

Or maybe this is the gift of her experience.

It is said that the human race perished in the war four hundred years ago. But Everis has seen civilizations before that.

I wonder if criminals who imitate this have existed in the past, and if Everis is also a copycat.

Gattleshard thought that it was too much to think about.

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