Then for about two hours, we were wandering through the woods and trapping a giant snake, Viper, and a wolf named Forest Wolf.

Having completed three battles of assignments, I decided to return a little early but to the point where the faculty was waiting.

We're still about thirty minutes to the time limit, so we're the only ones back.

"Oh, are you back? That was weird fast. Retired?"

"No, because the assignment is over"

In the faculty's words we presented some of the monster's carcasses.

Raumpheasant and Viper are part of that meat. Forestwolf was bringing his fangs home.

Of course I eat pheasant and snake meat. Fangs can be used for weapons and ornaments.

"You're just a bunch of little things, aren't you?

"Because there was no particular restriction on the other person"

The faculty will turn an interesting gaze on me.

And after observing me for a while, he grinned like a nigger and a prank.

"All right, all right, you have quite a sight. Take a break."


Looks like I got a successful pass, and I'm relieved.

Salica and Xanastia, who looked strange, were also breathing relief.

"But are you sure you're glad?

"I told you before, you don't have to force yourself to go after the big guy. If you're a nobleman with a high temper, that's what you might be after, but first you start with the right person for your length, right?

"If you follow what Nicole is saying, you can't go wrong. We went all the way to the fourth floor. We guarantee it."

"Nicole is an out-of-the-box. I wanted to show you something better."

"Cloud and Sullivan forbid women to approach"

"Why not? Ooh!

Damn this guy wants to look good as soon as he sees a little cutie.

I don't know how you feel. But if you cheat, Michelle gets mad, so weigh yourself in.

And Sullivan, you weigh yourself a little. Letina is not noticeable at all due to taking too many strange words and actions.

Look at us like that, Salica makes a laugh when she dulls.

"We're good friends, right?"

"With the cloud? That's my buddy."

"I'm not, I don't know... you mean close?

"Well...... no, it's nothing"

He's an ex-man, and he hurries to hold his mouth.

Sure, I tend to have those mental hedges low enough to know how a man feels.

It may not be impossible for a woman's girlfriend at the root to mistake the neighborhood.

"But only with the cloud, I firmly say no. Sullivan is out of the question."

"That much!?

To a clear refusal, the cloud shouted like a scream. I'm not going out with a guy, so I can't give up on all this.

There, I noticed a few figures approaching. Apparently another squad is back.

"Look, hurry up! We're almost at camp!

"Stay... carry me a little quieter"

"Don't say luxury. Because of what you've done, you've cut the challenge!

From what I saw, one of the adventurers suffered a deep wound to his shoulder and the other was about to come back with care for it.

And I got a scene where the students in charge of them were cursing at each other in a dirty way.

The faculty also notices how it is, and rushes over in a hurry.

I decided to look out for my people and then go to those adventurers.

"Are you all right?

"Oh, I can't say I'm fine... but there's nothing else in my life"

"Can you use healing magic? I ran out of potions."

"I don't want my recovery to remain the same. It's a total hazy adventurer."

It is certainly not that the body was praised as an adventurer of capital that shadows the recovery.

But it's not something that a student on the other side can talk about.

Because their injuries were incurred to protect the students. Even though that's the job, it's too harsh to curse.

"Oh, I can use it if I'm recovering (heels) from the basics. Wait."

"I'll help. I can also use cured light (cure light) and cured sleep (comfort)."


Recovery magic continues to have no effect. The wound blocks in an instant, because the same magic will not work until the effect is settled.

Although only about a minute or two, a time lag can be fatal in battle. So healing magic variations are better.

Maria was way out of the number of these bills.

The faculty recovers (heels), followed by my healing light (cure lights).

These two are another magic, so they can work continuously.

"Thanks for the help. Thank you."

"Are you uncomfortable?

"No, especially. Nice arm."

"Not so much."

In fact, the healing magic of the interfering system is not highly healing.

With the growth of my own magic, my resilience has grown somewhat, but my teacher's recovery (heel) was about as high.

Still, this is how you speak to me... well, I guess it's because I'm a woman now.

My face looks pretty red tide, but let's just assume that's because I got excited about the injury. Considering it's other intentions, I get goosebumps.

The students were returning one after the other to see if it had become a time limit while doing so.

The adventurers all looked exhausted and looked like they had experienced the tiredness of acting with the sons of the nobles without exception.

Where they all survived, the faculty summarizes the results.

In the end, it was just us and the other squad who were able to complete the assignment.

The other five squads are full of squads that ran out of time or made impossible for adventurers to continue at their depth.

"You have them all for now, don't you? Well, it's our first expedition, so there's no reason why we can't accomplish the challenge. But let me tell you one thing, it's overburdening the adventurer. That's a sign of your poor backup."

The unfamiliar aristocrats had a uniformly sinister face, but there was just no fool to bite the faculty.

"Then I'm going back to college now. To summarize today's reflections after the lunch break and submit them as a report"

Class hours this afternoon had been taken time for that.

Though we've accomplished the challenge, we've also found some problems. Submit it together and you won't have a problem.

Both the students who failed to accomplish the assignment and the adventurers who guarded it all began to walk to the college in uniformly tired footsteps.

But this is also an important experience.

Experience the hardships of adventurers. Using people means being frequent in their future lives as well.

At the same time, the adventurer can know what a selfish nobleman is. It would have been a good experience in their lives, as I cannot say that they will not be associated with nobility in the future either.

That's why I could say this class would be the most meaningful.

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