Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1046: Moon Star Pill

Latest website: The scent of medicine once again floated from the many holes in the pill furnace. What is strange is that the fragrance of medicine does not diffuse, but condenses in mid-air.

Kailan's entire mind was focused on alchemy, not knowing the passage of time or the outside world, and strictly implementing the requirements and skills of the alchemy.

Unknowingly, an hour passed, and the fragrance of the medicine wafting out of the alchemy furnace became more and more intense, concealing the shape of a dragon and a tiger.


Suddenly, the whole pill furnace trembled violently, as if imprisoned by a scourge.


After a few breaths, the lid of the pill furnace was blown up, and pill pills that were as large as longan suddenly rushed out.

Until this moment, Kailan suddenly woke up from the state of concentration.

But without waiting for Kailan to take action, Li Changsheng had already used his mental power to control these pills.

There are a total of seven pills, each of the same size, and the surface is wrapped by starlight and moonlight, and you can see that it is extraordinary at a glance.

Li Changsheng stretched out his hand, and he packed all these Moon Soul Star Reaching Pills into a jade gourd to avoid long-term exposure of these pills to the air, which would reduce the efficacy of the medicine.

"Kalan, good job, I hope to keep up!"

Li Changsheng praised him and disappeared into the air again in order not to disturb Kailan.

Of course, he did not leave, still hiding in the void.

In the secret realm, he is like a **** living in the kingdom of God, possessing various special abilities.

Kailan held back her inner joy. She didn't immediately refine the fourth furnace, first relaxed her mood, and then tried to recall the situation in the stable state, and improved her experience and experience in refining the Moon Soul Star Reaching Pill.

Before long, under Li Changsheng's expectant gaze, Kailan began to refine the fourth furnace.

It is a pity that Kailan did not grasp the fleeting opportunity in the process of condensing pills, and ultimately ended in failure.

Although only the third furnace succeeded, the pill of Yuepao Star Reaching Pill was too complicated, and it was more difficult than Shifang Nether Pill. Kailan was able to produce seven at the level of a senior alchemist, which was considered good.

Judging from the situation of Kailan's last furnace, as long as he is more proficient, the success rate of refining the Moon Soul Star Seizing Pill will definitely rise rapidly.

It is a pity that Li Changsheng only has one Mingyue lotus left in his hand. He wants to try to cultivate the Mingyue lotus. If he succeeds, it will be of great help to him.

Of course, he didn't hold much hope. After all, the Kai Ling Empire also tried to cultivate Mingyue Lotus, but it was still unsuccessful after so many years.

Li Changsheng still didn't give up the idea of ​​this idea. Although the Kailing Empire is strong, he also has his own advantages, and he may be able to cultivate it.

At this time, Li Changsheng began to think about how to deal with these seven Moon Soul Star-winning Pills.

One thing that is certain is that the Moon Soul Stunning Star Pill is definitely for personal use, and the personal use here refers to his and Ning Bizhen's many demon pets.

Li Changsheng naturally had a preliminary idea about who it should be used for. It was nothing more than using his special ability to give demon pets close to or reaching the critical point of quality, so as to obtain the greatest benefit at the least cost.

In addition, temporary demon pets will not be considered for the time being!

Among Li Changsheng's demon pets, the chubby, chilong, and two-headed dragon are still half-step epic qualities, unlike other demon pets that all reach epic qualities.

The Moon Soul Star Removal Pill can only slightly improve the quality of the demon pet, but as a top-level pill, the effect should be better than that of the X Spirit Grass, but it certainly cannot reach the point of XX origin. This is a certain thing.

Therefore, even if all the seven Moon Soul Star-Retaining Pills are given to an epic demon pet, there is a high probability that the epic demon pet will not go further.

"The two-headed dragon can't help me for the time being. I don't need it for the time being. Not to mention that it will enter a state of bloodline metamorphosis again soon, and it may reach epic quality by then."

Li Changsheng thought about it for a while, and decided to upgrade the Round Billow and Chilong to epic quality. The key point is that the two monster pets are relatively close to the critical point of quality.

In addition, he also inspected Ning Bizhen's demon pet.

The quality of Ning Bizhen's demon pets is not as good as Li Changsheng, only three half-step epic demon pets, the rest are all top quality.

The three half-step epic demon pets are the Big Sun Fire Crow, the Long-eared Hanyu Rabbit and the Blue-eyed Golden-eyed Beast.

Among them, the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast relied on the essence and blood given by Li Changsheng to lead to evolution, and its quality rose from the best to a half-step epic.

These three half-step epic demon pets are all half-step epic qualities that rely on evolution to achieve, and they are all new half-step epic qualities. No matter which one of them has a higher quality, I am afraid that more than one moon will win the star. Dan.

As for Ning Bizhen's few super demon pets, Li Changsheng used his special abilities to finally choose the Xunfeng Express Cat and the Eight-Armed Naga. They are closer to the critical point and easier to reach in one step.

After giving Chuankuang, Chilong, Xunfeng Express Cat, and Eight-Armed Naga each a moon soul star-winning pill, the four demon pets couldn't wait to swallow them in one bite and lay on the ground to begin refining the medicine.

While Li Changsheng was staring at them, his mental power was always being released, paying close attention to them.

From the feedback of mental power, the light spots representing the four monster pets became brighter and brighter.

Among them, the eight-armed naga took the lead in promoting the epic quality by half a step.

After five minutes had passed, Yuankunkun and Xunfeng Express Cat also completed their quality promotion.

Among them, Xunfeng Express Cat did not get up immediately, but closed his eyes and tried to break through the Demon King level.

Xunfeng Express Cat has tried to break through before, but it ended in failure.

This time, its breakthrough probability is not small, and Li Changsheng estimates that there is a 40% probability of success.

Taking a step back, even if this breakthrough fails, with the half-step epic quality, Xunfeng Express will definitely complete the breakthrough in the future.

When the Xunfeng express cat was trying to break through, the effect of the Yuepao Star Removal Pill soon disappeared. Chilong had to open his disappointed dragon eyes and stared at the jade gourd in Li Changsheng's hand. There were three more. Moon soul wins the star pill.

Judging from the feedback of mental power, the light spot representing Chilong’s quality has not entered the next level except that it is Well, I will give it to you! "


Li Changsheng was a little helpless, so he could only take out a Moon Soul Star Captain Pill again and threw it to Chilong.

This time there was no accident, Chilong successfully became a demon pet of epic quality.

Using his special abilities, Li Changsheng only spent five Moon Soul Star Reaching Pills to raise the quality of the four demon pets to a new level. I am afraid that no one would believe this.

However, on the other hand, the medicinal effect of the Moon Soul Star Reaching Pill is still higher than Li Changsheng's expectation, obviously surpassing the X Spirit Grass, and not very far from the origin of XX, otherwise it would not have such a good effect.

"There are two left, keep it for now or use it immediately?"

If it is a normal period, Li Changsheng is more inclined to keep it, but at this time, there is still one month left before the March period. Naturally, he is more inclined to convert resources into combat effectiveness, so that he can better cope with the crisis.

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