Wilfred felt a frightening pressure that made his hair stand on end.

It was a sensation he remembered from somewhere. It was the time when he had a hand-to-hand fight with a serious master (Wilfred was beaten to a pulp in five seconds).

(Wilfred was beaten to a pulp in five seconds.) -- Is this the fighting spirit ......?

I can't take my eyes off Catherine.

I'm not sure what to make of it, but I think it's a good idea.

It's a good idea to take a look at the website and see if there is anything you can do to help.

"What can I do for you?

Catherine asked Fuyu Reign.

In the event that you're not sure what you're looking for, you'll be able to find a lot more information on the web.

If you are willing, I would like to help our empire.

"It depends on what you are trying to do.

"Well, that's harsh.

Fuyu Li chuckles cheerfully.

In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, please do not hesitate to contact us.

I've heard most of what you've said so far from Lord Lagerbeck.

I'm sure you can understand why I'm here. I'm sure you'll be pleased to hear that.

...... I'm afraid I may be taking up a lot of your time for nothing.

In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can contact us at the web site. It all depends on how you go about it.

I think I can even hear the sword fights.

I'm sorry I brought you here on such short notice.

Barthel apologized to Catherine in a light tone.

I'm not sure what to say, but I'm going to say it.

No, ......

You did this because you thought it might be good for me, right? That's who you are.

I have faith in you. I'm not so sure that you didn't consult me beforehand.

"No, because if you're from the Empire, you'll run away.

I'm sorry I deceived you, but I'll make it up to you later, I promise.

You owe me one, Lord Lagerbeck.

Yes, you do.

I'm sure I owe you one, Lord Lagerbeck.

Catherine was silent. It was an affirmation.

There was a fire burning in her eyes.

Wilfred stood there, feeling as if he had been thrown naked onto the battlefield, but Bertil's arm held him firmly by the shoulders.

I'm not sure what to say.

I'm going to have to wait a while. I'll be free until then. ......

Would you like to join me in passing the time, Wilfred?

Barthel invites him as if he were an old friend.

It was an unexpected good fortune for Wilfred, but Wilfred's mind had not yet caught up with the situation.

You've never had juice from the Golden Gear Hotel, have you? I haven't either.

I'll pay for it. It's an expense anyway.

"Yes, sir! I'll go with you!

So that's it. I'll be taking care of the two of you over here, so if you need anything, just ask Shelley to pass on the word.

In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the web site, you can contact us at the web site.

I'll see you later.

The Golden Gear Hotel, located in Section 2-2, is one of the highest-grade inns in Saktamburg. The guests are basically wealthy people or important people from other countries.

The bar on the first floor was open to everyone, even if you were not a guest.

The floor and walls were made of strange, shiny black stone, and there was no lighting device that looked like a light fixture, but instead a magical device that created a diamond dust-like glow that illuminated the area in a fantastic way.

The stone box garden in the center of the bar was decorated with glossy gravel to represent the flow of water, as if it were a Calaisan idea, and three golden wheels floating in the air were ticking away the time in a regular fashion, meshing with each other.

The bartender standing at the counter exudes a first-class atmosphere with his refined hands and bearing. He poured two glasses of orange juice from a classy bottle (with the hotel's logo burned into the label) and served them to Bertil and Wilfred.

The bar seemed to have a top-notch selection of alcoholic as well as non-alcoholic drinks at a top-notch price.

You look like you don't know why you're here.

As Wilfred was being overwhelmed by the atmosphere, Bertil bumped his glass against the one in front of Wilfred. It sounded good.

It was a good sound. ...... Well, yes, I do.

I didn't expect to see you here, and I didn't expect to have a chance to talk to you, and I didn't expect this .......

I didn't expect to meet you here, and I didn't think I'd get a chance to talk to you.

Wilfred took a sip of the juice as suggested.

It was cool, sweet and sour with a slight astringency.

It was certainly a drink worthy of being served in a luxury hotel, but he couldn't imagine how much it would cost. After all, there was no price written on the menu.

It was difficult to remain calm in this situation. But as he sipped his drink, the sugar in his head seemed to calm him down a bit, and he was finally able to look at his situation objectively after having been swept along so fast.

What's going on?

It's hard to answer that question succinctly, but if I had to, I'd say I'm conspiring.

In response to Wilfred's question, which could mean many things, Bertil gave an answer that could mean many things.

I'm still thinking about the people of Ciel-Teira.

I'm still thinking about the people of Ciel-Teira, not only in West Ayursa, but also in the East. The truth is, I want to save them all. If that's not possible, I want to protect as many people as possible.

Catherine and I are in agreement that Rene will come back. But there's not much I can do about it. I've got my hands full with West Ayursa, and Catherine's just a guild employee now.

Wilfred was a little disturbed by Bertil's words.


A moment of memory.

It was the name of the Rose Princess of Hell.

How to stop the "Rose of Hell"?

I'm not sure what to make of it. And then it's up to Rene to do the rest.

In the event that you've got a lot of money, you'll be able to use it for a lot of things.

So, ......, you're going to use people from the Empire for that?

It's the first move. It's a bit of a crazy idea, but we need Catherine to connect the Federation to the Empire. And also because I want her to have more allies.

Fuyori needs good men. There are a few things that need to be ironed out with Catherine, but I feel that if she accepts this offer, a lot of things will work out for the better.

He said it as if it was really nothing, like the idea of putting traps in the fields to avoid vermin.

But the idea of two of the world's most powerful nations joining forces to confront a powerful named monster is a story of monumental proportions.

That's what Bertil plots and draws, and Catherine is the key to it.

Awesome. ......


"All I can say is wow.

To do something like that, to move the world like that, to ...... come up with a way to do it, that's amazing.

No, no, no, it's too early to praise. I don't know if it's going to work.

Wilfred was stunned and could not help but grow more in awe.

He was reputed to be a skilled martial artist and an outstanding general, but even when he was away from the battlefield, he was still fighting and achieving extraordinary results.

As far as I can tell, you're always fighting for someone else, as if you're dedicating your life to them. ......

I guess you could say that.

How can you be so sure?

I told you. I'm thinking about Ciel-Teira's people.

I like Ciel-Teira. A country is people, and the people who live in it are the country.

The truth is, I want to save everyone. If that's not possible, I want to protect as many people as possible.

Bertil smiled and said.

It's a simple, yet strong, word, not tragic, but natural, and that's why I'm sure it's unshakable in its conviction.

You can find a lot of people who have been in the business for a long time, but you can't be the only one.

And of course, you.

If you'd like, you can tell me how you're doing now.

The best I can do for you in return is to tell you about the battlefield. ......

He tilted his glass, which was designed to look like a steam tank, and smiled a smile too deep to be described as "disturbing".

Wilfred almost fell in love with him.

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