“I naturally became weaker. I lost that many blood.”

“Four hours ago, you lost that many blood.” Benjamin still Seriously…control your emotions, “How much blood have you made up so far? Have you recovered?”

Zac frowned, “No.” If Zac feels he has recovered , I won’t control blood just to prevent Kevin!

Benjamin folded his arms, “Then you now decide to find the reason why’your blood suddenly doesn’t want to stay in your body’.”

Zac continued to wrinkle Frown and said nothing.

The reason for not speaking is that this decision is the same as’I want to pick the stars’. It is very simple to do, but what then? How are you going to advance decisions that have not implemented the plan at all? Does the earth throw you into the stars?

The master bedroom is quiet. After crossing this door, in the corridor, Emilia and the’General’ just cooperated once, and now they are standing together in the empty corridor and looking at each other. I didn’t mean anything else, I just wanted to do it.

“The two people downstairs are useless.” Emilia opened her mouth, talking about Blake and James who had gone down before, “You and I will stare at these Grand employees. “Said a proposal.

‘General’: “Dora and Eve talked to Gunger Luo Clan Zu in the living area. Those employees dare not do anything.”

“Then we will go and stare Gange Luo Clan Zu.” Emilia raised her eyebrows, as if she had such an idea at first, “I don’t know you, but I still have the job of reviewing all the aliens who come to Barton. Zach Obviously he wont explain to us why Luo Clan ancestor Gunge came here suddenly, then I guess I can only find out by myself.”

‘General’ cast his mouth off, “He preyed in the North District last night. , The matter with the devils demon contractor should be counted as the responsibility of my jurisdiction (‘General’ was given the responsibility of managing the northern district by Zach), well, I will go with you.”

Leave the corridor. Let’s continue to cross the walls of the corridor, the recreation room.

The shielding of witchcraft spells is two-way, and the people in the entertainment room do not know that the people outside have gone clean. In fact, it doesn’t matter to them outside.

“The situation is very simple now.” Mrs. Quinn stood in the corner of the entertainment room with her cane. Its not that she wants to marginalize herself, but the current Grand Recreation Room is too small. She wants to put the main space between Sibera and Kevin. “Kevin Luxembra is tracing Hamiltons , And Sibera has clues in hand. Cooperation, let your own self-esteem trouble, each do your own. Decide, now.”

Well, Mrs. Quinn is now a middleman. On the one hand, the Indian cultural supporter attributes and Sibera are pulling, on the other hand, the influence of the identity of the Western Region is pulling Kevin, and then going to the middle. And this thing in the middle at this moment is the public enemy-Hamilton Luxembra.

Sibera opened her mouth first, “How about I will not let go of my self-esteem.” A glance at Kevin, “It is him who suppressed the Indian ethnic group for four centuries. Huh.” Did not forget. Ridiculed, “It’s his big brother, Root. Hamilton is a threat to Barton society. Without this Luxembra from the west, I would still solve Hamilton. I don’t need others to be troublesome.”

Lest everyone forget, just to mention, Ninard gave the funeral place of Far Ford to Sibera and Nofila. This fact may be why Sibera has Hamilton intelligence. As for why Sibela regards Hamilton as an enemy, Sibela has made it very clear that Hamilton threatens Barton society.

Kevin glanced at Sibera, as if to tell, “I won’t let go of my self-esteem.” Hey, “Route is dead, since you know he is the one who suppressed the Indian ethnic group, What else do you want, whip the corpse, then I welcome you to go to the west anytime and whip his remains in the wind.” Uh, it sounds like a vampire will turn to ashes after death, in fact, it is ironic Sibei Pull, there is a way to put your pride to the west! “Hamilton is the trouble of Luxembra, my trouble, I don’t need others to be troublesome, I will solve it when I come.”

Mrs. Quinn, as a middleman, seems to enter It was a dead end.

Heh, not at all ~

Ms. Quinns cane touches the ground, speaking of which she doesnt need to bring this useless prop at all, but she brought ~ a wooden cane The collision with the wooden floor, in some small superstitions of the Federation, this sound represents good luck.

Mrs. Quinns face is smiling, “Are you not cooperating? Its good, I personally like competition more than cooperation~” Carrying the collision of’good luck’, “Let us How about making things more interesting, let us add some color to this competition~”

Mrs. Quinn tilted her head slightly, “You put something into the prize pool, and who wins, You can take it all~” When Sibera and Kevin’s faces twitched at the same time, “I will voluntarily take on the fair person of this competition, and you will keep your chips before the end of the competition~”

The ghost knows how this Wan’er turns around, and the peacemaker instantly becomes the dealer?

No~ We all know how this corner turns-this is the city of Toledo, who can hold the credit for eliminating the city threat? Apart from Toledo, is there any other role Is it worthy to master this distribution power? Hehe, and in such a competitor composition, Mrs. Quinn, who is implicated on both sides, is the perfect bookmaker!

The entertainment room also quieted down, thinking about the upcoming competition bargaining chip in Mrs. Quinns smile.

We continue to cross the walls of the partition space and come to the outdoors. On Grand’s back porch, James and Blake’s faces were as gloomy.

“What? What is Wes doing?!” James couldn’t seem to believe what he had just heard from Blake.

“Don’t let me repeat it.” Blake raised his hand to wipe off the saliva that James had sprayed on his face. “You are his friend, his partner, if you give him a little With a little heart, this kind of thing won’t happen!”

Speaking of which, we haven’t followed Wes’s movements for a long time.

James covered his face and said, “I just have…too many things!” This is a fact, a marriage that is not blessed by the family-the marriage with Kate is based on coercion General Lances fact; unprepared parenthoodis he less worried about this child on the road in front of Zach; there has never been an easy jobneedless to say. Under the influence of these factors, James ignored his friends. Hey, he can’t be blamed.

James suddenly firmed his expression, “At least he is still human now!”

Blake has a helpless look, “Cocoon, one will become something else in the future. Living cocoon! Have you listened to me? Your best friend is trying to become a republican alien! Live his own person as a “truth”! He no longer regards himself as a human! Miller, the Republican guest of the Yuri family Remember? Think of your life as a concept of living’person’! Dont you know how dangerous such a life is?”

“I know the danger! But its better than he decides to become a vampire, It’s better for the demon kind of alien that has no room for return once you do it!”

Blake opened his mouth and closed it again, and the two fell silent together.

Are you curious about what kind of “reason” Wes wants to live by? Forget it, it’s not important, it’s nothing more than the niche truths of people like Jason, Blake, and Weiss, and don’t need to be universally known.

It’s actually…Looking at the situation on Grande’s side, except for Benjamin in the master bedroom, how come no one really cares about Zach’s safety… Everyone is really looking for a chance to eat Melon…

There is another chance, we cross the backyard and go to the living area. Dora and Eve came to question Calvin at least because they were really worried about Zacs weakness. They would worry about Zac…

Living area, Dora and Eve, and later Emily Yahe “General”, the four people shuttled upstairs and downstairs non-stop.

“He is here!! I can feel it!” Dora’s face in his hood was as black as Carbon.

“Me too, but…” Eve’s face was similar.

Emilia and the’General’, forget it, don’t talk about it.

They didn’t even see Calvin’s face, because… they didn’t know that the pigeon standing on the lintel of the living quarter was the ancestor of the Gange Luo Clan they were looking for.

But it is amazing that the foreign employees in the living area calmed down. Because they realized one thing, these key characters of Barton don’t know as much.

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