Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1044: 9-Pin Star Palace Lotus Terrace

The latest website: Xiang Yutian naturally did not refuse, and it would be no good if he was promoted in the country.

But if he was promoted to the King in the Kai Ling Empire, then he could use the celestial phenomena when he was promoted to the King to greatly increase his influence in the Kai Ling Empire.

After Xiang Yutian left, Li Changsheng did not stay here for long, so he returned to the hurricane fortress non-stop.

This time, Li Changsheng got a lot of money, but it is a pity that Xiang Yutian didn't have a special treasure like the Breaking Bead, otherwise he could use the Breaking Bead to open several treasures from the royal inner library.

Regarding those precious treasures, Li Changsheng said that he was not curious, it must be a lie. If nothing else, those few treasures are at least heaven and earth rare treasures, and there may be many wonders in the world.

Before long, Li Changsheng returned to the hurricane fortress.

For the first time, Li Changsheng summoned Kailan and Dumb from the secret realm.

"Kalan, these are five Mingyue lotus. You can try to refine the Moon Soul Star Reaching Pill. You can go to the Central Medicine Garden to pick the missing materials. By the way, you can only use up to four Mingyue lotus. I will try to grow one."

The so-called Central Medicine Garden is naturally the place where the Dangkang necklace space is integrated into the secret realm.

As for cultivating Mingyue Lotus, Li Changsheng also wanted to try it. If it can be cultivated, then it can be self-produced and sold in the future.

However, he didn't have much confidence, after all, just wanting to simulate the environment in which the moon lotus grows is a big problem.

Devil energy can be used with magic stones, but if abyss consciousness is needed, Li Changsheng can only give up. After all, abyss consciousness cannot be controlled, and there are great hidden dangers, so he cannot risk it.

Kailan took the vessel containing the Mingyue Lotus and returned to the secret realm again, where she will refine the Moon Soul Star Capture Pill.

It has been more than a year since obtaining the Pill of the Moon Soul Star-Raising Pill, and Kailan would often take it out for research in his spare time.

Although the steps of the Yuepao Star Winning Pill are well-known, they have been remembered by Kailan. Now that there are four Dark Moon Lotuses, she can refine them with great confidence.

As for the final alchemy rate, in addition to alchemy techniques, it is also related to luck.

When Kailan went to refine the alchemy, Li Changsheng also handed the piece of Wutu elite to Dumb.

He once also received a copy of the Wutu Elite, which was originally used by Duan, but in the end it was used to upgrade the Star Palace Lotus Platform. Now he has obtained another copy, which is naturally going to be used by Duan, more or less Can improve dumb's combat effectiveness.

Dumb lay on the ground and began to absorb the elites of refining earthen earth. His whole body began to be wrapped in rich earthy yellow brilliance, which looked like a hill.

Li Changsheng was not idle either, preparing to raise the rank of the Lotus Terrace of the Star Palace.

Following Li Changsheng's thoughts, the eight-rank star palace lotus platform flew out of the sea of ​​consciousness and suspended in front of Li Changsheng.

As long as he was promoted to the Ninth-Rank Star Palace Lotus Platform, Li Changsheng believed that his cultivation speed could rise again.

To upgrade to the Eighth Stage Star Palace Lotus Platform, you need 20 drops of Sanguang Divine Water, ten kilograms of top spiritual root branches with five attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, and one top spiritual root spiritual fruit with five element attributes.

Needless to say, Sanguang Shenshui, Li Changsheng also prepared the branches of the Gengjin Bodhi tree, the tree of life, the water shadow splitting tree, the red fire dragon scale tree and the Xuanhuang exquisite fruit tree.

In addition, there is also a five-color glazed fruit in the mysterious sky.

Li Changsheng began to deal with the branches of the five attributes, and after each of them were cut ten catties, they were all ground into powder.

The rest of the materials do not need to be processed. Among these materials, the five-color glazed fruit of Xuanqiong is mainly used to make up for the source of the loss of the lotus platform, and the three-light divine water and five top-level spiritual root branches are used as the key to upgrade.

After he was ready, Li Changsheng began to pinch the tactics. His movements were so fast that he could only see a large number of phantoms, and ordinary people would get a headache when they saw it.

After a few breaths, Li Changsheng pointed towards the lotus platform of the Eighth Stage Star Palace.

In an instant, the lotus platform of the Eighth Stage Star Palace began to spin around, and the whole body burst into dazzling starlight, and the originally closed flower buds began to bloom slowly.

At the moment when the buds fully bloomed, Li Chang had a business idea, and the five-color glazed fruit and twenty drops of three-light divine water turned into streamers and quickly fell into the buds.

Only for an instant, the buds began to close quickly.

Li Changsheng pinched the formula again, and each lotus petal on the lotus platform of the eighth stage star palace turned into a translucent shape.

It was also at this time that the powder ground from the five top-level spiritual root branches was scattered on the petals of the lotus platform.

In an instant, the powder magically penetrated into the petals, slowly disappearing.

In the next moment, the lotus platform of the Eight-Rank Star Palace began to show five colors of gold, green, blue, red, and yellow, intertwined with the stars, and almost the entire backyard was flooded with these colors.

At this time, a pillar of starlight was dragged down by the eight-rank star palace lotus platform, but compared to the number of eight-rank star palace lotus platform advanced, it could only be described as a drop in the bucket.

Without hesitation, Li Changsheng began to shatter a large amount of materials containing the power of starlight, and the extracted starlight was quickly absorbed by the eighth-grade star palace lotus platform.

After looting the royal treasury of Langya Kingdom, Li Changsheng obtained countless materials containing star power.

Of course, most of them are low-grade materials.

The lotus table of the eight-stage star palace began to swallow the sea. As a large amount of starlight was digested, petals began to emerge from the outermost layer of the lotus table, which caused the lotus table to gradually expand in volume.

From the point of view of consumption, the energy consumed by the eighth-rank to the nineth-rank is about the same as the last time. The reason for this is that the lotus platform of the nine-rank star palace is not among the rare treasures of the purple mansion.

Soon ten minutes passed, the lotus platform of the eighth-rank star palace finally stopped devouring the power of starlight, and began to emit strong invisible ripples, faintly resonating with this world, and smoothly promoted to the 9th-rank star palace Lotus Terrace.

At the moment of promotion, a starry sky appeared again above the lotus platform of the Ninth-Rank Star Palace, which became clearer than before, and more details could be found.

However, Li Changsheng checked it carefully and still had no clue.

In an instant, the lotus platform of the Ninth-Rank Star Palace turned into a stream of light and poured into Li Changsheng's consciousness again.

This time, the Lotus Tower of the Ninth-Rank Star Palace began to go deeper into the sea of ​​consciousness. It not only surpassed the imitation demon pot and the immeasurable clock, but also surpassed the original light, and the rare-class hybrid golden lantern of the purple mansion, the sun and the moon The distance of the heavy light wheel is not very far.

Not surprisingly, the Ninth-Rank Star Palace Lotus Platform has reached the critical point of the Mid-Rank World Wonders, and the next advancement will inevitably reach the Zifu treasures.

Li Changsheng began to check the demand for upgrading the tenth-grade lotus platform. He did not unexpectedly. The materials listed on it made him feel speechless.

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