"Show us the way, show us the way..."

Cruz Salina caged in the sinus of the Great Spirit Tree and kept praying.

It existed at the root of a tree so huge that it was distracting that it was a domed, semi-ground vast space.

The walls, floors and ceilings are all made of intricately intertwined roots of the Great Spirit Tree, surrounded by blue and white light.

In front of the altar set in its centre, Cruz Salina just kept praying alone, without even putting on the comrades.

Every time your body's senses become obscure like you dream, your voice echoes in Cruz Salina like (obsessed).

"Consider the silver scourge star stained with blood," he said.

- I already know that.

Cruz Salina felt tired like being sucked of life every time she touched the will of her father, but she didn't try to stop praying.

That's not enough. I don't know what I'm missing, but I'm not.

It's not enough to lead this inside.



I touched my transcendent consciousness and tried to grab something out of it.

I thought you might die somewhere.

But still, Cruz Salina never stopped praying.

This is a job worth risking your life for.

Different shapes, but previous generations of Saresaya also risked their lives for the inside. What will you do with your life when you succeed her and become chief priest?

If you ignore the entrustment and feed it to the immediate bait, the inside will perish. At least that's what Cruz Salina herself believed.

To avoid the future of doom. To serve as chief priests to guide us all.

For that matter, I didn't spare any effort to offer you anything.

Feeling the power of the roaring earth veins, Cruz Salina was spreading her senses within it.

It desperately fixes the disturbing breath, desperately supports the glitchy head, as if to squeeze all the way down to a drop of blood, a drop of magic.

The closer he approached the narrow between life and death, Cruz Salina became clearer and able to sense the great will to dwell in the veins of the earth.

Eventually Cruz Salina was not even sure if she was touching the great will of her fathers to hear her voice or if she was thinking of something.

It blends with great will and goes in tune.

Cruz Salina gradually understood. The way my father returned to the woods.

I took as a matter of course the constraints imposed on them, assimilated to the terrestrial veins to become part of this world in a real way.

The "reflection" rarely appeared, and the proclamation was unfriendly and terminal, which was something I had no choice about.

But now it's an emergency. Not if the living do not fight.

The stewardship of the world. Sacred Evil Balance. Leaning to one creates a rebellion toward the other.

Now that the wicked had approached the forest, the earth vein was like a squeezed bow.

And Cruz Salina is the key.

Just as we reached out to each other, the road connected.

Woohoo, and Cruz Salina sighs in her heart.

- For the sake of man's world and God, let's discuss "Princess Rose of Grievance".

I must have become chief priest for this.

Not for the inside, not for the woods, not for the fathers.

For the people. For the world. For God's sake.

But Cruz Salina, who lost half her self, did not question that.

Just as I dreamed, I was surrounded by great fulfillment that I was doing what I had to do.

Only at all times in the vast sinus were the eyes filled with dazzling light.

Moving to the Kanis Empire Blue Army...

Information had come from the scouts, and the 'implicit alliance' between the Great Forest of Gausenfall and the Siel-Teira diaspora against the Blue Army had also begun to move.

At the northern outer edge of the Great Forest of Gaisenfall, thorough work had been done at night.

The undead soldiers move the cannon in and out of the magic item for storage, ascertain the good and bad sitting when they install it, and see if they can take the angle of fire or swivel it.

If there is a problem, give instructions to the elf magicians who are coming from the side of the woods to let magic change the shape of the grass trees and build the position.

There is not enough to put the cannon on all the outer edges of the forest, even though it was smashed from the Imperial Blue Army.

So they will move in line with the Blue Army's movements and deploy artillery from magic items for storage to hit defense. The position for this purpose has been laid out in advance in the key areas.

"Princess, isn't something weird coming out?

Rene watching over the work receives a reading from Evelis.

The call mark (Kohler) needs to speak up, so I don't know where it will be heard. That's why I kept in touch by way of reading.

Rene responds as she explores the signs, magic, and emotional reactions around her.

The elf warriors are surprised but nothing particularly hostile, and continue to monitor the work of the undead. The magicians who are made to build positions are similar.

'Looks fine so far. There's no such thing as "reflection"... and there's no strange movement on the elf side. "

'Good for you. Was I too cautious to even put it on Mialanze?

Immediately next to René, Miaranze refrained from shimmering red eyes under the crescent moon.

If the elves made a strange move, Rene brought her in as a means of (...) suppressing it flat (...) summatively (...). You can't expect that much from your combat abilities, but you're strong enough to just scatter the 'Evil Eye of Charm'. If Mialanze will take charge of the charm, Rene won't have to take vampire form to get better and secure a free hand.

I had an idea, but fortunately, that preparation is going to be in vain.

"Work is going well. I think it'll be over by morning. '

"Good for you."

"As the Blue Army attacks tomorrow, how do you think it will come?

'You expect the other side to have cannons. I wonder if you're willing to do a little research on that.

Well, it's the same thing we want to try and see how well the operation works. '

"But even if the cannon was active, that wouldn't settle it, would it? The Blue Army just has to run away from the woods."

The Great Forest of Gaisenfall also excels as a source of magic, with trees becoming robust walls and, above all, almost entirely self-sufficient for food and so on, so that no soldier attack prevails. If it can function properly, it will be a terribly robust fortress.

But you can't win just to protect it. We need to strike it out here in order to achieve our contract with Saresaya and to ensure our immediate safety.

"Is it best to repeat the night raid and exhaust it?

"Ma, it will be hard to use artillery at night on boulders, and ordinary armies will have limited movement. On the other hand, my army is stronger at night, so I have no hand in not using it.

Whatever it is, let's attack tomorrow first. '

And Evelis laughs, fussy and pranky.

'I don't mind winning too lightly, though. Then there's no harm in us. "

'Sure. If you shoot the cannon in moderation, the inside is going to grasp it faster'

It is also important to beat the Blue Army for one thing, but it is also important to subordinate the Elves politically, as they will be using the Great Forest of Gazenfall as a frontline base for some time to come.

To do this, it is quick to make good use of the threat of the Blue Army.

In this way the task of building a position in the woods also has the effect of making a fait accompli by breaking through the first step where the psychological resistance to 'putting the undead into the woods' is significant first.

While it will be ad hoc to determine how to proceed with domination in the future, both Evelis and Rene were thinking of all sorts of cunning and evil hands.

"... With that said, it's a new moon tonight"

Where the conversation broke off, Evelis says, well, there's nothing like talking about the weather.

Rene also somehow looked up at the dark night sky that seemed beyond the trees.

I'm not sure what structure this pangear world is, but at least the moon was as full as Earth.

The night is darker because tonight is a sunny night but a crescent moon.

It has nothing to do with the undead perceiving their surroundings with magic, and vampires, such as Miaranze, have gained sight as during the day, even at night, but the elves were illuminating their surroundings like tiny tines by raising cages filled with fluorescent worms.

"What do you say, princess?

Witches also like moonlight baths because they're ex-humans, but after all, does the princess feel better about the crescent moon?

'There's no difference between you and me. Oh, but I guess it's because I have a body for once now...

If it's time for the spirit, you might see the difference. "

"It's true that the spirit system undead becomes more active on New Moon nights than usual."

The fullness of the moon has important significance in this world.

There is supposedly a palace of evil gods on the back of the moon that cannot be seen from the earth, and that is why the night when the sun sets and the moon shines is the time of the evil ones.

The Great God gathers light from somewhere, even at night, and tries to seal the power of the Evil God by illuminating the moon, but the light changes its intensity like a wave to return, and ceases to be used at all on the eve of the crescent moon.

On the night of the crescent moon, all the good men shut their doors stiffly, and refuse the wicked, and wait for the dawn. The evil ones bounce into darkness at night, and evil rituals and so on are often performed.


"... oh?

The area suddenly became brighter.

Cracks of light were carved into the ground, as if a crack had entered.

The light grows stronger while you see it, and the dazzling brilliance brightens everyone who was there from under your feet.

Rene had a feeling similar to nausea.

From his fingertips, he feels uncomfortable oppression as if he is wrapped around a wire, deprived of his freedom as if he were paralyzed.

- Same bow of light used by that 'reflective body'...

Not! Similar, but something much more disgusting......!?

As far as the forest and the terrain were concerned, Saresaya had heard all that was known, but this was a development that did not fall under any of the things Rene had envisaged.

Sounds magical, but Ko (...) was (...) demon (...) law (...) and (...) was (...) yes (...) and Rene was feeling it by instinct.

The defenses and means of escape that were prepared for the attack will not work. I can't fight it by magical means.

Beyond magic, something...


With the screaming voice of Mialanze, René was swallowed up in the light.

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