That day, Maria and Cortina had a bewildered look and watched Fina play in the backyard.

Lyell was on his way to Methuselah territory today to confirm his fake.

"Is that okay?

"Hmmm...... but for once Nicole's the one who took care of you?

At the end of his gaze, he points to the herbs planted at the garden tip, a white figure that teaches Fina.

Fearless Finna has no doubt, and then she follows around.

Since she was the person who gave her the most medicinal gift, she seemed to be unawary from the start.

"This mild leaves become an antipyretic."

"Heh, sister. Wow, what if..."

"You want me to say know-it-all there. Actually, even peaches are correct!

"Of thighs?

"Do you want to put it on that way? Pretty good, huh?

Somewhere in conversation with a three-year-old on the same level is the girl who named the God of Discipline. He is the one who once saved Nicole from the crisis of death.

So, there is, and therefore, Maria can't be dealt with without a bottom.

I couldn't say no to buying a tutor to grow Fina's pharmaceutical talent.

"Well, I'm Nicole's life's benefactor, and as far as I'm concerned, I don't seem to be teaching you anything weird."

"Peach butt?

"Fina, where did you learn that from?

"Isn't that you?

Cortina refers relentlessly to the God of Discipline, but Maria was subtly out of sight.

"Oh, is that tea, is that tea! So, Finna, let's take a break here."

"Wow, snack."

"Let's wash our hands before that. Kar-kun, Plump."


To her words, the carbuncle, which she had refrained by Fina, roared strangely tired.

A magic formation was generated in response to that voice, from which chorocholo and water were flowing out.

Finna sticks her hand into that water without getting lost and washes her hands. From the lack of precipitation in the movement, I guess it's the usual act.

Subsequently, where the God of Discipline tried to wash his hands, Carbuncle stopped expanding his magic.

I see a blatantly mean intention there.

"Wow, will you still miss me"


"What do you mean you don't like it? Me, you're so cute!


"Don't say it yourself? Rude, it's a fact!

Activate magic even as you engage in a low-dimensional feud over your Carbuncle opponent. Dirt and other dirt that reached her hands and feet fell on the spot in an instant.

Early enough to not even notice Maria or Cortina watching in the distance. Even Maria, who is also a user of unchanging magic, did not grasp the signs of activation.

Take a seat to devour the tea treats that Maria had prepared for the garden table with a strange face.

"Uh, well, I'm sorry. Like Finna's education?

"That's okay, this is also quite meth depraved... no, because it's for Nicole who doesn't work the way this one thinks"

"Thoughts aren't planning something bad for Nicole, are they?

Capture the Word Ass of the Disciplined God, pursued by Cortina.

But the white girl did not go through such vigilance at all, reaching for Maria's brewed tea.

"No, it's not that bad. Look, there's something about Mr. Nicole that's a little boy, isn't there?

"Well, that's undeniable."

Nicole doesn't have the solidity of some woman-specific guard when she says she's now completely turned into a beautiful girl and lures her surrounding gaze just by walking outside.

I felt that Cortina's defenselessness had increased particularly recently.

This was a phenomenon that could be considered a side effect of being able to go back to Reid, but she has no reason to know that.

"So I'm going to do a lot of turning to educate her as a woman."

"Hmm, for example?

"It's a trade secret there. Well, to do that, we need Mr. Fina's help."

"Phew, good luck"

Finna gasps while also including the muffins provided in her mouth.

Maria wipes the trail as Carbuncle licks the food crumbs on its mouth.

"Maybe Fina's shine is a prerequisite over Nicole's. Bad manners, huh?

"Ugh, I'm sorry."

Cortina strokes her head to comfort Fina, who is scolded by Maria and drops her shoulders.

It has been three months since Cortina came to this mansion, so she already had the same peace of mind as her family.

Maria at the time of the scolding, she was mellow at the soggy figure of Fina.

Ignoring those two, the Disciplined God takes one vial with tea leaves out of his nostalgia.

"Yes, yes. By the way, if you mix one spoon of this medicine with tea, it will promote fat decomposition. It doesn't taste crazy, so I recommend it."

"What, I want it!

"Wow, I've been around a bit lately too..."

"You think Mr. Cortina should wear more fat, don't you?

To Cortina, who has gained momentum and devoured her, the God of Discipline tells her back as if she had pulled back.

This was a statement about caring for Maria, who was seeing a little disturbance in her style when she gave birth to Fina.

But in Cortina, which was originally luxurious, I lose a little too much weight.

"No, I do know that, but there were actually more dinners out there not long ago, right?

Every time I had a date with Reid, Cortina was out eating. Unlike Finia's managed menu, she was also a little anxious about her health because she could ask for whatever she wanted.

Most of all, it was also getting rid of thanks to this overhealthy day on the northern periphery, but I was worried about my body with more muscles instead.

Because her ideal was a fuzzy body like Maria's.

"Damn, what kind of edge is this couple ideal or something? Anyway, in your case, it could be poison, so it's dismissed. I brought this for Maria."

"Do something there!

"No, Tina. She says it's bad for her health. Plus, my share is diminishing - gohongo hong."

"Did you just expose yourself to something black?

"No, nothing. Tina, you haven't heard anything, have you?

"No, just now..."

"You didn't hear that, did you?

"Oh, yes."

He was the most vocal Cortina in battle, but on a daily basis he has no hands or feet on Maria.

I get barometric pressure from Maria in my sitting eye somewhere, and I go back to my seat for the most part.

With such a family Hierarchy in sight, Fina grew daily.

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