Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1032: White pick

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The clerk couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and asked nervously, "Vip, are you really kidding?"

"Do you think I am joking with you? Pack!"

Li Changsheng continued to act like a rude man, and his eyes shot across the clerk like a knife, giving the clerk a feeling of falling into an ice cave.

The clerk was quiet, and hurriedly said, "This is a big deal. I want to ask the store manager. Besides, I don't have the key in my hand."


Li Changsheng waved his hand, pretending to be impatient.

The clerk hurried downstairs and quickly brought the manager up.

The store manager is an old man with white beard and hair. He looks trembling and has no momentum. People who don’t know think he is an ordinary person, but Li Changsheng, with his realm advantage, sees through this as a Tier 6 powerhouse. However, the spiritual power was reduced by the secret method.

Since Li Changsheng did not release his breath, the store manager asked with suspicious eyes: "Vip, are you sure you want to pack these four quasi-god fairy eggs?"

No way, nearly two million soul crystals, many forces can't get them out even if their families are bankrupt.

Li Changsheng was too lazy to speak, and directly released a ray of aura that belonged to the king.

Feeling this momentum, the store manager was obviously startled, and even stammered with words: "Origin...It turns out that it is Master Mianxia, ​​so let's open it!"

The store manager hurriedly took out a five-pointed star-shaped token, and a beam of light shot out, opening the restriction on the four fairy eggs one by one.

The store manager was not afraid of Li Changsheng's robbery. First, the king's face was not needed, and secondly, it was the emperor's capital of the Mu Cang Empire.

In addition, to be able to open such a big fairy egg shop in the fairy trading market, the store manager is all six, and the backstage is at least the king, and it may even be the double word king.

"Being able to visit the store in person under Mianxia really makes the store flourish, and the small one can give you the biggest discount."

Like those merchants who sell wild goblins, the store manager also gave preferential treatment. The backstage was backstage. He didn't dare to offend the king. Even if he made less, he still had to make money with peace, so as not to be worried by the king.

The store manager gave Li Changsheng a 10% discount, which did not seem to be much, but it was equivalent to reducing 190,000 soul crystals.

If it is an ordinary fairy egg, even a 50% discount will do, and it will not lose much, but the quasi-god fairy egg is different. A 10% discount is already his greatest authority.

Since the quasi-god fairy eggs are too expensive, naturally they have to be settled in person.

Li Changsheng waved his right hand on the spot, and a large number of soul crystals appeared, piled up into a hill more than three meters high.

Most of these soul crystals are low-grade, only a few are middle-grade, and none of them are high-grade.

Li Changsheng had accumulated a large amount of soul crystals long ago, and had always wanted to spend them out, but now it is a good opportunity to increase the number of quasi-gods in the secret realm.

What's more, this superb Hydra Fairy Egg is at least dozens of times more valuable than an ordinary Hydra Fairy Egg.

Even if he spent 1.71 million soul crystals, Li Changsheng still had a lot of surplus in his hands. After all, he robbed Langya Kingdom’s palace, even if Fenrun gave Xu Wenhua and others some, it was still a big number, let alone four quasi The **** fairy egg is more than enough even if it is more than ten times.

It can be said that among many kings, Li Changsheng is also an absolute wealthy.

Although the soul crystals in front of him piled up into mountains, the store manager was a Tier 6 powerhouse after all, and he just scanned them with mental power for a while before putting them away.

The old man bowed slightly and said, "Master Mian, do you have anything else to do?"

"What's upstairs?"

"The fifth floor is the dead egg area!"

The old man's respectful answer, even more subconsciously thought that he would not go upstairs, after all, few people would go to the dead egg area, and often only some low-level demon masters with little wealth would love these dead eggs.

"Then go take a look!"

Li Changsheng continued to go upstairs. He once picked up dumbs and a large number of high-quality fairy eggs in the dead egg area that had not yet been hatched, which earned him a lot of resources at the beginning.

Therefore, Li Changsheng has a soft spot for the dead egg area.

The old man was a little surprised, but didn't say anything. He took Li Changsheng straight to the fifth floor, which was also the last floor of this fairy egg shop.

There are naturally a lot of dead eggs piled up here, the number far exceeds the sum of the other four layers.

However, many dead eggs have really become dead eggs, and only a few of the fairy eggs have a certain degree of vitality.

Li Changsheng didn't care about the store manager, and the mental power released out instantly covered all the dead egg area.

From the feedback of mental power, Li Changsheng'sees' densely packed light spots, which are as many as tens of thousands.

What made him more disappointed was that although there were many light spots, there were only a few top grades, and none of them reached the top grade.

Under the control of spiritual power, these top-grade fairy eggs flew out and fell into Li Changsheng's hands, and Shi Shiran went downstairs.

The store manager followed, his mind still a bit confused, and he really didn't understand Li Changsheng's true intentions.

"No need, these fairy eggs will be given to you by us."

Just when Li Changsheng was about to settle the bill, the store manager waved his hand, except for the four quasi-god fairy eggs that were paid, all the other fairy eggs were given away.

This is what it should be, and Li Changsheng just did it.

Then under the surprised gaze of the store manager, Li Changsheng walked straight into the fairy egg shop next door.

This fairy egg shop is not large, the area is less than the 13th of the first one, and there are only three floors in total.

However, the price of the fairy eggs in this shop is relatively low, which may be the main reason why it can survive.

The process was exactly the same as the first shop, except that Li Changsheng did not find the best fairy egg in this shop, but only got a top-grade fairy egg.

As for the quasi-god fairy eggs, this small shop is even out of stock.

In the following period, Li Changsheng patronized ten more fairy egg shops, and the harvest was not bad.

Together with the harvest from the previous two shops, a total of more than 30 top-grade fairy eggs and two top-grade fairy eggs were harvested ~ including eight quasi-god fairy eggs.

In addition to the top-quality hydra fairy egg, another top-quality fairy egg was taken by Li Changsheng from the dead egg area of ​​a shop, which can be said to be a surprise.

As for what kind of goblins this superb goblin egg can hatch, we have to wait for it to hatch.

Now that it is getting dusk, Li Changsheng continues to walk cheerfully to the next fairy egg shop.

The size of this shop is comparable to the first fairy egg shop, or even a little bigger.

Li Changsheng stepped into it with anticipation, and continued searching through the previous process.

The first layer was normal, with only two high-grade fairy eggs, but when he scanned the second layer, Li Changsheng was surprised.

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