On that night, Letina's meat from the strike bore was served for dinner.

Maxwell was tongue-in-cheek about the flavor, sending her home before working on the final paperwork.

Matheus came there. I don't have time to start working on it, so I don't prepare tea or anything like that.

This would mean that he came to this place because he needed to talk.

"What? Make a strange face."

"Hey, there's something I need to ask your grandfather, right?

"There are things we can talk about and things we can't talk about. Anyway, it's classified now."

"Oh, not that way, huh?

The paperwork Maxwell is dealing with now was a matter of how to dispose of the assets of the Duke of Lemek family.

Above all, there is a high degree of urgency with regard to territory.

Methuselah territory is deeply wooded. At the same time it means having abundant forest resources.

And instead of the deep forest, the streets were maintained, there were many people in and out, and the flow of money was intense.

There is just a problem with the long absence of a lord, the administrator, in this territory with intense money flows.

We need to send an administrator to Methuselah as soon as possible.

"You'll have to talk to me soon. Hey, Grandpa?"


"Miss Nicole, who are you?

Maxwell's hand stops at Matheus, who has slashed him.

Slowly he turned to Matheus and pointed his gaze at him as if he were shooting. That gaze was under similar pressure to an unusual intent to kill.

"What's wrong with Nicole?

"- Huh!"

Slightly loose, calm voice. But Matheus, like a frog stared at by a serpent, was unable to move.

He also dived through many training fields, a gladiator of war. There is no mental weakness to be afraid of with some intimidation.

Maxwell's, however, had different digits of strength.

I didn't just dive through the fight. It was the pressure emanating from diving through the wave of plots as a nobleman and also through the actual battles that took his life and death on it.

"There are two yarn men in and out of this mansion. Miss Nicole, it's Reid."

"Well, so?

The usual tone of relief from Matheus's voice lurks a shadow, forcing him to move his tight throat to inquire.

Likewise Maxwell's usual loving expression disappeared, staring at Matheus with a sharp, hawky eye.

"That's true about the earlier case, but aren't there too many cases involving these two at the same time?

"... so?

"So here's what I thought. Miss Nicole is the one, isn't she Reid?"

As if jumping off a cliff, Matheus affirmed so. In response to that word, Maxwell takes his seat slowly.

Loosely, a movement as if a ghost stains out of the ground. Besides, Matheus even remembers the danger to his life.

He swallows a lot of spit and reaches for his lower back sword, but hesitates to grab it.

If you grip the pattern, you will surely be killed. The certainty was with him.

Maxwell is an old man, and a magician. I don't think I, the swordsman, will defeat at this distance.

Even with that in mind, I couldn't believe myself.

Staring at each other often. After staring at each other for plenty of minutes, Maxwell finally opened his mouth.

"Have you told anyone about that idea?

"No, not yet. Is that it?"

"I picked up my life. No, do you want to seal your mouth here?

"Give me a break! Nobody's really talkin ', and I'm not gonna talk!

"Really? Well... well, maybe you should talk to the Lord."

After much thought, Maxwell made that decision.

As far as Nicole's identity is concerned, we only know the status quo Maxwell and Gaddles, and then Den and the two-pillar gods.

Gaddles, the six heroes, is trustworthy, and Deng, who worships Nicole as Lord, has no problem.

To the gods, it is even difficult to follow that thought.

On the contrary, it can also be said that that is all that is known. The more active Nicole is in the future, the more collaborators she wants.

Then it was decided that it was not a bad idea to involve Matheus, who had a dark side behind him and was subordinate to Maxwell.

"Because you mainly have a lot of movement behind you. Well, let's affirm the answer to that question."

"I knew it. I thought it wasn't Tadamon. Even the first time it happened, you let me out, didn't you?

"I was a man who wasn't very physically sturdy. The number of bills to compensate for weakness has been taken over from the previous life"

"Is creativity a trick? You're not supposed to win, are you?

"Of course I don't have to tell you, but I don't need to say anything else about this. Especially not Cortina, Lyell or Maria."

"Why? Shouldn't I rather tell you?

To Mattheus, who argues, Maxwell turns a slight gaze.

Then he clapped his shoulders gently before taking his seat again.

"From Lyell and Maria, it's a baby I finally got over a decade. If you find out it's actually a former companion, you'll feel subtle."

"Well...... hey?

"When it comes to Cortina, your best friend's daughter becomes the man she once fell in love with, right? Besides, he's not my daughter anyway."

"I wouldn't do that if I had to. I see. So you can't talk?

"It can't be like this. Reid doesn't seem to want to talk, but if you don't know someday, at least Cortina's pitiful."

Keep explaining as you turn your back on Matheus and resume your paperwork.

There is no precipitation in that movement when it comes to dealing with a completely different topic with your hands and mouth.

That also meant that I was used to paperwork.

"Lyell and Maria... Dear Sir, do you want me to talk to you until you die?

"This is just it. Besides, we're not getting ready under there right now."

"Prepare to go down?

"It stinks a little bit of Reid's presence, little by little, like your Lord. 'Isn't it?" at a stage that makes them tolerant by making them suspect. "

"It's a long story."

"I'm an elf. The problem isn't just with your old buddies, it's with Miss Retina and Miss Michelle."

"Friendship, it's spreading, isn't it?

"Uhm. That octagonal beauty, relentlessly increases the number of friends and followers. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but it's a bad idea to wipe your ass."

"Grandpa, did you teach me the truth to divulge your stupidity to me?

Maxwell looked back over his shoulder to Matheus' words.

Now the intimidation was devoid of shards, and he had the usual pranky grin.

"A lot of hard-working people are better off. Prepare your lord."


Matthews dropped his shoulder heavily to Maxwell's blasted words.

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