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Finia cleans Letina's room, then also cleans Nicole's room with Den.

Deng can of course do that much, but there are only parts of the women's room that need to be taken into account.

So I had decided to ask Finia for those tasks.

"Besides, I have to keep it a secret about who Nicole is."

I whine possolidly as I clean the room by myself. She was crushing her heart to hide the fact that Nicole was Reid because she didn't know what was going on with Deng.

Of course, Den's is listening to Nicole-Reid's circumstances from the wind gods, so that may not be necessary.

That den is cleaning around the next kitchen, so I can't get a voice.

But Nicole has ordered me to stay as long as I can, so this situation could be described as a convenient one.

They stay together for natural reasons, so they don't get suspicious from the surroundings.

"Dear Finia, may I have a moment?

"Hih, yes?

Finia responds with a slightly nervous voice, spoken to by Deng, who also does not break his polite tone towards Finia.

Deng, with his face out of the kitchen, had an empty bottle in his hand.

"The incense tea leaves were cut, so I'd like to go buy them out"

"Ah, Master Nicole consumes heavily, doesn't she? Okay, I'm coming with you."

"Sorry for the inconvenience"

Even Deng doesn't know Nicole's favorite tea leaves. With regard to this, the armament rises to those in Finia who have taken care of it for many years.

He took off his sleaze and apron, took his wallet and shopping cage out of his own room across the street from Retina's room, and was ready to go out.

Deng was also ready to go out in the meantime, and it was time for the two of them to lock their husband and their room tightly before leaving the dorm.

By the way, Nicole and Retina, the owners of the room, also carry the keys, so it's okay to lock them up.

In Nicole's case, the key can be opened to this extent.

As she walked side-by-side the streets, Finia remembered the feeling of her surrounding gaze piercing her with biscuits.

At first glance, Deng is just a beautiful boy, and alongside Finia, he pulls each other apart like a single painting.

Last time I was out of town, Nicole and Retina were dressed suspiciously to hide their faces, so maybe they were offset for that.

As Finia glances around, she still sees suspicious figures in the back of the alley, etc.

There are obviously disturbed people lurking there. In that situation, Finia reached out unexpectedly to the dagger she had placed behind her hips.

Deng finds it remarkable.

"Something strange?

"No. This city is scary," he said.

"Sure, there seems to be some insecurity. Here you go."

Deng directs Finia inside the road.

It's a little distraction from the less visible alley.

That's how the tea leaves for the purpose and the two of them who bought in some daily necessities made their way back to the dorm.

But a threesome of men got stuck in front of those two.

"Oops. Wait a minute, ma'am?


I'm about to collide, raise my voice down and stop my leg, Finia. Pull that girlfriend's arm and immediately shelter behind her back, Deng.

The two looked familiar to those three. These are the drunks that have been involved the last time.

They've been under pressure to block them in a way that surrounds them and push them straight into the alley.

Finia and Deng were retreating to avoid defying their movements like that, and as a result, they were being pushed into the alley.

Of course, people in the city watched them like that, but who was passing by without saying anything.

"Hey, what can I do for you?

Men with a niggling grin in Finia's slightly frightened voice.

With her strength, Gorotsuki to this extent can be easily handled, but she still gets butted in before it gets violent shabby because of her great personality, which is not suitable for rough things.

Besides, each of the men was also armed this time, and it was more of an agitation to have a sword on their hips.

"A little thanks in the meantime."

"Yeah, well, I'm ashamed of you red."

"I hope you'll have to pay me my thanks."

A man reaching for Phinea with a sticky grin on his face.

But she also took defensive action reflexively, unlike her freshly frightened town daughter.

Finia grabs and twists up that arm stretched in defiance of Den standing in front of her.


The twisted up man screams and knocks his body forward as it is pulled.

Just in a frontal posture, Finia was tapping her elbow toward that neck muscle.

"Holy shit!


A man who rolls to the ground without even understanding how the hell he was defeated.

Seeing it, the fellow men lifted blood further up their heads.

"You amah!

He pulls out his hips sword and tries to slash it on Phinea, but that gets Deng in the way first.

The attack, slashed by the den, was lightly half-hearted.

On the contrary, Deng had stuffed his time by stepping half a step and, conversely, had slapped a handknife into his throat.

A man with a hard throat, can't even scream, and falls down more and more. There was no separate life condition, but the damage to the throat made it seem that he could not even breathe.

"Do you still want to do it?


A slightly breathtaking voice in the battle that began abruptly, Finia.

But there was no room for the man left to notice that upward voice.

Two of my buddies quickly came across a payback, and I'm the only one left. The pair of boys and girls finally realized the fact that they were watching sweetly.

"Damn, if this happens..."

The man in the overwhelming disadvantage took the vial out of his nostrils.

He pulled out the plug in a familiar movement and poured the contents into his mouth in a breath.

Its flowing motion had no gaps for the Phineas to interrupt, only to watch.

"Gu, uhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

The man's flesh begins to swell bumpy with screaming. That was a phenomenon that occurred with abnormally inflated muscles.

The capillaries of the eye begin to tear and the white eye area is dyed red.

"Kuhi, Kuhi, Kuhi, Kuhi..."

The man turns his blood-running eyes to the Phineas, drooling with dazzle and covetousness.

There was not a single piece of reason left on that face.

"Three times, I could use it," Kusuri, "all at once, I used it. Now it's easy for you, you guys."

With a cloudy mixed pronunciation, I've spoken to him. Since the muscles around the neck are also abnormally inflated, no decent pronunciation has already been made. Based on that appearance, there were no shards left, such as memories that I had initially thought of doing with Finia.

"I'll kill... I'll kill, I'll kill you, Koros, I'll break you, I'll crush you, I'll finish you. Ruru!

Sword to be waved down with screaming.

At the same time Deng was kicking Finia and jumping to the other side with that recoil.

"Excuse me."


Shortly afterwards, a sword strike passes through the space where they were both.

A blow swung down from an oddly stretched arm was easily crushing cobbles and generating shock waves.

Cobblestones ripple like ripples, and two men who were rolling at the same time fall apart and blow away.

What the Phineers, who left the safety zone, saw was the figure of a man whose arms had been shattered by recoil.

"Is it no longer in people? Then don't hesitate."

Deng, whining small, steps out loud, opposite his voice, and steps to the ground strong and fierce.

The more the nose tips touch, the closer they approach the man, knocking his fist into him as he flows through a unique fist punch, keeping his fist vertical.

The destructive power created from that seismic leg is comparable to a man's sword strike...... no, it was even more intense, and the impact was aggregated at one point.

Shortly afterwards, as if pierced by a broken castle hammer, the man's body exploded, with a large hole in his torso.


The man blown around the diaphragm from his lungs, unable to utter words, raises a roar like an ibiki and looks down at his body.

It's like waking up from a dream and finally realizing your situation.

"Ugh, no, it's..."

That's all I finally left to say, and the man collapsed.

"Phew. Apparently, you got nothing."

"Isn't that so strong, Mr. Deng?!?

"Huh? Oh, yes. I was trained by Master Hastar once. You might want to leave this place sooner."

Finia first noticed the surrounding conditions in Deng's allegations.

Too loud a fighting noise and a trail of destruction to call disturbances. Just in fear of it, the surrounding residents were peeking into their faces to see how it was going.

As it is, the guards will take you and you will be asked to dig for roots and leaves.

That could have had a negative impact on Nicole and the others, too.

"Yes, let's go"

"I like that"

They left the men's remains unattended.

Either way, the residents who were trying to get out of sight and 'pretend they didn't see' won't remember this face.

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