Thirty-three well-trained soldiers surrounded me, their goals were clear, and their composition and actions were planned. Their background is purely unlikely to be the military of the world government. Without the guidance of invaders, they have never been in contact with "mysterious" people, nor can they accept the existence of "mysterious" in this short period of time. And formed a team of electronic demon messengers all with military status. Assuming that this is a powerful military force, and there is an intruder like us, and this person is at a high level, then when the electronic demon summoning system appears, it can naturally quickly transform some ordinary soldiers, and then Under his guidance, when he expanded, he tried his best to let these men learn the "mysterious" way of fighting, and naturally he could get a group of well-trained combatants.

As far as I know, the mysterious expert with the most extensive experience in this area should be a mercenary association from outside. While the Mercenary Association responded, it was not impossible to send people to Las Vegas for private activities. In fact, in my guess, those soloists who have n’t been identified by themselves, in addition to people such as Father Edward who no longer seem to be affiliated with any mysterious organization, there must be many member organizations from . When to follow the instructions and when to protect the interests of your own organization, the balance among them is not difficult to grasp, especially when there is no one-size-fits-all leader today, even if it occupies most of the right to speak Cyber ​​ball. It is also impossible to carry out one's will throughout. John Bull ’s status in this special Las Vegas combat team is the epitome of the entire internal structure.

As one of the permanent members of the Mercenary Association, not only has its own intelligence system. The information that can also be obtained, I am not surprised, will see their members in this world of repeaters. Assuming that the soldiers who intercepted me came from the mercenary association, what are their goals? My cooperation and disagreement should not be a secret to anyone in the circle. And the cooperation between John Bull and me can't avoid the eyes of caring people. After being promoted to Level 4 Mageweave Messenger. My combat effectiveness must have been reassessed. Regardless of ability, relationship or other cooperation, I do n’t think I should be targeted by the mercenary association.

I cannot deny that the current situation is the possibility of private activities of the mercenary association. But there is another mysterious organization that is more likely than the mercenary association.

Nazi. The ghosts of war from the last century, a group of war madmen, even under the doctrine of doomsday truth, belong to the most paranoid class of believers. They are themselves mysterious militarized organizations and terrifying forces more militarized than mercenary associations. Its predecessor is likely to be one of the three giants of Doomsday Truth, and the reason they split from Doomsday Truth is said to be because they think the Doctrine of Doomsday philosophy is too gentle. However, for most people, doomsday doctrines do. Enough to be radical.

Nazis, in the eyes of many people, their existence can represent the end. After more than half a century of propaganda, they are regarded as a symbol of disaster in human society, but even in the education of ordinary people, these dehumanizing guys have been described as some kind of conceptual evil, but. When they actually stepped out of the moon and counterattacked the ground. What you have done still makes people realize that their cognition of the viciousness of the Nazis is far from enough. That is by no means the use of "powerful" as a neutral word for both praise and derogation. . Because the Nazis showed evil that human nature cannot accept.

It was an inhuman army, a monster in human skin. Fighting against them and fighting desperately do not require any reason other than because you are human.

If the team I encountered at this time came from the Nazis, it would be easier to accept. This repeater was the home ground of the Nazis, and they attacked me, and no one attacked, no reason at all. Thinking whether there is a conspiracy behind it is a waste of energy at all, because there must be a conspiracy behind it, and of course the goal of the conspiracy will not be to obtain wealth and territory. That is what humans only need. Assuming that the Nazis have a conspiracy, then It must be preparing for a grand killing, it must be to bring the end to it, even if they cannot destroy all the existence of a world, they will also destroy humanity. Just from the concept of "the end of mankind", they really match the appearance of repeated publicity in the past government education.

"Nazis?" I stopped and the image in my mind became blurred again, returning to a simple black and white outline. Within the observation range of the chain judgment, the black feathers were instantly cleared. It is not natural disappearance, but one of the soldiers used the electronic demon to carry out a large-scale "purification". The light released penetrates the floor directly, and can be seen with the naked eye. If these people are Nazis, this "mystery" that releases the light of purification is really full of irony.

My coordinates are always in the observation of these enemies. After entering the building, I have not completely cut off the sense of surveillance from afar. Ordinary obstacles seem to be ineffective. However, I deliberately passed through several rooms that could not enter and exit like a background. This sense of surveillance will completely disappear at a certain angle, but it will not take too long. The enemy's long-range observation capabilities have certain limitations in penetration, but the movement ability is quite strong. Perhaps, there are associates who are good at moving to assist.

Silence weakened the movements in my actions. Silent footsteps are the most basic manifestation. After several movements, I confirmed the enemy ’s detection ability. Before the enemy broke through the attack distance, the feeling of being monitored was thrown by me again. Open, the quark incarnate in the black cloak wrapped me, and sink into the shadow together. When it appeared again, it was already at the position where another enemy was observing the dead end-my judgment of the distant observer seemed to be correct, but of the 33 soldiers who were on the mission, they obviously also had The guy with scope observation ability. because. The soldiers in the chain decision immediately reacted, and within just five seconds, they completed the formation change. Once again surrounded me in the center.

I wanted to see the capabilities of this team before choosing this battlefield, whether the opponent ’s idea was to kill them all, or just to try, whether they were instructed by the mercenary association, or the Nazis, Has no effect on my choice. When they started to act. I decided to kill the people they were with, including the watchers in the distance. Perhaps in their opinion. I broke into the building to find my own way, but, in my opinion, it was to reduce their activity space. The restrictions are mutual. The problem is, who can show more outstanding fighting power under the same environmental constraints.

There is no doubt that it is me.

The most troublesome thing to wipe out this team belongs to the observer hiding in the distance. However, as long as his position is locked, whether it is a quick swipe or a shadow jump, I can be kept in the shortest possible time. Cut off those guys' retreat-the previous temptation, let me preliminarily conclude that there are more than one observer in the distance. Coupled with the people who assist them, the number will be more. Moreover, it is expected that they will not be concentrated in the same position.

I'm like a huge source of interference. Every choice and action I take will attract the attention of the other party. Then make the corresponding arrangement. I want to guide the actions of the other 33 demon messengers in this building while killing them. Let it be exposed. It sounds incredible, but I think I can try it. At least, when I use the "background room" as an obstacle to create an observation blind spot, the other party has already begun to move.

I carried out three more shadow jumps. In the chain judgment, the enemy showed some regularities composed of details from reaction to action-in the case of the loss of remote monitoring, the reaction time of each soldier is inconsistent, so, first What is reflected is naturally the "eyes" in the team who have the ability to observe. At the same time, these "eyes" are also nodes that integrate the actions of others. These enemies seem to believe that decentralized operations can hide the particularity of the individual as much as possible, so that their "eyes" are not found, but for me, their "eyes" have therefore lost their position to be rescued in the first place. .

After the fourth shadow jump, I confirmed that I had completely marked the "eyes" of this team, and the other party did not show the ability to "shadow jump". As for whether I do n’t know my ability, or if there is really no countermeasure, it ’s not something I care about. Because, the counterattack is about to begin, and their death has become a foregone conclusion.

The enemy is very cautious. In the case of intermittent long-range observation, he still unfolds my actions. The suddenness of the shadow jump is enough to make them understand that I can launch surprise attacks on them. Without targeted placement, the probability of outspoken enemies with space transfer capabilities is low. On the premise of not exposing their "eyes" as much as possible, they have begun to move closer to each other and have reduced the speed of approach. I guess they might want me to attack them first.

When launching an attack, in many cases, it also means that the opportunity to evacuate is lost. Therefore, when dealing with enemies with strong maneuverability, even if they are superior in number, they will often use defensive counterattacks to lure the enemy in. I think that these suspicious soldiers are now ready to use this set of tactics.

However, it does not matter. I walked out generously, the launch hole along the top of the suitcase opened, and a large number of penetrating bullets were exploded instantly, reaching the ceiling. The enemies who just arrived above my head avoided the vital point, but the dense shots gave him no chance of retreating at all. What ’s more, the trajectory outlined by the chain judgment was enough to launch a bounce attack-the warhead and The warheads collide with each other, and the warheads collide in the room, just like under specific needs, turning that terrible penetration into a strong elasticity. However, once the body is hit, it will immediately be stirred out a large wound.

Although the precise control of bullets is not as good as the superpower called "Magic Bullet Shooter", when it comes to target-oriented ballistic rehearsals for large amounts of ammunition, I think I have more advantages. The best way to resist these complex bullets with tricky movement trajectories is to cover their defenses in all directions.

Obviously, this guy who is an "eye" but hastily leaned up has no such ability. The electronic demon he summoned is a pyramid-shaped translucent object that can be enlarged but cannot wrap itself in it. then. He blocked his front, but failed to block his back. A large number of bouncing bullets bit his back shoulder and back spine at once, and shattered large pieces of skin and muscles. At the end of the flesh and blood, even the bones were interrupted. Although the head was not hit, but including the heart, there should be no internal organs intact. When he fell, I had swept away. Immediately, he entered the room and smashed his suitcase against the front wall.

Behind the wall is the second "eye". He didn't react at all, so he was hit by splashing bricks and staggering backwards. When I walked through the hole in the wall, his body hadn't recovered his balance. The launch hole on the front of the suitcase has been opened. Just as six or seven machine guns fired at the same time, the soldier only had time to make a defensive posture, and he was beaten like a bran. The bullet directly penetrated his body and hit the wall behind with smoke. Then, his neck, neck, and limbs were torn, and his body twitched when he fell to the ground. It seemed that he had not completely died. There was blood all over the place, and a big hole was almost cut into the wall in front.

Firepower of ky3000. But not only from the normal gunpowder machinery, it is itself a weapon for "mystery", and its own mysterious s mechanism allows it to exert the same effectiveness as a critical weapon. These soldiers were armed to the teeth. Body armor is naturally indispensable, but in the ideological world, their awareness of their own defense, and my understanding of ky3000, let them face ky3000. Just like being naked. I believe that even in the normal world. If I was holding ky3000, these soldiers still use the equipment at this time, and the result will not make any difference.

I stopped shooting, turned around and left, and I could feel that the enemies making remote observations were mobilized again. The killing of the two "eyes" also made the other 31 people aware of the inadequacy and gave up the decentralized formation and tried to form three teams. However, no matter how you choose, it is useless. When they chose to enter the building to fight, the chain judgement cooperated with the speed sweep, which was enough to wipe them out. The reason why they did not do this at the beginning is to see how far they can do it. On the other hand, I want to get enough time to confirm the location of the remote observer.

I can't confirm how well they know me, and whether the crow will be guarded by them. In fact, in the nightmare Las Vegas, it is strange to see a crow flying in the sky. If they realized that the crows were monitoring in the reverse direction and decided to evacuate immediately, I would probably not be able to catch up.

In this way, by moving in the building to guide the other party's movement, so as to confirm the other party's position, and then use the shadow of the quark to jump and launch the raid, which is the best way I can think of to kill those remote observers.

This is like a net, the movement of a node will not always be isolated, but will cause the corresponding activities of other nodes. This is a theoretical explanation for chain judgment, but macroscopically, seeing oneself as a node of a huge motion network to interfere with the actions of others is also a kind of chain judgment. I am quite experienced in this area.

I walked through the corridor to the upper floor, where a team of ten people had formed, and besides that, there were two teams below. I do n’t always use swift action, although using superpower frequently and for a long time has no effect on me, it ’s just a personal habit. The same is true during combat. Speed ​​sweeping can indeed form high speeds. However, blindly relatively fast acceleration is no more promising than adjusting the speed to form a certain frequency of movement.

The fast-sweep superpower is very wonderful. I can use a lot of scientific theories to explain it, but these explanations do not fully reflect its wonderfulness. I use it more often as a concept of speed. However, when using it, I can feel another thing that extends from the concept of speed. I can't describe it. Although I tried to explain it with scientific theory, I couldn't describe it clearly. However, the concept of "frequency" is very close to that feeling among the concepts other than "speed".

Speed, relatively fast; frequency, a change across the micro and macro levels. For the time being, I am not able to smoothly use a theory to combine the two. I just think that the latter may be a more in-depth situation than the former.

In the past, I like to run up no matter what the situation is, and directly solve the battle at high speed. Now, I prefer the indefinite fighting style to replace the lasting acceleration with a sudden outbreak. It is indeed good to let the opponents not react, but only by giving the opponents enough reaction time can the opponents expose more hidden information.

Just like now, if I start a quick swipe and solve all 33 enemies in one or two breaths, the remote observer may be evacuated immediately. Without determining the position of the other party, it is not fast enough Under the condition of the reference object, it is almost impossible to search it out by direct movement. On the contrary, if the counterattack is not so rapid, the other party will naturally try to deal with me more patiently. This is not inevitable, but it is very likely.

For me, killing thirty-three electronic demon messengers is a more leisurely battle. The observation result of the chain judgment makes me be able to step on a position where they are subjective and objective and unable to launch an attack in the first place. They are not unaware of my proximity, and I am not invisible in their "eyes", but they always want to wait for a "more suitable" position and timing for a higher winning rate. They have enough patience, but this is also their mistake. Because of their lack of information, they are unable to confirm the true "appropriate" location and timing.

They think that the "right" is wrong.

The effectiveness of the ky3000, a seemingly rigid shooting weapon, exceeds their imagination.

I took a quick swipe from a short distance. In the chain decision, the position of the ten-member squad was immediately shifted after a few seconds of pause. I passed by the "background room" and deliberately drilled into the blind spot of the remote observer. The squad of ten people once again shifted their positions. I was separated from their straight line by several rooms, completely out of their attack range.

However, they are in the range of ky3000's attack.

The launch hole of the suitcase was opened again, several missiles successively blew up the wall along the arc trajectory, and the second wave of missiles that followed immediately passed through the breach. This was repeated three times, and the team of ten was forced to follow me. The desired position is shifted. When I started to move, the remote observer also started to move, and the sense of surveillance on my body disappeared for two seconds. Previously, the several movements of these remote observers have given me a general idea of ​​their position, the changes in the sense of surveillance in different directions, and constantly leaking their position information, distance information, and mobility information.

Now, I confirm that I have found them. There are a total of three, and the positions are somewhat scattered. In order to prevent escaping, they must be brought closer to each other ~ ~ I thought so, and launched a quick swoop to approach the team in front, and behind and under me, The other two teams have also approached alternately, perhaps trying to launch a sudden attack-assuming they did not know that I was watching them at the same time.

The previous several missiles let the team choose to retreat for the first time, and the formation was also scattered. It is inevitable that the flanks will be exposed on the route. Under the high speed generated by the rapid swept, they have no time to readjust. When there was only one wall between them and me, they were already in a relative position, behind their side. The launch hole of the suitcase flashed again with a light blue fire, and long and narrow bullets penetrated the wall, as if entering a no-man's land, before the team of ten people reacted, torn their bodies. The bullets that penetrated the wall bounced between the walls according to the complex bullet path, as if the power of the penetrated wall was completely lost. Like the soldiers who were killed before, they did not have the ability to protect the whole body. Even if there was only a little gap, the bullets could pass through it, and the impact of another batch of bullets bloomed in the crowd.

The soldiers were exhausted, even if they knew that I was standing on the side of the wall, they could not fight back. In the observation of the chain judgment, their limbs were broken, their flesh flew, and their heads were exploded at the first time, and the blood squeezed from the broken body smeared on the wall. Three breathing shots continued, causing the wall in front of me to disintegrate into a large hole, and there was no one on the opposite side to stand up. To be continued

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