Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1034: Eyeballs of an unknown animal

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As for the ability of Jade Jue fragments, in addition to making Li Changsheng more savvy, there are still a lot of messy, mysterious and mysterious characters.

Li Changsheng didn't know any of these complex and distorted texts like the scriptures of the heavens, but he didn't know why, but he could'read' it.

However, these characters seem to be composed of a large number of branches. Because Yu Jue is incomplete, it looks abnormally messy, just like a hammer in the east and a hammer in the west.

Li Changsheng felt for a long time, and found that there was no system in Leng, and it was useless to him temporarily.

After comprehending for a while, Li Changsheng reluctantly chose to give up, but he believed that it was possible to comprehend these words when he later incorporated more jade fragments.

In addition to these two aspects, Jade Jue fragments also have the ability to sense the same kind, but they have strict distance limits.

After studying the ability of the jade jue fragments, Li Changsheng immediately took out the moiré diamond that contained the treasure.

Click~ Click~

Although the moiré diamond was still hard, Li Changsheng was forced to disguise it before it was so powerful, revealing the scene inside.

Suddenly, a dark blue light rushed out from the crack.

Li Changsheng had a keen eye and grasped the treasure, but his hand sank, which inevitably made him amazed.

Such a heavy treasure may weigh ten thousand catties.

This treasure struggled violently, but couldn't break free.

Li Changsheng casually typed a few seals, dozens of silver seal scripts appeared, and bee pupae were attached to the treasure.

The treasure fell silent in an instant, and stopped struggling, but was easily suppressed by Li Changsheng using secret methods.

Li Changsheng only then began to look at the treasure in his hand, and was shocked to discover that it was an eyeball the size of an adult's palm.


As a master craftsman, Li Changsheng immediately discovered something was wrong, and this eyeball was still in a sealed state.

In the next moment, as he pinched the Jue again, hundreds of silver seal scripts were formed, and the bee pupae rushed towards the eyeballs again.

This time, these silver seal script went straight into the eyeballs.

Suddenly, there was a crackling sound in the eyeballs, and then under Li Changsheng's surprised gaze, the volume of the eyeballs suddenly increased.

After five minutes, the eyes finally stopped growing.

Looking at the eyeball that was dozens of squares in front of him, Li Changsheng didn't know what to say.

It was the first time he saw such huge eyeballs. It was horrible. The eyes were so big, so how big should its body be.

"Isn't this the eyeball of some kind of super-large beast?"

Li Changsheng secretly said that only those divine beasts with extremely exaggerated size can have such big eyeballs, not to mention that a single eyeball exudes energy fluctuations of the heaven and earth rare level, which is most likely the eyeball of some kind of divine beast.

At the same time, Li Changsheng couldn't help getting excited. The eyeballs can be said to be the essence of most creatures. Although they occupy a small proportion of the volume, they contain a lot of bloodmarks.

If this eyeball is purified, Li Changsheng believes that he can get a lot of blood.

Soon, Li Changsheng completed the arrangement in the backyard, and arranged a closed formation to avoid accidents.

Due to the size of the eyeballs, Li Changsheng planned to cut them into pieces so that they could be purified better.

Li Changsheng took out a big knife, this big knife was the trophy of a certain pseudo-king, it can be said to be quite sharp.

Without hesitation, Li Changsheng slashed up.


Accompanied by the sound of the metal collision, the sword broke in two directly, but the eyeballs were unscathed.


Looking at the broken knife in his hand, Li Changsheng didn't know what to say.

Such a tough eyeball is really unprecedented.

Seeing that the ordinary sharp blade could not cut the eyeballs, Li Changsheng had to summon Dumb out.


With a roar of anger, Duan raised his hideous giant claw high, and grabbed it with one claw.


The two collided, a dull voice sounded, and the eyeballs trembled violently. Dui felt a strong reaction force from the eyeballs, and the giant claws were directly bounced away.

Even so, under the giant claws of Dumb, several gaps were broken in the eyeballs, and some red and white liquid was sprayed from it.

After all, this is just an eyeball, no matter how strong it was before it was alive, it will inevitably lead to a significant weakening of the flesh and blood tissue after death.

Under the control of mental power, these liquids were suspended in mid-air, without a trace of waste.

Duan continued to wield his giant claws, and he was about to crush this eyeball.

Bang bang bang~

The dull sound keeps ringing, and fortunately there is a forbidden formation, otherwise the courtyard will definitely be destroyed by dumb.

Even so, there is a big pit.

After froze for a quarter of an hour, Dumb finally stopped and started to gasp.

This kind of full-fledged claw swinging, even if Ah Dui has a very strong physique, still feels breathless~ That eyeball that is dozens of square meters has disappeared and turned into a large beach of debris. .

At this time, the imitation demon refining pot rushed out of the sea of ​​consciousness, and a huge suction force was generated, sucking all the powder and liquid produced by the eyeballs into the space of the pot without wasting a single bit.

Even if it is processed into scraps, the refining speed of the imitation demon pot is still extremely slow, far inferior to the usual efficiency.

Soon, strands of **** liquid slowly flowed into the pot from the space of the pot body, and accumulated more and more.

After all, the imitation refining pot is a wonder of the middle-class world. The inside area of ​​the pot does not seem to be large, but in fact it has the ability to accept mustard seeds and can store a large amount of liquid.

Of course, no matter how large the area inside the pot is, there is still a huge gap between the space of the pot body.

The blood water extracted from this eyeball was beyond imagination. It didn’t take long for the blood water to overflow the imitation demon refining pot. Li Changsheng had to reach out and transfer the blood water in the pot to a special storage liquid. In the treasure gourd.

When the imitation demon refining pot stopped working, more than an hour had passed, and Li Changsheng had also received a lot of blood.

The second step was much simpler, and within a quarter of an hour, the blood was refined into essence by Li Changsheng, and the volume was greatly reduced.

The next moment, Li Changsheng took the medicine of vision and began to check the blood vein mark in the blood.

However, because the eyeballs have been separated for too long, these bloodline imprints have completely silenced, and they need active medicine to recover.

But one thing is certain is that these silent bloodline marks are different from the bloodline marks of other fairies, and there is only one kind. Li Changsheng has determined that these are indeed the eyeballs of the beast, and want to know which kind of beast's eyeballs are. Son, you have to wait for these bloodline marks to be activated.

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