Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1033: Epic fairy egg?

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From the feedback of mental power, a light spot like a big day emerged, exuding an extremely strong light.

Compared with this light spot, the brilliance of the remaining fairy eggs is like the brilliance of fireflies, and one of them represents the brilliance of the top-grade fairy eggs. Compared with this light spot, it is still very different.

Even the best Hydra Fairy Egg is a lot worse than it.

Since his debut, Li Changsheng has seen such a bright fairy egg for the first time, and it has blinded his titanium dog eyes.

"Half-step epic or epic?"

At this moment, Li Changsheng's heart was filled with ecstasy. Although he was not sure about the true quality of this fairy egg, it was certain that it absolutely surpassed the top quality. At the very least, it could hatch a half-step epic quality fairy, even with epic quality may.

Undoubtedly, this is a fairy egg with astonishing potential, completely in line with his contract monster pet.

"Maybe it's still a beast and fairy egg?"

suddenly. There was such a thought in Li Changsheng's heart. He felt that it was really possible, but the probability was not high.

For the first time, Li Changsheng couldn't wait to lock this fairy egg.

After a few breaths, I found the target.

This is a very small fairy egg, which is a little bigger than a goose egg. Most of it is white with some colorful stripes on it. It is impossible to judge its specific attributes from the color of the fairy egg's stripes.

Li Changsheng did not put it in the cart, but directly held the fairy egg to avoid accidents.

In addition, Li Changsheng motioned to the clerk to put the top-grade fairy egg into the cart.

After obtaining this fairy egg, Li Changsheng became absentminded, but he still concentrated and continued to raid the fairy egg shop. After all, no one can guarantee that there will be no more amazing gains in the future, everything is possible.

When night was about to fall, Li Changsheng finally wiped out all the fairy egg shops.

It is a pity that apart from adding a few high-quality fairy eggs in the following shops, there are no other fairy eggs of top quality or above.

In this journey of picking up leaks, Li Changsheng picked up a lot of bargains, which could not be measured by value.

After leaving the fairies trading market, Li Changsheng left the imperial capital straight away. After confirming that no one was following him, he immediately removed his disguise, restored his original appearance, and rode Aish towards Daiguo.

Along the way, it can be described as having no surprises and no dangers. Now that he has become a king, it is difficult to encounter danger again unless he is dead.

Until dawn, Li Changsheng finally returned to the natural fortress of the country.

After chatting with Zhou Qing and others at random, it was discovered that there was no accident after he left, and Li Changsheng came to his palace with confidence.

In the palace, Li Changsheng activated the prohibition, and only then began to check the harvest.

During this trip to the Mu Cang Empire, Li Changsheng not only reached a deal with Luo Yuanjun, but also benefited a lot from the use of leaks.

For the first time, Li Changsheng took out the dark green orb and released the Jiutian Qingqi Pagoda.

In an instant, the Nine Heavens Qingqi Pagoda and the dark green orb flew towards each other.

The next moment, the dark green orb rushed into the Nine Heavens Qingqi Pagoda, and it was embedded in the groove in the center of the second floor.

At the moment when the two were combined, the Nine Heavens Qingqi Pagoda began to emit a dark green halo, which was clearly entangled with the golden halo.

In addition, the vision revealed by the Jiutian Qingqi Pagoda was once again clearer, but even though Li Changsheng's eyes widened, he still couldn't see clearly, only a few twisted and complicated patterns and inscriptions could be seen.

"Middle World Wonders!"

After receiving the feedback of mental power, Li Changsheng couldn't help showing a smile. After fusing the dark green orb, the energy fluctuations emitted by the Nine Heavens Qingqi Pagoda were significantly stronger, directly rising a step.

However, this did not go too far from Li Changsheng's expectations, after all, the gap between the low-grade world wonders and the middle-grade world wonders was not very big.

Li Changsheng began to check the effectiveness of the Jiutian Qingqi Pagoda and found that all aspects of the Jiutian Qingqi Pagoda's abilities have been enhanced, including the ability to store treasures.

The only pity is that the Nine Heavens Qingqi Pagoda has not gained any new capabilities.

After putting away the Jiutian Qingqi Pagoda, Li Changsheng took out two more pieces of jade.

As soon as they were taken out, the two jade shards trembled together, and they also produced a traction with each other, just like powerful magnets.

Li Changsheng directly let go of his hand, allowing two pieces of jade to be used.


Unexpectedly, the two pieces of jade shards collided fiercely as if their enemies met.

For a time, small fragments were flying.

They did not stop and continued to collide frantically.

Li Changsheng hesitated for a moment, but finally did not stop it, because he felt a very special force during the collision of the Jade Jue fragments.

This is a force he has never seen before, and it is fundamentally different from conventional energy, and this force does not escape in the slightest.


After several collisions, the larger jade jue fragment had the last laugh and smashed the smaller jade jue fragment into two.

However, the slightly larger jade shard still did not stop, and continued to hit the broken jade shard until it smashed into powder.

Killed a thousand enemies, self-inflicted eight hundred. Although the slightly larger jade fragments won the final victory, they were also full of cracks, giving people a feeling that they would break if they touched lightly.

However, at this moment, the victorious jade fragments emitted invisible waves, and the crushed powder flew past.

At the moment of contact, the jade jue powder melted into the jade shards and disappeared.

As the jade powder continued to blend in, the volume of the jade fragments began to increase, and the cracks on it disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A few breaths of All the jade powder has disappeared, the cracks on the jade fragments have completely disappeared, and its volume is also much larger, quietly suspended in mid-air, never again There are no arbitrary changes.

For this kind of spiritual treasure, Li Changsheng will inevitably be a little wary, but I don't know if it can be refined after fusion?

However, judging from the feedback of mental power, the fused Jade Jue fragments have reached the level of low-grade world wonders, and according to common sense, they should be refined.

Li Changsheng picked up the jade jue fragment, its shape is still irregular. Obviously, to restore its complete form, I am afraid that it will take a lot of fast jade jue fragments, and the difficulty of collecting is not ordinary.

In the next moment, Li Changsheng's solid mental power enveloped the jade fragments and began to try to refine.

Soon, the fragments of Yujue turned into a stream of light and rushed straight into Li Changsheng's Yintang acupoint. Obviously, after reaching the low-grade world wonders, the fragments of Yujue could be refined.

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