The phone in the office rang again, but no one wanted to answer it. They were all stuck in their own situation and had no time to pay attention to others. In the end, it was Bain in the exhibition hall on the first floor of Grande. He came up silently and answered the phone, “Grand Funeral Home.”

“Bain?” The voice over the receiver was Louise, “Where is Zach?”

“He and Benjamin are…talking about things.” Bain glanced into the empty corridor, the door to the master bedroom was still closed.” Do you need me to call him?”


Bain regretted coming up to answer this call, but there is no remorse in this world. “Wait.” The receiver is placed. On one side, Bain wrinkled and walked towards the Grand Master bedroom.

After hesitating for a long time at the door, I was about to knock on the door when the door of the entertainment room on the other side opened. Mrs. Quinn took the lead to step out and glanced at Bain who was startled. She didn’t want to pay attention, but curled her lips. “Where are these people outside? When did they leave?” Mrs. Quinn’s question fell to one. The actual question is, “Where’s Ravenge? Did he go too? How do I get back to Western Region? Go back?”

Kevin Luxembra came out behind Mrs. Quinn, his face darkened , Not at all proposed to send Mrs. Quinn back, and leave quickly without any gentlemanly demeanor. Then there was Sibera, who was similar to Kevin, but she frowned, her body became transparent without saying anything, and then completely disappeared, which was convenient.

Mrs. Quinn stood in the corridor for a while, and she didn’t know what to do when she liked a–it was impossible to leave Grande in this way, unless she wanted the front page of the newspaper tomorrow to be “Quin’s Resurrection!” ! “.

“Can you drive?” Mrs. Quinn suddenly looked towards Baine.

“Me, me?”

“Yes, you.” Mrs. Quinn is afraid that she doesn’t even know what Baine is called, “Send me back to Barton Manor.” After speaking, Mrs. Quinn really walked ahead.

In Barton, people from Western Region told a commoner to do something for me. I really dont need to wait for a response~ let alone Mrs. Quinn is a Western Region vampire!

However, Mrs. Quinn took two steps and found that Baine was not at all following. Frowning and turning back, without talking, just looking at Bain.

“Ah!” Too embarrassing, Baine screamed out of control. In fact, I cant blame Bain. In Barton, what kind of civilians understand the strength control of their lives in the Western Region best. This is Bain. Bain used to work in the Western Region, the Herman factory. ,Right. If the factory is closed, it will be closed, and life will be over when life is said to be over. This is the influence of the people in the Western Region on the civilians, and it is a reality. Baine was fairly stable, but was scared. He did not forget why he was standing here, “Yes, I’m sorry Madam! I still have things to do!”

Mrs Quinn turned her head back, The voice was a little impatient, “Zac wouldn’t mind if I borrowed his staff.” Too lazy, he took two steps forward again.

Bain still didn’t keep up.

Mrs. Quinn frowned a bit more, turning her head a bit slowly, the eyes looking towards Bain were already a little gloomy, “I will tip you.” Uh, this is not what Mrs. Quinn is doing. Show generosity or mediate the atmosphere to joke, but tell the human who is still standing in place, this is your last chance.

“Mrs. Quinn?” Bain couldn’t hear the very small voice, but Mrs. Quinn heard it, and it came from the earpiece on the desk in the office. It was Louise who heard the same tiny background sound on the receiver side, and she asked her questions.

Mrs. Quinn glanced at the earpiece on the desk, then at Bain, she immediately understood why Bain didnt move, her frowning eyebrows spread out immediately, she didnt laugh, she just recovered for expressionlessness. “You can go back to work.” Then walked to the office, picked up the receiver, “Louis?”

Bain stayed at the door of the master bedroom for a while and ran away quickly… Not going upstairs! Bain made a decision. Leave this little employee alone.

When Mrs. Quinn picked up the receiver, Louise spoke quickly, “What happened to Zach? Why do I seem to hear you say that many people have come to Grande?”

Mrs. Quinn didnt talk nonsense, When Zach and Jessica were talking about things this morning, she was injured and lost a lot of blood. After the news came out, everyone came to Grande to watch the fun. Uh, this narrative…

“Injured?” Louise’s voice slowed down, “Can Jessica hurt Zac?” The main reason is that what I heard is too inexplicable and I don’t want to waste emotions. , Ask more clearly.

“Its not Jessica, its Zack himself. It seems that there is a problem with blood control, blood vessels burst.”


Kun Because Madam hasnt finished speaking, the inexplicably crooked narration continues, “Dont worry.” Madam Quinn actually knew to comfort Louise, “Its not the first time. I heard that Benjamin said that there was one before. It’s a big problem. It just hurt Jessica this time and the demon deliberately said it.”

Loise on the receiver…was quiet for a while, as if she didn’t know what to say.

Mrs. Quinn held the receiver and took the crooked topic to a more crooked place, “You really dont need to worry. Its just that the devil deliberately pays attention to himself, huh,’be entrusted Rydow was hurt by mistake’, at this point in time, it is really convenient.” This… seems to be a complaint, but it is a good complaint-Mrs. Quinn’s next words explain why this time he came to Grande. People, really have the reason for eating melon-like, “Now no one pays attention to Gunger Luo Clan, the ancestor abolished a demon contractor. This hand diverts attention. If you play well, you dont know it is Jessie. Cards idea is still Zacs. But it doesnt matter, the effect is good enough.”

Louis was quiet again for a while, “The ancestor of Gange Luo Clan abolished a demon contractor?” asked The sentences stated by others are meaningless. What Louise wants to ask is not this, but, “How much is happening to Barton now that I dont know?”

Mrs. Quinn holds the receiver, sighed anthropomorphically , In order to convey the empathy clearly to Louise on the other end of the world, “A lot. But there is nothing you need to worry about. Barton has me, Emilia and the General.” Mrs. Quinn also casually went Taking a look at the direction of the living quarter, “We can handle the’Torido’.” This’Torido’ refers to the ancestor, the clan, and also himself.

The topic of Mrs. Quinn turned smoothly, “You are the same over there.” Speaking of which, all of the same generation, are all working hard for the general term “Torido”.

Loise seemed to think of something, “Uh, I almost forgot. I have something to ask Zac to say, but… Forget it, it sounds like you are already busy enough. Help me tell Zac , The Secret Alliance negotiated with the Republican government. The content is that if the Republican government is willing to take the initiative to expel all Torrido that already exists in the government, Vandro will lend Bruch to the Republican government to pay the aliens.”

Mrs. Quinn raised her eyebrows, “Although I have not paid too much attention to the situation of the Republic, but lending my strongest battle strength to others, is the hidden alliance crazy?”

“If you know I dont think so in the current situation of the Republic. Heh.” Louise was laughing, “The hidden alliance is now in the Republican situation,’infinitely bright’~” Louises smile makes it impossible to use literal meaning. Understand this sentence, “So I made my own claim, and I have taken Eli and Ian, temporarily separated from Papa Midnight and Pucci, and let the Republican government accept the terms of the secret alliance. I am not discussing with Zach, I just notify He, for some time to come, I will take the Republican Toledo and disappear collectively. Everything is going smoothly, so let him not worry.”

Mrs. Quinn also simply, “Okay, I will pass on .”

The call ends. Let’s go back to the master bedroom…no. We should take full advantage of the advantages of Gods perspective in reading the story.

Let’s go see the hidden alliance.

Its midnight and late night in the Republic~ But in the hidden alliance, there is a joy~ Why? Because the victory is worth celebrating~

There is no need to waste time paying attention to those insignificant people. Lets find acquaintances~

Myers looked at the bottle and glass in his hand. Scarlet as blood in the liquid…No, this is blood, Vandro’s blood. This is a reward, a reward after the credit~

Myers’ credit? Miles brought the Republican government to the Hidden League to nurture a large number of Torrido descendants’ intelligence~

Myers has been holding this bottle of wine for several hours, and he has been’drinked’ You can become the strongest you, but restraint. The basic qualities of a double-faced man-Miles knew what the real reward he was asking for. And in this process, all the’enticement-confusion’ that came to his hand were his bargaining chips.

Myers himself would never drink this reward. He wants to keep it, keep it for…

“Ha! You are here! I have been looking for you for a long time!” Zagel walked to Miles, “Huh? You didn’t drink Vandro to you Blood?”

Myers shook his head and smiled cautiously. “I don’t feel I am worthy of this reward. It is you who negotiated, and I did nothing.” The bottle in his hand is very Simply handed it to Zagel.

Zagol did not answer, but his eyes were inseparable from the wine bottle that was slammed in front of him. He was full of smiles, “You are important for the republican government to import a large number of Torrido descendants into the western part of the Union. Witness, you let the threat of this international scandal at the negotiating table be real~you have done a lot~”

Myers grabbed Zagel’s hand and stuffed the bottle into Zag In your hand, the imprisoned smile became firm, “That’s what you used well, I’m just a runaway person, you found my use! This reward should be yours!” The textbook style compliments it~

Zagel’s smile was as bright as a flower, “Then…I will accept it~”

Three seconds later. Miles looked at Zagel, who was stroking the bottle, “Aren’t you drinking?”

“Ah~No~” Zagel’s hand touching the bottle seemed to be touching a lover-person -, “I drank the bottle too eagerly before, I didn’t even enjoy it, this bottle~hehe, I want to keep it slowly~”

Myers responded with a smile and continued the textbook “Hehe, slowly taste good~ speaking of which, “the strongest self”, what is it like? Im afraid I wont have the chance to get this kind of reward again. Tell me about it. ~”

Zagger likes this topic, “Everyone is different~ After all, everyone is the strongest and has different ideas~”

“Never thought of the strongest What kind of me is.” Miles laughed at his face, shaking his head without thinking about illusory things, “What is yours like?”

“The strongest me?” Zagels answer is super simple, “Its Zachary Torrido~”

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