Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1035: Metamorphosis

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At this time, Li Changsheng poured an active potion, ready to activate the bloodline mark like a pool of stagnant water.

In the next moment, the active agent began to work, and the viscous essence and blood seemed to boil, and a large number of bubbles emerged from it, wafting strands of black gas.

In Li Changsheng's vision, the **** imprints that had been dead began to gradually rejuvenate.

However, when the effect of the active agent disappeared, only a small part of the bloodline imprints became active, and most of them remained silent.

Obviously, one blood potion is far from enough.

Fortunately, it is not difficult for Li Changsheng to collect and refine the materials of active medicines. There are still more than ten active medicines in his hand. Even if they are all used up, they can instruct the royal family to collect materials for him.

Li Changsheng put in five active medicines one after another. Until the fifth active medicine was put in, the viscous blood finally ceased to emit black gas, and all the blood veins were all restored to activity, not even worse than in the heyday.

As a price, the amount of these blood essences is a little less, and only about two cans are left.

Since there is only one bloodline mark, there is no need to use a solvent.

Until this time, the essence and blood bloomed with a strong aqua-blue brilliance, and the wisps of blood gas seemed to be spontaneous and regular like gunpowder smoke, and finally turned into a plump fish figure.


With just a glance, Li Changsheng recognized it and smiled instantly.

Originally, he thought that this might be the eyeballs of the earthly python, dagon, and carp. After all, they are all known for their large size, and they are all of the water genus, which fits the characteristics of this eyeball.

However, one eyeball can purify two pots of blood, which is surprising, but it is obvious that eyeballs are the most essential part of kemp, at least one of them is worthy.

Li Changsheng didn't think much about it. What was before him now was that the big head could finally evolve.

These two cans of kun fish essence and blood, together with the inventory of these days, are enough to supply the big head of kun fish essence and blood that has evolved again, and there will be some surplus.

At this time, the phantom of the kunyu turned into blood gas again, dived into the essence and blood, and disappeared.

Without hesitation, Li Changsheng took out all the blood of the Golden-winged Rocco and Kunyu, instantly took out the purple-patterned Luo Tianguo, and summoned the big head in the form of the Golden-eye Rocco.


The big hair screamed loudly and landed in front of Li Changsheng, with sharp eyes staring straight at the six pots of blood in front of him. Its throat squirmed, and it felt impatient.

If it hadn't been for Li Changsheng hadn't ordered it, it would have swallowed it by instinct.

"Big head, drink it, I believe you will become stronger!"

As Li Changsheng just finished speaking, the big head opened the bird's beak impatiently, and a suction force was generated. Six pots of essence blood flew together with the jade pottery, and they were put into his mouth one after another, and all of them entered its stomach with a grunt.

Li Changsheng is not afraid of eating the big head to ruin his stomach. With the digestive ability of the big head, not to mention the jade pot, even the fine iron can be easily digested.

After a few breaths, the blood of the Golden-winged Roc bird and the kunfish began to merge into the blood of the big head, causing the two blood veins in the blood to increase rapidly.

The look of the big head changed, and he sat on the ground quickly, looking at a big tree in the backyard, only to feel that the blood in his body seemed to be boiling, and the heat wave was rolling in at the same time. But it is sour and unbearable, making it feel painful and happy.

In an instant, the big head began to bloom with blue and blue brilliance, covering the small half of the backyard.

Under the two-color brilliance, the body shape of the big head swelled like a balloon.

At the same time, in the big head's sea of ​​consciousness, a Kunpeng phantom with dull eyes appeared.

Without hesitation, the big head rushed up frantically, biting the Kunpeng phantom frantically.

Soon, the big head swallowed all the Kunpeng phantoms and gained the inheritance from Kunpeng.

This time it took more than half an hour to evolve, and the brilliance of the body surface finally disappeared.

Compared with before the flower, the body shape of the big head is more than twice as big, and the body length is about 60 meters. The key is that this is only the shape of the bird.

Compared with the kunfish form, the Pengbird form is naturally much smaller.

The big head noticed Li Changsheng's thoughts, and brilliance immediately appeared on his body, and his body shape suddenly changed like an earthshaking one.

The wings that covered the sky and the sun turned into huge fins, the golden feathers disappeared, the skin became abnormally smooth, and the body suddenly soared, turning into a big-headed fish.

The scorpionfish is indeed one of the biggest beasts. Even if the big head is not a scorpionfish, the size is still quite exaggerated, reaching a length of nearly one hundred meters. The demon-sage-level flood dragon in the dark sky of the night is not so long.

The key is the image of a fat-headed fish. Not only is the length extremely long, but the width is also very exaggerated. In terms of weight, it would take a few dumbs to be worth it.

With such an exaggerated body shape, it is a real top-level meat shield.

Li Changsheng endured his excitement and couldn't wait to check the big head's information.

[Fairy name]: unknown (growth period, demigod beasts, taking Kuishui elites to increase the power of water skills, weaken the speed of enemies hit by water skills, and comprehend Kuishui God Thunder. Comprehend the profound meaning, greatly enhance the power of the skills; the guardian of the profound meaning: exemption part Damage depends on the opponent's realm.)

[Fairy Realm]: Demon King Tier 2

[Fairy Race]: Perfect Master

[Goblin Quality]: Epic "It must be able to break through the Demon King level, and slightly increase the probability of breaking through the Demon Sage level"

[Fairy Bloodline]: Kunpeng (majestic, formed by the fusion of the bloodline of the Kunyu and Golden-winged Roc bird, can change the form of Kunpeng and Pengbird at will)

[Fairy Attributes]: Water + Wind

【Fairy State】: Healthy

[Fairy Weaknesses]: No "Purple Pattern Luo Tianguo Eliminates Attribute Weaknesses"

This time evolution, the ability of the big head can be described as all-round enhancement.

As Kunpeng's bloodline reached the majestic level, the big head's race jumped from the perfect monarch to the perfect ruler, which doubled the big head's strength.

In addition, the quality of the big head has also gone further, becoming another epic monster in Li Changsheng's hands, which has also improved its ability a lot, and it is no wonder that the shape of the squid is so big.

According to Li Changsheng's estimation, the big head at this moment can definitely contend with the ordinary demon saint-level demon pet, and can switch the relationship between the two forms at will, and the strength is not inferior to Ashe, Kailan, and Guanmianlihuluan.

"Just call it the secondary Kunpeng!"

Li Changsheng thought for a while, and randomly named the name after the evolution of the big head. Originally, he wanted to come up with a weakened version, a low-profile version, and a ridiculous version of Kunpeng. In the end, he didn't think it sounded good, so he decided to name it after the secondary Kunpeng.

In addition to the changes on the panel, there is naturally a heritage from blood.

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