Then Wilfred somehow begged for a favor (quest) that had been abandoned because he was slightly reluctant to pay, especially when he returned to town after two days of work without feeling better.


"Hey, Garrett!?

Wilfred, who came to Alliance HQ to report, was stuck near the entrance by a man with exposed muscles like a gladiator.

This is Garrett, the adventurer who was wrapped up in Wilfred.

Of course he avoided kokokoshi and Wilfred, but only today it was an incredible sword.

"What, are you going to thank me someday?

"What? No! I don't care!

Is it true Catherine quit!?You're close, don't you know anything!?

It was like threatening to hold my breast and yell, but apparently it was just desperate.

The story that Catherine might quit the marshal leaked Wilfred to the other marshals with the momentum.Or maybe Catherine herself told the neighbors while Wilfred was away, but it seemed to have reached Garrett.

"... there's something going on, and I think I'm thinking.It's just... it's pulling out from the amazing place. "


Garrett's face turned sharp as he was chased away.

With Wilfred's grip losing power, he lowers his hips to a short staircase in front of the Guild HQ entrance.

"Garrett, are you in charge of Catherine?

"Six months ago.

After he took over, I thought I could still do it.

You know me better than I do, and you tell me what to do.

Thanks to you, I'm in the sixth grade, too.It's funny, isn't it? I've been rotting in fifth grade for 10 years. "

He was laughing thinly as if he were exhausted.

Wilfred is primarily an adventurer working alone (solo), but he may temporarily participate in parties elsewhere to build a common front or swap alcohol with adventurers he knows, and may hear rumors from other adventurers in such places.

According to him, Garrett was a corrupt genius.

I hit the limits of my talents, didn't have the courage to train and brush my arms, didn't have the talent to add value to my work, didn't have the coordination to aim for the top as a party member, and lived a rough life with a notorious sign.

It was a story that he had grown up a little lately.

Wilfred said it was because he was ashamed, but that coincided with Garrett's supervisor becoming Catherine.

He was starting over as a real adventurer.

"If he's gone, I don't know what to do.

Why... don't you just stop... "

Garrett was rolling his back like a big, discarded dog.

That day, Catherine was off duty because she was on paid leave.

Wilfred, who had submitted his request (quest) report at once, headed for the Miscellaneous Housing Building in Neighborhood (Section 3-1) at his feet.

The building is on a quiet street along a steaming canal.

The first floor of the building is a gun shop.The third floor is the office of the steam pipe maintainer.The letters written on the windows on the second floor are "Arc Wright Law Firm."

When I was fishing for newspaper and magazine articles about Catherine, I learned that her brother was a lawyer here and that Catherine lived in her office and residence.

Wilfred climbed a narrow staircase by the gun shop and stood in front of the entrance alongside the law firm in a dance floor, unable to press the ring bell.

I wanted you not to go.

Nothing. I have no reason to do this for Garrett.

But Wilfred came here feeling somehow pushed on his back.

I wanted to tell you not to go... apart from whether you can say it or not.

Oh, are you talking to me?


Wilfred, who lost sight of the signs behind him, looked back with a voice.

There stood a gentleman dressed enough to look like a crop.

--Looks like Catherine... Catherine's brother?

He was a man with bureaucratic majesty characteristic of his honeycomb hair.I don't know the age, but I wonder if I am in my 30s.

Dressed in a dark grey suit with a rugged atmosphere, he was a brain worker (white collar) when he got up, but Wilfred, who had been trained as a Samurai, was able to prove himself quite user-friendly just by his signs and appearance.

There's Catherine somehow.Even if I was told that I was a young father, I would believe it, but Catherine's father is already dead, so is he my brother?

"No, not me...."

"Mr. Wilfred!?

Catherine, wearing her usual blazer uniform, burst out of the man's shadow.

They were going out there, and they both just got back.

"Why are you here?"

"Hey, you know, um..."

The action plan, which was obscure from the beginning, blew everything up and turned completely white the moment I saw Catherine's face.

Whilst it gets rough, Wilfred puts in words what to hear.

"... I wonder what happened the other day.Administrator, are you quitting?

"Ah... I'm sorry, I was going to tell you."

It became a straightforward question that I couldn't afford to fix, but Catherine didn't seem particularly reluctant to answer.

"I've decided. I will go to the Kenneth Empire."

She said in a light and refreshing tone, as if she had decided not to know what to use for dinner soup.

Wilfred can't see the weight of making a serious decision, and that's why Wilfred thinks it was easy to step through the decision without hesitation.

"The Adventurers Guild is very appreciative, and my research here is fascinating, but... I've had a lot of discussions with Mr. Winter and I've decided to take care of you."

Your hands and feet are losing their blood.

Wilfred wondered if he could stay.

And soon, I couldn't help but feel so arrogant and stupid about my thoughts.

How valuable is Wilfred to her?

"Administrator, I...."

I thought I'd talk to Garrett.There are people here who need you.

After a moment, it felt a little cunning.

It is above all Wilfred's own feelings to ask Catherine to stay here.It's cunning to take Garrett out as a shield.

And it's still cunning to take someone's life hostage and hold someone else.

"... no, no.Be careful.

I hear the Empire is a mess..... "

Yes, thank you.

There was no word to succeed, and Wilfred just said a plain and polite farewell.

Catherine responded with the usual sales smile.

Brothers and sisters who confess.

Slow Catherine's back.

Dirt in the corners of the ceiling.

The voice of a bug ringing somewhere.

It is an illusion that the world suddenly becomes vast and everything around it moves away.

Maybe this will be the last time.

I can't wait to see Catherine.

I can't hear Catherine.

Wilfred thought so.

"... wait!

I was shouting out loud enough to be pathetic.

Catherine looked back.

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