Wilfred couldn't sleep for two reasons when he came back to his slightly smaller bed on the second floor of the gear store where he was staying.

Half of the reason, of course, was because I was able to swallow sashimi with admired knights (unfortunately it was juice rather than liquor) and hear from my own mouth the memories of exciting battles that beat any song or fantasy play.

Because of the floating mood of skipping over the clouds, I can't sleep with my eyes closed.

On the other hand, Wilfred felt as if he had swallowed cold stones.

Catherine's heart is not here when she comes out of conversation with officials of the Kenneth Empire.And a straight line of sight like Samurai ready....

Wilfred doesn't know what that official is going to do or what Catherine wants.

The only thing Wilfred realizes... is that I just remembered that the official came to solicit Catherine.In other words, if Catherine were to take that invitation, she would leave Saktumburg for the Kanish Empire, which is on the far side of the continent.

Far away, in the depths of a royal palace like a giant garden, dressed in the same official attire (I thought it might be a bit attractive if I imagined the exact figure), Wilfred would encourage research that I did not understand.

Bertiel said it was necessary.

And if Catherine decides, Wilfred doesn't deserve to stop it.

I know that, but there's Wilfred who can't swallow.

Wilfred looked at the steam pipe running through the ceiling until the night began to dawn white.

No matter how many adventurers work day and night, the Early Morning Adventurer Alliance has few staff and adventurers and has been idle for a long time.

There were three receptionists in the morning hallway.

When they make sure they have no eyes, they look around to cover each other's blind spots with nothing to eat, and one of them unlocks a brass post on the wall.

It is a place to submit various documents such as reports outside of reception hours.

She quickly changes the documents she took out.

When you take a few pieces out of a bundle and follow some kind of law, you squeeze them into your blazer uniform pocket with pleasure.


There was a characteristic sound of casualty and the three looked back as if they had been played.

To Wilfred, who was standing in the shadow of a sofa in the hallway.

Wilfred's brass box sprayed steam.

Wilfred is a Samurai, but he also has some Ninja training in his training.

No matter how vigilant they are, they are non-combatant amateurs.Wilfred's synovial abilities exceeded their perceptions.

"You know what this is?It was expensive, damn it. "

Wilfred's square object is a "color basket (chrome shooter)."

It is a machine that captures the scene in front of you as a picture.It is also a luxury product that has been miniaturized to make it portable.

It wasn't a cheap purchase, but I made an excuse to buy it because it would also help me with my investigation as an adventurer.

Honestly, I wonder if we can preserve the evidence exactly when this happens.

I didn't think it would come in handy so soon.

Somehow, I wandered to Alliance HQ feeling helpless, looking for a request (quest) and eating breakfast in the dining room.

Then the other day, the unreachable administrators were doing something suspicious, so I was wondering how they were doing again.

--Did he say that the report he was supposed to have sent out did not come out?Besides, the deadline is close!This is it, goddamn it!

Catherine is probably in charge of the extracted documents.

Like a cannibal monster hunting me down.

Or like a perfectly besieged arranger.

The three women freeze in retreat.

"Well, this is...."

"Cut it out.Are you going to make Catherine's trouble too?

Why are you doing this? "

As if their feet were on the floor, the three wardens were acting suspiciously without moving.

But eventually, one person laughs quietly.

"Fufu... Ahahaha..."

Everything seems to have been conceived.

The red-haired woman, who appeared to be the most prominent of the three, raised her hands quietly and gently, as a sign of surrender.

"... do you know an administrator named Forster?

"I don't know. And what does that have to do with anything?"

"Eva Forster, the 10th successful Administrator Exam in the Federation Alliance.At that time, he was also the youngest to pass the grade.

He was a colleague of ours until last year.It was a long time ago, but apart from a few personality problems, he was a brilliant administrator. "

"She didn't like Catherine, who had drastically repainted her medal record.That's why I made it look bad....

It's a common thing to thank new people for their passing rituals. "

"Did you guys get involved?"

A merchant may be naive, a Dojo student, but when a newcomer enters a closed community, he is mostly baptized rudely by his seniors.

Only those who have overcome the challenge can be welcomed as companions... I don't know how to say it, but the point is that "outsiders" will only be treated until they are no longer "outsiders".

The empress of the office leads the circle and snores down the newcomer who brings up his petty title.

This is bullshit, but it's pretty common.

"But Arc Wright had a cool face, no matter what he did.

When Forster simmered his business, he didn't tell Arc Light about the emergence of dangerous named monsters.You know what happens to the administrator when the adventurer he manages dies?

The red-haired caretaker smiles humbly and slightly.

I thought it was too much, but I didn't stop, just to show her position.

It must not happen.Wilfred had no choice but to look down.

"It was unexpectedly quick for Arc Wright to realize the situation.

Escort my brother and his friends into the danger zone and bring back the adventurer.... "

The administrator smiles.

Ruptured smiles specific to those being hunted down.

"We never saw Eva Forster again."


"Director (Grandmaster) I've been disciplined and fired."

"... as far as I'm concerned, don't you deserve it?

Workplace bullshit.And to put the lives of unrelated adventurers at risk. "

In short, a fool who went jealously mad and defied the Administrator's mission was handled correctly as an organization.

... as Wilfred feels, the redhead shakes his head.

"All the original procedures were omitted and settled in two days.

No inquiry was even held and Eva Forster was kicked out without a chance to defend herself.

On the other hand, Catherine Arklight is not to blame.

She's supposed to be the subject of formal interrogation because of her fatal poor communication. "

"Everyone at the top of the guild is his friend."

He said that the House of Lords has a very familiar councillor.

"Our only ally is an assistant chief who doesn't know what to suspect with his brain muscles....."

Wilfred was under unexpected shock.

Hidee.There's nothing I can do about it.

There is a way to do it.

However, it would be cheaper to keep quiet and clean up....

If you want to escalate, I'll do it.

It was nothing but a word of fact for Catherine, not a word of strength.

That Bertiel Lagerbeck was expecting, to summarize, that sending her to the Kenneth Empire would itself connect Kenneth to Gilleschhatar.

Such a Catherine... even if she had lost her status as Countess now... could not be the only one.

Wilfred thought he had to protect himself.

Was Catherine so weak?

I wonder if she didn't need Wilfred or something.

From Catherine's point of view....

We can't work with dangerous people like Eva Forster.For myself and for the adventurers I'm in charge of.

The (...) or (...) et al. (...) excised (...). (...) as quickly as possible.Even by devious means.

It was a very simple and rational thought.

And Catherine must have thought about reading in the library on her way home from work tonight the next moment she finished eliminating.That's what Wilfred understood.

"I'm talented. I also have connections.It is also a work insect and is capable.I've never seen her rest.

It's like he's a golem.A large Golem of the Golem Corps.

If I'm too small, I don't have the trick to do it, and I'm concerned about the presence in front of me....

Yeah, even if you don't feel like it, if you're standing in the direction of travel, you'll just walk and be squeezed and crushed. "

"Catherine still... greets me in a bright voice every morning.You know everything. "

"We don't hate her... we're just scared.

What can I do but be afraid? "

As if they were also victims, they professed their true feelings.

Indeed, as far as I can hear, I did not defy Miss Forster and joined the fights, and even if the mastermind was retaliated against, I could not retreat afterwards, and there might be room for sympathy about a grain of sand.

And Wilfred certainly had a moment when he thought Catherine was terrible.

I understand.

But Wilfred denied that feeling.

"I don't think that's a good reason for such insidious bullying.

If you really think you're scared, leave me alone. "

"If you don't want to be crushed, you can do it.

You know, there's a tactic for digging holes to keep Golem from marching. "

Catherine is waiting for the needle (Harrison Bon Goza) to pull them out with the power of her network.

If the result is' I have removed someone I don't like ', it will corroborate the bad rumor that she has no roots or leaves.

Even if there were mountains of allies on the clouds, it would be hard to be the bad guys in everyday space.It will be harmful to my job.

That's why they thoroughly penetrated Catherine's reputation.If there is any intervention from above the clouds, let Catherine be an evil man.

"I can eliminate it, but I don't want to do it"....

On top of this exquisite equilibrium, Catherine's illiteracy continued.

Now that the mastermind is gone, Ijime will probably fade out eventually.When Catherine is shackled by bad reputation, colleagues wipe their mouths and equilibrium becomes colder and more static.

"I don't know.

... Catherine is a man.It's not a cold brass doll.You look fine, and if you do that, you'll get hurt. "

I felt indigestion as if I was shining on the warm curtain.

Cowardly, lowly, cunning, passive malice.

The bad side is the bullying side.But Wilfred doesn't know how to remind them of their sins.

Wilfred plays the undesirable King's Hand (Auto) without feeling able to do it.

"There are holes in your operation.

If Catherine leaves the marshal, she won't have to. "

"Quit?... the administrator?I don't think so. "

"Catherine has been invited from a country.Would you like to come to the royal palace? "

The administrators' complexion deteriorated in an interesting instant.

Adventurers themselves are sometimes called chaotic gangsters (and that is not to say wrong), but they also have a high status and salary if they are the head office administrators of the super-Power (Gilleschhatar).

I don't suppose you didn't even think about throwing the administrator's job and going somewhere else.

I couldn't innocently lower the reservoir.

I felt like this was the end where malice was punished and nothing was over.

I can't say it well, but I wonder if it's okay for Catherine.

"I'll miss you once.Don't forget this, you perverts.

Please apologize to Catherine.It's easy, right? "

Wilfred walked away with his back teeth bitten into the pouch.

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