A roar echoes through the woods.

That was the sound of giants crashing into turbulent trees. At the same time, screams gush from nearby.


Hundreds of kilometres of giant assault pigs (strikebores), Sullivan screams as he barely protrudes.

Seeing that pitiful look, Retina was leaning her neck hard.

"That's crazy. Nicole was easy."

"No, ma'am. That's not as easy as it sounds, is it?

Dropping his shoulder like a scratch is Matheus standing next to him. Follow next to Retina as she drags her long arm and long sword to the ground.

This is positioning you so that you can protect her at all times.

For that matter, he was in a situation where one of them would be chased around because his support for Sullivan was getting sweeter.

"But Nicole would have made a slight assault on the sidesteps, wouldn't she?

"Dear Retina, that must be normal!

"If Sullivan is a yarn user, try to fly about two bottles and run around the trees."

"Don't be impotent! What insanity, like manipulating two threads separately!?

Fly the yarn with one hand and tangle it in the branches, then untie the other and undo it.

In the meantime, prepare yourself for the next pendulum movement.

Reid-Nicole, who can do that continuously, is abnormal, usually at best used for emergency evasion with a single thread, like Sullivan.

Even now, Strike Bore's assault was being used to pull the body and dodge the critical.

"Get out of the way, Sullivan!

Strikebore's attention is fully drawn to Sullivan, and he won't give this one a glimpse when he gets to the side of Retina.

Matheus confirms it and then leaves by Retina, rushing and slashing even to Sullivan, who is being chased around.

Using his long arm like a whip, he slaps a heavy blow of his long sword into his neck.


"Chip, that's just sturdy, huh?

But with a giant beast weighing hundreds of kilograms against him, even a bragging sword is not a blow.

Not to mention that the neck of this strike bore is also the foundation to support its advancement.

Still, the power of ripping fur, slashing meat and reaching the bone is all I can say is just fine.

Still, Strikebore was alive and well. We distance ourselves from Matheus as we jump away, changing our target from Sullivan to Matheus, kicking the ground with our hind legs and intimidating him.

Matheus waits with two swords. Covered fire from Retina flew in there.

Fire bullets (firebolts) hit the eye area, blocking vision. Strikebore shook up his face unintentionally on that direct hit.

At that time Sullivan flies the thread and hangs the raised head on the branch to secure it.

I hung my neck supporting the giant onto a branch that wasn't even as thick, and the branch can only stand for a moment.

In fact, the branches break lightly and fall by the strike bore. Sullivan's yarn similarly loses power and dances through the universe.

But for Matheus, that moment was enough.

Dive into the neck of the strike bore in one breath and swing two swords from the bottom left to right.

Not to mention the soft fur on the abdomen and the thin areas of the muscles, this slaughter deeply slashes and rips the flesh.

The blow had completely destroyed the trachea and vital blood vessels.

"Bu, bu, bu... bu, bu..."

A strike bore that is unable to breathe because it is destroying the trachea, falling over and bumping his leg.

Seeing how it was, Matheus held his sword backwards and slammed Todome's blow into his head.

You can't pierce a strong skull, but if you aim for an eye hole, you can destroy your brain. He had as much power as he could.

"Oh man, you're making a fuss about one pig, huh?

Looking down at the breathless strike bore, he flaunts his shoulder with a playful trick. Sullivan was leaking a cry as if she had lost her hips beside her.

"You're not kidding, Strikebore is a monster classified as a warcraft among pigs."

"Oh, but Nicole and Michelle were talking about us knocking each other out. When I was seven."

"No, because that's an anomaly. That's the talent education of the six heroes..."

In fact, I can tell you that I was able to defeat Nicole because she was two kids away from her body and Michelle who forged out her shooting gift.

Of course it was a test after Maria was on the spot, checking the situation and making sure it was safe, so there was no danger.

Still, the fact that the two children could have crusaded deserves special mention.

"But, well, wouldn't that lady be surprised?

"Cain's secret shop taught me to help the two kidnapped people, but I didn't expect to destroy the roots. What an unexpected person."

"That's how much Mr. Nicole would do. Nevertheless, if we were to end that idiot, I would have liked you to take me with you."

"I can't just let you do that, so please understand. My husband will kill me."

It was Sullivan's job to let Nicole know where Cain's pharmacy was.

He was trying to sniff out Michelles' abduction and use Nicole to solve it.

But Nicole does more than that and destroys the pharmacy from the ground up.

On the contrary, he even involved Maxwell and Reid, the six heroes, so it's out of his control.

That had already become a disturbance that went beyond Sullivan's assumptions.

"But that lady embarked on a resolution, and even Reid... hey?

"Oh? Even if Mattheus' husband doesn't fall for anything?

"Oh, I've met Reid the Six Heroes before..."

"There is!?

Listening to Matheus, Retina rides herself out and grabs that collar up.

Sullivan, who knows that Matheus was once a dangerous man, doesn't care.

"Well, we're in and out of that mansion, so he said we'd have to face each other by chance. Only once. Than that...... no, nothing?

"You have a bad tooth cut. Well, fine. We're going to be better friends than that."

"I want you to give me a break for this one time, don't you?

Matheus gave it back with a great sigh of sigh to Retina, who was willing to dismantle the strike bore.

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