Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1202: Deep in nightmare

The two teams from behind seemed to be aware of the demise of their associates, and fell into a moment of silence, and then began to retreat, as if they were instructed. Just as they acted, the quark's cloak rewrapped my body again, making me Fall into the shadows. -Top-point-small-say-this jump is like falling a long and straight cave until the sole of the foot suddenly feels the ground again. When the cloak opened, I was already on another secluded street. The nightmare area of ​​Las Vegas is so wide. As I mentioned before, the electronic demon messenger who came here cannot explore every part of the city in a short time. Most people are not willing to take risks and just stay at a few. In a meeting place, the area outside the meeting place is still as dead as in the past. Everyone has gradually become accustomed to regard the meeting place as the inner circle, and the outer city part is called the outer circle. A small number of daring electronic demon messengers habitually explore the outer circle, trying to find something special, just like developing those foggy maps in the game to satisfy curiosity, or trying to find some useful resources.

However, even these adventurers have not been able to travel all areas of the outer circle. This nightmare Las Vegas city map is not much different from the normal world, but there are many non-human things and phenomena. No one knows how many kinds of weird and dangerous existences exist here. The only thing that is clear is that all the people who encountered these existences died mostly silently-at first, some people did not realize it, or just thought they were victims Missing, but then there are some worrying news that these missing people have disappeared in the reality of this relay world. Those who have not personally experienced this scene are doubtful, but no one wants to experience it for themselves.

People have a misty and hazy sense of fear in the outer circle, but for the horrifying environment of the outer circle. Instinctively full of repulsion. The place I reached by jumping in the shadows was a street that appeared remote in the outer circle. I don't expect to see adventurers here, but who is hiding here to observe me from a distance. I think these observers are with the soldiers, so they have adopted various arrangements. Find them where they are.

I have n’t seen the figure yet, and the feeling of being observed has disappeared, but the feeling has told me that they are hiding here. In the face of the raid of the shadow jump, they had no time to retreat early, and they dared not act rashly. In fact, as long as they move, I can further confirm their position. The observation range of chain judgment has begun to expand. After exceeding the range of fifty meters, the fineness of observation declines linearly. However, as long as they do some intense exercise or use mystery, they will definitely leave traces in the observation of the chain judgment. Even if I haven't contacted them yet, I feel told me that I am very close to them. In front of the quick sweep, whether or not "mystery" is used. All are likely to be locked directly.

In this world, there are more than one or two "mysteries" that can completely avoid chain judgment observations during operation. However, how many newcomers who have just become electronic demons may be one of them? The guys who observed me remotely, and the associates who assisted them in the transfer. There is only less possibility of restraining the chain judgment in terms of ability.

I looked at the surrounding scenes and walked forward slowly. Even the plastic judgment was like a sieve, filtering anything that was "normal" in my consciousness. About ten meters out, a wave that is not in harmony with the surroundings. It is reflected in the line-structured street scene in mind. Intuition tells me that I found it, but the other party's condition is by no means unusual. Because, these fluctuations of the starlight in the night, just stay in place, because of the lack of details of some small movements, people feel very strange.

In the nightmare Las Vegas, weird things and phenomena are already infested, and I think those remote observers have encountered such an unfortunate experience. And just this example, let them fall into crisis.

I pushed open the door of the fast food restaurant, and the feeling of hiding something here is getting stronger and stronger. I know that I am approaching each other step by step, but this atmosphere of no movement is a bit more inappropriate. Not right! I smell the unknown. The nightmare in Las Vegas is full of unknowns. However, the unknown in this fast food restaurant is like a balloon inflated, as if it will explode at any time, its intensity is almost the same as the first time. The feeling of entering the watch shop is quite.

Is this a ghost nightmare? I stopped and relaxed, to feel the strange things in this fast food restaurant. I seem to hear something, like the noise made by an old radio when it can't find a signal, but carefully discerned, it seems that many people are fighting to speak. After a breath, the empty fast-food restaurant was filled with loud noises, making people feel as if the shop had returned to the bustling time of the visitors. However, there was still no one on the seats around, the counter for ordering food and the kitchen separated by huge glass.

In the observation screen of the chain judgment, the vaguely locked target disappeared in this way, but the abnormality in the store continued to heat up. Cabinets, tables and chairs, dinner plates and various instruments vibrate all the time, making a variety of impact sounds, just like a shock wave hits here, the walls and floor tiles crack, and things keep falling on the ground. The whole fast food restaurant is shaking, as if it is about to collapse.

I couldn't help wondering if this was another enemy trap. After realizing the strength gap between the soldiers and me, I deliberately introduced me to this place. If this fast food restaurant is a ghost nightmare of an electronic demon messenger, can the other party control the place like the two I have seen? I quickly stepped forward, stepped on the cracked ground, and pushed open the main entrance of the fast food restaurant.

The door was easily pushed open, however, what appeared in front of me was no longer the Las Vegas street scene I saw before, but a similar in outline, but every object and building appearance became Unusual scenery like twisting twists, dark red to almost black, is the main color of the street in front of me. I ca n’t feel the hard texture of the concrete reinforced building at all. Just looking at the naked eye, there is an object surface The feeling of being covered with soft and tough organics. These organics are described as some of the muscle fibers that have begun to rot, giving off a disgusting smell. The sudden change makes people feel like they have come to a different world. However, comparing the outline of this street in my mind, it is still the street of Las Vegas where I am.

I did not encounter a substantial attack, but the change in the scenery was full of malice, as if to give a mental blow. I think my head is a little hot. Although I didn't feel pain, but I touched the skin on my face, but there was a feeling that the fragile film was rubbed off. I opened my hand and it seemed to be a thin layer of skin. I couldn't help but look at the glass of the fast food restaurant, where my appearance reflected, almost half of the skin of the face had loosened and fell off, revealing a piece of red and white muscle.

My heart beat a few times. However, it was quickly washed away by another calm emotion. I have encountered many incredible, unexpected, and unexpected changes. Before long, I could not even imagine that I would be a terminally ill patient, a mental patient. I think the world is normal and taken for granted. Suddenly it became an illusion, and another worldview. Compared with squeezing his own life, the current changes suddenly become nothing to touch.

The noise in the fast food restaurant suddenly became louder. I blinked and looked through the glass window, something that could be called "humanoid". Walking around the restaurant, eating, talking, so these voices came, but. Before that, they were invisible. I took a step back, and the touch from my feet was soft. When I looked down, the ground did not know when, and the concrete became like rotten ribs, and I felt a rhythm. Agitated like a heartbeat. It seems that I am not standing on the open street, but standing in the body of a huge creature.

I touched it with my hand to confirm this touch, which is full of the activity of organic life-a seemingly rotten color, but it contains abnormal vitality. Blocked the same.

I had previously thought that a fast food restaurant was a ghost nightmare of some enemy, and the series of actions of the other party finally led me into this trap. However, I am not so sure now, because a whole street has turned into a ghost like this, which is simply not what a normal ghost nightmare can do. So far, I have encountered such changes. In contrast, I am more willing to believe that this is the other side of the nightmare Las Vegas, to explain the situation of the inexplicably missing electronic demon messenger-perhaps, they also encountered a similar situation, Unconsciously and unable to resist, he entered this weird twisted, malicious Las Vegas. In addition, remote observers may also encounter this kind of change that caught them off guard. They wanted to do something to deal with me, but they also suffered from indiscriminate disaster.

However, this is just a good situation that I expect subconsciously. Whatever the reality is, one cannot simply make an assertion. Moreover, the human form in the fast food restaurant at this time is like the strangest phenomenon in the ideological world that can not be described by goodwill and maliciousness, but is absolutely dangerous. When the conscious walker encounters such unexplainable things that are born from the subconscious and even the collective subconscious information, he will also choose to avoid it as much as possible. There are too many conscious walkers because they encounter these strange Strange things are eventually buried in the ideological world. Therefore, I chose to temporarily retreat, even if this fast food restaurant may have clues that let me return to the usual nightmare Las Vegas-where to come from and where to go back, it is still an old talk of mysticism.

The cloak on the body turned into a hooded cloak, and the dark black of Crow Feather blended into the main colors of the surrounding landscape, becoming less conspicuous. I pulled on the hood, covered my face, tightened the cloak, covered my body, stepped on a ghostly pace, and chose a direction to walk at will. This strange place, except for the fast food restaurant, has no other human appearances, and it is exactly the same as the unique death of the nightmare Las Vegas. Everything is still and silent, making people feel that the fast food restaurant is special.

I walked out of the alley and confirmed that the empty room in the building, in addition to the distortion in appearance, is indeed no different from the nightmare of Las Vegas in the point of death.

"Is it just a different style?" I couldn't help thinking. However, this twisted place is more primitive than the nightmare Las Vegas, which already has many electronic demon messengers, and the deep sense of maliciousness is more than the nightmare of Las Vegas. Full of aggression. During the tour. My body has been affected, and the skin on my body is constantly decayed and peeled off. In just ten minutes or so, in some places, bones and tendons can already be seen.

The rotten flesh and skin fell to the ground and immediately caused a slight wriggling. Immediately engulfed by the ground, one can't help but think of the digestive cavity of a huge creature. I ca n’t help but assume that if the place I ’m in is really inside some kind of mysterious life, then, is this mysterious thing that has a direct connection with the nightmare Las Vegas is just treating the nightmare Las Vegas as As a food box, waiting for the entry of electronic demon messengers? Who is it, will it be the Nazis? Intentionally feeding this huge monster through a repeater to satisfy their unknown conspiracy plan?

I can confirm that the connection between the electronic demon, ghost nightmare and nightmare Las Vegas, and in this system, perhaps this giant monster should be added in order to further think about the significance of this mysterious system and Russ The reason why the Vegas repeater was constructed by the Nazis as it is today.

I can confirm my own intuitive feelings. This monster is unusual, whether or not it has a physical body. On the ideological level, they are all outright behemoths, and they are very evil, although they cannot feel their existence like Jiang did. There will be no fear of restraint, and there is no destructive impact on the consciousness caused by the doomsday truth religion summoning the monster at the bottom of the abyss, but the evil of this monster. But it gives people a feeling of continuous growth and endless.

I think I seem to be able to connect the fragments of intelligence that I already have. I swooped and climbed to the top of the highest building nearby, overlooking the scene. Although it still conforms to the corresponding pattern of Las Vegas, because of a life-like movement, everything I can see in front of me, They are constantly changing, subtly changing, heartbeat-like agitation, chewing-like wriggling, and messy twisting, etc. These delicate and complex movements are extremely confused, making people feel sick. Only when you look down from a high place with a larger field of view can you notice that there is a feeling that something is "eaten", and the eaten thing is invisible to the naked eye. In the hidden corner, there was a smoke-like darkness, distinguished from the rotten color around it, dissipated in the air.

The smoke-like gloom reminds me of the shadows that constantly appear in the nightmare Las Vegas. Is the relationship between the two actually the same thing in different environments? I think these smokes are the exhaust gas produced by this monster who does not know what form it is, after "digesting" food. I do n’t know what this monster is eating, but obviously, the electronic demon messenger can also be digested, and my status has confirmed this. Moreover, it can be expected that if the monster keeps "eating" and sucking, it may eat the entire nightmare Las Vegas through the connection with the nightmare Las Vegas.

However, people in the nightmare Las Vegas hardly realize that there is such a terrible thing on the "other side" or "deeper" of where they are. The electronic demon messengers who accidentally disappeared in the nightmare Las Vegas may have come here for some reason, but they have never been able to go back. This place seems to have digestive juices and anesthetics even in the air. The walls and the meat walls on the ground are countless mouths. After realizing this, I have already used the flying ability of the magic quark. Even so, the corruption of the body is still inevitable. I am here in the presence of ideology. Then, the part that is decomposed and eaten can naturally be regarded as my own consciousness. Suppose an electronic demon messenger is eaten here, then in reality, he is also very likely to become a vegetative or to die completely.

Moreover, even if it is being eaten, it does not feel any pain, as if even the consciousness was paralyzed.

This shocking thing in front of me made me think again of those soldiers of unknown origin, their attacks on me, and my raid on remote observers. Is it related to this monster? Am I deliberately attracted by them? What are the profound meanings of fast food restaurants and human figures in restaurants? None of these questions can be answered. However, I am sure that the organization behind those people is likely to have a deeper understanding of the nightmare Las Vegas than other electronic demon messengers. If the other party really knows the secret of the fast food restaurant and the existence of this monster, I am not surprised. Or, they just realized what they were doing and prepared for an investigation at a fast food restaurant before they deliberately attracted me as an important part of the stimulus plan. Perhaps, they know how to enter this distorted world, but they do not trust their own power and can bring out intelligence. Therefore, as the Level 4 Mageweave Messenger, I became the best experimenter. They are not worried that after I bring out the intelligence, they will not get it because they believe that their intelligence means, even if they do not directly deal with me, can also indirectly through other channels, such as obtaining the intelligence they want.

It may be connected with this force, or the inside has been penetrated by this force, the latter is more likely, but it is not surprising that the development in this repeater world is too fast, the speed of internal adjustment, Probably can't keep up with the overall expansion rate.

I can sort out all kinds of problems after the fact. Now I know that this twisted world, and the resulting speculation, are extremely valuable information. What I have to face now is how to take this information away. "Jiang" already had some slight movements when I entered the fast food restaurant. The kind of sensibility that expresses itself and the soul. If it is my own instinct, I think it is actually "Jiang". Power, it makes me more sensitive than usual, and can perceive things that others cannot react to in the first place. It is a force surging in the bottom of my heart, and it is a kind of bottom line, which makes my heart stronger and stronger, and is not afraid of any distortion and evil except it.

However, unless it explodes with greater force, I cannot rely on violence to open a passage to leave this place, right? Now, it does not even give me the invisible, invisible digestion that can withstand this place. I do n’t think I ’m going to die here. It ’s just that it ’s useless to go out alive and wait passively for the emergence of “Jiang”. Past experience has proved this point.

Only when I try my best will it prove that it does exist in a terrible way.

I ripped off a piece of loose muscle. Now, one-third of the body has exposed bones, and the visible internal organs are no longer fresh ~ ~ Feeling of powerlessness. Compared to the normal environment of the nightmare Las Vegas, this world is more inclined to the ideological sense of not following physical characteristics. Of course, it also means that this place is more like a nightmare than Ghost Nightmare and Nightmare Las Vegas.

Perhaps this is the deepest part of the nightmare?

I used a quick sweep to survey the situation around me and found that the range that can be confirmed here is only the area where five streets are interlaced, and farther away, it is covered by a very deep gray fog. Although I can walk in, I ca n’t see my fingers. The chain judgment is also useless. If you go all the way deeper, you will only come out from the opposite side of the fog. However, although it seems to be the mystery of space, it can also be regarded as the mystery of consciousness. The influence of this monster's consciousness was so strong that even me, the Level 4 Mageweave Messenger, could not go to the place where it was unwilling to open. The only good thing is that the conscious walking ability given by "Jiang" can also be used here, so that I can open a door from anywhere in the sky, leading to the twisted street that has been opened, any building, any one room.

I think it may be used to open a channel to go back at the special point of a fast food restaurant.

Whether it works or not, I have to try it, because, staying there again, I will be completely digested by this monster. (To be continued ...)

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