One of the rooms tangled in the Great Spirit Tree and snagged like a fruit.

It was a room where a few stunning desks and chairs, crafted with magical craftsmanship and finely crafted dead trees, would be a fortune if brought out to human society, were just left unmade.

The sun was abundantly twilight, but the room was illuminated by fantastic lights. It's filled with fluorescent, luminous worms in a cradle knitted with cranberry grass, and it's lit up like it's wrapped in grass skin.

Lieramirez, who hung himself in a chair in the room and stood alone, felt the signs of a person and fumbled, his face up.

She was dressed as a witch, but Cruz Salina, who was removing all of her ornaments, was about to come in by pushing open the curtains of the leather of the beast hung at the entrance to the room.

"As for the chief priest, the summaries of the day are in order…"

"Stop it, Riera! If it was celebrated like that by the time you and I were alone, I'd be gone!

Cruz Salina was genuinely disgusted by Riera Mires, who stood up and greeted her with respect.

Lieramirez gives a little tongue, pulls the chair and recommends it to Cruz Salina.

Priesthood chief Sirlessaya. Contemporary Chief Priest/Cruz Salina. And one of the tribal warriors, Lieramirez.

These three were almost the same age, and as children, in an educated relationship as witches at the same time.

Against Saresaya and Cruz Salina, who blossomed their talents, Lieramirez ended up not being talented enough to be a witch, and polished his magic for battle to become a warrior. The result was a great deal of openness to their place in the tribe, but the three were nevertheless in a half-corrupted friendship.

In this tribe, the chief priests are generally 200 to 300 years old, but they are not visible to the flesh for life.

If you simply speak of magic, the amount of training stacked is something that gets sharpened over time, but there are many things that can also be physical battles for magical rituals. Instead of just getting older people for it, it's supposed to be served by the physically enriched old.

From a pot that seemed to have polished the white wood to become a gem, Lieramirez poured herbal tea into two of the seven prepared cups, and slammed the pot around three of the rest.

What's in this pot is water elemental magically gushed hot water. Elves living in the woods generally hate fire, so they don't use fire in their daily lives except for cooking along the water field, but they magically make up for it.

"... good luck. It's hard to have free time."

"It's totally different from the Deputy Chief Priest.

I was going to be watching Sare right next door. It was more than I imagined.

The greatness of Sare... No, dear priests of all time, I have come to know the greatness of you all. "

Drinking tea that raised a gentle scent of hot air, Cruz Salina took a heavy sigh.

"If it's Sare... I wonder what's going on at a time like this"

In one word, Lieramirez looks 80% at the heart of Cruz Salina.

"About the alliance, I wonder"


Though I intend to deeply respect and trust you in the Council of Elders. I think you're wrong about this, and I want you to rethink it. "

Lieramirez had also leaked about the entrustment.

The battle against the "Princess Rose of Grievances" took precedence over the battle against the Imperial Blue Army. The council of elders hiding the proclamation. And although nothing has been officially said, rumors have it that the Council of Elders has decided on an alliance with "Princess Rose of Grievances"...

It was often the case that the Council of Elders interpreted Maru (...) in the wake of ambiguous proclamations, and now the anomaly is that he is at war.

Still, 'it's something to do thoughtfully,' Lieramirez had taken with mild surprise.

"Riera. May I ask your opinion?

Riera Mirez answers with a few words in her gaze.

As a warrior at the forefront of the battle, I want enough allies to get my hands out of my throat. Moreover, Lieramirez has been saved by the army of "Princess Rose of Grievances", who has also witnessed its phenomenal force.

"…" Princess Rose of Grievance ". Without the intervention of him (or), I would have died carelessly"


"But I can't believe the great people will come until they become a reflection.

I don't even think you can ignore that. "

"Yes.... right.

But the Council of Elders decided on an alliance with Princess Rose of Grievances.

And... Everyone welcomes that "

Cruz Salina looked convinced that ruin awaited the tribe ahead. But even if I complain about it, they won't listen to me.

But it is unacceptable, as chief priests, to resort to solitude and agony and to summon and scatter.

"I wonder if the elders think I'm unreliable.

I can't put everyone's mind together... "

As chief priest it is his job as chief priest to receive the proclamation from his fathers and to communicate it to all the tribes.

But what's the point in the chief priest not being able to hear the word?

Such distress seeps into the voice of Cruz Salina.

"Hey, Cruz. I know it's a good thing about you that's serious, but don't think about it.

... because you're not Sare. "

'Unbent branches break in the wind,' he says.

Thinking seriously about everything in a straight line would be Cruz Salina's strength, but Lieramirez thought it was also painful.

But I think Lieramirez also has no choice but to worry about Cruz Salina.

Sirlessaiah has been chief priest for 50 years. She was too perfect a chief priest.

Always serene but with solemnity, every word was gentle and heavy. A personable person probably refers to someone like her.

Saresaya was admired and revered by everyone.

If she led us all, she was just a chief priest to make us think so, that everyone's hearts would have come together no matter what path the tribe would take.

It was in this difficult situation that her presence was significant as a support for everyone.

But she's dead. Killed.

And she returned and became one with the woods among the 'fathers' who made the proclamation.

Death is returning to the great stream of life. It is never a tragedy to be avoided.

But still, the presence of Saresaya should not have come to such an end, and I couldn't help but think that she was needed now.

Cruz Salina stood still, staring at the water in the cup.

As a result of the negotiations between Sirlessaya and René in exchanging contracts, there are two conditions defined as the price of the soul.

Firstly, the murder of the Blue Army (which, according to Chelsea, seems to be named Stone Pillow) that killed Sirlessaya. Let's take this for granted.

Secondly, the killing of 20,000 blue soldiers. Let those who have slain the elves make amends with blood, and take vengeance by carving untold sorrows on the bequeathed parents, on their sons, on their wives, and on their husbands, on their friends.

Sirlesaya really seemed to want to make it conditional on the 'defeat of the Imperial Blue Army', but it was rejected because specific requirements were difficult to lay down and some changes in the war situation could make it difficult to achieve or exit strategically.

If you kill 20,000 people, you are likely to be an unsustainable pain in the ass for the Blue Army, so for once, the forest is supposedly protected. Even if it wasn't, it would be enough as a reward for the blood, and this was the drop point.

Front Line Base Taru, a room in a dirt castle.

Between the compact glimpses of the portable human bone throne were the ghosts of Surresaya and René.

The elf witch princess, who looks blue and white, is a witch outfit, even if she is a ghost. The elves' witch outfits were simple piercing clothes, but the outfits they were supposed to have worn on their raw predecessors had disappeared.

Face with a gentle and serene atmosphere. Elf-like body shape with meat where it should be attached while having a long body.

She sat back in the universe matching Rene with the height of her gaze.

"So, um..." The Reflection "? Is that it?

You knew all along about that, didn't you?


Slightly questionable, René says, Sirlessaya responds softly.

The soul of Saresaya is tied to René from the moment of his covenant with René.

That's not why I can do anything... enough to talk about what I know.

But Sirlessaya remained silent as if she had fallen asleep. She was definitely supposed to be watching Rene try to find out about the 'reflection' and the doings.

That's what she started talking about now and rapping.

Regarding the phenomenon of "reflection", in which the father who returned to the forest gets a provisional appearance, and the proclamation that he should defeat René.

"May I ask why you kept quiet?"

'I guess I don't deserve to be named right now...

I was, for once, the chief priest who could unite us all.

Whether you deny the flow of life and offer this soul as a sacrifice to you, there is something you cannot abandon '.

Saresaya is unshakable.

Quietly and gently stated his position.

"The defeat of your daughter was revealed to you by your fathers.

Given the fact that everyone has chosen to fight you, I have decided that giving information is not a good idea.

Besides, my cooperation with you isn't part of the contract, is it?

"Yeah, unfortunately, you're right."

Saresaya laughs nicely.

Sirlessaya was quite the food, with an atmosphere that seemed pure innocent.

"But now it is inexplicable.

I am very pleased, as far as I am concerned, that my tribe has joined hands with you.

Without trying, my unsolicited Wagamama and everyone's decision turned in the same direction. '

"... stop saying wagamama"

Rene was reading backwardness from Sirlessaya.

She hasn't been able to affirm her resentment since this period.

That was all Rene had.

"You had just reason to hold a grudge. So I resented it. That's all."

I wonder.... right, I'm sure '

Sirlessaya had her hands on her chest, as if she were about to feel a beat that no longer existed.

'As chief priest, I have always disciplined myself. Don't resent, don't be jealous, don't be angry... if you're a good guide...

But... now that you have a grudge like this is painful to be burned by the flames, why... it's very, very comforting to be free '

Saresaiah, no longer chief priest, smiled lonely.

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