Maria's body swings rhythmically up and down.

Beneath that waist, the body of her beloved husband was moving violently.

Sweating all over his body, the violently pulsating flesh regains its youthfulness and is vigorously rhythmic.

In the corner of the room there is also the figure of Cortina, who has already exhausted herself.

"Look, Cortina! We're not done with Norma yet, are we?

"I can't do this anymore, I'm gonna die..."

"You're in trouble for not being able to arm yourself a hundred times."

"Don't be with you. I'm riding up to Fina, so I can't do this any more!

"No, cancer."

In the mansion's backyard, Lyell scolds Cortina as she carries out an armstand of foundation strength making.

Cortina is already pushing herself against the floor with all her might. The heavyweight Fina was delighted as she spanned over its hips.

She tends to be left alone during Cortina's workouts, but this time she said she could join us, and she was very uptight.

Fina alone thought it was light for the heavier role, or the additional carbuncle put on is already down from the top.

He sat beside Cortina and was treated (cure -).

"With that strength, you can't still reunite with Reid. I need you to at least be able to defend yourself."


I try to get up with my trembling hands on the floor to Lyell's point. Seeing the trick, the two of them understand the strength of her thoughts, whether they want to see Reid so much by now.

Lyell glanced at Maria on her back and at the same time let her mouth down.

On Cortina, who moved out again, Fina, who was on board, is also happy to raise her hands.

There came a servant on the street.

Master Lyell, the vigilante is here.

"Yeah? Okay, later -"

"No, there's a rush report."


Taking that word, Maria jumps off Lyell's back quickly. At the same time Lyell woke himself up without looking back.

The uselessness of that collaboration represents the length of their relationship.

Cortina looked at it with envy somewhere.

Lyell doesn't notice that gaze and goes into the mansion about after the servant.

Maria sighed softly at the appearance of such a husband.

"Damn, my men..."

"What's wrong?

"Reid and Lyell said it bluntly."

"Well, that's undeniable."

Cortina was also up and holding Fina to her chest.

Carbuncle jumping on Cortina's head at the same time. Cortina looks annoyed by the act.

"Hey, you're pretty grown up and heavy too, so don't get on your head. If you were Fina, you'd probably break your neck, right?


Ignoring the carbuncle, which deflects his gaze just because he doesn't know, Cortina follows Lyell with Maria.

The fact that members of the vigilante report directly to Lyell is a testament to a matter of considerable importance.

If it was the most serious emergency, it would not appear to be of a high urgency, as it would come directly in via the servant.

I wonder what the report is.

"I don't get it. I need to hear it in person."

"Is it possible for me, too?

"Cortina is one of mine. There's nothing wrong with that."

Nevertheless, I can't just take Fina to such a place of discussion, so I'll leave it with Carbuncle to the servant.

Carbuncle was her escort as well as Fina's babysitter.

Of course, Carbuncle himself was aware of that fact, and all he had to do was ask me to leave it to him was raise his forefoot and give him a signal, and then he left with his servant.

The vigilante was guided to Lyell's study, where he was to listen with Maria and Cortina.

Vigilante members also know about Cortina, so they don't imitate hesitant reports.

"Dear Ryer, I have just received information that Ryer was witnessed in Methuselah territory."


"And in my pants jersey"


Of course Lyell hasn't left the village lately. There's no way I can stretch my legs to Methuselah territory far away.

This would mean that fakes existed in Methuselah territory.

"You have a lot of nerve to fool me. What have you done?

"Yes, he called the guard after destroying the factory where the illegal drug was manufactured until it was completely skinless"

"... Isn't that a bad thing"

"Yep. He's murdered Cain Methusela-Remek, the main culprit and lord's son, at that time, especially. You have received a report that Mr. Maxwell has embarked on a final journey."

"Maxwell did? Then that's..."

Cortina discerns the facts from the report and breathes heavily.

A man who moves to become Maxwell's hands and feet, a man with the courage to turn into Lyell. And there was only one person I could think of who could destroy the local mafia factory alone.

"It must definitely be Reid. Now he says he's turned into Lyell."

"Sure, he'd know a lot about me... how annoying"

"That doesn't seem to be where I think it is, does it, Reid? Maxwell's handkerchief could mean Matheus, but he can't disguise himself."

Seeing Cortina softly wandering, Maria looks into its heart. I just wanted to go see him.

Cortina, who was the youngest of the six heroes, was like a sister to Maria.

So her thoughts, she wants to be as supportive as she can be. But Cortina, because of her powerlessness, is also the most targeted of the six heroes. I can't let you go without self-defense either.

"I'm sorry, huh?

"What, suddenly?

Embrace Cortina from behind and stroke her head.

I couldn't stop this training until I at least had the strength to escape my enemies.

"Just in case, I'll keep Maxwell in touch for confirmation. In case he wasn't Reid, he'd need to take some sort of defense, wouldn't he?

"Right. Something that will be troublesome if people who cheat on our names continue to come out."

"For once, I have a smell bag of world trees, because not many people know this. Maybe we could think of a way to let the world know?

Smell bags created from elixirs made to combat Kufal's fake. If this spreads to the public, there will also be a significant reduction in the number of deceivers of the six heroes.

The three of them thought that the means of informing must be considered among them.

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