The sun is sinking, and I can no longer pay attention to what is happening in the world. The sun rises eastward, and once again put his eyes back to this world. If this World has a truly unique truth, it must be-nothing is new. Everything today is a continuation of yesterday.

The basement of Grande is full of condolences sent by aliens. Various types of blood correspond to Barton aliens blessings for Zachs early recovery~

But Zach doesn’t care about these. Out of a strange feeling, he was convinced that he would never be able to’recover’ and would get’worse’-Zachary Torrido would continue to weaken in blood loss for unknown reasons. However, a vampire is a vampire, no matter how weak, Zac is also a second-generation vampire. The Torrido clan is at the top of this World, so Zac really doesn’t care about it. Hush, don’t tell Benjamin, he will be sad.

There is only one thing Zach cares about right now. Calvin Gangelos ID card is expected to be sent to Grande by the federal postal system today. This is the end of Calvin’s week of “human learning” in Grande, and Zach is about to learn about Calvin’s future trends.

Go to the box in person, Zach took out todays Barton Daily, and then took out some messy bills and blood bottles that I dont know who sent it. Finally, he took out a copy that was marked Envelopes for’important documents’. After weighing it twice, all of Calvin Gangelo’s identity documents should be here.

Back to Grande, there is no need to go to the living quarters, Calvin… No, the pigeon. Even though Dora, Eve, and the two Torridos all gave up looking for the Luo Clan ancestor of Gunger yesterday, he still maintained his pigeon form. Now standing on the windowsill of Grande’s office.

Zac opened the window and showed Calvins certificate one after another to the statue-like pigeon, “Do you know when to use which certificate?”

Dove not talking.

Zach explained it one after another.

About five minutes later. All Torrido promised to finish all things Gangeiro had done. Zac looked at the pigeon, “You can go.”

The pigeon spread its wings and flew into Grande, heading directly to Zachs The bedroom is flying. After two girls leaving the room and preparing to go to school, they plunged directly into Zac’s bedroom, and when they came out, they had already’borrowed’ Zach’s clothes. The ancestor of Gunger Luo Clan, who has escaped human civilization for thousands of years, seems to be put on airs under Toredos taste…

Calvin packed up his credentials, “Give me some on the road The change.”

Zach directly took out the ID belonging to Zachary Grande from his wallet, and then gave the other party the rest of the things in the wallet.

“Give me some snacks on the road.”

Zac directly took out his snack jar, wiped it a little, and filled it with both hands.

“Finally, give me a piece of advice for living in humans, what would you say to me?” Calvin seemed to be ready.

“Don’t eat humans casually…” Zack said.

A very realistic suggestion-dont forget that Jessica yesterday suggested that Calvin should be equipped with a white living corpse! It was only immediately interrupted by Zac’s blood explosion, which shifted everyone’s attention from the contradiction between the vampire and the Holy Lord belief to Barton’s Torrido who was inexplicably injured!

After Zachs suggestion not at all said, “…until I find a truly perfect solution for the vampire race.”

Galvin was quiet for a while, “Okay.” Shaking his wallet, which was already full of his documents, “When you find it, you know how to find me.” After speaking, Calvin looked like he was leaving.

Zach seizes the moment, “Where are you going?” This is the point. Zach wants to know what the Gange Luo Clan ancestor is going to do!

Everyone likes the kind of person who does not ask anything and is responsive. This character Zach has played for this Gangaro for ten days, and now Zach needs some answers.

“Go to my sons.” Calvin finally answered Zach’s question.

Zach was surprised because”You weren’t awakened by your son (messenger)?”

“No.” Calvin looked at Zach and said the following , “I was not awakened by my son. I woke up because humans built buildings where I slept.”


Zac Zhang Open your mouth, “When did it happen?”

“A few autumns ago.” Gangelo’s dating method is very…primordial, but also very suitable. It is autumn now.

This answer is too vague, “Are you awake when the Hidden Alliance left the Federation?” Zach tried to be more specific.


Zac’s eyes widened slightly. “Do you know that the Hidden Alliance left your Gange Luo Clan clan when it left the Federation?”

“I know.”

Zac was even more surprised, “Then you let this happen?”

The so-called’Thirteen Clan’ The messenger-ancestor system is for a guarantee! The strongest power of vampires can come out to sit in the clan when the clan undergoes transformation!

But what Zach is hearing now… is just a joke! First of all, the ancestor of Gange Luo Clan was not needed by his clan at all, he was awakened by external influence! Second, Gange Luo Clan Zu Mingming saw his clan being abandoned, but he did nothing!

Calvin looked towards Zach, “Yes, I watched Vandro leave my Gangaro. Do you have any comments on this, Torrido.”

Zac tilted his mouth, “No opinion.”

Calvin continued to look at Zac, “You don’t deserve an opinion either.” Hear Calvin finished! “At that time, there was no Torrido in the Hidden Alliance.”

Zac… opened his mouth slightly, lagging behind briefly. There was a strange smile on his face, and Zac only received Calvin’s true meaning-hehe, this is not the Luo Clan ancestor of Ganger mocking the destruction of the Torrido clan. This is Gangluo telling Zac that there is no hidden alliance of Toledo, Gangluo Clan, and there is no need to force follow. Abandoned, just be abandoned~

Zac now fully understands why Calvin suddenly came to Barton, come to Grande!

Because Zach is here–

Because there is no vampire in this World except Zach who really cares about Gangaro!

Because Simon Gangelo got the way to the future with Zacs help!

Because Calvin can come to Zach again, Torrido has continued to take care of Gangaro for centuries!

Because! What Calvin Gangelo can do for his clan is to’catch’ this Torrido!

Zachs smile is vanity and helpless.

Seeing that Zach has no questions to ask, Calvin turned around again, really leaving.

At the door of the office, Calvin turned his head back, “Gangelo is still a fighting clan, but in this battle for living space, we have been losing to the civilization created by humans.”

Zac didn’t want to comment, and quietly listened to the clan’s words before leaving.

“It’s time to give up.” Calvin made the last grooming before going out, “I regret it. I hope that in the future, Gangaro will find a battlefield worth fighting for.”

Zach doesn’t know what to respond, so keep quiet.

Calvin was nodded, and didn’t mind Zac’s silence, turned to the door, “If Torrido finds an interesting battlefield, don’t forget us. Goodbye.”

Zach raised his eyebrows and realized that when he got a promise from the ancestors of the real fighting clan, he went to look at the door, and the person had disappeared.

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