"Magic is actually a tough" technology "that matches what you've done with what you've done."

During his journey, Mialanze had received magical gestures from Evelis.

In the woods where the moonlight plugs in.

Sitting side by side on the shoulder of a Miss Lil 'Golem who keeps walking without fatigue, Evelis goes through a board book with her fingers of something like a blackboard of light just big enough to get on her knees.

"Inject the magic you need to work the spell that shapes it. So, there's a result. Hmm, chemistry.

Amateurs tend to think of magic as a strange move for anything, but it's not. "

"I see..."

Mialanze also had magic at everyday level, but her magic knowledge was almost amateur.

By the way, once Mialanze had almost zero magical talent, but since she became a vampire by Rene's hand, she's full of evil powers. After all, you have enough talent, so all you have to do is train with your knowledge.

To help Rene at all.

"Are there any exceptions?

Evelis pokes a plate of light several times.

Small windows came out and disappeared, and eventually something like a celestial globe appeared there.

"Miaranze, you know the myth, don't you? How this world was born"

"... the 'middle man', who was just alone in the void, made everything conflicting by knowing himself..."

"That. That's when all the laws of this world came into being. Even magic is.

Well, think about it for a second.

I wonder if the power that made that decision has the power to jump over the laws of the world. "

"Ah... sure"

The royal nobility or those who make determinations and impose them down there themselves are generally not bound by the determinations.

Mialanze understood that it was similar to that.

"The Power of Genesis. of the laws of this world, the power that exists one step above the other. I would also call that the power of 'mystery'.

When the middleman ripped himself apart and created the world. Its vast, mysterious power of Genesis was also divided.

We individual life forms also have the power of mystery for about a grain of sand... most of the mystery is held by the gods of righteousness and evil.

... As a matter of fact, sacred magic and curse magic that draws the power of the gods because of it sometimes makes the result's twitch unfit. That's what I said earlier about the exception. "

"So if you fix the magic of the curse, you can borrow even a fraction of its mighty mysterious power."

"Yes, yes. That sort of thing.

By the way, a princess is a hunk of mystery in itself. Because you have the mighty blessing of an evil god. "

Just a little bit. Mialanze was exalted.

The power that fills this body is the power that leads to the wicked gods.

Mialanze is no longer helpless. She is not a helpless girl who was irrationally deprived of her family and made into human livestock. With this power given by the beloved princess, Mialanze can only change the world a little....... I can fight for Rene.

"Except the power of mystery is troublesome when it comes to enemies, right?

Sometimes in the world, mysterious powers come together to create strange power fields and mysterious beings.

If you see something like that... you can assume that neither the laws of the physical world nor the powers of magic apply there.

Avoid as much as possible and take great care if you are involved "

At the rate of following things, Dr. Evelis stabs the nail.

"Even a princess who says she's a hunk of mystery, can't she fathom other mysteries?

"Hmm... because the princess ignores the laws of this world and is in the direction of 'self-strengthening' and 'self-preservation'.

We may not be able to do anything about the mystery that unfolds a special environment and pushes the rules… "

I felt like my head was scratching, but gradually Mialanze became more conscious.

I felt like the next morning when a perverted nobleman who kept me was drunk lumpy with a play.


The walls are compressing from the front somehow.

I thought so, but it was simply Mialanze lying on the floor and falling.

Yes, the floor.

Mialanze was falling down on a sturdy floor with just a thin carpet laid on.

"Is this...?

I should have been in the Great Forest of Gausenfall... "

Wake up and look around, it was in a dim hall room.

The atmosphere is like a talking room, with chairs and desks lined up and flames swinging in the fireplace on the wall.

The magic light protruding from the wall was covered in glass shaped like a bud of flowers.

This room is dim for some reason, even though it has lighting and a fireplace.

It's all old, creepy room.

Outside the window was a dark night like anointed with ink.

On his rise, Mialanze noticed discomfort.

I don't have the feeling I should have.

Mialanze, who wandered her back, immediately came to the identity of her discomfort.

"... no wings? No way!"

The wings of the dermis born at that time when Rene sucked blood and became a vampire.

The wings that were supposed to be out with a hole in the back of the maid's clothes were disappearing.

Mialanze hits a nearby window to be driven by agitation.

It was oddly dark outside the window, so Mialanze's appearance was clearly reflected in the window as if it were a mirror.

"My eyes... are not red..."

The eyes glowing red like blood are also a testament to vampires.

But on Mialanze's face in the mirror are her amber eyes, the same as her murdered mother. Since it is a dim room, my pupils are open in a circle.

I can't even feel the evil flow of power swirling in my body.

No, on the contrary, my body has fever like a living person.

- Were you stripped of your vampire powers?... In the first place, what the hell is this place...

Mialanze handled her memories and tried desperately to understand what had happened.

All of a sudden in the woods, surrounded by light, I was here when I realized. It won't exist in that forest, it's a human-inspired architecture. Maybe it can be explained by a metastasis or something.

But it's absolutely weird that I'm no longer a vampire.

It is common sense that those who have become undead cannot return to man without destroying themselves and ascending only to their souls and being purified......

It doesn't mean it's never going to happen, but I don't even think miracles are going to sell cheap that way.

Are you telling me that the elves had so much power?

- No... about myself, later!

I care what happened to me, but I have something to think about before that.

There is no one else in the dim room but Mialanze. If you look at the shadow of the furniture placed, etc., there is no way someone is down there.

"... Princess! Where is the princess?

Miaranze thinks he's not enough to take it.

I don't know what this bizarre situation is, etc., but I don't think he did a big trick aimed at Mialanze.

Absolutely, something aimed at René.

Was Mialanze involved or eliminated because he was in the way... I was speculating that Mialanze would be here right now because of what happened last time he aimed at Rene.

Call them. No one answers.

But Mialanze's high ears heard the floor roar as even the beast roared.

It's from the room right next door.

When I opened the door thinking that I had cut one out of the slab for luxury, there was a similar room right next door.

And there was a silver girl there, watching Miaranze jump into the room with a surprised face.

Rene always wore a pure white dress carved with a rose of blood, but now she was in a common hemp piece.

But whatever clothes you wear, the cold, shining silver moon, or the beauty of a fallen star on earth, will not fade.

"Princess! Are you all right..."

For a moment, Mialanze strokes down her chest to make sure Rene was there, and only the worst was avoided.

But seeing such a mialanze, Rene lagged behind in fear.

"... oh, sister, who...?


Mialanze trembled like she had been shot by lightning, and was stunned.

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