There were obviously not enough empty treasure chests.

Where did the treasure chest disappear, and where did the contents go?

"Even if you use" storage ", you can't carry it far." But where else is it safe besides this room..... "

Evelis and Tracy looked around the room sharply.

After using the items for storage, you can take out a large amount of gold coins to make a lot of luggage.

If I had done that, Everis would have noticed for sure. Observations to steal gold were also connected to keeping an eye on the trend of gold coins.

If you can move it, just a little.

However, apart from this [Safe Room], is there a safe place for the Wizdom Chamber of Commerce?

First of all, it was natural to doubt the inside of the room, and that was the correct answer.

Witch, that's it!

Tracy pointed at the trunk of a plant that stretched vertically from a giant fountain-like culture bath in the middle of the room. Most of the plants in this room are probably part of it.

Many thin trunks melted into a giant tree that could finally be surrounded by several adults holding hands. There was something shining in that gap. A lot.

It was like a club embedded with a hammer, and something shiny was visible from the gap of the trunk.

The bottom of the medicine pool was filled with seedbeds and a thick sponge, and the plants were growing from there, but there were many treasure chests with open lids at their roots, which were filled.

In such an atmosphere of rushing all of them, gold coins that were not intertwined with the growth of plants were scattered at the bottom of the liquid.


Everliss hugged her head at the sight of it.

In other words, the Whizdom Chamber of Commerce was warned at some point...... when it was no longer possible to take out the gold coins. They said they were being targeted.

So instead of changing the position of the gold coins, they changed the manner of their destruction.

If you look at this, this basement must have been an alchemy workshop for the development of biological weapons.

They took advantage of its capabilities and the supplies it had prepared.

I hammered gold coins into a giant culture tank, where I created plant monsters. Growing up with gold coins inside him.

Just as the Elves manipulate the life and death of plants with natural magic, this large botanical garden can be built in a day with the right means. It would be better if it was a general policy to grow big for the time being.

Of course, it would be possible for Everis to wither these giant plants and collect the gold.

For Everliss, this is not a defense against being stolen, but a defense that takes time to steal. I've done everything I can to resist. But it was only fatal this time.

With the loss of power remaining only in the middle of the city, the time to recover is short.....

"Retreat. There's more to it than that."


Tracy swallows Everis' decision with words.

The truth about the city will be revealed soon. That's the time limit for stealing, and if we miss it now, there's no next time.

We have already made a considerable investment in this operation, and there is no turning back. Failure to raise funds means the failure of Project C and the imminent defeat of the Ciel-Tayra government.

However, in this dilemma, the witch laughed unbeatably.

It's time to collect the coins, and I'll craft this into a draw and rematch instead of losing.

What are you going to do?

Evelis pulled it out of the valley of his chest (it definitely didn't have any storage space, but it looked like Tracy), and it was an old-fashioned golden bell (table bell).

When Everis swung the cloth inside, a beautiful and clear sound rang out.

When Tracy suddenly noticed, it was so sudden that it was impossible.

Kneeling beside Everis is a fine cut of pale strawberry blonde. She was wearing a crisp black tuxedo. The gaze is someplace sad and gives a sense of shade that reminds me of the autumnal sunset.

"If there is a call, you can come anytime."

Faithful me of the Great Witch Everis! Zarema = Millise, thank you for coming over. "

The boy said with a pleasantly echoing voice and a smile like a lily blossoming.

"Ugh... what the fuck is this outpost?"

"... isn't that what it's like to meet someone for the first time?"

Inadvertently leaking his honest feelings to Tracy, the boy swells his cheeks and refutes.

Although his appearance was delicate and adorable, Tracy knew that the actual situation of this boy was terrible to put into words.

A boy named Zarema-Mirize.

Tracy immediately figured out what he was.

Witches gain evil power through a covenant with the devil. There should be a pillar of demons that can be called to fly. And the devil brings an evil miracle in exchange for an evil price.

"How can I help you?"

I have seen how it goes. Why don't you take all this gold away? "

"The devil (you guys) are rewarded with the weight of the result, so if you ask for such a thing, you will definitely get a leg."

Everis pushes the demon who breaks his hips with a playful attitude.

"What I want is blood!"

1000 liters of your blood... no, it doesn't have to be that thick.

Dilute 100 liters of your blood with 900 liters of Alchemy Refined Water and deliver it. I'll be right here! "


Zarema-Milise nodded amusedly, apparently knowing what she was going to do, just because Evelis ordered her to.

From here on... I'll go theatrical.

18 minutes and 27 seconds from the occurrence of the fault. Power source, recovery.

The thieves had already left. I couldn't take a single gold coin.

Leave only evil souvenirs.

"... what is this?"

21 minutes and 51 seconds from the occurrence of the fault.

Mike stood in front of the vault and looked inside through the open door.

It's true that the huge domesticated plant monster "GP (Guard Plant) -P (Proto) -8" captures countless gold coins and rises up in the middle of the vault.

But there was red and black blood on the trunk and on the gold embedded in it.

As if mass murder had occurred, the room was bright red, and there was a rustling smell like sewage.

"Branch Manager, be careful!"

It is said that the approaching one has fallen. I thought it might be poison or something... "

"The person who was supposed to wear the 'coat of arms' was eaten." I'm rambling! "

The accompanying security chief and deputy branch manager warned, and Mike took a step back.

The GP-P-8 only moves when it senses a human being to attack and prey.

But now, like a snake hungry and searching for a rat, the vines in the room were moving and rubbing against each other.

In addition, since the original use of GP-P-8 is only for security, my husband... I mean, I have prepared a key to identify what is not a bait, but it didn't seem to work.

No matter how many people tamed and controlled it, it was a monster.

When evil burns and the instinct for killing burns, it becomes violent and raging.

That's good. That's good. Adventurers can be hired for money, and the miracle of purification can be bought for money. It was easy to clean up after yourself.

The question is, who can do this kind of dislike?

At the entrance of the vault was an empty treasure chest, as if waiting for those who came to check the situation. I heard you moved what was in the room.

I received the jewels that were kept secret by the Whizdom Chamber of Commerce.

Next, I will go up to wear gold coins. ”

It was written on the lid of an empty treasure chest, and it was a flowing blood letter.

I don't have a signature.

But instead, it was depicted at the end of the sentence.....

It was a scarlet rose that slipped and shone as if painted by fresh blood.

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