Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1045: Star beast, star core

Latest website: PS: Wutu elite changed to Gengjin elite, no wonder I always felt that Duan had absorbed it.

To be promoted to the tenth-grade star palace lotus platform, you need a world power, star beast heart and star core.

Fortunately, the power of the world, although it is extremely difficult to collect for other kings, there is no problem for Li Changsheng.

A cube of the power of the world is called one. After a month of accumulation, the power of the world in Li Changsheng's hands has already exceeded one.

It's just that the latter two are not easy to handle.

Star beasts live in the starry sky. Their size is extremely large and their growth cycle is extremely long. However, they can reach the Demon Saint level as long as they are adults. The key point is that their number is extremely rare, and their strength is far beyond the ordinary Demon Saint level demon pets. It's as powerful as a demon leader, but it's more difficult to come.

In addition, only adult star beasts can meet the requirements, so Li Changsheng has no idea of ​​beating'children'.

As for the final star core, this is the most difficult treasure to collect.

The so-called star core is the star core. Each star has only one core. If the star core is artificially captured, the star core will explode. The power is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people. I am afraid that even the demon king-level demon pet can not be able to cover the whole body. And retreat.

Only when the star’s'lifespan' ends, will the star core remain, and the nature of the star core will become extremely gentle, no longer as violent as before.

If it is the heart of the star beast, just go to the outer interface and spend some time, and there will always be a chance to find the star beast.

Star cores are not easy to handle. Although there are so many stars, their ‘lifespan’ is extremely high, often in units of ten thousand years. It is very unlikely to find a star that has died naturally.

In addition, the star core belongs to the category of the wonders of the world, and its value can be imagined. Every star core is born, and it will definitely attract disputes among the kings.

No matter how you look at it, if you want to make the Ninth-Rank Star Palace Lotus Platform advance to the 10-Rank, the degree of difficulty is not generally large.

If nothing else, Li Changsheng is afraid it will take a long time to gather these materials.

At this time, Li Changsheng began to understand the function of the Nine-Rank Star Palace Lotus Platform.

Compared with the lotus table of the eighth stage star palace, all the functions of the lotus table of the 9th stage star palace have been greatly improved.

The only pity is that there are no new features.

For this reason, Li Changsheng believes that only after being promoted to the Zifu Precious Treasures, new abilities will be born on the Star Palace Lotus Terrace.

Even so, Li Changsheng was quite satisfied. For him, the biggest function of the Star Palace Lotus Platform was to greatly increase his cultivation speed, and the rest could only be regarded as bonus points.

It was also at this time that Ah-Dai finally refined the Gengjin elite.

Dui's body shape has not changed much, the biggest change is the faint golden light of bronze-colored skin.

[Fairy name]: Bronze Bimeng (growth period, top monsters, semi-divine beasts, comprehend the mystery, greatly enhance the power of skills; mystery guard: exempt some damage, mainly depending on the opponent's realm.) "Absorb life essence and life gem... …; absorb the colorful beads…; absorb the five-color glazed fruit of the mysterious sky… absorb the elite of the earthen earth… absorb the elite of the Gengjin..."

[Fairy Realm]: Demon King Tier 6

[Fairy Race]: High Master

[Fairy Quality]: Epic

[Fairy Bloodline]: Golden Beamon (majestic)

[Fairy attributes]: soil + gold

[Fairy State]: Healthy

[Fairy Weakness]: No "With the help of life essence, Bronze's wood resistance is greatly increased, and it is no longer as afraid of wood energy as it used to be; Xuanyu ginseng eliminates another attribute weakness"

This is the panel of Duan. Among Li Changsheng's many demon pets, the one that has absorbed the most special properties is Duan.

Only with the blessing of these abilities, will the dumb have the ability to leapfrog challenges.

However, because Duan stayed at the Pseudo-Demon King Level for a while, its progress lags behind a bit. After the March period, I am afraid that it will not be able to attempt a breakthrough.

After taking back the dumb, a space ripple appeared in front of Li Changsheng.

In an instant, Li Changsheng disappeared and appeared in the secret realm, to be precise, the northwest corner.

This is still a deserted place, the place opened up by the power of the world last time.

Kailan chose to practice alchemy here, first, he could not be disturbed as much as possible, and second, accidents would not damage the surrounding things and minimize the loss.

Li Changsheng didn't disturb Kailan, so he hid in the void, watching Kailan alchemy quietly.

The fire in the pill furnace is vigorous, and the fragrance of medicine is wafting from the many holes in the port.

Not far from Kailan, there was a small pile of gray-black waste pills, obviously these were the products of failure.

Li Changsheng glanced at the vessel containing the Mingyue lotus, and found that there were three remaining, except for one for cultivation, Kailan could use two more.

Judging from the current situation, Kailan has failed once, and this is the second time.

Different from refining Shifang Netherworld Pill, this time, Kailan was "generous" a lot. It is no longer refining one by one, but one by one.

Both have their own advantages and disadvantages. The former has the advantage of seeking stability, but the disadvantage is that it is too troublesome and the refining time is significantly longer. The advantage of the latter is that it is more convenient, and as long as you succeed once, you can get a pot of elixir at a time, but the disadvantage is that if it fails, all the materials in a pot will be soaked.

It's hard to say which one is better, but the alchemist's energy is limited, so it's basically the latter.

The reason why Kailan no longer seeks stability is not only because he is acquainted with the prescriptions of Yuepao Star Removal Pill, but also because of the quantity of materials.

Last time, the materials of Shi Fang Nether Pill could only be refined one furnace, she could only choose to be stable.

This time it was different. Kailan could refine four furnaces. If it weren't for the limited number of Mingyue lotus, it could be refined more times.

Although Stargrass, Sky Mango, and Moon Lotus are all top heaven and earth essence level treasures, the first two are the products of this world. Li Changsheng has long been cultivated, and The contributions of the royal family of Shanglangya are nearly ten percent.

Soon, half an hour passed.

Even if Kailan was paying attention to it, there was still a deviation in a certain detail, which caused this pot of pill to fall short and became a pot of waste.

Kailan was not discouraged. After clearing the waste pill in the pill furnace, Kailan started to put in the third material and prepared to refine the third furnace.

At this moment, Kailan was extremely concentrated, and seemed to be caught in a special mood. Li Changsheng didn't stop him. He guessed that Kailan had entered a state of meditation.

This is a special state. Alchemy masters, equipment masters and other deputy positions may enter this state, but the probability is very low.

But what is certain is that as long as you are in the state of meditation, your attention will be highly concentrated, your hands-on ability will become more natural, and you will have a higher degree of grasp of details, and the corresponding success rate of alchemy will be improved.

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